1st Joint Call (Closed)
The CSP-ERANET Joint Call is carried out by national / regional research and technology development (RTD) and innovation programmes and national / regional funding agencies in the field of concentrating solar power (CSP) / solar thermal electricity (STE). The 1st Joint Call is carried out by the following countries and regions: Germany and North-Rhine-Westphalia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Extremadura, Switzerland and Turkey.
Important dates (tentative):
- Official opening of the Call: 07.10.2019 12:00 CET
- Webinar: 15.10.2019 11:00-12:30 CET
- Deadline for submitting preproposals: 10.01.2020 17:00 CET
- Deadline for submitting full proposals: 19.06.2020 17:00 CET (Updated)
- Feedback on funding decisions at the beginning of October 2020 and project starts from November/December 2020 on
The Project will be based on the research and priorities identified in the SET Plan and the CSP Implementation Plan , prioritizing 8 topics originated from the STAGE-STE Deliverable 2.3 “Final R+D input to Implementation Plan technological research programme to CSP/STE defined targets achievement”.
The 8 topics are:
- Advanced linear concentrator Fresnel technology with direct molten salt circulation: Proposals should aim at the development of linear Fresnel technology with molten salts as working fluid and heat storage medium to take this technology to the next logical step, that of increased concentration to enable operation at higher temperatures and thus, higher thermodynamic conversion efficiency, together with a much-reduced storage size for the same amount of energy stored
- Parabolic trough with molten salt: Proposals should aim at attaining an increase of reliability in the whole system by reducing risks originating from molten salt specific operation conditions in main but also sub-ordinate components. The action should address all risk-relevant components and include a well-organized project management
- Parabolic trough with silicone oil: Proposals should aim at demonstrating all sub-components such as collectors, mirrors, receivers, valves, heat exchanger and steam generator in a pre-commercial scale with up to 2 complete solar collectors loops. The accompanying research actions should answer all open questions concerning performance and durability of all involved elements of the system to reach bankability at the end of the project.
- Solar tower power plant to commercially scale-up and optimize the core components of the open volumetric air receiver technology: Proposals should aim at the implementation of an open volumetric receiver technology in a plant size of at least 50 MW. A plant like this would incorporate a receiver with a thermal output of 360-400 MW thermal and a thermal storage capacity of at least 1 GWh. The plant would have a surrounding 360° heliostat field and four individual receivers (~80-100 MW thermal each) pointing in four directions. A reasonable intermediate step for the receiver would be one fourth of the 300- 400MW thermal receiver with a 90° heliostat (north-)field. The actions proposed should support the commercial implementation of such plant
- Improved central receiver molten salt technology: Proposals should aim at covering some of the main systems of a commercial central receiver plant using molten salt (i.e., the solar field, the storage system, the solar receiver, the control and monitoring systems, the steam generating system and turbine) as well as operation and maintenance issues.
- Next generation of central receiver power plants: Proposals should aim at contributing to the development of the next generation of CSP plants by achieving additional cost reduction and open new business opportunities. These R&D actions are focused on the central receiver technology with molten salts. Since most of the R&D activities proposed can be implemented in both small and large size plants there is no additional constraint due to the plant size
- Multi-tower beam down system: Proposals should aim at improving the "beam down" solution that simplifies the construction of the receiver as well as the tower with very positive impact on the CSP plant costs. Simplicity, modularity and robustness can result in a strong reduction of CSP installation costs and of operative cost.
- Advanced TES (Thermal Energy Storage): Proposals should aim at developing innovative thermal storage concepts and materials (media) with either affordable cost or outstanding volumetric energy density or higher working temperatures, paying special attention to the reliability of the systems, subsystems associated and storage materials available, including pumps, valves, instrumentation, tank(s) and heat exchanger equipment
Subtopics are available at the Guideline for proposers. Not all programmes / funding agencies will accept applications in all topics (see Table 2 and in the Annex “National / Regional Requirements”) and for all Technology Readiness Levels (TRL’s), and some will prioritise some topics over others. Lower TRL research activities necessary to support demonstration and validation activities might be potentially in scope for CSP ERA NET funding, where they are a minor but integral part of wider projects, which progress a technology though to TRL’s of this topic. Applicants are strongly encouraged to follow the instructions specified in the National requirements annexes and check with their national / regional contact points whether the project idea fits within the national / regional constraints.
The CSP ERANET 1st Cofund Joint Call is carried out by the following countries and regions: Germany and North-RhineWestphalia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Extremadura, Switzerland and Turkey.