Priority topic:
Improved Central Receiver Molten Salt technology
Additional Call 2021
Project summary:
MIRAGE is a project dedicated to the optimization of solar tower mirrors. It counts with German and Turkish partners,focusing in :
1. Determining the mechanical degradation due to exposure to the environment,
2. Determining the degradation in the specular reflectivity,
3. Determining the relation between the optical properties and mechanical properties,
4. Determining the effect of periodic cleaning,
5. Studying the effect of certain extreme weather events on performance,
6. Optimizing the mirrors for maximum reflectivity, durability, and minimum cost,
7. Developing a statistics based performance estimation model,
8. Commercializing the optimized mirrors.
The expected impacts are:
- Increase thermal efficiency, durability and reduced costs of mirrors
- Decrease the environmental impact through reduced emission, decrease led exposure thanks reduced number of mirrors.
- Create new links between optic, mechanics and weather events
- Deployment of new optimized commercial product by SISECAM
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) Solarforschung