European Partnerships bring the European Commission and private and/or public partners together to address some of Europe’s most pressing challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives. They are a key implementation tool of Horizon Europe, and contribute significantly to achieving the EU’s political priorities. The aim of European partnerships with EU and associated countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry.
The Horizon Europe proposal lays down the conditions and principles for establishing European Partnerships. There are 3 types: Co-programmed European Partnerships (based on memoranda of understanding and/or contractual arrangements between the European Commission and private and/or public partners), Co-funded European Partnerships using a programme co-fund action (involving EU countries, with research funders and other public authorities at the core of the consortium) and Institutionalised European Partnerships (in the field of research and innovation between the Union, EU member states and/or industry that require legislative proposals from the Commission and are based on a Council Regulation or a Decision by the European Parliament and Council)
The partnership candidates are collected across 5 areas:
- health
- digital, industry and space
- climate, energy and mobility
- food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment
- partnerships across themes
The candidate partnerships in the area of climate, energy and mobility are the following: Transforming Europe's rail system, Integrated Air Traffic Management, Clean Aviation, Clean Hydrogen, People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People), Towards zero-emission road transport (2ZERO), Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM), Zero-emission waterborne transport, Industrial Battery Value Chain, Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT), Clean Energy Transition.
CSP ERANET participated in the Dialogues of the Clean Energy Transition candidate parthership. This partnership will boost and accelerate energy transition in all its dimensions. It will enable joint research and innovation programmes from regional to national and global level, co-supported by industry, public organisations, research and citizens’ organisations to make Europe a frontrunner in energy innovation and eventually the first climate-neutral continent.
For futher information consult the full list of candidate European Partnerships in Horizon Europe is found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe and the Candidates for European Partnerships in climate, energy and mobility webiste.