The Kick-off-Meeting of the CSP-ERANET 1st Call project InnoSolPower (INNOvative SOLar micro-TES with high-POWER density) was held online on February 9th 2021, 09:00-11:00 (Brussels time). Therefore, the project activities have been initiated.
The meeting was chaired by the project coordinator, Dr. Ibrahim Sinan Akmandor from Pars Makina Ltd. (PARS) Research and Development, and counted with the participation of all the consortium partners, the project coordinator of CSP ERANET and some representatives of the funding agencies.
InnoSolPower project aims to demonstrate a novel concept of an efficient, low-cost, low temperature, high energy density micro-thermal energy storage (µTES) dedicated to concentrated solar power (CSP) systems. The project is coordinated by Pars Makina Ltd. (PARS) - Research and Development (Turkey) and counts with the participation and expertise of Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) - Solar Thermal Systems Department (Greece), Middle East Technical University (METU) - Mechanical Engineering Department (Turkey) and University of Pisa (UNIPI)- Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering (Italy) as project partners. The project is funded by TUBITAK (Turkey), GSRI (Greece) and MUR (Italy) funding agencies under the CSP-ERANET 1st Call, co-funded by the European Commision.
The InnoSolPower project webisite is cooming soon.