Expression of interest on renewable energies under the Spanish Recovery Plan, Processing and resilience

18 Feb 2021

On 7 October, the spanish government introduced the Spanish Recovery Plan, transformation and resilience, understood as a “ country ” project that guides the modernization of the Spanish economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, reconstruction solid, inclusive and resilient after the crisis of COVID-19, responding to the challenges of the next decade.

One of the four fundamental pillars identified in the Plan is the ecological transition that, together with the transformation digital, social and territorial cohesion and equality, frame the design of the recovery Plan, transformation and resilience.

The Spanish Recovery Plan will be implemented through the different tools that provides public administration which allow the proper mobilization of funds. Within the scope of this line of action, is scheduled guide the action and tools around the following areas:

  1. New technologies, techniques or practices that optimize the environmental and territorial integration of renewables

  2. Decarbonization of the industry and integration of thermal renewables in industrial or production processes, as well as the service sector

  3. Promotion of renewable electricity consumption in the sectors of final consumption, building in general, but also industry, services and agriculture.

  4. Development of marine energy sources including its value chain.

  5. Value chain linked to the life cycle of renewable energies (manufacture, repair projects, modernization of renewable facilities considering inter the power electronics to adapt to new scenarios of flexibility and storage, waste management overlooking circular economy, etc.).

  6. Development of sustainable bioenergy (in its various forms), as well as promoting the development of its value chain.

  7. Development of innovation in renewable energies, including improved gestionabilidad, flexibility, as well as the hybridization of different technologies.

  8. Innovative business models that help the deployment and integration of renewable energies in the electricity sector and in sectors late energy consumption, including turnkey projects or investment in start-ups and innovative companies.
  9. Dynamisation projects, training and awareness as, for example, education centres, or laboratories urban/rural on energy and/or governance.

The two expressions of interest 7&8 are of special interest for the CSP community:

  • Hybridation projects (e.g. setting up a hybrid thermosolar-pv/floating pv station), new technologies and integration of thermal renewables in industrial processes could fit under expression of interest for Area 7: Development of innovation in renewable energies, including improved gestionabilidad, flexibility, as well as the hybridization of different technologies.
  • Deployment of thermal storage in solar thermal plants, either as a new installation or as an extension of an existing plant could fit under expression of interest for Area 8: Innovative business models that help the deployment and integration of renewable energies in the electricity sector and in sectors late energy consumption, including turnkey projects or investment in start-ups and innovative companies.

​Further information: