The CSP ERANET Additional Call is carried out by national and regional research and technology development (RTD) and innovation programmes, and national and regional Funding Agencies in the field of concentrating solar power (CSP) or solar thermal electricity (STE). The following countries and regions are participating in the CSP ERANET Additional Call: Germany and North-Rhine-Westphalia, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland and Israel.
The topics for CSP ERANET Additional Call are based on priorities identified in the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan through the working groups in CSP technology. They include strategic targets that shall serve as a reference for this call and for proposals to be submitted. The 8 topics, focused on electricity production, are:
- Advanced linear Fresnel technology
- Parabolic trough with molten salt
- Parabolic trough with silicon oil
- Open volumetric air receiver
- Improved central receiver molten salt technology
- Next generation of central receiver power plants
- Multi-tower beam down system
- Advanced TES (Thermal Energy Storage)
Updated information and Call Text will be available from 1st October 2021 at https://csp-eranet.eu/calls/. For further information, please contact the Joint Secretariat (csperanet@agenex.net) and check the following pre-announcement.