Concentrated Solar Heat (CSH) could decarbonize industrial heat requirements
Citing a study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), World Bank energy consultant Elena Cuadros told SolarPACES that direct solar thermal heat holds the promise to replace fossil fuels supplying half the world’s industrial requirement for medium temperature heat. Even industries like mining and steel that require higher temperatures – also use some medium heat processes between 300ºC and 400ºC, which can be met with Concentrated Solar Heat (CSH).
“CSH has been commercially proven for providing heat up to 400ºC for the pharmaceutical and textile sector, brick, paper, food processing and hospital uses. These industries are usually locally owned small and medium businesses and important sub-sectors” Cuadros said.
Together with Fraunhofer’s Pedro Horta, Cuadros presented very detailed, specific calculations showing where CSH could be substituted at a lower cost than fossil fuels within five MENA region nations, by comparing CSH costs to the fossil fuel costs currently used locally for heat in these industries.
More information: https://www.solarpaces.org/csh-could-decarbonize-industrial-heat-globally/