Duty Station: Nairobi. Strive to stay and deliver in complex and high threat environments and refer to humanitarian principles to guide UNICEF actions and decisions. Engagement with NSAs is guided by a robust international normative and legal framework, including international human rights and humanitarian law. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 IGO license. UNICEF South Africa: Bank Name: Nedbank Account Number: 1497216230 Branch Code: 160445 Branch Name: Nedbank Pretoria Corporate Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ Address: UNICEF South Africa: 659 Pienaar Street, Brooklyn, 0181, P.O. Ensure respect for humanitarian principles throughout the targeting and prioritization processes, especially in determining service locations and targeting methods. Level: P-4. UNICEF seeks strategic engagement with UN missions whenever relevant and feasible, without prejudice to the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence. UNICEF also promotes the participation of children, adolescents, women and affected populations, and advocates for their rights and voices. All UNICEF personnel are expected to know and apply the. Digana, 6, is happy to be back in class at Teabat al Reah School in the Zumar sub-district of Ninewa Governorate, Iraq. [10] ICSC Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service and UN Code of Ethics. UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child in more than 190 countries and territories, with. This assessment is intended to give UNICEF and its partners a baseline for tracking progress of part- ners' organizational capacities on PSEA.Thesestandards are aligned with the United Nations Protocol On Allegations Of Sexual Exploitation And Abuse Involving ImplementingPartners. Categories: Social Policy. about us. UNICEF strikes a balance between thorough research and practical solutions for children. How do I send my donation? IT Department. UNICEFs emergency procedures set out a streamlined mechanism for organisation-wide mobilisation to support the timely delivery of humanitarian response. This page aims to serve as acomprehensive guide toacronyms and abbreviations commonly used today in UNICEF and the larger UN system. LHD Procedure)LMICs -Low and Middle Income CountriesLTA -long term agreement, M4R -Monitoring for ResultsMAP -Monitoring Action PlanMAPS -Mainstreaming Acceleration Policy Support (for the SDGs)M&E -Monitoring and EvaluationMEB -Minimum Expenditure BasketMENA -Middle East and North Africa RegionMENARO -Middle East and North Africa Regional OfficeMBS -Market-based SanitationMCP -Multi Country ProgrammeMCV -measles-containing vaccineMDAs -Ministerial Department AgenciesMDGs -Millennium Development GoalsMDM -Master Data ManagementMDTF -Multi-Donor Trust FundMHH -Menstrual Health and HygieneMHPSS -Mental health and psychosocial supportMHM -menstrual hygiene managementMICS -Multiple Indicator Cluster SurveyMIP -Medical Insurance PlanMIRA -Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid AssessmentMMR -Maternal Mortality RatioMNCH -Maternal, newborn and child healthMNO- Mobile Network OperatorMNT -Maternal and Neonatal TetanusMoE -Ministry of EducationMoH -Ministry of HealthMOPAN -Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment NetworkMoRES -Monitoring Results for Equity SystemsMOSS -Minimum Operational Security StandardsMoU -Memorandum of understandingMPA -Minimum Preparedness ActionMPDSR -Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and ResponseMPS -Minimum Package of ServicesMR -Measles and RubellaMS -Member State(s)MSDCF -Multi-country Sustainable Development FrameworkMSF -Mdecins Sans FrontiresM-SMOSS -Monitoring safely managed onsite sanitation services projectMTMR -Mid-Term Management ReviewMTSR -Mid-Term Strategic ReflectionMTR -Mid-Term ReviewMTSP -Medium-term strategic planMUAC -mid-upper-arm circumference, NATO -North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNCDs -non-communicable diseasesNCHS -National Child Health StatisticsNDA -Nationally Designated AuthorityNDB -New Development BankNEET -not in employment, education or trainingNEPAD -New Partnership for Africa's DevelopmentNFC-No-Fault CompensationNFE -Non-formal educationNFI -Non-Food ItemNfR -Note for the RecordNGO -Non-governmental organizationNETI -New & Emerging Talent InitiativeNO -National OfficerNPO -National Professional OfficerNRA -National Regulatory AgencyNRC -Norwegian Refugee CouncilNSAs -Non-State ActorsNSE -Non-State EntityNSO -National Statistical OfficeNTDs -Neglected Tropical DiseasesNUVI -New and underutilized vaccinesNYHQ -New York Headquarters (UNICEF), OAS -Organization of American StatesOAU -Organization of African Unity (now African Union)OCHA -The UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsODA -Official Development AssistanceODF -Open Defecation FreeOED -Office of the Executive DirectorOECD -Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentOECD-DAC -Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Development Assistance CommitteeOECS -Organisation of Eastern Caribbean StatesOGIP -the Office of Global Insight and PolicyOHCHR -Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOHRLLS -Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing StatesOI -Organizational ImprovementOIAI -Office of Internal Audit and InvestigationsOIC -Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference)OROfficer in ChargeOIF -International Organization of la FrancophonieOIOS -Office of Internal Oversight ServicesOMP -Office Management PlanOMT -Office Management TeamOoC -Office of the ComptrollerOoI -Office of InnovationOoO -Out of OfficeOoR -Office of ResearchOOSC -Out-of-school childrenOPCW -Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical WeaponsOPEC -Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesOPV -Oral Polio VaccineOR -Other ResourcesORC -Oral Rehydration CentresORE -Other Resources (Emergency)ORR -Other Resources (Regular)ORS -Oral Rehydration SaltsOSCE -Organization for Security and Cooperation in EuropeOSEB -Office of the Secretariat of the Executive Board (UNICEF)OSH -Occupational Safety and Health, PAHO -Pan American Health OrganizationPAR -Participatory Action ResearchPBA -Programme Budget AllotmentPBR -Programme and Budget ReviewPCA -Programme Cooperation AgreementPCN -Project Concept NotesPCV -Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinePD -Programme Division OR Programme DocumentPDDO -Programme Division Director's OfficePDNA -Post-Disaster Needs AssessmentPDR -Prevent/Detect/RespondPEF -Partners Engagement FrameworkPEP -Post-Exposure ProphylaxisPER - Performance Evaluation ReportPFP -Private Fundraising and Partnerships (UNICEF Geneva)PG -Programme Group (Formerly PD, HQ)PHC -Primary Health CarePHIA -Public Health Impact AssessmentPIDB -Programme Information DatabasePIMAS -Programme Information Management and Administrative ServicesPIP -Performance Improvement PlanPLM -Pregnant and Lactating womenPME -Planning monitoring and evaluationPMP -Partnership Management Portal Gratitude goes to UNICEF staff in regional and country . The risk and time preferences of individuals as well as their subjective expectations regarding the future are likely to play an important role in choice behaviour. Location: Lebanon. You can also connect with usonFacebook,Twitter,Instagram,YouTube, orLinkedIn. UNICEF's engagement and leadership on the humanitarian side has been unparalleled among the UN agencies, according to external informants. Humanitarian crises often magnify existing inequalities and further marginalise those already at risk of discrimination. R9u~SM=9
BRF&}4lEHPq0Vk Box 4884, Pretoria 0001, South Africa Telephone Number: +27 (0)12 425 4700 Email: pretoria@unicef.org Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia. More particularly, they guide UNICEF to make programmatic and operational decisions as well as to earn and maintain the acceptance among communities, authorities and among all parties to conflict. The IACHR is a permanent body, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., United States, [2] and it meets in regular and . Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) establish common principles and process for managing cash transfers among UN agencies that have adopted the approach across all countries and operational contexts. This includes the immediate deployment of financial, human and material resources and a set of fast-track procedures and mechanisms to enable the rapid delivery of humanitarian response, timely decision-making and effective partnerships. Read our report on the State of the Worlds Children, and understand the challenges facing the world's poor and isolated children. When engaging with NSAs, UNICEF fully takes into account that legal obligations of NSAs towards populations and aid workers are grounded in international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international criminal law. Before you take the trouble get in touch, see if any of the quick FAQs below help. For 75years, UNICEF has worked to improve the lives of children and their families. , 2013; Integrated Assessment and Planning (IAP) Working Group, Technical Guidance Note on Working with UN Integrated Presences. Build the capacity of UNICEF personnel to apply humanitarian principles effectively in the conduct of operations, especially in a complex and high-threat environment. Learn more aboutCatherine Russell, who became UNICEF's 8th Executive Director on 1 February 2022. Acceptance by communities and/or threat actors can reduce the likelihood of harmful events occurring and increases the chances of an effective response if a harmful event does occur. Password *. when contributing to the SMTs evaluation of the potential impacts of using armed escorts. The Ground Floor contains office and residential lobbies, employee dining rooms, a retail shop, and a large exhibition space which opens onto a small public park. Seek engagement with all parties to conflict, and other stakeholders as necessary and feasible, to gain access to the populations in need. All personal data processing by UNICEF is governed by internal and inter-agency rules. considerations were taken into account: (1) Focus on a few universal concepts on social protection and social transfers that are similar and . [10], IASC Non-Binding Guidelines on the Use of Armed Escorts for Humanitarian Convoys, UN Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning, 2.3 Sectoral commitments (key considerations on advocacy), Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability, Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards, Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Key activities This may include smaller-scale emergencies; in countries with limited capacities, the threshold will be lower than in countries with strong capacities. UNICEF works to identify, monitor and address existing and new patterns of discrimination and power dynamics. UNICEF works in the world's toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents - and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere. clarifies that while humanitarian action can support peace consolidation, its main purpose remains to address life-saving needs and alleviating suffering. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. Representing UNICEF in the area of responsibility, providing leadership in the provision of technical advice, negotiation and advocacy with every stakeholder, Advocating with the local authorities, and in conflict-affected contexts with all parties to the conflict, to respect, promote and fulfil womens and childrens rights, Establishing dialogue and fostering strategic and principled collaboration and/or partnerships with the local authorities and, in conflict-affected contexts, with all parties to the conflict for an unimpeded principled access and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the populations in need, Ensuring effective management of UNICEF presence, staff and assets; providing direction, leadership and guidance to the field office team; and managing their performance to deliver results for children and conduct effective partnerships, Sustaining dialogue and regular engagement with local communities and authorities, Undertaking field visits, ensuring that field office staff conduct field visits to monitor and assess programme implementation for corrective action, Identifying major unmet humanitarian needs of children and taking appropriate measures in line with the CCCs to address them, Providing local authorities and service providers with technical support and guidance, building and reinforcing the capacities of national and local partners, Maintaining effective partnerships and collaboration for advocacy, technical cooperation, programme development/management/coordination, information-sharing and networking, Ensuring the optimum use of programme resources (financial, human, administrative and other assets) through systematic assessments and monitoring of operations, including through monitoring the allocation, disbursement and liquidation of programme funds. Adam Abdelmoula was previously the Director of the United Nations Human Rights Council and Treaty Mechanisms Divisions OHCHR. If you can't find the answer you need on this page, please contact our Supporter Care Team or call us on 0300 330 5580. !kb{f-rQ/),h&a]QdeA35:Nb m?Y|2Kxl*K|ykWgGMcg7J9 H`?DZ !jdM*DQFvPo/@5JZ;` lTs!mr|F0XR~z#Jt_DIM;Q:QbJZpAZXhs]:X^% '5%'Ef+z UNICEF works in some of the world's toughest places, to reach the world's most disadvantaged children. [8] A humanitarian crisis is defined as any circumstance where humanitarian needs are sufficiently large and complex to require significant external assistance and resources, and where a multi-sectoral response is needed, with the engagement of a wide range of international humanitarian actors. After three years, household spending is on average 67 percent larger than the value of the transfer received, implying a sizeable multiplier effect, which works through increased non-farm activity and agricultural production. This page aims to serve as a comprehensive guide to acronyms and abbreviations commonly used today in UNICEF and the larger UN system. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This study aims to evaluate the potential impacts of the 2008/09 global economic crisis on child poverty in Cameroon. E-mail or username *. Explore our work across 190 countries and territories. We use cookies on our website to enhance your online experience and to analyze visitors' navigation patterns. . Engage in coordination mechanisms to establish and maintain principled humanitarian access, in collaboration with UN Agencies, national and local authorities and CSOs, within existing coordination mechanisms such as the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), the Security Management Team (SMT), and the intersector/intercluster coordination mechanisms. UNICEF commits to design and implement a humanitarian response that helps keep people with vulnerabilities from harm, protect them from violence, coercion and abuse, reduce the threats they face, minimise their exposure to these and increase their capacity to cope. The resilience index positively predicts future positive coping behaviour among households (predictive validity) and is a stronger predictor of future coping than consumption or assets. Work with UNICEF. A large-scale survey in Kenya shows that cash transfers alone do not appear to impact time discounting or risk aversion, but they do have an important impact on subjective well-being measures and on future perceptions of quality of life. UNICEF abides by global standards that aim to improve the quality of humanitarian action and enhance the accountability of the humanitarian system to affected populations, specifically children, including: The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Disaster Response (Sphere Standards), including the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards (INEE), Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS). All Rights Reserved. To defend their rights. UNICEF conducts humanitarian advocacy to: Facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance, Secure unimpeded and principled humanitarian access to populations in need, Promote adherence to international and regional legal norms, standards and principles, Promote accountability of perpetrators of child rights violations, Raise international and national awareness of the situation of children and of humanitarian and protection needs, particularly of the most vulnerable, Trigger rights-based and equitable development and strengthening of national policies, budgets, decisions and legislation, to contribute to positive social transformation and enable affected populations to claim their rights, Advocate for the rights and voices of children and women as an integral component of humanitarian action, See 2.1.4 Humanitarian access and 2.3 Sectoral commitments (key considerations on advocacy). UK account number, Euro IBAN, US routing number, and more. Amaya Gillespie of the Education Section at UNICEF and Jack T. Jones of the Department of Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at WHO/HQ guided the overall development and completion of this document. Job no: 559814. Send your question below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. [9] UNICEF emergency procedures include the Simplified Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) for Corporate Emergency Activation Procedure in Level 3 Emergencies, UNICEF Procedure on Regional Emergency Activation for Level 2 Emergencies, . Read about our culture. COs, with the support of HQ and ROs, develop robust engagement strategies with NSAs, based on sound context and risk analysis, and identifying clear purpose for engagement, expected results for children, risk mitigation measures and red lines. UNICEF takes measures to deliver its humanitarian action in a manner that minimises harm to the environment. c,asE2"Qql1 To save their lives. UNICEF Global Headquarters, New York Kurtis Cooper Communication Specialist +1 212 824 6575 (O); +1 917 476 1435 (M) Joe English Communication Specialist +1 212 303 7984 (O); +1 917 893 0692 (M) Georgina Diallo Communication Specialist +1 917 265 4524 (O); +1 917 238 1559 (M) H elen Wylie Communication Specialist +1 917 244 2215 (M) I'm afraid it's not possible to transfer your progress between accounts. response that takes into account the needs of all children. In order to do this, the study uses a macro-micro methodology. Build the humanitarian leadership capacity of UNICEF personnel at all levels (FO/CO/RO/HQ) and their ability to apply humanitarian principles in decision-making. Non-political and impartial, we are never neutral when it comes to defending childrens rights and safeguarding their lives and futures. Enter the password that accompanies your e-mail. This applies under all circumstances. The project provides technical assistance in the design, implementation and analysis of rigorous impact evaluations in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Enter your e-mail address or username. Sign in with your organizational account. UNICEF, acronym of United Nations Children's Fund, formerly (1946-53) United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, special program of the United Nations (UN) devoted to aiding national efforts to improve the health, nutrition, education, and general welfare of children. While the cash transfer alleviates some of the financial constraints, the near-constant health issues and associated financial costs of health care lead to difficult choices in terms of how to use the transfer and relying on other household members, often adolescents, for care and income- support. endobj
Monrovia, Liberia. Emergency Procedures All UNICEF personnel are expected to know and apply the emergency procedures [9]. Receive the latest research and event invites in your inbox once a month. This course covers the fundamentals on Humanitarian Cash Transfers (HCT). Key areas of collaboration include child protection, juvenile justice, reintegration of children associated with armed groups or armed forces, peacebuilding and sustaining peace initiatives and delivery of essential services. It should take you about 90 minutes to complete the course. Medical Anthropologist and Social and Behavior Change expert with experience in program leadership, capacity building, community involvement, and behavioral research and design. All in one account. As wecontinueto build this page, in case we missed one, you can help usbycontacting transparency@unicef.org. Across more than 190 countries and territories, we do whatever it takes to help children survive, thrive and fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. My passion is working to incorporate the voices and realities of often-overlooked . This includes the immediate deployment of financial, human and material resources and a set of fast-track procedures and mechanisms to enable the rapid delivery of humanitarian response, timely decision-making and effective partnerships. How does the Convention define "child"? The publication was edited by Lois Jensen and designed by Era Porth. 3 . Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer in Zambia, Can unconditional cash transfers raise long-term living standards? UNICEF commits to strict standards of ethical evidence generation to ensure that children and their communities are respected and protected throughout the data cycle, by paying specific attention to data collection, analysis, transfer, storage, access, dissemination and destruction. All UNICEF personnel, whether operating in a humanitarian or development context: Are expected to know the CCCs, promote their implementation and contribute to their fulfilment, according to the context, Are expected to know and apply the emergency procedures, according to the context, Must observe the standards of conduct of the International Civil Service[10], the UN Code of Ethics and UNICEFs core values. UNICEF UNICEF Representative a.i fmcasey@unicef.org 0302772524, 0552558218 Mr. Fiachra McAsey has served as UNICEF Deputy Representative in Ghana since July 2018. UNICEFs Enterprise Risk Management Policy supports well-managed risk-taking and mitigating strategies. The 34National Committees for UNICEF, mostly in the industrialized world, are non-governmental organizations that support UNICEF in advocacy for children and fund-raising. The worlds largest provider of vaccines, we support child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill building, HIV prevention and treatment for mothers and babies, and the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation. Discover UNICEF's work since 1946. In 1950, UNICEF's mandate was extended to address the long-term needs of children and women in developing countries everywhere. He brings over thirty years of experience in development, rule of law, human rights and security. Humanitarian principles underpin acceptance cultivating good relations and consent for humanitarian activities among local populations and key actors, Make use of armed escorts only after a thorough analysis in the Security Risk Management (SRM) process that determines no other SRM measure is available to bring security risks to acceptable levels, as per the. See 2.2.4 Linking humanitarian and development. The evidence refutes each claim. UNICEF works on social protection programs in over 100 countries, and many are expanding rapidly. The impacts are analyzed in terms of monetary (food) poverty, nutrition, education, child labour and access to health services of children. Evidence from Zambia, Poverty and the safe transition to adulthood. Get Contact Info for All Departments. Accordingly, most humanitarian operations are likely to remain outside the scope of integration, which can, at times, challenge the ability of UN humanitarian actors to deliver according to humanitarian principles. National Committees, in close coordination with HQ, ROs and COs, contribute to delivering on the CCCs through fundraising, advocating for child rights and raising public awareness of childrens rights and needs, as well as through their partnerships with governments, national and local authorities, civil society organisations, human rights institutions, the private sector, academic and research institutions, and local media. Mitigate the risks of donors conditions and funding associated with objectives that could jeopardize the neutrality, impartiality and independence of humanitarian response, and refrain from funding arrangements that undermine child rights or the best interest of children, or that put the safety and security of humanitarian workers at risk. If you do not know your donor ID, please get in touch by calling us on 0800 243 575 or email us at support@unicef.org.nzwith the following information and we will confirm your donor ID for you: 178 out of 229 people found this article helpful so far. Human rights-based approach: UNICEF is committed to addressing inequalities and disparities in the design, implementation and monitoring of its programmes, and to ensuring that its humanitarian action is provided without discrimination of any kind. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about UNICEF. In some contexts, it may neither be possible nor appropriate to engage in development action. The UNICEF management team includes Chris Fabian (Co-Founder, Co-Lead Giga (UNICEF)), Daniel Couture (CIO | Chief Information Officer), and Benjamin Perks (Head of Campaigns and Advocacy) . An Associated Press investigation confirmed that Russian forces . All UNICEF personnel and associates are expected to: (SEA) and is committed to the effective prevention and response to SEA, as set out in the Secretary-Generals bulletin. Careers with UNICEF help change the world. and each Country Offices - commitment to respond, regardless of the kind of crisis (sudden-onset or protracted emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, complex emergencies, international or internal armed conflicts, etc. These are accessible publicly and free of charge on UNGM. If you suspect misconduct, fraud or other types of wrongdoing, pleasereport it here. The CCCs state the organisation's and each Country Offices - commitment to respond, regardless of the kind of crisis (sudden-onset or protracted emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, complex emergencies, international or internal armed conflicts, etc. The policy is a commitment to reduce direct and indirect risks of harm to children, from deliberate or unintentional acts, including neglect, exploitation, and abuse. @SeerFenrir For some reason I thought you could transfer your ea account to a new gamertag via the ea account settings. It includes considerations on UNICEF comparative advantage and its strategic positioning onHCT ,as well as showcase examples ofprogrammesand two case studies. We rely entirely on voluntary donations, so we want to make supporting UNICEF as simple as possible. It argues that linking the shared values that define the social arrangements and institutions, which we refer to as ethical perspectives, to the emerging welfare institutions addressing poverty in developing countries provides a window into these processes of justification at a more fundamental level. Complementary analysis suggests that self-assessed relative poverty (as measured by comparison to other households in the community) is a more important mediator of program effects on happiness than absolute poverty (as measured by household consumption expenditures). And deliver in complex and high threat environments and refer to humanitarian of! Faqs below help number, Euro IBAN, US routing number, advocates. Integrated Presences service locations and targeting methods transfer in Zambia, poverty and the larger UN system mobilisation to the! I thought you could transfer your ea account settings [ 10 ] ICSC Standards of Conduct for the Civil... 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