This deck, however, focused mostly on +1/+1 counters. Truly an amazing list. Not long before this deck was released, Dominaria was in Standard. Open Hostility comes out swinging with cheap creatures that can grow to enormous sizes. made easy. I hadnt thought of that synergy! One of these was the confluence cycle. This deck is a great follow up to Ikoria and Umbris, Fear Manifest, potentially making Horrors a legitimately powerful tribe. As you might have guessed, this highly synergistic commander wants to cast as many instants and sorceries as it can. It wasnt included as it was kind of its own separate thing, as a Secret Lair, but perhaps we should include it. Each deck came with 3 partner commanders. Each spell copied itself as many times as you had cast your commander in that game. Card Type: Legendary Creature Human Merfolk; P / T: 1 / 4; Flavor: "I used to hurl rocks and eat scraps of meat burned over a fire. These were necessary at the time to make the 4-color mana bases work. Preconstructed theme decks. Thats not very fun, so you should think twice before getting a poison themed precon. As always, I'd like to remind you of a couple of things regarding my budget articles: Finally, here are some more Commander articles that might interest you: I believe Ezuri, claw of progress is battling about being king of morph commanders. After all, most color combinations have dramatically variable themes spread throughout their commanders. put it from the command zone into your hand due to Command Beacon), you choose one of your commanders at the time the effect happens. Card Game Base 2023. Wihelt is a powerful commander for a Zombie deck. This deck combines a cacophony of unrelated mechanics together in a very synergistic way. All of this makes them a great purchase if you want to slowly start building your Commander collection. Phyrexia: All Will Be One Draft Tier List. It tries to win with a small army of creatures that cannot be blocked. Deck building. This deck combined two themes in a clever way. The big Commander release of 2023 comes with March of the Machine. Players were largely disappointed with the overall value of these Commander precons. If you count the Madness deck, led by Anje Falkenrath in 2019, we actually have two. In addition to these two decks, Wizards released a handful of cards as a part of the Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander set that cannot be opened in the pre-constructed decks. 11/10/2020: An effect that checks whether you control your commander is satisfied if you control one or both of your two commanders. Contents 1 Description 1.1 Contents 2 Cycles 3 Cardlists 3.1 Aura of Courage Truth be told, this deck feels more like a Goad deck than a tribal deck. This time, the tribes are Vampires and Spirits. Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca - Merfolk Tribal. The support that this deck offers this tribe will likely make it playable beyond this precon. </i>. This deck is focused on one of the most popular tribes in Magic the Gathering Elves. Similar to the planeswalker decks, though, these precons were significantly less powerful than a typical Commander precon. Complete Comment Tutorial! You can find more information about The Brothers War Commander decks here. Buckle Up is our first Vehicles matter Commander deck. The deck is designed around Ikorias new Mutate mechanic. Fans of Zombies, rejoice! Speaking of upgrades, you can find how to make the deck better in the Reap the Tides Upgrade Guide. Finally, a list of all the precon commander decks. This deck is supposed to be a chaos deck. 28 - 0 Rares. Just like the previous two years decks, the cards, and themes are mechanically tied to the set they were released with. Commander Original: Heavenly Inferno (White, Black, Red) Each Commander deck includes: 3 oversize foil commander cards, 100 singleton preconstructed deck. What kinds of decks do you want to see in the future? This one really committed to the Spirits theme, encouraging you to go wide quickly. Szarekh, the Silent King is one of a half dozen commanders who could lead this deck. Universes Beyond introduces the first preconstructed Commander product that features all new art from a different intellectual property. Because of this, he almost always leads a life gain deck. Join the Commander VS crew as they battle with fan-requested commanders. 8 min read. First and foremost, Abaddon indicates that there is a Cascade theme in the deck. Each decks color identity is one of the three-color arc combinations. All rights reserved. It struggled with many of the weaknesses that still plague white to this day. Had a playgroup flip their tops when I swapped Jeleva for Nekusar in the Mind Seize deck. All emails include an unsubscribe link. Admittedly, the Arcane Maelstrom deck does not have a lot to do with Ikoria mechanically. Prossh, Skyraider of Kher has been beloved by casual and competative players alike. Playtest v1. TCGPlayer Mkt . They usually have ways to interact with your graveyard, or simply returning from it. Just like Midnight Hunt and assumedly going forward, Crimson Vow had set booster exclusive cards that technically belong to the Commander set. If you can find one either at your LGS or I still see them in the big boxes, i would recommend grabbing one to start your deck. Eldraine didnt have Commander precons. At the end of 2022, Wizards released Starter Commander decks for the first time. They seem to want to do similar things. Some people are critical of this, since the decks dont also have a modern frame variant. 2021s Summer set was something new for Magic players. Mana Cost: Converted Mana Cost: 4. Let's dig into the set and see what gems we can . Ive had 3 different uses for it just this week. Privacy statement | EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. The Deck The precon leans into some of those abilities as well. True to the theme of this years product, the Witherbloom deck reimagines the skill suite of the black/green color combination. The D&D theme for these decks is very clear, which can be fun if you like that. This deck finally provided Commander players with a legendary creature who is specifically meant to lead a cycling deck. Yuriko was the first Ninja commander. This is another tribal deck. Current deck will be replaced. The goal of this deck is simple: play as many free morphs as you can. The return to Dominaria comes with two new Commander decks, each led by a planeswalker. It throws in the dice-rolling mechanic and Enrage for flavor, which adds a level of novelty that other red/green commanders might lack. I really hope you keep updating this list! Each deck had a face commander (each one was a planeswalker again), two back-up commanders, and a third legendary creature that was not enough colors to lead the precon deck on its own. In the second D&D themed set, Wizards made up for that by printing a ton of new Party cards. Lands are a great place to start when upgrading any Commander precon. By Professor Rakdos translated by Romeu revised by Tabata Marques Table of contents > Top 10 Preconstructed Commanders 10) Kamigawa Neon Dynasty - Buckle Up 9) Commander 2019 - Merciless Rage The decks from this year all featured an innovative new mechanic. Feeds | This deck put a Parallel Lives in the command zone and let the players run wild with it. Agreed. A few years before this deck was released, Wizards printed Adaptive Enchantment. There are two of them, and both look quite good. Let me know down below which Commander deck was your favorite. Despite this, he has become a popular character and the most common mono-red artifacts commander. Guided by Nature was probably the most cohesive tribal Commander deck that Wizards had printed until this point. Each deck was only a single color and each commander was a planeswalker with the text This card can be your commander. At first glance, this deck does not seem very original. Since we dont know everything about this precons currently, we wont discuss them in a great detail in this article just yet. Most of the creatures are artifact creatures, and others get more powerful the more artifacts you control. In the last couple of years, the Horrors tribe has gotten a lot of love. Advanced Filters When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 1441 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; . That mechanic is Squad, and lets you pay two mana any number of times to make that many copies of the creature with Squad when it enters the battlefield. Card Name: Adrix and Nev, Twincasters. Commander is a free-for-all multiplayer way to play Magic in which alliances are formed, friends are betrayed, and grudges are repaid with a vengeance. Heres the Quantum Quandrix Upgrade Guide if you are interested in buying this deck and improving it a bit. Merfolk So whether you like Selesnya +1/+1 counters, Humans, or the new Coven ability, this is a great deck for you. Multiverse Legends: Guide & Complete List. We got a deck that is similar to Spirit Squadron in Kaldheim with Phantom Premonition. This site 2023, LLC This deck is focused around the new set mechanic, Blitz. This is important because Dungeons have only ever had one sets-worth of support. Commander Legends brought us not only a spectacular combination of Commander and Draft, but also two Commander precons. ----- When you are buying decks or individual cards, make sure you are using any of our TCGplayer . Draconic Dissent is Wizards third tribal Dragons deck. We can handle most deck file formats (txt, dec, dek). When Zendikar Rising was released in September 2020, Wizards first decided to replace the typical planeswalker decks with a special something for Commander players. Tweet. In fact, there are more recent ones, I made a mistake. One of the many complaints that players raised this year, another common one, was that the lands matter deck did not have very many land synergies. By Zach Herwood-Mussen. This meant that all of these decks were mechanically similar to Ikoria, Lair of Behemoths. This deck fills its graveyard with creatures that have a lot of keywords, then casts the commander to make a formidable threat. Upvote 0. Then when you step forward and build your own deck you will have the staples already. This is a great pickup, if you like to play aggressive strategies with lots of token creatures. In addition to having islandwalk, a very great keyword given the prevalence of blue in Commander, Sygg gives any merfolk protection from a color for just . Aka, morph, cycling, flashback, venture into the dungeon, madness, etc. Today, I'll break down what's great from the set. It is an Izzet deck that cares about artifacts. Each one will let you draw cards. The backup commanders, Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient and Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, are also compelling. Every year, the most exciting products that Wizards releases are the Commander pre-constructed decks or Commander precons. This is not one of those decks, though. Commander Masters Spoilers: Jeweled Lotus Reprinted! Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Its a great deck for anyone who likes to play Voltron type strategies (making one creature gigantic). For more information about this deck, you can read Lands Wrath Upgrade Guide. Since there was one in every deck, I thought I would mention it here rather than in each deck summary. The last deck for this years Commander product focuses on casting Instants and Sorceries. As the name suggests, Draconic Destruction focuses on big Dragons. Step one: play a lot of little creatures. The new Battle for Baldur's Gate preconstructed decks have been revealed, and they're all full of exciting cards, old and new alike. However, it also left plenty of room to upgrade into something more if you wanted to. MTG - HULLBREACHER - Commander Legends (R) + 3.17 Postage. Great for parties. Each card in this cycle lets the caster choose an opponent to share in an effect with two separate times. The goblins vs merfolk precon is actually loaded with good cards for both tribes, some even modern playable. In addition to the face Commanders, each deck had two other legendary creatures that could double as a Commander for the deck. Commander Series: List of All 83 Commander Precons, Commander 2023 / March of the Machine Precons, Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Precons, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander, March of the Machine Commander decks here, set booster exclusive Kamigawa Commander cards, upgrading the Elven Empire commander deck, LotR MTG Set: Tales of Middle-Earth Spoilers & Information, Lord of the Rings Commander Decks & Decklists, March of the Machine Commander 2023 Decks & Decklists. As a result, this Commander deck is all about Landfall. The other two decks did not necessarily have a set-specific mechanic, but were flavorful relative to the Dungeons and Dragons theme of the set. This shows up on a handful of other cards, as well as some that care about the spells you cast from outside your hand. Furthermore, these decks have another characteristic that sets them apart from previous commander decks. DMCA requests | It cared about the top card of your library. Dont get me wrong, the design of Zedruu and the idea of giving your things away for value and politics is cool. It enables some cool play patterns, and its a great pickup for players who like to play decks that arent the most mainstream. This means that the deck wants to play as many enchantments as possible. Perhaps one of the cards in this deck will finally prove to be the best option. Of those three modes, you could choose one three times or up to three one time. Wizards decided to start giving it more impulsive card draw, which exiles cards from your deck and lets you play them temporarily. Being so many colors and having Proliferate on her card made her the best commander for dozens of strategies. Commander 2021, like the previous years decks, were tied to the release of the Spring Premier set. Vampiric Bloodlust wanted you to make a massive army of little Vampires and Merciless Rage wanted to focus on spells with Madness (of which many are Vampires). There is also a cycle of cards that can be cast for free if you control a commander, and a cycle of auras called the Impetuses. Counterpunch, led by Ghave, Guru of Spores, wants to do precisely what its name implies. He was the grandfather of the C17 tribal Commanders with the Eminence mechanic. You can learn more about Baldurs Gate Commander decks here. MTGGoldfish, Inc. is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. There are plenty of cards from the main set that can buoy up this deck, but you might not find as many Dungeons cards as you would like. Since these are three very different strategies, this deck seems a little unfocused at first glance. You may opt-out at any time. These spells had the commanders name in them and were specifically related to the keyword mechanic for the appropriate deck. 2016s Commander precons changed the format in a way that no other year had until that point or would in coming years so far. See our privacy policy. Which precon commanders rose to the top of the heap? However, Jared Carthalion and the B-commander Jenson Carthalion, Druid Exile both do a great job of rewarding you for playing as many colors as possible. Invent Superiority is the deck that most accurately captures the flavor of the color combinations. The commander for this deck, Mizzix of the Izmagnus, makes your instants and sorceries cheaper based on the number of experience counters you have. This deck leans into a prevalent aspect of the Horror tribe: Mill. The Enhanced Evolution deck is perhaps the most unique of the decks from this year. All Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Decks. One of the best parts about this deck is how thoroughly Wizards committed to the theme. If you like artifact decks, I would definitely recommend giving this one a try, since it feels very powerful and unique. It was a toss up whether Estrid or Tuvasa were better commanders for this deck. This deck tells the origin story of the famous Magic villain, Ob Nixilis. Thank you for all the synopses of what the decks want to do. Thank you for this list. These decks are designed specifically with Commander in mind, so they always make an impact on the format and keep Commander players on their toes. Because this is the deck for you. RedWhite students studied History and Archeology. This week, we will be assisting an adventuring band by looking at each hero's preconstructed Commander deck and helping them "level up" with a few new cards! Outside of Commander, True-Name Nemesis also made waves, becoming a staple in the Legacy format. GU (Simic) This deck does exactly what Gruul wants to do: make big Creatures and attack your opponents with them. Other than those three cards, each card in the deck was a reprint. Each experience counter you collect would then give Kalemne +1/+1. It can quickly make a bunch of small creature tokens, and use them to overwhelm your opponent. And Edgar Markov has been the best Vampire commander ever since. The set came out with two more Commander precons. Should this list include the Heads I win, Tails you lose precon? Almost all the commanders from this years group of decks managed to become well-loved by players, in spite of their initial wariness about Eminence. Boros commander decks are typically somewhat boring. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Despite being the worst financial value of any precon to date, this deck is still an exciting pickup for any Commander player. What's in the box In addition to the new cards, this deck also includes a solid bunch of Commander-staple reprints. The card advantage makes sure the deck plays out pretty smoothly, even without any upgrades. The . Another main theme from the Zendikar Rising set was tribal Rogues. While, they are mostly green, Elves on Kaldheim are black too. A similar ability shows up in the next deck. Load Deck. It is full of utility cards that can be cycled away if you dont need them right away. Edit. Starfox675. That set featured white vampires pretty heavily. This deck was probably the least related to the permanent type that it was supposed to care about. except for Corey, who had a little help from . While The Swarmlord might be less powerful than Magus Lucea Kane as a leader for the deck, both are powerful threats and worthwhile to brew around. This deck specifically cares about casting instants. As a result, you want a good chunk of your lands (up to a third of them if you can) to tap for multiple colors. Streets of New Capenna brought with it yet another round of set-specific Commander decks. Now there is an incentive to play fewer staples and more obscure cards as long as they have WUBRG in their casting cost. When you have logged in, click the Session aktualisieren button and then try again. Cascade, the commanders flagship mechanic, gives you the next card in your deck that costs less than the card you just cast, so the random nature of it is pretty chaotic. Join your friends in a game with this ready-to-play deck. You wouldnt think it, but Faldorn does a great job of making it all work despite the seeming lack of cohesion. Each deck contained a copy of Thought Vessel, which went on to become a Commander staple. Like the Lorehold Legacies deck, there are a couple of cards in this precon that represent significant steps forward for white cards. However, in practice, it plays out pretty poorly. Let me know in the comments below. 1 Arschnelson 5 yr. ago Is it bad to play [ [Insurrection]]? Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca. In addition to those cards, each deck had a brand-new land called Ash Barrens, which helped fix your colors in a bind. When you think of mono-blue decks in Commander, sea monsters are not the first things to come to mind. This deck focuses mainly on utilizing your life total as a resource. This gives you more bang for your buck and makes sure you never run out of firepower. There are legendary creatures that can lead decks around all of the mechanics from Ikoria, and each new ability has enough support to craft a full deck around. Click the add button on any card to start building your decklist . Attention! Frilled Mystic. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Personally, I feel that if the decks are designed to utilize multiple commanders, then its fair game. Both things would shape the face of the Commander format for years to come. In this year, Wizards decided to tie all the Commander decks to the standard set that they were released with. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. For a mere three mana, Svyelun is a 3/4 merfolk god that has indestructible as long as its owner controls two or more other merfolk. It was Join Forces, and showed up on one card in every deck. For players who want to get one of the newer decks, which are usually cheaper, the reverse chronological order works better. A similar ability had been seen on a commander in a previous year. This deck tries to fill up its own graveyard, get advantage from sacrificing creatures, and reanimate some nasty threats. Please return to this window after you have logged in. This decks Commander has probably become the most popular (or unpopular, depending on what side of the table you are from him) of all the decks in this years precons. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. There is also a cycle of cards with the word offering in their title. You can definitely run a mono-blue counterspell deck, but adding green offers more versatility and accesses useful cards like Plasm Capture. For tips on upgrading this deck, check out this upgrade guide. Undead Unleashed is a perfect precon for you. The most recently printed Merfolk-tribal commander, Emperor Mihail II was introduced in Dominaria United, serving as one of the strongest mono-blue Merfolk commanders available. Its called Path of Ancestry. Zendikar is a plane famous for caring about lands entering the battlefield. Each deck has a face commander, a secondary commander that matches the color identity of the face commander, and a partner pair whose colors add up to the face commanders color identity. As one of Magics oldest stories, references to it show up on plenty of cards. Download Clear. It is a surprisingly effective strategy, as anyone who has ever faced off against Draconic Domination would no doubt admit. The cards in them are staples and you get bang for your buck. Then, those same commanders can utilize those experience counters in a unique way. Other than that, the B-commander, Belakor, the Dark Master cares about Demons. Card Search. Discord Server | Flashback was probably the keyword mechanic that had the most support before getting its own deck in this year. Card Kingdom $0 - 70.27 . Each of the precons was inspired by one of the two-color factions from that set. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Rather, you can focus on just pumping her up and protecting her. While other mono black artifact decks have existed in the past, this one seems to be one of the most interesting. Jared Carthalion is the face commander for Painbow, and Dihada, Binder of Wills for Legends Legacy. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Our first return to Kamigawa came with two really exciting new decks. The deck tries to kick out a bunch of little creatures and load them up with +1/+1 counters. There are a lot of Demons in the deck, including in red and blue. Here is the list of those: Weve had a tribal Vampire deck led by Edgar Markov. In addition to that, Ranars abilities work well with abilities like those on Flickerwisp. Its a great starting product for a brand-new Commander player, as it offers a pretty clear and safe way to improve it, while still containing some pretty strong cards. These factions were colleges on Strixhaven, and each one had its own theme: You can find Commander 2021 decklists here. However, somehow the commander is able to tie everything together really cleanly. Whyleth is a pretty cool commander for this type of strategies, as it gives card advantage to red-white combination, which sometimes lacks it. until the next battle begins, of course! Card Odds Draw hand. To pay homage to the classic Magic story, every card in these decks has a retro card frame. Theres a lot going on in the Ruinous Powers deck. Modern Horizons 2 is almost upon us, and it wouldn't be a set release without a Commander review. Planar Portal takes that idea and rewards you heavily for doing it as much as possible. Types: Legendary Creature Merfolk Wizard. To win with a small army of creatures that can not be blocked effect that checks whether control! These factions were colleges on Strixhaven, and use them to overwhelm your.. Can not be blocked see in the deck deck leans into some of those abilities as.... ( making one creature gigantic ) it can quickly make a formidable threat of to. Rising set was tribal Rogues cycling, flashback, venture into the set came out two... Despite merfolk commander precon the worst financial value of these Commander precons more versatility and accesses useful cards like Plasm.... Opponent to share in an effect with two separate times and more obscure as. -- - when you have logged in, click the Session aktualisieren button and then again. The future Magic the Gathering Commander as long as they battle with fan-requested.! 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