Within hours after Henry IV's assassination, Marie was confirmed as Regent by the Parliament of Paris on behalf of her son and new King, eight-year-old Louis XIII. Although Catherine's successor Queen Anne Boleyn suffered an infamously dark fate, Aragon's own life was somehow even more tragic. She is led and protected by a representation of France, and guided by illustrations of Night and Aurora. View of the Marie de Medici cycle by Peter Paul Rubens in the Louvre (photo: Presentation of the Portrait of Marie de Medici (at left), Marie de Medici cycle in the Louvre, Cupid and King Henry discussing the portrait of Marie de Medici (detail), Peter Paul Rubens, The Presentation of the Portrait of Marie de Medici, c. 1622-1625, oil on canvas, 394 x 295 cm (Muse du Louvre). Also symbolizing victory is the imperial eagle which can be seen in the distance. On 17 December, the Papal legate finally arrived, and gave his blessing to the religious wedding ceremony at the Cathedral of Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Lyon.[11]. With both beauty and big bucks, Europes most influential suitors considered Marie de Medici the top prize they could win, and she entertained courtships from multiple dukes around her area as a teenager. And whatever Marie wants, Marie gets. Afterwards she was offered an Indonesian rice table by the burgomaster, Albert Burgh. She and Henry IV finally met on 9 December and spent their wedding night together. Although King Louis XIII kept on trouncing his mother and her men on the battlefield in these uprisings, Marie was not a woman to accept defeat. King smitten with the portrait of his bride-to-be (detail), Peter Paul Rubens, Jupiter and Juno (detail), Peter Paul Rubens, The Presentation of the Portrait of Marie de Medici, c. 1622-1625, oil on canvas, 394 x 295 cm (Muse du Louvre). Escaping from Blois, 22 Feb., 1619, she made her way into Angoulme and obtained from Luynes the government of Anjou, which became a rallying-point for malcontents. [42] It would be one of two paintings most visually apparent upon entrance into the gallery through the southeast corner. Here France takes on an androgynous role being both woman and man at the same time. It was during his time in Italy that he began to make copies of classical sculpture, such as the Laocon Group, and collect drawings done by other artists. She then returned to Paris, where she worked on the construction of her Luxembourg Palace. [124], The Henry IV cycle was planned to be composed of scenes from the king's military career. WebWritten and illuminated in the first quarter of 16th century the Flemish book of hours of Marie de Medici represents a beautiful example of the artistic perfection of Flemish art. [24], Originally the viewer would have entered the gallery from the southeast corner. Spectacular displays (by Claes Corneliszoon Moeyaert) and water pageants took place in the city's harbour in celebration of her visit. His willingness to fit his ideas with those of the patron equipped him with the perfect tools to be in charge of such a delicate and heavily anticipated subject. The best revenge might be living well, but that doesn't mean we can always turn the other cheek. Posted 7 years ago. Leonora had so much influence over the young girl, Marie often refused to make decisions without her. The scene is rich with symbolism highlighting her heroism and victory. All of these symbols, Rubens displayed in this ambiguous and enigmatic painting to represent or "misrepresent" Marie de' Medici in the manner that portrayed her as the prudent, yet caring and humble mother of a young and nave monarch. [79] The Queen is accompanied by a womanly embodiment of what was once thought to be, Fortitude because of the lion beside her. The Dutch were so happy to have her there, they even erected a temporary structure on the Amstel River that contained a tableaux of her image. 1989. Instead it is left to an Amazon-like vision of Providence/Fate. "[88] Certain symbolic elements, such as the wreath of oak leaves (a possible corona civica), France being seen as a subjugated province, and the inclusion of Saturn in the scheme might all point to this interpretation and certainly would not have been lost on Rubens. Four of the images are devoted to the marriage, possibly because marriage at Marie's relatively advanced age of twenty-seven was quite rare for a woman at the time. [19] The Concinis had Henry IV's able minister, the Duke of Sully, dismissed, and Italian representatives of the Roman Catholic Church hoped to force the suppression of Protestantism in France by means of their influence. [38], To fully appreciate and value this particular cycle piece and the collection as a whole, there is one historical principle to take into account. [38] Hermes dramatically rushes in on the scene and literally brings a gift from the gods, the caduceus. Having never been a particularly graceful event for anyone, disembarking a ship does not pose a problem for Rubens in his depiction of Marie de' Medici arriving in Marseilles after having been married to Henry IV by proxy in Florence. In Ruben's depiction, the princesses stand with their right hands joined between personifications of France and Spain. It is believed that the original painting mentioned in the letter depicting Marie's departure from Paris was rejected in favor of The Felicity of the Regency due to the more innocuous subject matter of the latter. Her body was brought back to the Basilica of St Denis and buried without much ceremony on 8 March 1643, and her heart was sent to La Flche, in accordance with the wish of Henry IV who wanted their two hearts to be reunited. The day after Marie officially became Queen of France, her husband suffered a horrific fate. [24] There is an additional claim that Marie had envisioned these paintings to be studied alternately, left to right, so the thoughtful viewer would have had to crisscross down the gallery. Physically, he had a massive stutter and, somewhat alarmingly, a congenital double row of teeth. Stirring up xenophobic passion, the nobility designated the Italian immigrants favored by Marie as responsible for all the wrongs of the kingdom. Why was Henry VI given a portrait of Marie, instead of Marie herself? Honor de Balzac, in his essay Sur Catherine de Mdicis, encapsulated the Romantic generation's negative view. This young girl, a few years older than Maria, soon gained great influence over the princess, to the point that Maria would not make decisions without talking to Leonora first. [14] Rubens painted extravagant images of the Queen Mother surrounded by ancient gods and at times even deified her using these devices. My dear, never give up a crown to anybody. Rule number one in queen school is to respect your crown. In 1631, Marie found herself exiled from court for the second and final time, and King Louis made sure his mommie dearest could never come back. This antagonism benefited the court, which soon pronounced the closure of the Estates General. There's something about the family structure that encourages secrets. [123] Consequently, the project was abandoned completely due to approval of the plans for the gallery being repeatedly delayed by the French court. Henrys mistress Henriette had to go and give birth to another son, albeit an illegitimate one. Henry's army casts the rebels out of Paris by throwing them over a bridge into the river below. The violence of these images would contrast nicely with the relative peace and regal quality of the scenes in the Marie de' Medici cycle. [99] It can also be debated that the painting is not really about peace or security, but really an unrelenting spirit that does not give into loss. In addition to the idea of political peace Rubens also includes the personification of Justice, Astraea. The painting is separated into two distinct, but related scenes: the elevation of Henry IV to the heavens (his assassination on 14 May 1610 resulted in the immediate declaration of Marie as regent[65]) and the assumption of Marie to the crown. [4] The contract stated that Rubens was to paint all the figures, which presumably allowed him to employ assistants for backgrounds and details.[5]. She groomed a young and soon-to-be notorious Cardinal Richelieu as a statesman, teaching the so-called Red Eminence everything he knew. The information about the commission in the contract Rubens signed is far from detailed and focuses mainly on the number of pictures in the cycle dedicated to the Queen's life, and is far less specific when it comes to the cycle praising her husband Henry IV. [101] Additionally, the inclusion of two differently adorned personifications of Peace hints at the fact that Rubens wanted to confuse or excite the viewer to look deeper into this particular painting as a whole. They are getting richer, they said, at our expense. Marie de Medici might have had a horrific childhood that scarred her for life, but it also gave her riches beyond most peoples greatest imaginings. In case youre wondering, yes, this absolutely made her more enemies. [78] Being a crossing of Rur, Juliers was of great strategic importance for France and thus the French victory was chosen to be the glorious subject of Rubens' painting. Very devout, she was known to keep an open mind, and to depend on those around her for support. In reply to warnings of the dangers of personally visiting a battlefield: My courage is as great as yours. Enthroned on a pedestal with sculptures of Minerva's symbols of wisdom and two putti holding a laurel wreath to represent victory and martyrdom, the representation of Marie de' Medici is quite clear. [10] Moreover, Maria de' Medici was the granddaughter of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (in office: 1556-1564), thereby ensuring and reinforcing a legitimate royal descent for prospective future members of the House of Bourbon (the Catholic League and Habsburg Spain had questioned Bourbon legitimacy during the previous French Succession War of 1589 - c. 1593). Although, surprisingly, Ruben's version is considered even less remarkable than the models. By presenting him as Jupiter Rubens implies the promiscuity of the man and the deity. The clergy played the role of arbiter between the Third Estate and the nobility who did not manage to get along: Civil lieutenant Henri de Mesmes declared that "all the Estates were brothers and children of a common mother, France", while one of the representatives of the nobility replied that he refused to be the brother of a child of a shoemaker or cobbler. Why? Reubens would have been responsible for the faces and hands of the main figures, and, possibly, for the entire figure of the patron, Marie de' Medici, but to have had help with backgrounds, clothes, and etc. [80] Rubens uses several methods to portray Queen Marie in precisely the light that she wanted to be seen, as her young son's guardian and wise advisor. Playing the tough love card, he forced her into refuge with his enemies in Spanish territories, thereby stripping her of her title of Queen Mother along with any pensions. For example, both the altercation and reconciliation with her son Louis XIII are subjects Marie de' Medici commissioned Rubens to paint for this gallery. Pages are cut with intricate patterns that are made to look like lace of the period.[21]. Marie didnt forget about her Italian cadre of friends when she was at the top, and she promoted Leonora Dori and her husband Concino Concini to high ranks, most flagrantly creating Concini as a Marshal of France despite the little fact that hed never fought in a single, solitary battle. Not only had Henry just received an annulment after a disastrous marriage to Margaret of Valois, he was known throughout the continent as one of the most rampant philanderers of his time, with scores of mistresses and illegitimate children. [84], Here Marie is shown in allegorical fashion as the personification of Justice itself and flanked by a retinue of some of the primary personifications/gods in the Greek and Roman pantheon. Rubens gave Mercury an impression untruthfulness by illustrating his figure hiding a caduceus behind his thigh. Were always looking for your input! When a European king needed a wife, he didn't make the rounds of all the courts with available princesses. Well, the hits just kept on coming. The ambiguity of the figures was essentially used to depict Marie in a positive light. Consorts to debatable or disputed rulers are in, sfn error: no target: CITEREFDelorme2003 (. Maria de'Medici, Queen of France , wife of King Henri IV. View of the Marie de Medici cycle by Peter Paul Rubens in the Louvre (photo: stevenzucker, CC BY-SA 2.0). The Master of the Post-Impressionist, Paul Czanne (18391906) registered for permission to copy the goddess as many as ten times. Panegyric writings were usually written during an important political event, the birth of a prince for example, and were used to exalt the qualities and ancestry of a ruler. Much speculation exists on the exact circumstances under which Marie de' Medici decided to commission Rubens to paint "such a grandiose project, conceived in truly heroic proportions". Marie's conduct was such that she forced her son to banish her from France, where she was encouraging her other son, Gaston. Perhaps its not surprising given his parents tempers and general bad behavior, but by all accounts, the Dauphin Louis needed a huge attitude adjustment. [16], Peter Paul Rubens (15771640) was a highly influential artist in Northern Europe, widely believed to have played an important role in shaping the style and visual language of his time. She took a strict approach to parenting Louis, which was saying something for the time. [47], Rubens is able to coalesce these characters together into a single united front. Because it was a marriage by proxy, a common practice of the time where either the bride, groom, or both arent actually present, Marie had still never met King Henry at the moment he became her official husband. Marie had to wait until 13 May 1610 to be finally crowned Queen of France. Each of the rowers can be identified by the emblematic shields that hang on the side of the ship. Then again, Henriette had another reason to hate the new queen. Close to the artists of her native Florence, Maria was trained in drawing by Jacopo Ligozzi, and she was reportedly very talented; she also played music (singing and practicing the guitar and the lute) and enjoyed theater, dance, and comedy. However, a few weeks later, Henrietta d'Entragues also produced a son, and Henry not only made just as much fuss over this son but declared that he was better-looking, not fat and dark like Louis and the Medici. The sixteen paintings that covered the long walls of the gallery measure about four meters tall by three meters wide, the three larger paintings at the end of the room are four meters high by seven meters wide. A true douchenozzle to the bitter end, Henry rejoiced just as much in the birth of this son too, and even declared that the younger boy was better-looking than his fat and dark son Louis. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. [98] She is shown with the snakes of the caduceus emblem having uneasy movement and the forced escorting of the queen by Mercury into the Temple of Peace give the feeling of a strong will not to be defeated. [75] The painting subjects are placed in a celestial setting which doesn't give way to a particular place, time or event. WebSourced quotations by the French Monarch Catherine de' Medici (1519 1589). Here, we can see evidence of the adaptability of Rubens' style which made his career so successful. Henry's painting, beginning the West Wall of the gallery, depicts the scenes following the capture of Paris. Copyright 2023 by Factinate.com. Marie might have been grieving, but she wasnt motherless for long. For her son King Louis XIII, this meddling was the very last straw. However her bottom half, most notably her exposed calves and Roman boots hints at a masculinity. [3] It has also been suggested that Rubens prepared a number of oil sketches, by the request of Louis XIII, the son of Marie de' Medici and successor to the throne, which may have influenced the Queen's decision to commission Rubens for the cycle by the end of the year 1621. As in other scenes in the Medici Cycle, Rubens includes a mythological element: the ancient god of marriage, Hymenaios wearing a crown of roses, carries the bride's train in one hand and the nuptial torch in the other. She was not crowned Queen of France until the day before her husband's assassination. She had a long, oval face, auburn hair, and wide, piercing eyes. Marie de' Medici (French: Marie de Mdicis, Italian: Maria de' Medici; 26 April 1575 3 July 1642), was Queen of France as the second wife of King Henry IV of France, of the House of Bourbon and Regent of the Kingdom of France officially during 16101614 and de facto until 1617. [76] The mythological figures and celestial setting act as allegories for Marie's peaceful rule over France. The Queen accepts an orb, a symbol of government, from the personification of France while the people kneel before her and this scene is a great example of the exaggeration of facts in the cycle. [28], The historical period that encompassed the subject matter for the paintings was a time of political upheaval in which Rubens sought not to offend the reigning French monarch. Upon her return, Marie focused on building and decorating the Luxembourg Palace, an enormous undertaking in which Peter Paul Rubens played a key role. Seriously girls, this guy? The fountain was designed due to a special demand of the Queens. Despite being legally an adult for more than two years, Louis XIII had little power in the government; finally, he asserted his authority the next year. [41] The painting displays an embellished Baroque collaboration of the spiritual and earthly relationships, which are illustrated in a theatrical environment. The only way he could see them was by having portraits made and choosing one of a woman who appealed to him enough (along with the size of her dowry) to feel he could enjoy her in bed and produce little princes. [6] She was also passionate about jewelry and precious stones. Daughter of a Habsburg archduchess, the Queen-Regent abandoned the traditional anti-Habsburg French foreign policy (one of her first acts was the overturn of the Treaty of Bruzolo, an alliance signed between Henry IV's representatives and Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy), and formed an alliance with Habsburg Spain which culminated in 1615 with the double marriage of her daughter Elisabeth and her son Louis XIII with the two children of King Philip III of Spain, Philip, Prince of Asturias (future Philip IV) and Anne of Austria, respectively. Minerva, goddess of wisdom, bears her helmet and shield and stands near Marie's shoulder, signifying her wise rule. Marie must have grown soft in her later years, because she couldnt see just how far Richelieu had sunk his teeth into the king. Rubens inspiration for the blue coronation orb emblazoned with golden lilies was Guillaume Dupres presentation medal struck in 1610 at Marie's request portraying her as Minerva with Louis XIII as Apollo-Sol . This genera of writing is called the Panegyric. WebDespite the challenges of her life as she struggled to regain the power and influence she once had, Marie de Medici lived to hear herself proclaimed mother of three sovereigns, certainly an impressive legacy for the orphaned daughter of the Grandduke of Tuscany. C.W. We know now that Cardinal Richelieu went on to achieve enormous influence and power in France, but if Marie de Medici got her wish, hed have done none of those things. [108], The final painting coincided with Marie's interest in politics after the death of her husband. Rubens, in the same letter, goes on to say, "This subject, which does not touch on the particular political considerations of this reign, nor have reference to any individual, has been very well received, and I believe that had it been entrusted altogether to me the business of the other subjects would have turned out better, without any of the scandal or murmurings."[91]. Practically before Joannas body was cold in the ground, her father Francesco married again, this time to his long-time mistress, Bianca Cappello. And then she came back with a vengeance. After her disembarkation, Marie continued her trip, arriving at Lyon on 3 December. Her humble, yet all-knowing gaze conveys the wisdom that she holds. [18] Rubens's studies of classical, Greek, and Latin texts influenced his career and set him apart from other painters during his time. [95], In The Negotiations at Angoulme, Marie de' Medici genially takes the olive branch from Mercury, the messenger god, in the presence of both of her priests, as she gives her consent to have discussions with her son concerning her clash to his governmental direction. [113] Rubens artfully projected both mother and son into the future, depicting them as more aged and mature than in the preceding panel (Peace is Confirmed in Heaven). In turn, Spain can be seen taking the thirteen-year-old Elisabeth by her left arm. Kiera Cass. Died without being baptized; named Nicholas or Nicholas-Henry in certain works. [66] The right side of the panel shows the succession of the new Queen, dressed in solemn clothing suited to a widow. The Queen also surrounded herself with portrait painters, such as Charles Martin and especially the Flemish Frans Pourbus the Younger. Your suggestions can be as general or specific as you like, from Life to Compact Cars and Trucks to A Subspecies of Capybara Called Hydrochoerus Isthmius. Well get our writers on it because we want to create articles on the topics youre interested in. The noble coalition was quickly defeated at the Battle of Ponts-de-C (7 August 1620) by Louis XIII, who forgave his mother and the princes. In application of the Treaty of Sainte-Menehould (15 May 1614), the Queen-Regent convened the Estates General in Paris. However, even after Louis came of age at thirteen in 1614, the queen continued ruling in his stead. [121] Of the oil sketches executed later by him, only nine survive, along with five large unfinished canvasses. He also sold her a famous rosary, captured in Brazil. [68] It should be kept in mind that Rubens's energetic manner of placing all these allegorical themes is substantially resultant from classical coins as documented through communication with his friend and notable collector of antiquities, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc. [64] The other two having similar design measurements, it was consigned as the middle painting in a pseudo triptych of sorts as it adorned the halls of Marie de' Medici's Palais du Luxembourg. Saturn has his sickle and is personified as Time here guiding France forward. Hmm, wonder why Marie turned out so dysfunctional. Nevertheless, the Queen-Regent's policy caused discontent. Although he was present at the actual event twenty years earlier, as a member of the Gonzaga household during his travels in Italy, Rubens appears youthful and stands behind the bride, holding a cross and gazing out at the viewer. As for the series of paintings of the kings life, that project never happened. [35] Practically her first act as Regent was to seek vengeance on Henriette dEntragues, banishing the bitter mistress from her presence and her court. However, the Queen Mother was not satisfied and relaunched the war by rallying the great nobles of the Kingdom to her cause ("second war of mother and son"). France and Spain present the young princesses, aided by a youth who is probably Hymen. Though the painting shows Marie de' Medici's desire for security with the representation of the Temple of Security, the symbols of evil at bay, and the change of smoky haze to clarity, there is also underlying symbolism of unrest to the acceptance of the truce. The male figures in foreground reaching for her are unknown. It was designed by Tommaso Francini, a Florentine fountain maker and hydraulic engineer. A first treaty, the Treaty of Angoulme, negotiated by Richelieu, calmed the conflict. The tragedies of both her parents turned her into one of the wealthiest heiresses in Europe and, as she grew up, one of the most eligible bachelorettes on the marriage market. Henry had been sending her romantic love letters, and when he finally met the bride, he continued to lavish her with chivalry. Taking advantage of the clear weakness of the Regency, the princes of the blood under the leadership of Henri II, Prince of Cond, rebelled against Marie. He depicts her leaving the ship down a gangplank (she actually walked up, not down, but was illustrated this way by Rubens to create a diagonal element). Enjoy the best Catherine de' Medici quotes and picture quotes! Making distraction rewarding since 2017. I knew that she was going to take it badly, but I had no idea about the insane lengths she would go to just to get revenge and mess with my life. [54] As a Flemish painter Rubens includes a dog in the painting, alluding to fidelity in marriage. [3][4] She was a descendant of Lorenzo the Elder a branch of the Medici family sometimes referred to as the 'cadet' branch through his daughter Lucrezia de' Medici, and was also a Habsburg through her mother, who was a direct descendant of Joanna of Castile and Philip I of Castile. King smitten with the portrait of his bride-to-be (detail), Peter Paul Rubens, The Presentation of the Portrait of Marie de Medici, c. 1622-1625, oil on canvas, 394 x 295 cm (Muse du Louvre). WebAfter her husbands death-by-joust, Catherine took the image of a broken lance as her personal emblem, inscribed with the words, lacrymae hinc, hinc dolor (from this come my tears and my pain). Key moment in the Medici cycle from the Louvre, Sarah R. Cohen, "Rubens's France: Gender and Personification in the Marie de Mdicis Cycle,", The paintings of Rubens and Van Dyck on the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. [32] In Greek and Roman mythology, one Fate spun the thread, another measured its length, and the third cut the thread. WebDespite the challenges of her life as she struggled to regain the power and influence she once had, Marie de Medici lived to hear herself proclaimed mother of three sovereigns, certainly an impressive legacy for the orphaned daughter of the Grandduke of Tuscany. "[87] They support this claim with a statement in Rubens's notes which indicates that "this theme holds no special reference to the particular reason of state of the French kingdom. Oh, you want more bedroom dysfunction? [8] In 1621, Marie de' Medici commissioned Rubens to paint two large series depicting the lives of herself and her late husband, Henry IV, to adorn both wings of the first floor of the Luxembourg Palace. On either side of the fireplace in the gallery are the portraits of the Queen's parents. These have been identified as Cupid, Minerva, Prudence, Abundance, Saturn, and two figures of Pheme, all indicated by their traditional attributes, all bestowing their bounties on the Queen. After her sister's marriage in 1584 with Vincenzo Gonzaga, heir of the Duchy of Mantua, and her departure to her husband's homeland, Maria's only playmate was her first cousin Virginio Orsini, to whom she deferred all her affection. She took a strict approach to parenting Louis, which was saying something for the time. In the night of 2122 February 1619, the 43-year-old Queen Mother escaped from her prison in Blois with a rope ladder and by scaling a wall of 40 m. Gentlemen took her across the Pont de Blois and riders sent by the Duc d'pernon escorted Marie in his coach. Related: A page stands behind Henry of Navarre holding his personal badge: a white plumed helmet, while the dog at his feet represents fidelity. These accents also create a sense of unity with the neighboring work, Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency. The two ominous figures behind Henry III most likely represent personifications of Fraud and Discord. At this time Henry IV was about to depart to fight in the War of Succession over the United Duchies of Jlich-Cleves-Berg; the coronation aimed to confer greater legitimacy on the Queen from the perspective of a possible regency which she would be called upon to provide in the absence of the King. One of these strategies was to personify Marie as Juno or Minerva. Later interpretations suggested, however, that Rubens used Juno to represent Marie de' Medici's alter ego, or avatar, throughout the cycle. Except when Richelieu got too powerful, Marie made a huge, panicked mistake. The ship represents the state, now in operation as Louis steers the vessel. [34], Early interpretations explained Juno's presence in the scene through her identity as the goddess of childbirth. Noted for her ceaseless political intrigues at the French court, her extensive artistic patronage[1] and her favorites (the most famous are Concino Concini and his wife, Leonora Dori Galiga), she ended up being banished from the country by her son and dying in the city of Cologne, in the Holy Roman Empire. Below, Saturn raises Veritas to heaven which symbolizes truth being, "brought to the light", as well as the reconciliation between the Queen and her son. ] the mythological figures and celestial setting act as allegories for Marie peaceful. My dear, never give up a crown to anybody is personified as time here guiding forward... Nicholas or Nicholas-Henry in certain works of scenes from the southeast corner, please sure... And victory her a famous rosary, captured in Brazil offered an Indonesian rice table by French. 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