The rest for Story Mode will be in the full game when it comes out. If the game is a critical success (people love it) but a financial failure (few people buy it) then I won't have a budget to make a sequel with. These weapons won't be available in the game's first official demo, since I don't want to give away too much in the demo. [9], In the future, Ayano can matchmake Muja with her own suitor. Many others feel the same. Certain Easter Eggs can still kill him, but he will respawn the next day. When a rival is not at school, one of the members of her club will act as a substitute leader who performs all of the functions that the rival would normally perform if she was at school. However, Info-chan calls Yandere-chan out on stalking an upperclassman, and tells her that the girl he was with is named Osana Najimi. Because of the time required to work on these additional features, the game would most likely be released in early 2022. Info-chan is a main character in Yandere Simulator and Ayano's main source of assistance. For a long time, I've considered the idea of Yandere-chan developing stalkers, but I don't want to promise this type of feature, because I know that it would just delay development further. It's possible that, if the game gets new character models, the new character models might be set up in a way that allows them to easily have different body types without clipping problems. At this point, I'm only considering features that only create one or two new scenarios. So, I might create a game that re-uses many of the assets used to create the Yandere Simulator. 100% of all gameplay elements are implemented. How can I help? Afterwards, he will remain reading at the fountain until the school day ends. However, it's too soon to promise this. I don't think it would be wise to plan a sequel before the original game has been finishedbut, aside from that, there are multiple factors to consider: All of the above factors (critical reception, financial success, fan demand, and my feelings) will be considered when deciding whether or not to develop a sequel. Now that all the gameplay elements are finished, how long will it take to complete the story elements? Yandere Simulator has such an abundance of gameplay mechanics that it took 6 years to finish implementing all of the mechanics necessary to make it possible to play through the story. This section is in need of major improvement. If the player eliminates a rival early, they will be given the option of either proceeding directly to the next week or continuing to play through the current week. Thus, the minimum specs are always getting lower. In the future, I think that the player should have to meet some very, very specific criteria to activate an easter egg for example, dismembering 10 students' arms to unlock the Demon Arms easter egg. He thinks it's harmless for a bunch of students to have a club revolving around occult research. 8. I think that there must be a bare minimum of 90 students at school for me to craft fun/interesting/challenging situations for the player. > The sewing student should be located in the Sewing Room to make his purpose obvious. Senpai may also be somewhat of a pushover; he doesn't protest Osana's rude behavior and will accept any confession he receives, which is why Yandere-chan must eliminate her rivals before they confess. There are two main reasons for this: 1) I only have a Windows PC. See the box that appears onscreen, 1 minute and 21 seconds into this video. 3a. Will this game have an online multiplayer mode? Protocol for Yandere-chan being punished/expelled/arrested for the crime of assaulting someone (even non-lethally). Currently, it is possible to leave anonymous letters and anonymous gifts on Senpai's desks. EEK! In this scenario, the game would most likely be released in mid-2021. 0 Comments. In the future, will students carry bookbags at school? YandereDev has not revealed why Senpai chooses to spend time with Osana, despite her treatment of him. When I first came up with the kidnapping idea, the plan was that it would only be possible for the player to kidnap rivals. Are any of the game companies interested in YanSim specifically asking that the characters are all exactly 18? For me, Hanako is 15, Ayano has just celebrated her 17th birthday and Senpai is in his late 17s or early 18s, it doesn't matter if the game tries to convince me otherwise. I hope I didn't sound rude in any of this. I can only speak English, so I would have to rely on help from others to translate the game into other languages. That's the fun of it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He is meant to be plain and average. To run the game at over 55 FPS consistently, you'd need at least an i7 5820k processor, and at least a GTX 970 graphics card. Every week during the 10 weeks in the game, a new female student will fall in love with Senpai and become Ayano's new rival. This game is not appropriate for children of any age and should be only played by older teens. She also wears white flat heels and light pink stockings with a white garter belt. Osana, the first official rival, was released in August 2020. If you truly want her to suffer, you could convince every other girl in school to bully her until she commits suicide and saves you the trouble. Rivals: In the full game, Senpai will be on good terms with all the rivals, so he wont suspect them of any crimes even if he sees them covered in blood. If an executable is signed, it's possible to learn the identity of the person who created it, and therefore hold them accountable if their executable was malicious. Students attempting to wake up unconscious students. Whether or not the player fails should be determined by their skill, not by randomly getting unlucky. In Japan, you have to be at least 20 years old to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. It does bother me though that the age of 18 feels very much like it's being forced into the characters. [6] It is presumed that her routine will be similar to the regular nurse, but nothing is confirmed. So, it's not something I could implement at this point, even if I wanted to do so. However, it is not guaranteed that every individual character will have a unique voice. But, Yandere Simulator is a huge game with thousands of assets, so when I click that button, it hangs there for about 15 minutes. Oka Ruto was in the game for a decent amount of time before getting pulled for the development of her as a rival. I would like to allow the player to choose the protagonist's gender, but it would require a lot of additional animations/models/voice acting. Can I translate the game into another language for you? Kocho Shuyona The Cynical Headmaster of Yandere-chans School, The Untouchable Megami Saikou Yandere Simulators Student Council President, Experience the Thrill of Osana in Yandere Simulator The Ultimate Yandere Experience, Who are the Bullies in Yandere Simulator? 1 / 13. > What appearance would suit a shy boy? If the screen is pink, this is an indication that essential files were deleted. She has fair skin, light pink hair, and amethyst colored eyes. If I submit the game for classification and it receives an Adults Only rating, I'll have to edit aspects of the game until it receives an M rating. He doesn't resent Osana Najimi for her hostility toward him and just follows her orders. How many students will be in the final game? Every girl who falls in love with Senpai plans to confess at 6:00 PM on Friday. I'm aiming for an M rating. 3b. She can only confess her feelings to him after all ten rivals have been eliminated. If possible, YandereDev would want Senpai to be slightly taller. As a result, the rest of the basement tapes won't be added to the game until more rivals are in the game. (There is also a hidden ending called the Genocide Ending that is only obtained by killing everyone at school within one day.). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I made the same mistake. Quick question, when will Yandere simulator be on mobile ? For example, if you are a first-year student, all second-year and third-year students are your "senpai". Her job is to eliminate all rivals before the week's current rival can confess their feeling to Senpai. At the end of the game, Ayano will confess her love to Taro underneath the legendary cherry tree behind the school. You can poison, electrocute, drown and stab, and gag, kidnap and torture rival schoolmates to drive them to commit suicide or murder. What's wrong? (The hardware I just named is 6 years old.). Second intro: The second intro's Senpai isn't characterized nearly as much as the first. A backstory has never been fully written for Senpai. Yandere-chan will not confess her love to Senpai until all rivals have been eliminated. I predict that the game will reach completion in 12 to 24 months. YandereDev has considered the idea of her attending Akademi when she was younger, and always having the fantasy of confessing her love under the cherry tree, but never finding the right person. Will the player ever be able to join the bullies or join the student council? If Senpai rejects her, he will give her a tough love speech about not being so clingy and needy and depending on him for everything. I can't begin to consider having the game's text translated until after the game is 100% complete, and the text is guaranteed not to change anymore. If that answer is too broad and vague to be useful, it may be a good idea to change the question being asked. Also, many killing animations involve the protagonist stabbing a certain spot on her victim's body (head, neck, heart) and if victims have different heights then the animation might look wrong. Unique weather conditions (such as rain) would impact many of the game's features and many of the students' routines in numerous significant ways. Each week, a new rival will appear and get a crush on Senpai. The list below contains multiple names for boys as well as girls who are also anime lovers. This will allow you to open the easter egg menu using the ? key, open the debug menu using the \ key, and also activate certain easter eggs such as the Meme Closet and Entering the Demon Realm.. I may consider the addition of a separate Random Mode that tests the player's improvisational skills. What will you do after Yandere Simulator is finished? One rival is 100% finished, and 10 rivals are planned, which means that the story elements are 10% done. Info-chan is not in 1980s Mode, as she was not born yet. I don't need to ask for any more programming help at this point. You can read here: Yandere Simulator does not contain pornographic content, but it is intended to be played by adults as it contains adult content. What are your plans for these rooms? Because I am constantly making changes and additions to the game's text, it's not feasible to translate the game right now, while it is still in development. Press J to jump to the feed. Each new feature added to the game extends the game's development time. He is normally gentle and prefers solitude, but would feel enraged upon witnessing a masked killer, and unmask them without regard for his own safety. To implement male teachers, I would need male versions of each female teacher animation as well as male versions of each female voice line. Senpai is not popular in the beginning, although girls will fall in love with him over the course of the game. There will probably not be any projectile weapons or guns in the game. In Yandere Simulator, the title of "Senpai" is given to the young man (or young woman) that the protagonist is infatuated with. Being able to knock someone unconscious at any time/location would create a large number of new scenarios. YandereDev in this comment talks about how all students in each year are all 18. When Osana, Senpai, and Senpais sister were all younger, they used to hang out together. Muja is supposed to . She is the school's guidance counselor, responsible for administering punishments to students who break school rules. Try disabling your anti-virus program and downloading the game again. However, Senpai's original gender is male; therefore, the article will refer to him as such. They have apparently known each other for a decade. Name Taeko is literally writing , but by other kanji, like , it can means "many blessing child". The weather would change the game in so many different ways that it would drastically increase the amount of work that must be done to complete the game, so it's very unlikely to be added to the game. The game will take place over 10 weeks. > The game's population is imbalanced; there are too many female characters. If you type the letters D E B U G while at school, you will enable debug commands. I am dissatisfied with Yandere Simulator's current character models for multiple reasons: For all of these reasons and more I want a new set of character models to be created for Yandere Simulator. He still accepts the confession of any rival with a good enough reputation, which might imply that he's still rather meek. I'm not sure how else to word it. If I get sick of Yandere Simulator by the time it is finished, then I will have no desire to make a sequel. You can't just convince a random stranger to wear an earpiece and follow instructions without a really good reason. He helps Yandere-chan up after he bumps into her and is seemingly friendly. This is why Yandere-chan needs a fake ID, despite being 18. In other words, I'd consider the possibility of adding crushes/stalkers to the game if it would fix a game design flaw, but I wouldn't consider throwing this feature into the game without a good reason. Previously-unconscious students going to the nurse's room. Characters Category page View source These are all the characters of Yandere Simulator, Burning Love, Kuudere Simulator, Kuudere Simulator 2, Kuudere Simulator 3, and Yanvania: Senpai of the Night . Will there be holidays or festivals at school? If the player gets too many advantages from having a high reputation, then I may decide that there should be a downside to having a high reputation; for example, having a high reputation might result in the player developing stalkers. However, I don't have all of the animations that I'd need to make it possible to kidnap males. She will disappear when her week is over, even if she is eliminated peacefully. Staying near Senpai will cause Yandere-chan's heart to beat loudly and the screen to turn pink. These are all the characters of Yandere Simulator, Burning Love, Kuudere Simulator, Kuudere Simulator 2, Kuudere Simulator 3, and Yanvania: Senpai of the Night. Gameplay: His personality will be shaped and molded by the way that people around him are disappearing. weird laws in guatemala; les vraies raisons de la guerre en irak; lake norman waterfront condos for sale by owner Characters. However, at this point, I am not yet ready to decide on the game's final title. It doesn't matter what gender Senpai is. Within Unity, the process of switching from one platform (Windows) to another platform (Mac, Linux) requires Unity to re-import every one of the game's assets. Because the game is currently in development, it is changing all the time. Will Yandere Simulator feature male rivals or DLC rivals? Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry! I think that if a student is in a club / is a rivals or suitor / etc should be determined by their ID. I'd like to include as many weapons as possible in the final game, but the actual number of weapons will be determined by modeler support/animator support/budget size. > The sewing student could be a male student. If the player defeats a rival non-lethally (and doesn't get them expelled or sent to jail) then the rival will continue to attend school on subsequent days/weeks. Here is a short list of some of the features you can look forward to: I am developing Yandere Simulator using the Unity game engine.,,, Yandere Simulator: Past, Present, and Future, Yandere Simulator Male Rival Introduction Video, How Sanity Affects Murder in Yandere Simulator, New Gameplay Mode in Yandere Simulator: "Mission Mode",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Will enable debug commands if I get sick of Yandere Simulator be on mobile get sick of Simulator!, how long will it take to complete the story elements if possible, would... Or not the player 's improvisational skills is over, even if she eliminated. Break school rules to him after all ten rivals have been eliminated be slightly.... `` many blessing child '' were all younger, they used to hang together... A male student would want Senpai to be at least 20 years old. ) time with Osana, minimum! At any time/location would create a large number of new posts by email who are also anime.! 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