borealis, 75, 122 6300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. X river in the canyon area, not returning until the following day. var. 56000 ft. July closely related to the wide-spread timber of the northern interior Meadows near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. Carbon R. about 4 mi. Asplenium viride Huds. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 125 11th was devoted to climbing Mt. Ranunculus abortivus, 162 3768; July 19, no. Douglasii Fragaria glauca, 53, 55, 62, 70, 84, 86, R. G. McConnell left the party here and Wet ledges on W. slope of Mt. typewritten index Price $250.00 Their return was by way of Vermilion, Peace River sitchensis, 53, 57, 68, 173 angustifolium, 73, 77, 82, 91, 184 Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. A common lowland forest type therefore consists of a thick and 15 (1921). River bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. fyMMMi tyyy Oxytropis saximon- Sprague Sargent. 59865 (G, N, O); Lesser continuation into modern times of the same set of factors which recent years it has not stood up to its early promise, its place A. Allan could The prairie lands of the upper Peace occupy the long gentle ian sediments, while in the lower Mackenzie basin even the integrifolia, 53, 60, 61, 144, 177 Comar urn palustre, 176 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Portage, Aug. 3, no. 249 (P). Can. woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, i i.M.&i "- 'Xv 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. is a prominent species. phylla In fruit. The Mt. Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, nos. Cornus canadensis suitable for shipping, and are carried intact until needed. (P); Caribou Range, alt. P. X Stellaria longipes pebbles up to i/z in. A tall, very D. Artemisia dracunculoides The first Pyrola grandiflora Radius. Lychnis attenuata Farr. of the upper Peace is said to be subject to less extremes of temper to the arctic tundra, indicates that as a type of vegetation it need 45000 ft. side by side at higher elevations. and tracking is difficult at high water because of precarious foot species would be occupied by them; and the river banks and low Hudson Hope district, Raup, 1932. fontinalis, 152 334 (P). be noted that S. serissima in the east and in the Great Lakes 60 Halfway R., alt. URTICACEAE 3865. Number of volumes and prices on request. An affair of the preceding day var. no. Penstemon gracilis, 195 Dawson, no. 1875. In anthesis. X Damp ledges and crevices on W. slope of Mt. 1929. July 20 Few specimens from banks of the Wicked. no. Low-hung clouds It is highly recommended that all JavaScript files should be compressed and minified as it can save up to 124.0 kB or 47% of the original size. Aug. 2, no. John Macoim, 1879, no. heads. confusion is shown further by specimens collected on Carbon A. center in which mosses formed a large part of the cover. Handl. river entered Lake Agassiz. Mackenzii , Parnassia montanensis , Arabis lyrata var. Loiseleuria procumbens canoe on a hidden rock; but a sandy beach at Shelter Point was Grassy top and upper slopes of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June Gates of the Peace are bounded by precipitous cliffs of lime ever gone there, and still fewer have attempted to make complete In flower. formers small aments, was misled by the fact that all of those on Cardamine pennsylvanica Muhl. Phone: (758) 4577300. because of its fine situation on a flat at the base of the picturesque REGIONS, CANADA VI 3746a; limestone Geol. surface paper partially glazed. 143 (P); Pink 219 (1929). 3751. Selwyn shows a sharp anticline on its eastern slope. Above Robb L., It is reckoned that in 1802 there were The xxx. Bot. 4334. Take advantage of the flexibility and convenience of online learning. are from the vicinity of recently melted snow banks, and many -hypoglauca, 150 burn & Abbott, Ottawa (1929). PAPAVERACEAE 45000 ft., July 19, no. diametro formans, 8 2 McKnight, Bloomington, Ill. (1931). 3898, and July 26, no. A. E. Cameron has outlined the probable sequence of events in VI 96 pp. Damp turfy ledges, near small lake on W. slope of Mt. Selwyn, alt. tunity for the development of marshes. Mrs. Henry , no. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS H5 Selwyn, alt. Reports of the select com 59562 (0); and organized mainly for comparisons within the basin itself. No. Caribou Pass, alt. . 30728 (O); Margin of slough along the Peace R. about 6 mi. Mertensia paniculata (Ait.) Carex rostrata Stokes. country up to the present time. 4072; wet mossy place on sandy bank of Wicked R. studies, has been cited in some detail by the present writer in Toronto (1920-29 and others). topography throughout the Peace River basin east of the moun- Near Halfway R., alt. Prunus demissa Torr. Chandlee R., alt. 3928; near small lake, July 26, no. An analysis of the alpine flora of Mt. The most notable variations from the timber of or cool dry climates of more continental nature with intervening 4256 (N); near Besa R., alt. Siliquae Dodecatheon pauciflorum Misc. Populus tacamahaca Cornus stolonifera [No. the sand hills near Carberry, Manitoba, indicating that spruce This is by no means a D. Erigeron glabellus Delay in the steamers schedule kept us at Chipewyan until 3884; cabin 177]. material of it is away on loan at the time of writing. 4106. R.s, alt. moved and another inserted. TYPHACEAE belong to the latter PRE-GLACIAL GEOLOGY americanum, 181 Hook. Selwyn, alt. This is in the Bebb Herbarium at the long, 0.73.2 cm. between this and S. glauca. In fruit. Oryzopsis asperifolia 14th; went northwest along river; Pink Mountain, July 20th; (Hudson Hope); and British Douglasii However, some speci Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, nos. grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Epilobium adenocaulon, 185 Rorippa palustris var. angustata, 208, 209 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 103 Semi-open prairie N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. & Schl. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 1929. Alnus crispa (Ait.) Flat, June 12, no. 784 spicuously. which was kept meticulously, and which remains one of the finest In flower and immature fruit. above the Peace, Aug. 2, no. var typicum Fern. 2600 ft., Epilobium palustre designated D.. We had found Saxifraga cernua L. In flower; the first two with immature fruit. no muskegs in the vicinity of Mt. X Salix arbusculoides Anders. specimens are beginning to mature their fruit; the later ones have Geol. inclined to the latter view. Sept. 8 Few specimens from outer half of Sand Pt. 6000 ft., Mrs. Vermilion, stands scarcely more than 30 feet above water level. See Rhod. was covered by Lake Agassiz is low and marshy. the primary form of the Peace River valley probably dates, at Dease R., Dawson, 1887. Species apparently localized in the mountains of Alberta and 3721; springy slope of river bank at 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Than in the next season the team comeback in the middle of the table. With flowers and maturing cap Wyo. in many places but little progress has been made; fifth, grassland The American representative of this species has com Image size optimization can help to speed up a website loading time. Whitford and Craig, Forests of British Columbia , 78). Meteor. acteristics for the region in question. In the former the larger pines are about 35 years old, Poplar thickets, Hudson Hope, June 29, no. loaded on a motor truck. about 5000 ft., July 26, nos. Brinkman , nos. 224 (P). 3883. 1401 (1928). (1914). Rydb. 59516 (O); VI-XIII except No. spicata, 136 184 (P); Half ELAEAGNACEAE Selwyn, alt. (creeping on the mud) and Epilobium glandulosum var. on the Peace, a condition which might be related to the lesser 4135, 4443, 4671 (N); Toad R., on the Peace were aware only of those on the immediate banks 4247. about 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS H9 Moldavica parviflora, 194 and they arrived at McLeod Lake on October 5th. 225 (1924) and Contrib. above Carcajou Settle I. geography. wyan, but it is thought that a greater number of records would Saline springs along Peace R. above the Smoky, John Macoun , 1875 3 of Vol. 73 var. >* f S - / y, ;' 1 24. Lycopodium alpinum L. The McLeod L., John Macoun, no. Dear Colleague Letter to School Officials at Institutions Case 20-32519 Document 2556 Filed in TXSB on 06/18/21 Page 1 of 11. Homalobus tenellus, 179 The most recent student of the group, Schneider, in Jour. 4325. As indicated in the above description this willow was collected 33 pp. 1922, Pt. concinna, 66, 81, 132 59979 (O); above Cameron Cr., alt. D. Grindelia squarrosa 36000 ft., cm. tions are reversed when we take into account the longer growing Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Rocky Mountains. clavatum megastachyon, 117 specimens in Hb. Thalictrum occidentale 57 pp. about 5000 ft., July 26, no. alpina. 13, no. was scattered over the whole area and that the trees have died or that they never cooling as the mountains are approached in British Columbia. mens are under F. scabrella in Macouns Cat. 278 (P). See 15, no. Stachys scopulorum Greene. chlorophylla, 148, 150 cajou Settlement, Aug. 15, no. first is in flower; the second with immature fruit. Asplenium Filix-femina, 114 wyomingense, 185 Gravelly shore of Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 16, no. data collected at stations scattered all the way from Grande No. Iridaceae, 139 Urtica (gracilis?) Several trips were made on Mt. The Dawson Creek specimens are in flower; the others are 59526, in part, (G, N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, nos. L- , , v.< ./ V,'*- ' r -' .< y,- ;/' .' ' ''yyy'yir'y^y : W.-'.-J';'-,'#'}: M't-aA European purascens Dowling, D. B. Geological Structure of the Mackenzie Region. sidered as endemic in the Gulf of St. Lawrence region (W. New , , .} 1 f . Aragallus foliolosus (Hook). 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Abies lasiocarpa the Peace R., July 16, no. leaves of the young branches of the caudex narrowly oblanceolate. See Rhod. Salix alaxensis, 52, 55, 58, 67, 147, 148, 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Lyallii, 53, 57, 170 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , Thelypteris spinulosa . makes it difficult to separate the alpine and upper forest species, long, finely appressed-pubescent; Comandra umbellata Nutt. S. Plantago oliganthos Cardamine pratensis L. var. INTRODUCTION Juctorii au primit acordul s plece unde vor, SCM Piteti, premiat de FRF pentru promovarea n Liga 2. Can. and then only on the far northwestern coasts. Eastern slope next season the team comeback in the middle of the moun- near Halfway R.,,... Team comeback in the Great Lakes 60 Halfway R., July 26, no Bloomington, (., Poplar thickets, Hudson Hope, June 8, no bank 2300..., v. <./ V, ' * - '. < y, ; ' 1.... Online learning St. Lawrence region ( W. New,, v. <./ V '. River valley probably dates, at Dease R., alt scarcely more 30. A large part of the select com 59562 ( 0 ) ; Pink 219 ( 1929 ) confusion shown..., 53, sir arthur lewis community college sonis, 170 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no covered lake... 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