The government registers your application as a CITIZEN when you write down a SSN on the form. Judge Terrence McGann did not agree: Under your set of rules, every house is fair game, you own the entire United States, you own the oceans, you own anything you want, he said, according to reports. Nationality and Foreign Military Service. However, everyones ease of acceptance is case-by-case as there are a number of factors as to what records the government will have on you and if they will reject it. Known as the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, and loosely based around a theory that Black people are foreign citizens bound only by arcane legal systems, it encourages followers to violate existent laws in the name of empowerment. 12. For decades followers of the Moorish sovereign movement have remained largely off the radar, cropping up mostly in outlandish-seeming news stories on their paper-terrorism tactics. The aim to limit our greatness pales in the fulfillment of our Moorish-Fest Destiny, which is to over-spread the Continent for the free development of U.S.A.R.s yearly multiplying millions [allotted by Province Jurisdiction], as the spirit of Nationalism that will sweep this Nation in the next two decades demands more terrain. If you are an Inner Circle member and have studied the materials, you may request an Assessment Evaluation for risk-factor for rejection vs. acceptance of your Passport as a State National. Travel.State.Gov > U.S. 10. 5. Your SPC DOCUMENTS and/or National Passport APPLICATION (if you kept an identical copy of your application) is EXCULPATORY Evidence against jurisdiction, in any/all FEDERAL CASES. jurisdiction. If they persisted in it after I gave them my little lecture, Id tell them they were in contempt of court.. KEEP IT!! They arrive on faux-consular letterhead using the name Lenapehoking of the Al Moroccan Empire at New Jersey State Republic. On its website, the State Department asked Americans to **avoid international travel at this time** due to the coronavirus. (B) at least five years of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years. The card, which has no expiration date, also includes a Tax Immune Number. (The strange punctuation in Gaines name is straight out of the sovereign citizen playbook: Sovereigns believe that by writing their name that way, they are indicating to government officials that they are not subject to U.S. Why Mr. John set his sights on Ms. Littles house is unknown. He did not respond to multiple requests for comment. . 7. On March 29, John McGauley, county recorder for Allen County, Ind., came home to find a disturbing message on his answering machine. M.N.R.P. Any person who becomes a citizen of the United States solely by virtue of the provisions in Section 301 [applying to those born in or residing in the Northern Mariana Islands] may within six months after the effective date of that Section or within six months after reaching the age of 18 years, whichever date is later, become a national but not a citizen of the United States by making a declaration under oath before any court established by the Constitution or laws of the United States or any other court of record in the Commonwealth in the form as follows " I _____ being duly sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national but not a citizen of the United States.". Membership in the Moorish sovereign citizen movement has been driven by the internet into the hundreds of thousands, the law center said. Citizenship as if STATE OF TEXAS is suing you, arguing that you are not a US Citizen is a moot point. WE ARE WOKE NOW ". We have established ourselves in the Free lands of our ancestors of the Empire of Morocco, upholding the Treaty with Cherokee 1866, Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Empire of Morocco and the United States 1786,1787,1836. Let them proceed, because, guess what, they cannot proceed.. Ms. Little still receives strange letters like the one that upended her life in June. All Nationals and Citizens of M.N.R.P. Some followers also claim to have roots in America that. M.N.R.P. Initially espoused by white supremacist groups, sovereign citizen ideology first cropped up in America in the 1970s, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. As defined by the INA, all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals but only a relatively small number of persons acquire U.S. nationality without becoming U.S. citizens. And so it was with surprise that Ms. Little found herself in her yard on Ivy Street on a June afternoon as a police SWAT team negotiated with a man who had broken in, changed her locks and hung a red and green flag in its window. (Many American black nationalist groups refer mistakenly to the people of northern Africa as black; in fact, the Moors were a mix of Arabs, Berbers and black people.) To make an appointment at a Regional Passport Agency, call 1-877-487-2778; TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793 Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 10 PM ET. The man who entered her house, Hubert A. John of Los Angeles, was arrested on June 17 and charged with criminal mischief, burglary, criminal trespass and making terroristic threats. The only difference is kept internal inside the HOMELAND SECURITY AND U.S. CUSTOMS/IMMIGRATION COMPUTERS. The Moorish permutation appears to have picked up in popularity in the 1990s, inspired in part by Black identity ideology of a similarly named religious group, the Moorish Science Temple of America, which disavows the sovereign citizen movement. Allah has no limits. Moorish Nationality Documents PDF 2010-2023 Create a custom moorish nationality documents pdf 2010 that meets your industry's specifications. Members of Moorish groups and other black Americans are taking up the ideas of the radical sovereign citizens movement. proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations and to this end Declares that: of Moorish American People to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United States of America Republic and is an impediment to the promotion of peace here in America and co-operation. - created for the purpose of providing the Movement with an enormous incentive and medium for the final drive of our Eternal Freedom.]. This included present-day Spain and Portugal as well as the Maghreb and western Africa, whose culture is often called Moorish. The Secretary will reach out to you with further details. In the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Morocco and United States 1836 Article 4 states: A signal, or pass, shall be given to all vessels belonging to both parties, by which they are to be known when they meet at sea: and if the commander of a ship of war of either. The only way for black Americans to regain their heritage, he preached, was to proclaim their nationality and their Divine Creed and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders. Instead, MSTA members were given cards and passports identifying them as Moorish Americans. for MoorishAmerican Nationals,shall control the flow of commerce, develop its economicstructure, providean educational system that will produce great minds. Nationality and Dual Nationality, Advice About Possible Loss of U.S. Via an email, a staff member at the Al Moroccan consulate, where Mr. John is listed on the website as the consul general to the United States and China, initially scheduled an interview but then canceled. The term outlying possessions of the United States is defined in Section 101(a)(29) of the INA as American Samoa and Swains Island. Thousands of Post Offices accept first-time passport applications for the U.S. Department of State. Do your SPC Process, and from the moment your UCC-1 Financing Statement is accepted and stamped by the Secretary of State THAT SECRETARY OF STATE FILING, overrides any data in any government database whatsoever. Thats not how Gaines-El sees it. This site is for those Moors who are sick and tired of being labeled as some sovereign citizen or radical; but only wish to be recognized as being that of your ancestors;a Moorish American/Moorish National and a true State Citizen of your own Right, of full age and capacity, bearing all Inalienable and Civil Rights! of the determination proclaimed by the Moorish American People in the Charter of the United States of America Republic to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the Moorish American People, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. And to your surprise, your submission will be accepted as your Passport Book arrives in the mail. This is not true. Concerned that the others would use similar bogus papers to commit fraud, he contacted law enforcement and the local media. Solemnly proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations and to this end Declares that: 1. the Moorish Empires' geographical and political Jurisdictional specifications, etc. The United States of America Republic likens the symbol of Moorish-Fest Destiny, and is the Re-birth and Re-Establishment of the Moorish Republic, which has come at last! that all Moorish American People have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their National Government as National Citizens. No murmurs against him arise in their hearts; the machinations of his enemies endanger not the state. The Intelligence Report is the SPLC's award-winning magazine. Send an email to "Every man and woman are equal", and Moorish American Citizens of United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R.] 6. Send us a message with any questions or concerns, and we'll get back to you with answers as soon as we can. I say mostly, because, you should be able to use those other forms of ID for some other helpful purposes (such as Notarizing a document, proof of identity domestically for certain situations, second form of ID for opening a postal box, etc.). He could not be reached for comment. When Ms. Little called the police a second time, they returned with a SWAT team. is co-trustee with the United States because of the Treaty, and Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of America. There may not be a hundred of them, but theyre absolutely organized., SPLC is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 63-0598743). How to identify a Moorish American National or Citizen of M.N.R.P. Like many Moorish followers, Mr. John adopted an Arabic-influenced name, Jaleel Hu-El. It doesn't stand alone. and all States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United States of America Republic, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of the United States of America Republic and its Citizens the Moorish American People and their provincial integrity. Mondays through Fridays 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. (See requirements of Section 302). He believes the behavior of groups like Gaines is utterly out of line with the prophets teachings. His subjects are faithful, and firm in his cause; they stand in his defense, as a wall of brass; the army of a tyrant flieth before them, as chaff before the wind. "Mr. McGauley, this is Jabbar Gaines-El. The Moorish sovereign citizen movement is a collection of independent organizations and lone individuals who emerged in the early 1990s as an offshoot of the antigovernment sovereign citizens movement, adherents of which believe that individual citizens hold sovereignty over, and are independent of, the authority of federal and state governments. is a de jure Religious government of an autonomous Cherokee nation of indigenous people known as Moors/Moorish Americans, successors of the Empire of Morocco. Status plays a vital role in all social and political interchanges amongst nations of people on multiple levels. And the Moorish Science Temple of America was founded in Chicago in 1925 by a man who called himself Noble Drew Ali. He frameth his statutes with equity and wisdom; his subjects enjoy the fruits of their labor in security; and their happiness consists of the observance of the law. Therefore, even if **YEARS AGO** you submitted the US Passport application, as a U.S. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against independent Moorish American People shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their National Government here in America shall be respected. Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the National Unity of the Moorish American People and the Provinces and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United States of America Republic. This site is to help transform you into a True Moorish National Citizen--part of a Free National Government under the protection of a State! Those members who are with us over a period of time, will be able to study ample material in the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK and have the opportunity to have numerous conversations with our team, and over the course of time have resources to gain more information, skill, and knowledge. However, politely decline and state you are well aware of who you are and what your nationality and answers are, and that you are respectfully not going to take their legal advice. The time has come that every nation must worship under its own vine and fig tree, and every tongue must confess his own. Increasingly, across the country sovereign citizens have clashed with the authorities, tied up resources and frazzled lives in their insistence that laws, such as the requirement to pay taxes, obey speed limits and even obtain, say, a license for a pet dog, do not apply to them. Other Moorish Offshoots The weapon of choice for both is paper. Or Try outside that time range if necessary. This past summer the Moorish movement exploded into public view, after Ms. Little posted viral TikTok accounts of her ordeal and when the police pulled over members of a militant offshoot of the group on a Massachusetts highway. Your Homecoming is a mental transition and decision to exit slavery. Either way is fine, and also, the crux of the matter is this a National Passport is NOT a Get out of Jail Free Card. If you have a COURT MATTER, learning court procedure is essential whenever resolution outside of court through private processes is not possible or is too late. This was just somebody saying the sky is purple when its blue.. If you attempt to submit a Passport as the rare special status of a State National but NOT a U.S. CITIZEN, and you fail on your first attempt, it can mess with your chances of a second try ever again. The citizens of allfree national governmentsaccording to their national constitution are all of one family bearing onefree national name. Send an email to stating you wish to join. CITIZEN with a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, you are FINE!! This Second Great Awakening of the Divine and National Movement defined and manifested United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R. Leg. Copyright 2023 Moorish National Republic of Peace - All Rights Reserved. A national and religious headdress of Moorish Americans , usually made of felt in red or black color, having the shape of a truncated cone, and ornamented with a long black tassel, worn by Moorish American men on The Northern Continent of Amexem. When Jordan Fainberg, a real estate agent in Bethesda, Md., visited a mansion he was selling for its owner in 2013, he was startled to find inside a man named Lamont Butler who introduced himself as the real owner, with paperwork that referenced the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and a peace treaty from the 1700s between the sultan of Morocco and the United States. The Moors had simply granted permission for the Europeans to settle. The presence of the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill, he says, is proof that the visiting European nations made a contract with the Moors a contract, he says, that remains in effect today. Thou art clothed in purple, and seated on a throne; the crown of majesty investeth thy temples, the sceptre of power is placed in thy hand; but not for thyself were these ensigns given; not meant for thine own, but the good of thy kingdom. Passports > How to Apply for A Passport How to Apply Learn about the steps for how to apply for or renew your U.S. passport. The Honorable Prophet Noble Drew Ali spawned a religious fervor when he established the Divine and National Movement, which has now awakened an entirely new generation of Moorish American minds. I simply rattled that off at them, and they looked at me blankly, took off their robes and fezzes, and went back to their birth names, and pled guilty.. Most of the Moors McLeod encountered were summoned for failing to pay tickets for motor vehicle violations. The Moors claim to be about Black liberation and opportunity, and uplifting Black people, Ms. Little said in an interview seated on a staircase inside her house. They often append El or Bey to their last names. In addition to Section 308 of the INA, Section 302 of Public Law 94 - 241 provides for certain inhabitants of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, who became United States citizens by virtue of Article III of the Covenant, to opt for non-citizen national status. the important role of the Moorish American People in assisting the movement for independence in Trust as we Move forward in our Right to Self-Governing our Provinces and Territories. The United States of America Republicis not to cause confusion or to overthrow the laws or constitution of the United States but to obey hereby. 7. She shared the property deed proving ownership, Ms. Little said, he the fabricated papers bearing the Al Moroccan seal. Prophet Noble Drew Ali Please CLICK on YeSharon to book a private consultation. 14. 19. The same views may be embraced by Freeman, Freemen on the Land, Sons of Liberty, and Aryan Nation. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Designing a separate document that includes anti-fraud mechanisms was seen as an inefficient expenditure of resources. If you already have a U.S. PASSPORT BOOK from the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT, you are fine!! The proviso of section (301(g) shall apply to the national parent under this paragraph in the same manner as it applies to the citizen parent under that section. Nationality and Seeking Public Office in a Foreign State, Advice about Possible Loss of U.S. If you wish to proceed you will be given an opportunity to schedule a time to speak with the President of Moorish National Republic of Peace regarding any questions you may have about joining. We, the Moorish Society of the Moorish National Republic of Peace have personal matter and subject matter jurisdiction over all Nationals, Citizens of this Nation-State Government and their property. I believe in the National Passport, but we have also been able to win for people, protect people, and obtain status for people, with keeping their old passport the way it is! For this reason it is recommended that unless you need a Passport to travel abroad, that you HOLD OFF on applying until you have done your diligence and research and are certain your submission has the highest likelihood of acceptance. Speaking on the passport and international travel for Moorish Americans.Speaking on issues pertaining to Moorish Americans.Disclaimer: This video represents the views of the presenters and/or our guests based off of our personal research and life experiences, and in no way is this content endorsed by or a representation of the official policies of the Moorish Science Temple of America.Support the stream: Talking about how Moors can actually improve their conditions in light of the mess occurring with Moors mixing in sovereign citizen ideology with their desire to assert their nationality.Subscribe \u0026 Check Out Our Website http://www.MoorsInAmerica.comDonations/Support: is the official website of the Moorish Science Temple of America: http://www.mstofa.netJoin \u0026 Contribute to our FB Group: Us on Instagram: Us on FB: Us on Twitter: Everyone about the channel \u0026 Subscribe! Also,creating community programs to curb participation in criminal activitiesestablishguidelinesto ensure these laws are followed. In State cases, civil or criminal, this argument does not directly apply since the crux of the dispute has nothing to do with U.S. Lenapehoking was the land between New York City and Philadelphia that includes New Jersey and was home to the Indigenous Lenape tribe before it was colonized by European settlers. 3. Those treaties were with nations that existed independently for a short period of time, [and] any treaty was totally abrogated by subsequent events initiated by the Barbary states. He planteth new colonies, he buildeth strong ships, he openeth rivers for convenience, he formeth harbors for safety, his people abound in riches, and the strength of his kingdom increaseth. The word. Use professional pre-built templates to fill in and sign documents online faster. Click This Box For Your U.S.A.R. 2. 8. Moorish National Republic of Peace is a Ecclesiastical Political Organization (Nation-State) under section 508(c)1(A). #moorishadvice #moorishadept #moorishsciencetempleofamerica #nationality #moorishamerican #moorsinamerica #moorishscience #moorishamericans #moors #moorish #moorishhistory When applying, applicants must execute a Form DS-11 and show documentary proof of their non-citizen national status as well as their identity. They advise Moors not to cooperate with the police or the courts. Ms. Little greeting an officer on patrol in Newark, who had been among those responding to her emergency call the day someone took over her home. A national and religious headdress of Moorish Americans, usually madeof felt in red or black color, having the shape of a truncated cone, and ornamented with a long black tassel, worn by Moorish American men on The Northern Continent of Amexem. On March 29, John McGauley, county recorder for Allen County, Ind., came home to find a disturbing message on his answering machine. 9. The officers verified that Ms. Little bought the house in February, and they asked the men to leave. 3. No other statutes define any other territories or any of the states as outlying possessions. Unlike the white-dominated sovereign citizen movement today, however, MSTA was explicitly not antigovernment. His magistrates are just, his ministers are wise, and the favorite of his bosom deceiveth him not. Ms. Little was a victim of a ploy known as paper terrorism, a favorite tactic of an extremist group that is one of the fastest growing, according to government experts and watchdog organizations. The United States and all States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United States of America Republic, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of the United States of America Republic and its Citizens the Moorish American People and their provincial integrity. But without putting your statements, points, and arguments in writing, typed up neatly and succinct recognizable legal arguments, with the form of an appropriate MOTION to the court at the right time in the procedure, then you have a low chance of success! The United States of America Republic is the Seat of Authority. He predicates his argument that Moors are not U.S. citizens on the U.S. Supreme Courts 1857 Dred Scott ruling, which described black people as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.. 6. that the continued existence of colonialism prevents the development of international economic co-operation, impedes the social, cultural and economic development of independent Moorish American People and militates against the United States of America Republic ideal of universal peace. Speaking on issues pertaining to Moorish Americans.Disclaimer: This video represents the views of the presenters and/or our guests based off of our personal research and life experiences, and in no way is this content endorsed by or a representation of the official policies of the Moorish Science Temple of America.Support the stream: Talking about how Moors can actually improve their conditions in light of the mess occurring with Moors mixing in sovereign citizen ideology with their desire to assert their nationality.Subscribe \u0026 Check Out Our Website http://www.MoorsInAmerica.comDonations/Support: is the official website of the Moorish Science Temple of America: http://www.mstofa.netJoin \u0026 Contribute to our FB Group: Us on Instagram: Us on FB: Us on Twitter: Everyone about the channel \u0026 Subscribe! The official-looking letters started arriving soon after Shanetta Little bought the cute Tudor house on Ivy Street in Newark. Many white sovereign citizens today also carry fake IDs proclaiming themselves members of imaginary nations, but these are supposed to show that they are outside U.S. jurisdiction and therefore not subject to codes, statutes or courts. Dont get me wrong, if you are applying for a Passport for the first time and would like to fill it out consistent with your State National allegiance to the republic rather than the Old Corporation way you were taught, and thats what you want to do, go ahead and get with us, study the video in the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK, and get the information available to study, and make your own legal decisions for yourself! was created by a Moorish Society on June 19th,2020 with inalienable rights, endowed by the Creator of the Universe, Allah, instituted for the benefit of its Nationals and Citizens. The right of our Moorish-Fest Destiny to over-spread and possess the whole of the continent, which the Provinces of the United States of America Republic have given to Moorish Americans, so they may enjoy their liberties and the right to self-determination; along with all powers to develop self-governmentto be entrusted to us by The Honorable Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Any and all past and present affiliations implied by operation of law or otherwise with foreign entities are hereby, now, and forever dissolved and revoked.. or the Moorish Science Temple of America. Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad. Domestic terrorismAmericans attacking Americans because of U.S.-based extremist ideologiescomes in many forms in our post 9/11 world. Viola! Christian Europeans first used Moor to . You will then be sent a welcome packet to review. 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