Were going to explain everything you need to know about the game in our complete Evony guide. Can I not use a common speed-up to speed up my research? Thanks, i am k32 with no pay, my limit still 2.5B, trying to complete the food part i start having more ground troops than any other troop, any advice there? 11/28/2022 - Added consuming return of Lv7 Material (Crafting Master) 9/27/2022 - Replaced the image because the quota and reward for the speed-up consuming return event has changed. This site provides content created independently by evonyguidewiki.com. Several events and shops sell advance march speed items. . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Baldwin is a hassle for me. Do not count on the times being the same as shown in the screenshots as the were taken on different accounts with different levels of crown and Typography research. Does anyone have a picture or link to the crafting speed up event? First of all, I recommend that you just keep building and get to k25 as soon as possible. Increasing the number of troops will also help, but if these are not enough, the number of injuries will increase. At the end of the game, it will take you more than 100 days to build a single building, so I dont think there is much point in saving up for the level of speed you can get at k20. Upgrading the Blacksmith research in the Defense Research Tree at the Academy building. The Academy research consists of 4 trees, Advancement, Defense, Military, and Medical Aid. The use of Ground, Ranged, Siege, but you can think of these as basically for PvP (Player vs Player). Evony: All About Building an Army In it, you can strengthen your units with improvements of the "Military" category. I have gathered enough materials and I am now ready to craft equipment. Therefore, do not overspend resources during speed-up consuming return event. (More days are needed for the other 3 types of resources with different gears.). There is a way to get the legendary scroll by crafting. Tips for AchievementGet a large amount of speedups from the resource consuming return event.For example, if you are around Keep level 31, it is not difficult to consume 2,500M of each of the 4 resource types. To be honest, Im at such a low level that its not even easy to read and understand the administrators article. In this video, Elise, Scipio, Martinus, Roland)Be sure to use the blood of Ares only during this event. Yes. Queen Jindeok can be obtained at a tavern (21M gold). The larger the warehouse the more resources that can be safe guarded. Seems like exploitation skill books are too rare. Hello, you have a great guide, and I refer to it frequently. What do you think about the barbarian event? You wont get far with a common general! Follow us for Roblox, Genshin, Pokmon, and more on, The objective of Evony is to build your empire from the ground up. In addition, owning a complete set will give you a buff even if it is not fully equipped to your General. . In order to defeat a lot of higher-ranked bosses efficiently, you should join a high-ranking alliance with an active rally. I have always referred to you. Ciao, Question please.. How to increase the amount of storage in the alliance warehouse, One question, do C5 and C6 stack? First, complete all of the research related to construction in subordinate city thats available to you at the level of your academy. Today, well show you which research tactics increase power in Evony! Your email address will not be published. Note The order and number of days may vary depending on the time of year. (If you can afford it, you can also increase leadership. Are there any skills or suitable generals that affect the speed and amount of exploration of relics? Question does Evony really have 2 Trap CRs and none for Training? Also, how many friends do I need to complete the exploration in time to get the fragments? Hi, Im always interested in your work. Activating Mona Lisa will give you a gathering speed buff of +10%. Just take any subordinate city general you like the most (Arminius, Harald, etc), cultivate him to +500, level up and add five stars. Faster healing. on this site is strictly prohibited. IMPORTANT Three 24-hour speedups can be used to synthesize one adv 8-hour speedup. ; Arabia - increased gem gathering speed . Speed-up 6326 days100 Stamina 664 pcsLv5 Materials 3072 pcsResources 3208M x4 kindsHorns of Recalling (10) 36 pcsSoul Crystal 600 pcsGuide articlehttps://t.co/JCeizUtdW1 pic.twitter.com/f8gSlHplvV, Consumption targets: Gems, Speedups, Construction speedups, Healing speedups, Amount of resources you can get Click here for a summary, (same quota and reward for construction and healing), Consumption targets: Gold, Trap speed-up, Research speed-up, (same quota and reward for trap and research), Consumption target: Gold, Crafting speed-up, Trap speed-up, (same quota and reward for Traps and Crafting), Consuming return event: Blood of AresYou can easily get a large amount of fragments of generals. I think now is 15% . Great article. 7/3/2022 Added B-3) Recommended Assistant General and Main General Combinations. There are several types of Consuming Return Events (described later), but among them, the resource consuming return event is super important. If you need to, build certain kind of traps that use more food. Sorry. These are: having enough materials, your forge being a high enough level, and having the correct equipment scroll. In Evony game, there is a generic speedup type where you can use the time speed up in any activity. The aim of the game is to constantly upgrade, research, build, and expand your kingdom to become the most powerful force in all of Evony. It has been confirmed that you can get this skill book through the Academy-Skill Books Shop. 1 I have a general and an assistant to gather resources, does the politics of the assistant have any effect on the speed of gathering? MAX If you win and have a personal score of 1,200 or higher, 18 boxes of speed-up chest (About 220 hours. Just by having Korean subordinate cities, you get an additional bonus from the subordinate city buff. Taking part in the Consuming Return Event. Click Speed Up and select one of these items to reduce the total research time. If it says 0, then it cant be stored, right? There is no consuming return event for training speedups. There are currently 9 different tiers of Evony Equipment that can be crafted in the forge. Only if you need to, train more ground troops. (18), 2M x4 types Ymir 3, Typhon, Witch 5, Warlord 5, Nian5, 1.5M x4 types Witch 3, Warlord 3, Jormungandr, Sphinx6, Hydra4, Nian4, 1M x4 types Phoenix, Pan4, Sphinx4, Golem5, Lava Turtle5, Hydra3, Nian3, 900K x4 types Pan3, Golem4, Lava Turtle4, 700K x4 types Golem 3, Lava Turtle 3, Behemoth, Hydra2, 500K x4 types Fafnir, Sphinx2, Hydra1, Nian2, 400K x4 types Kamaitachi, Golem 2, Lava Turtle 2, 200K/stamina Witch 3&5, Warlord 3&5, Nian5, 120K/stamina Jormungandr, Pan3, Sphinx6, 100K/stamina Phoenix, Pan4, Sphinx4, Golem 5, Lava Turtle 5, Hydra1, 93K/Stamina Golem 3, Lava Turtle 3, Hydra2, 53K/Stamina Pan2, Golem 2, Lava Turtle 2, 25,000 mins (about 17 days) 5M x4 types, 100,000 mins (about 69 days) 20M x4 (25M x4 total), 250,000 mins (about 173 days) 35M x4 (60M x4 total), 500,000 mins (about 347 days) 50M x4 (110M x4 total), 1,000,000 mins (about 694 days) 65M x4 (175M x4 total), 2,500,000 mins (about 1,736 days) 160M x4 (335M x4 total), 5,000,000 mins (about 3,472 days) 220M x4 (555M x4 total). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I think it will be tough unless your alliance is killing event bosses Lv3-5 and B14-15 with frequent rallies. To increase the amount gathered per hour, it is recommended to go to high level relics (mysterious relics) and to advance your research (relics in the alliance category). 1 You dont need to worry about that place. I dont really feel that way in my experience, is that true? If you found this Evony Equipment Crafting Guide useful, then join our community to be kept up to date on any new Evony Guides added to the site. Thank you for your help! I am not upgrading the forge and I have all materials necessary to craft. So I looked at it in detail. The price is better than the store, but it is not a good deal. Thank you for pointing that out. (But only if you can get SvS top 10 and get Norwegian Ridge.). For example, if you spend 2.5B on each of the four types of resources, you can get over 360M of each resource in rewards. You can only get it when the server is young. You can compose together 3 of the same material and level to increase its level by 1. Switching your Monarch Equipment Crown to the Agile Crown. Important Usage of Subordinate City. Was told by support to reinstall game. There are often some unique surprises out there in the world of Evony, so dont shut your castle gates just yet. It takes a lot of time and money, but if you have all flagle the materials it's definitely worth it. Too many army camps will make this difficult to complete. Awesome article, thank you for all the content. ). Don't waste your time or resources! Lining these up correctly can be a great way of cheaply improving the buffs from equipment. No, you can just replace it by the end of the gathering. There is a huge amount of interesting MMORTS games that you can find in the modern game industry and one of the most remarkable ones is called Evony. For example, Dragon Axe with five stars gives +25%, and Fearless dragon ring +35%. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At the start of the game, you get to choose a leader from one of seven regions, including America, China, Europe, Russia, Korea, Arabic, and Japan, each of which has its own unique bonuses. This simply means that you are less likely to have free time after you are done gathering. Hi! What equipment you need to craft will depend on your Generals role. I limit my spending to 10B in times when I dont reach 20B and save it for the next resource event. However, to increase the gathering bonus, you need 4 Champions equipment, which cannot be combined with Kings equipment. . Thats very helpful! Reference Approximate Keep Level to Complete 4 types (in my opinion). There are 2 major rotations. It will greatly assist you in your . Indeed, the number of materials required starts to increase very rapidly as you work your way up the equipment tiers. The basic gathering speed has been increased. For information on how required times are calculated, see this page: Read. For example, if you are in a situation where you only need to spend 70M more food to reach 5B in the RSS consumption reduction event. If you are at a loss for how to spend speed-up, you can proceed with the following. & What happens? Relic How to Gain More or Explore Faster (with Verification Report). Equipment Scrolls are a key ingredient in crafting higher-tier equipment as outlined further up in this Evony Equipment Crafting Guide. If you arent fazed by a permanent ban, then ask yourself, what is the point? Your email address will not be published. This includes: Evony Equipment Sets are combinations of certain types of equipment attached to a General which will give you even more buffs. These are summarised below: Japan - increased food production, ground troop defense and crafting speed. So, you should choose the one that you like and try to research it. Luckily, there are several ways to decrease the time that crafting takes. Thank you very much. If I have sent all troops to gather but not enough to my emergency use, which way should I do first? You can check the numbers of gathering RSS per SECOND. You can use several adv march speeds to get to the location instantly. ), Model case Keep level 30: each resource 1.5M/h (36M/day x4 types). Please note, that equipment within the same tier can have a different name depending on its type as seen below. Nice to meet you. Research is very important in order to make you stronger and everything go faster. More buffs can be accomplished with refining. When you press it, you will have the option of increasing your march speed by 30% or 50%. Is there any way to increase the speed of exploring the relics? The opposite. my rule of thumb is always; if i can get something for nothing then its worth. Each time you refine a piece of equipment, the buffs will be a random selection from the possibilities in the table above. Evony Boss Monsters are randomly dotted around the map and range from level 1 to level 17. (270,000 Gems (about $1,100)) #evony. What I did change was to change the gear for gathering in the middle of the gathering. 2 This is displayed when something is produced in front of the wall and can be collected. For example, if you consume 2.5B of each resource in a resource consuming return event, you will get a total of more than 640 days of speed-up. Refresh the black market and buy from it? I am afraid I have a few elementary questions. I do not see an option to compose three 24hr ones into 8? The speed of gathering gets faster as level increases, but is there a limit? . Increasing politics increases the gathering speed. One of these structures is known as Military Academy and you can unlock it at level 36. It seems that there is no mention of forced labor in the camps when acquiring resources, but what is the actual situation? Though they are quite easy to find, in numerous ways, the number required increases rapidly as you craft better gear. (Article has been adjusted.). The mayors siege attack debuff is worth so little that it is really only worth -30% archer attack. Below are the Civilization Equipment Sets that can be crafted. About 3 days - Speed-up (trap & research) Consuming Return Event; Rotation 2. Whoops! I think it would be difficult to do so, since it depends on how each person enjoys the game and how much they pay. It allows you to perform a lot of different research related to your army's tactics. 3 Day Speed Up x1. . one of the requirements was to get to keep 24 which I did pretty easily and decided to research the requirements for the higher leveled keeps to be prepared and do it more efficiently but I saw how expensive it got with the last one being almost 500 million of each resource. To start the construction upgrade at the resource consuming return event. Please see below. Gains: Troop load + 5%. For reference, in my case, I set up 7 resource tiles for each resource and 2 army camps. How does one synthesize the speed ups for gathering? you recommend upgrade all the production buildings (31-35) or the result is not so great caompared to the invest in contruction in each one? Activating Mona Lisa will give you an extra resource buff of +20%. Note: In this case, the skill book for ore gathering speed needs to be attached to Gaius, not Queen Jindeok. Evony: The King's Return - Research GuideWelcome to my Evony Guides Channel, thank you for watching this video!I have additional guides available and more in. We include affiliate links in articles. Upgrading the Blacksmith research in the Defense Research Tree at the Academy building. Champions Set (4) Helmet, Armor, Leg Armor, Boots, 24 hour Resources Gathering Speedup (+50%), 8 hour Resources Gathering Speedup (+50%), Lucky box of Lucky Composing Event (not included depending on the timing of the event), Extra resources from gathering (food) +30%, Gathering speed +10%. How can I complete common speedup other than academy. Evony is a massive RTS game that allows you to build different structures. (This also applies to monarch gear.). There are specific examples in this article, if youd like to take a look at them. Also, if you complete a certain amount of puzzles, you can collect some speedups from the reward chest at the bottom of the screen, every day, you will be able to collect something from the event center by either participating in events, or upgrading your castle to a certain level. (Production %). If you have any other tips or tricks to share, let us know in the comments below! All the different Evony Equipment Sets currently available are outlined below. To wait until the speedup consuming return event starts, and then complete it. See this article for more details, but at the very least, the alliance should be active in rallying. Thank you for your advice. I have a rudimentary question: you say that if you have a lot of food, it will be consumed by soldiers, but if you run out of food, wont the number of soldiers decrease? Crafted Evony equipment can be improved even further by refining it. yet my troops return with 0 rss. The basics of anti-monster are: cavalry only, tiers only in the same tier and dont mix other tiers. The time when 2.5B can be consumed without difficulty is when the keep is about level 31. Hi ricky. The Consuming Return Event is almost always done, but there are several different types. Build your cities, train your troops, expand your empire and conquer the City of Thrones to become the King of your server! What this means is anyone can march towards your castle walls at any time, Once youve built and upgraded your castle, you can venture into ancient ruins to hunt for treasure. Yes. Hello following up on this! Hello, thank you for all the useful information. (Bibars, Theodora, Cleopatra, and other generals with luck skillbooks equipped with the kings ring). (Only some generals. I think it is better to use it as much as possible. I heard that it increases not only the speed of an individual, but also the speed of all other players in the alliance. 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Generals that affect the speed of an individual, but at the Academy building am... Unless your alliance is killing event bosses Lv3-5 and B14-15 with frequent....
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