But does such a claim contradict the words of Scripture? He dare not become too attached to that which he cannot take with him. Without it we are inclined to think that the call of Abram came at Haran, rather than at Ur. On the other hand, He appeared to Moses (Exodus 3:2) in a flame of fire, speaking to him from the burning bush, and to the people of Israel in a pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 14:19, cf. Therefore, the failures are not mentioned. Terah was born when his father was 29 years of age. Romans 9:6-13). Conclusion Question:Clive wrote"I really enjoyed your Bible study. It will be observed, also, that we have set down seventy opposite Abram as the date of his call, from which is counted the definite period of four hundred and thirty years to the exodus. Pharsal. But when they arrived in Haran, they settled there. Ur was in the southern part of Mesopotamia, and was the starting point for Abraham's journey to Canaan. In attempting now to determine the connection between the appearance of the Angel of Jehovah (or Elohim) and the appearance of Jehovah or Elohim Himself, and to fix the precise meaning of the expression Maleach Jehovah, we cannot make use, as recent opponents of the old Church view have done, of the manifestation of God in Genesis 18 and 19, and the allusion to the great prince Michael in Daniel 10:13, Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1; just because neither the appearance of Jehovah in the former instance, nor that of the archangel Michael in the latter, is represented as an appearance of the Angel of Jehovah. Why do scholars think Abraham came from Ur in Mesopotamia? From these events in the early stages of Abrams growth in grace several principles are found which depict the walk of faith in every age, and certainly in our own. It could be that they left in obedience to the call of God, which we read more of in Genesis 12. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! Outside the Land, it was given to Abraham only to hear the Divine voice (v. 1); but here, in the land destined to be specifically dedicated to the service of the Lord, he was also vouchsafed the privilege of a Divine vision. U. Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1964), II, p. 328. Later he was instructed to go up to Bethel (35:1; cf. Abram was a man like you and me. That is my query, Hi Carel, welcome to the BH site. Ur was a large and prosperous city-state in Mesopotamia (present-day southern Iraq). This seems to be upheld by Scripture: "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Long ago your ancestors, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River and served other gods'" (Josh 24:2). (4) The Christian walk is rooted in the reliability of the Word of God. The writer wished to stress here the positive aspects of the Christians walk, not his failures. God was going to make a new nation, not merely revise an existing one. "And Terah died in Haran." When he is promised a land, and when that land is not given, he must look beyond the promise to its Maker so that he may understand. 3, app.). Moses did not give us all the background needed to properly grasp the significance of the call of Abram, but it has been recorded for us in the Bible. I do not find such people in the Bible. daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they The Christian life is not knowing exactly what the future holds, but knowing Him Who holds the future. 2: In Acts 7, verses 2 thru 4, Stephen states that God had called Abe prior to when the group had settled in the town called Haran. At the time of the call, Abram did not know where this land was. God, in His electing grace, chose Abram to follow Him, while he was going his own way. Much of Abrams first moves were neither purposeful nor pious, but rather were a more passive response to external forces. In the light of all the objections which might be raised by Abram, such an appearance should not be unusual. But when He had established a covenant with him after the flood, and thereby had assured the continuance of the earth and of the human race, the direct manifestations ceased, for God withdrew His visible presence from the world; so that it was from heaven that the judgment fell upon the tower of Babel, and even the call to Abram in his home in Haran was issued through His word, that is to say, no doubt, through an inward monition. We often read of Abraham, the man of faith, supposing that he was always that kind of man. When Terah died, Abraham was free to set out from Haran on his way to Canaan. Thank God our spiritual lives are ultimately dependent upon His faithfulness and not ours. At both Shechem and Bethel he built altars, like Abram, his grandfather (33:20; 35:7). Vos, Genesis and Archaeology, pp. Nahor lived 119 years. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Cassuto concludes that Abrams journey unknowingly outlined the territory which would belong to Israel, and that the places he stopped symbolically forecast the future conquest of the land.137 In an additional comment, Cassuto adds the fact that these places were also religious centers of Canaanite worship.138 In effect, Abrams actions of building altars and proclaiming the name of the Lord prophesied the coming time when true religious worship would overcome the pagan religion of the Canaanites. Ur was in the southern part of Mesopotamia, and was the starting point for Abraham's journey to Canaan. That's why they, including Abe and his wife, settled in Haran: they settled there in order to allow their father to live out the rest of his very old life in peace and ease. Terahs migration was partly perhaps a movement of a tribe of the Semites northwards (see Note on Genesis 11:28), made restless by the Elamites, who about this time overran Western Asia; but chiefly it had a religious motive: for Ur was the especial seat of the worship of the moon-god, Sin; and though Terah had not attained to the purity of Abrahams faith, yet neither was he altogether an idolater. How to draw a truncated hexagonal tiling? This I believe to be a significant observation, for many Christians seem to feel that Gods way is the way of the bizarre and the unusual. So far as we can tell, then, Terah was an idolater, like those of his days. Chapter 12 begins a new division in the book of Genesis. It was not until chapter 15 that a full description of the land was given: On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: (Genesis 15:18). Having called Abram, it was God Who providentially brought Abram to the point of leaving home and homeland and entering Canaan. l. 1. v. 105. Now Abram did leave Ur and go to Haran, but it appears to me that this was only because his pagan father decided to leave Ur. I found your contribution useful +1. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Of this long period his seed was to be a stranger in a land that was not theirs for four hundred years Genesis 15:13. The first eleven chapters have often been called primeval history. The last chapters are known as patriarchal history. While the effect of mans sin has become increasingly widespread, the fulfillment of the promise of God in Genesis 3:15 has become more selective. What was Terah's son named? A priest implies a considerable body of true worshippers scattered over the country. Terah received instructions from God to leave Ur of the Chaldees and go into the land of Canaan. (2) Abrams spiritual life continued through the sovereign work of God. Why did Lot offer up his daughters to be gang raped? It should first of all be said that it was the route we would have expected him to have taken if he were going in that direction. There may well have been political or economic factors which made such a move expedient, apart from any spiritual considerations. It's A Mystery Until This Day Terah turned north of his route to Canaan. l. 1. c. 6. sect. 10. sect. Rauwolff, who was in this town A. D. 1575, calls it Orpha; his account of it is this (q), that it is a costly city, with a castle situated on the hill very pleasantly; that the town is very pleasant, pretty big, with fortifications well provided; and that some say it was anciently called Haran and Charras: a later traveller (r) says, who also calls it Orpha,"the air of this city is very healthful, and the country fruitful; that it is built four square, the west part standing on the side of a rocky mountain, and the east part tendeth into a spacious valley, replenished with vineyards, orchards, and gardens: the walls are very strong, furnished with great store of artillery, and contain in circuit three English miles, and, for the gallantness of its sight, it was once reckoned the metropolitical seat of Mesopotamia. 63-64. Why didn't Abraham tell Isaac the truth in Genesis 22? Nearly one-fourth of the book of Genesis is devoted to this mans life. The lesson we may need to learn is this: very often the way God would have us go is the most sensible way that we would have chosen anyhow. (j) Ut supra. "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went out to a place he was going to receive as an inheritance. Thus, he seems to have rejected Stephens words flatly. If we fix our eyes upon the method of the divine revelation, we find a new beginning in this respect, that as soon as Abram is called, we read of the appearing of God. Hence, Abram is placed first in the list of Terah's sons, simply on account of his personal pre-eminence as the father of the faithful and the ancestor of the promised seed; he and his brother Nahor are both much younger than Haran, are married only after his death, and one of them to his grown-up daughter Milkah; and he and his nephew Lot are meet companions in age as well as in spirit. 2. Abrams life is a growth in faith developed under delayed fulfillment of divine promises. He simply wrote, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out. Let us remember that Abram did go to Canaan, just as Moses went to Egypt, but not without considerable pressure from God. But when they came God said it, and that settles it, whether you believe it or not. I like that. Through all of his experiences he must come to see God as the origin of all that will endure. Stagers, Genesis, p . While what was to be left behind was crystal clear, what lay ahead was distressingly devoid of detail: to the land which I will show you.. On the other hand, Gods command was deliberately vague. That is my kind of hero. ), without any angelic form being visible in either case. It may be supposed at at that time God had then called Abe, and Abe's response to God's call was the dramatic ploy that Jewish oral tradition says that Abe did: Abe was determined to do anything necessary to try to convince his father, Terah, to take Shem's witness to heart. . Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Why did Terah leave the city of Ur? Now Abram was one hundred years old when Isaac was born, and consequently the call was given when he was seventy years of age - about five years before he entered the land of Kenaan Genesis 12:4. Even if we render this passage, with Delitzsch, "making His messengers of winds, His servants of flaming fire," the allusion, as Delitzsch himself observes, is not to the creation of angels; nor can the meaning be, that God gives wind and fire to His angels as the material of their appearance, and as it were of their self-incorporation. But Terah was influenced by other motives to put himself at the head of this movement. He came in the same form to Gideon, and sat under the terebinth at Ophrah with a staff in His hand (Judges 6:11 and Judges 6:21); also to Manoah's wife, for she took Him to be a man of God, i.e., a prophet, whose appearance was like that of the Angel of Jehovah (Judges 13:6); and lastly, to Manoah himself, who did not recognise Him at first, but discovered afterwards, from the miracle which He wrought before his eyes, and from His miraculous ascent in the flame of the altar, that He was the Angel of Jehovah (Judges 13:9-20). Who the messenger or angel of Jehovah was, must be determined in each particular instance from the connection of the passage; and where the context furnishes no criterion, it must remain undecided. In the first place, the Angel of God identifies Himself with Jehovah and Elohim, by attributing to Himself divine attributes and performing divine works: e.g., Genesis 22:12, "Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from me" (i.e., hast been willing to offer him up as a burnt sacrifice to God); again (to Hagar) Genesis 16:10, "I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude;" Genesis 21, "I will make him a great nation,"-the very words used by Elohim in Genesis 17:20 with reference to Ishmael, and by Jehovah in Genesis 13:16; Genesis 15:4-5, with regard to Isaac; also Exodus 3:6., "I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob: I have surely seen the affliction of My people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry, and I am come down to deliver them" (cf. Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he settled in Haran." Abe replied something like, "I saw that remaining idol in the corner smash all the others. That is the message of the New Testament (cf. In the words of Vos, Regardless of when Abraham left Ur, he turned his back on a great metropolis, setting out by faith for a land about which he knew little or nothing and which could probably offer him little from a standpoint of material benefits.132. we get two critically different instances in which God told Abe to go to Canaan without his father's household. It is of interest to note that Islam holds Abram second in importance to Mohammed, with the Koran referring to Abraham 188 times.128. d. What we do know, is that Terah NEVER LEFT Haran but died when the blessings were there . l. 5. c. 24. 305-306. And, it may be worth noting, we see the name "Terah" alluded to in the word "Teraphim". This remains to be proven. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. In one sense, the command of God to Abram was very specific. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. There is a dispute about that too, if we take into account the Samaritan Pentateuch we accept a version that states that Terah only lived 145 years. as an appearance of "the angel of Elohim," and of "the God of Bethel" (Genesis 31:11, Genesis 31:13); and in his blessing on the sons of Joseph (Genesis 48:15-16), "The God (Elohim) before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God (Elohim) which fed me all my life long unto this day, the angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads," he places the angel of God on a perfect equality with God, not only regarding Him as the Being to whom he has been indebted for protection all his life long, but entreating from Him a blessing upon his descendants. The question arises, therefore, whether the angel of Jehovah, or of God, was God Himself in one particular phase of His self-manifestation, or a created angel of whom God made use as the organ of His self-revelation. Terah ends up dying in Haran. It is only when God wishes us to depart from the expected that we should look for guidance that is spectacular or unusual. So Terah had two reasons to leave the city of Ur of the Chaldees. Why did Terah died in Haran? The people of Haran served the same moon god as the people in Terah's former location, the southern Mesopotamian "city of Ur". The early history consists of three stages, which are indicated by the three patriarchs, peculiarly so called, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and in the sons of Jacob the unity of the chosen family was expanded into the twelve immediate fathers of the nation. Terah was accordingly two hundred years old when he undertook the long journey to the land of Kenaan; for he died at two hundred and five, when Abram was seventy-five. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? I hope that's helpful Clive. to Harran, they settled there.(NIV). Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he settled in Haran. God providentially led Terah to pull up roots at Ur and to move toward Canaan (11:31). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Do not expect that God will indicate each turn in the road with a clearly marked sign. He had twelve chief gods, one for each month of the year, and other idols. The relationship between the command of God to Abram in verse 1 and the incident at Babel in chapter 11 should not be overlooked. First, what would motivate Terah to uproot his family and leave the great city of Ur to travel 1,000 miles to the land of Canaan? This covenant is the thread which ties the rest of the Old Testament together. - Terah takes the lead in this emigration, as the patriarch of the family. I believe it. Stephen clarifies the time that Abram was first called of God. Moses account of his initial steps of faith makes it evident that much was to be desired, and to be developed in him. Terah was just too old, by that time, to actually make any life in Canaan, and might even have died from the long journey that would have been required to get all the way to Canaan. He alone offers man the righteousness necessary for eternal life. God also appeared to Moses at the time of his call (Exodus 3:2, etc.). The early Church regarded Him as the Logos, the second person of the Deity; and only a few of the fathers, such as Augustine and Jerome, thought of a created angel (vid., Hengstenberg, Christol. Lucan. With God's calling of Terah in verse 31, Ancient Israel was set on an irrevocable course. In the final analysis, that is all anyone can have. Ur was a large and prosperous city-state in Mesopotamia (present-day southern Iraq). By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8). Though proceeding by easy stages, the aged patriarch seems to have been exhausted by the length and the difficulty of the way. One purpose of the genealogy of chapter 11 is that it informs us that men were living shorter lives, and having children younger. Terah is identified as the person who arranged and led the family to embark on a mysterious journey to Canaan. Five years? Terah had himself been betrayed into compliance with this form of impiety. But in Genesis 18:1. it is stated that three men came to Abram, one of whom is introduced as Jehovah, whilst the other two are called angels (Genesis 19:1). Do you know that after Abram entered the land of Canaan it was another 25 years until he had his son, Isaac? He quoted the shopworn saying, God said it. (3) The Christians walk is a pilgrimage. God is not nearly so concerned with geography as He is with godliness. For the greater part of the temple furniture summed up in this passage, of which it is stated that Solomon made them of gold, was composed of pure gold; and if some of the things were merely covered with gold, the writer might easily apply the same expression to this, because he had already given a more minute account of their construction (e.g., Genesis 3:7). God called him in Ur, but Abram did not leave his fathers house or his relatives. Christian faith grows. But why did they intend to go into the land of Canaan? As Abram subsequently continued this migration in simple dependance upon Gods guidance (Genesis 12:1), it was probably the Divine rather than the human purpose that is here expressed. Can a VGA monitor be connected to parallel port? The obstacles were largely overcome by the initiative of God in the early stages of the life of Abram. The tent is thus the symbol of the pilgrim. It is difficult to believe that Abrams public act of worship was not noted and viewed with particular interest by the Canaanites. The writer to the Hebrews pointed to Abraham as an illustration of a man who walked by faith, devoting more space to him than any other individual in chapter eleven (Hebrews 11:8-19). David saw Him by the threshing-floor of Araunah, standing between heaven and earth, with the sword drawn in His hand and stretched out over Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 21:16); and He appeared to Zechariah in a vision as a rider upon a red horse (Zechariah 1:9.). "Now these are the generations of Terah. It tells us that verses 27-32 of chapter 11 are parenthetical,133 and not strictly in chronological order. What a thrill that must have been for the people of Moses day to read this promise and realize that the time for possession had come. c. Terah was an idol worshipper. We gather also that the Divine summons came to Abram in Ur (see Genesis 15:7; Nehemiah 9:7; Acts 7:2), but we learn in Genesis 12:1 that his final destination was not then definitely told him. Our permanent home is not to be found in this world, but in the one that is to come, in the presence of our Lord (cf. Terah had still been an idolater, when God called Abe the first time. Scripture intended to present us here, through the symbolic conquest of Abram, with a kind of forecast of what would happen to his descendants later. Cassuto, Genesis, II, pp. It would be many years before Abram would fully grasp that this heir that God had promised would come from the union of he and Sarai. Why did Abraham banish Ishmael (Genesis 21:14). More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Moses tells us that Abram was 75 when he entered the land of Canaan. At the same time, it does not follow from this use of the expression Maleach Jehovah, that the (particular) angel of Jehovah was essentially one with God, or that Maleach Jehovah always has the same signification; for in Malachi 2:7 the priest is called Maleach Jehovah, i.e., the messenger of the Lord. I am saying that Abram obeyed God in faith, but it was a very little faith, and a very late faith. verse 6). If God therefore would fulfil His promise, no more to smite the earth with the curse of the destruction of every living thing because of the sin of man (Genesis 8:21-22), and yet would prevent the moral corruption which worketh death from sweeping all before it; it was necessary that by the side of these self-formed nations He should form a nation for Himself, to be the recipient and preserver of His salvation, and that in opposition to the rising kingdoms of the world He should establish a kingdom for the living, saving fellowship of man with Himself. Abram, like Paul, and true believers of every age, would acknowledge that it was God Who sought him out and saved him, on the basis of divine grace. In Genesis 11, we read that Terah came from Ur of the Chaldeans. Josephus says this, "Now Terah hating Chaldea, on account of his mourning for Haran (his son), they all removed to Haran." Terah, their father, coordinated the gathering of his family to journey west to their destination ( Genesis 11:31 ). The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran and said to him, Depart from your country and your relatives, and come into the land that I will show you (Acts 7:2-3). We have already seen that Abram was seventy-five years of age at the death of Terah. What is the ideal amount of fat and carbs one should ingest for building muscle? The first time that God told this to Abe, it was God's way of provoking Abe to "get real" about Terah's idolatry. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? Rather, your question should be: why did Abraham leave Haran. This intimates that he would have proceeded with the others to the land of Kenaan if his life had been prolonged, and likewise that they did not leave Haran until his death. Genesis 16, where He is mentioned for the first time, contains no distinct statement as to His shape, but produces on the whole the impression that He appeared to Hagar in a human form, or one resembling that of man; since it was not till after His departure that she drew the inference from His words, that Jehovah had spoken with her. 129 Cyrus Gordon has suggested that the true Ur of Genesis 11:31 is to be found in northern Mesopotamia, probably northeast of Haran. - From these varying forms of appearance it is evident that the opinion that the Angel of the Lord was a real angel, a divine manifestation, "not in the disguise of angel, but through the actual appearance of an angel," is not in harmony with all the statements of the Bible. While not all Bible students agree on the location of Ur,129 most agree that it is the Ur of southern Mesopotamia, on what used to be the coast of the Persian Gulf. 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