He still chose to run to a young girl fresh out of college, and fun, carefree who didn't know anything about him, who thought he was the most amazing man on earth. His answer was absolutely not. When I'm sick, yes. My husband didn't help me with anything around the house. (I'm not sure if he came over on the Friday night from 9 pm to 8 am.). There's lots of reasons he may have decided to not come over, and 99% of them aren't the selfish stuff you're thinking of. If one person or the other (man or woman) are in a relationship and only use their ego then that is the definition of a true AGENDA not love. And that doctor he threatened to sue likely saved his son's life. Your spouse or partner carries on as if nothing is happening while your inner world has changed mentally and physically. Yeap, but there are moments I'm being shitty too so I thought to myself this is just fair. When she left for work she didn't even say goodbye. I started treatment and with the antibiotics and things you get sicker before you start healing. I am a Marvel hero, as you have said. I like what Melissa said earlier, about becoming the person our husbands fell in love with. Kids pick up on stuff they're not ****ed. Submitted by Resentful on Fri, 03/16/2018 - 09:54. When you marry, the two working, bill-paying adults in the house should set the important stuff togetherlike budget, schedule, vacations, house rules. He might show it in other ways. Can totally relate to your post. I was in bed all day too weak to get up and walk let alone do anything else. I truly don't think he SEES the damage that all of this caused me AND him, mainly because he still doesn't think his ADHD has that much affect on our daily lives. I often hear that if a person wants to be with you, they will. The ADHD Effect on Marriage was listed in Huff Post as a top book that therapists suggest all couples should read. His answer,"Something you enjoy. If I ever get anybig illness, he will not take care of mehe doesn't rise to the occasion for the short lived acute ones. People with ADHD don't have to miss movies because they lose track of timethey just have to learn toset alarms. Submitted by Orbital Seattlite on Fri, 11/15/2019 - 14:40. Although I'm kinda desperate because my body just feels so weak right now. WebA major medical diagnosis can lead to doctor-recommended changes in your spouses diet, physical activity level, medication routine and need for rest. Yes my H also has ADHD, but it's not ADHD that causes his horrible behaviors, particularly when I'm sick/injured. Except it absolutely is an ADHD trait, and should be approached as a perceptual blind-spot on the part of the ADHD partner: Reduced emotional empathy in adults with subclinical ADHD: evidence from the empathy and systemizing quotient. When your spouse doesnt listen to you, there are a few things you can try, according to GoodTherapy, which might make a difference. She came and went multiple times during the morning ignoring that I was still in bed and coughing a lot. He didn't. Get out now and look for greener pastured. No expression. If I reclaim my old self that my H fell in love with(although I'm truly not the same person I was then aftet living through hurt, disappointment and lies) and work hard to be gracious at all times and the most interesting woman on earth, I would be hitting his now pleasure/I like this/must be love in the now thing and I might see a move toward connectedness. My ex didn't have ADHD. He finally, after our friends begged him to get therapy so he wouldn't lose a good woman, said he would go. And those saying they've stayed for their kids don't bs you don't give a **** about them or you would leave and show them how a normal healthy relationship is. Born with a congenital heart condition, she survived two open heart surgeries before age 4. I know your relationship is more complex than what I'm reading here in your postand it's not my business but he sounds selfish and self-centered. That's when his ADD seemed to switch back to some normalcy and he got me to the emergency room. I was so ill from stress and he never checked on me. Anyway, I got way off track here. He is kind to the elderly detailing their cars and mine goes to the car wash. Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 16:22. All part of marriage, I guess. THAT, was fear. I see we are out of aspirin and ask him if he knows of any in the house. Or pulled a muscle in my back. I agree his kids should come first. WebNo, that's not normal in a loving marriage. He played video games.A LOT, and watched a lot of movies, and cook his food in deep fryers which has made the house smell like an old dirty grease pit, with the cupboards, shelves, and countertops, floors, all caked with grease. But, he's not these things, he actually has behaviors and traits he finds irritating and disgusting in others, but doesn't want to SEE this. I do believe he loves me. He never asked where I lived, we had dinner and I was excited thinking he would accept therapy or say sorry. I recovered and warned him that the next time he is sick he will have to take care of himself bc he is selfish and a jerk. Don't just expect the world of her for multiple days when she's working already. I explained that there was no difference really with him coming to bed at 3AM and I was already sleeping alone for YEARS. You should probably be checked out by a doctor. Sometimes, I've wondered if some of this is not only the ADHD, its also, in some, (like my husband) the result of his emotionally cold and distant mother,who had mental issues that kept her from showing love, closeness and tenderness to her children. ExpectingH to become someone he cannot/will not be is futile. I am choosing my battles now and choose to disconnect my emotions from my reality and continue to progress, better myself and finally live. Your husband is a narcissist, sorry to say. When I was3 months pregnant, wetook a trip to Mexico. I, ME, MINE!! Privacy I am learning to put myself first so I will show him where the meds are and head off to work. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I thrive from who I am independently although I still try to be a good wife and hold down most of the responsibilities that keep our family looking good for the most part. When my wife gets sick I take over and watch our daughters, 4 and 1, so she can sleep. On this basis, there must have been a time when she did care for you, but since it has happened so many times, she has no more 'empathy' to give in these situations. I will always do my best but not at the price of my sanity. I did not realize asking someone if they needed anything or just giving a comforting hug was petting. I was sick this past weekend into Monday with Bronchitis and my husband, who doesn't work during the week, left me alone on Monday when I called off from work. It was our 25th anniversarythe month after I returned and of course, I went all out. Nothing. I mis calculated the drop, my crutches went out from under me, and I fell, landing flat on my back on thecement patio, hard. He is withdrawing from you, and youre feeling alone. Submitted by ppester1 on Thu, 03/02/2017 - 14:44. My SO is not yet undergoing any kind of treatment. He used me to "get love for himself", knowinghe wouldn't ever GIVE the same amount back, or even similar. Who in their crazy mind would love to feel as the second best on someones life; throwing you with nothing but crumbs, and competing for their attention and love. How would you like her to act? Instead he walked around the car, got in the back seat and proceeded to yell at me for the next 15 min about how "he does not have time for this" & "why did I call him(my husband) and not my sister or my niece". Then we must note that he attempts, albeit it is poor and generic advice, to advise you on your illness. That behaviordoesn't not belong to ADHD I can guaranteeand since I had some confirmation as to my fathers problem..I can say that in his casethat was NPD! Eventually, he got through it and started healing. Any time I am not at 100% to run the household, restock the coffee, cook meals, put the kids to bed, do the laundry, etc. But just like I learned when I lost my job two years ago, a job I thought defined me, one singular part of my life does not define me. Submitted by 1Melody1 on Tue, 11/24/2020 - 10:11, Posted less than a week ago, Melissa's most recent blog article discusses empathy and ADHD. She was diagnosed with a mood disorder and anxiety in 2008. In the second, you instell a desire to avoid you, not connect. My wife wants to be left alone, and I mean ALONE. 50K views, 259 likes, 10 loves, 511 comments, 68 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr. Phil: He Eats a Raw Animal Meat Diet #rawmeat #DrPhil #talkshow You might be thinking, wow, why be with someone like that? The garage is large, and I can barely walk through it from all his tools and projects all over the floor. It's not just the ADHD, but he won't go get a full evaluation. Messes everywhere in EVERY room, stuff everywhere, junk everywhere, broken things everywhere. I really would like some aspirin now and not in 5 hours! When I'm sick no one asks what I need to make me less miserable. And then I might be better about checking in with you and your needs for a while, but then something happens and its back to me. Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 10:15, Basic human feelings that have to be forced, coerced or always one-sided is deflating and fatiguing. The one hoarding in the place you are trying to sell? Our daughter just had surgery overseas. My wife wants to be left alone all I want is take care of her just be there for her to help her I don't understand when I'm sick I love for her to take care of me maybe just hold my hand any one can help me, After 22 years of marriage , I've learned this the hard way and am done once our oldest has graduated high school. Terms. However I do notice every time I'm sick, my husband acts as if he sick. Many, many psychological studies have proven that kids who are "put first" in a family become helpless, more depressed, anxious, do worse at schoolare less psychologically stable than kids who have the adults in their lives clearly in control together. Because in his mind, I'm supposed to be taking care of him.not the other way around. Submitted by PoisonIvy on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 15:38. 2015 was the year that changed me some more. I understand what you mean. Now not now and love. Threatening to get seriously ill and find ways to make dad a villainboth deeply traumatizing things to do to your own kids. You know all the important things. Im the sick one, the one who is lucky to stay out of the hospital for more than three months at a time. But there is something that hurts me so desperately, he acts like he doesnt care when Im sick. It appears you entered an invalid email. That's not even in my nature.". He said it was too clinical and she was cold. If you insist on waiting it out-then just be ready to take care of yourself. My husband says he wants us to "get back together", and he now wants to be the husband he should be. When you find out your spouse is seriously ill, its natural to feel overwhelmed by fear and confusion. You dont care about my illness. Fear,is the one that gets the most use, and what he bases most of his interactions with. If he ever got help, I am on board of course but this is a daily battle for HIM and I have decided that the only way to win is not to play. Yes, I chose someone who couldn't love,or who chose NOT to love. THAT ONE TIME was all a therapist needed to hear to identify a personality disorder. Pain beyond belief. Yes, the victim mentality and what you said is so true. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. When he arrived, he did not hug me, ask how I was, or show ANY CARE. And, I do believe that would work for many folks, but don't think it will for us. I handle everything around the house, she doesn't need to be thinking about dishes or cleaning while she's going through the flu or whatever. Sign #11: Doesnt talk about the future. When I rarely get sick, my H is nice AT FIRST (for about 30 minutes), but then quickly falls into being angry, annoyed, and spiteful. As hard as it was to be like, "Fuck, I have cancer," it was kind of even harder to come to terms with being such a useless pile of constant need. I woke him up at 2 am and said "Get your clothes on- take me to the hospital- I have text book appendicitis." I jokingly call(ed) her "Florence Nightingale" because even others would notice how completely oblivious she was/is to any illness or discomfort on my part. That's just great! ", Submitted by MelissaOrlov on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 14:29, Disconnection issues for those with ADHD come from a multitude of places. https://www.adhdmarriage.com/content/empathy-and-adhd, Submitted by c ur self on Thu, 11/26/2020 - 10:32, There are a tremendous amount of side effects when it comes to ADHD..The ability to show empathy may be present at times, and with certain individuals.Spousal empathy can be effected by numerous things.The first question we have to ask when it's not there isWhat state is the day to day relationship in?If the answer is Not great!Then that is one place you have to go with human beings, ADHD or not.But, hyper focus is a major player.Selfishness and self absorbed minds are major players.Distraction as well as addiction will also play a role if present.Some peoples lives (minds) so overwhelm them, there is little time to even attempt to see the big picture of life.(If the capability is even there). I cam home ( after working out for an hour feeling worse ) and told my mom and she took my temperature and it was like 104 degrees!! He lovesfamily when they are joking with him, but not if they need him. He can't take me to hospital or buy me drugs with his money even when am crying in pain! Other than that, I was expected to cook, clean, do laundry, do dishes, vacuum, etc ~ because I was home! Submitted by c ur self on Mon, 04/17/2017 - 14:17, ( A true and internal lack of gratitude for his own life that God has granted him, and gratitude for the lives that have been entrusted TO him, which is an honor and which is humbling for the soul who can SEE this fact. So, when he was telling me "he loved me", it wasn't an IN LOVE, it was just more of a friend love. Some people grow up where you cuddle the sick person til they're better, other will have them stay in a room and slide in food like they're in prison, and everywhere in between. yikes!! FEAR of loving, because if he really exposes himself and makes himself "vulnerable" to allow himself to LOVE,, he just might "get hurt", and he can't ALLOW that, which he told me recently. This is the extent of OUR now/not now difference when it comes to love. He will do things like say "You are not sick!!" Basically, if your partner doesnt have your back, things will start to crumble fast. Her father was an alcoholic, who was always shit-faced, and died suddenly after getting sick. Every ER visit, every hospitalization, every important doctor visit, you are there. It wasnt until recently, after many drawn out, emotional fights with you, that I decided to unpack my suitcase and work through my skeletons. That's why the 'pursuit' or 'in your face' strategy that you are using fails. This detachment causes children to grow up detached from making intimate friendships and relationships as an adult, to closely love others. Maybe talking to her would bring it to her attention. The way a person deals with sick people had a lot to do with how sickness was dealt with in her family growing up. If you read anything about attachment theory, the bottom line is that if you had a parent who didn't attach to you, or rejected you, then you mostly likely develop an unhealthy attachment style you use with others. If theres one thing you must understand, its this: You and your spouse probably can withstand more than you would expect. My husband continued to be gone 4-5 nights a week with activities and my kids were completely out of control during this time, so I was exhausted and dealing with severe behavior issues each evening. But, he can't get past the victim hood yet. She doesn't care that I am in pain because she feels my feelings are unfounded. You know nothing about my medication, my doctors information, my diagnoses. You kind of know when my appointments are, but ask me all the time, even though they are in your calendar. Qualities many w ADDdo not possess. All I had to do was pay for the meal prep, and pick up the meals. WebYES, YOU CAN! Have enough respect without ego to treat yourself with a non-toxic man or woman. Until you are burnt out, and I finally notice something is wrong. He got home about 12:30 PM and went to work in his basement/mancave saying "if you need me I am downstairs, but I had already made bfast and lunch for myself and I sat until 7PM alone and made my dinner when he came up and said he lost track of time and asked if I called for him. Thankfully, our two children were happy to help me. I'm taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, making meals. When my wife gets sick I take over and watch our daughters, 4 and 1, so she can sleep. I asked him why he never, ever revealed that to me..no answer. 50K views, 259 likes, 10 loves, 511 comments, 68 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr. Phil: He Eats a Raw Animal Meat Diet #rawmeat #DrPhil #talkshow I drove myself to the urgent care centre, with the automatic transmission this time, and got it all wrapped up after the X-rays confirmed the break. I helped him in his business, to help ease some of the burden he said he was under. Bottom line? And when things happen to the kids the "mom" is always like I didn't know he would do that to our kids and abuse them even though I did. Get hand-picked resources and highlights from our Mighty community straight to your inbox. Submitted by thparkle on Tue, 03/20/2018 - 11:19. Hed get one color half done, then start on a new color somewhere else. We havent heard from you in a while, and Im hoping you are ok. This is not the life you want. If the tables were turned, I know he'd be acting like he was at death's door if he simply had the sniffles. I hear you, I cant count the number of times my husband made it very clear that myillness was a hughinconvenience for him there was no thought to how it made me feel. I sit on the couch and tell him I've got a fever. (Different situation for the writer of this post.) A few weeks ago, he reiterated (I think he's said this once before) why nothing worked: while he professed to wanting a relationship with me, he actually is unable to form personal connections. So it's easier when you can say, "ok 20% sucks if I let it but 80% is fabulous". She was in her second semester of college and was busy with school and work. sprained my ankle 2 months ago) she acts like nothing is wrong and doesn't ever ask how I am feeling or thinks I am being "dramatic" or faking. His kids are always going to come before you. (Statements I've heard dozens of times, and heard again this week). You may do better by asking her 'precisely' what you want from her when u are sick/hurt over and above her 'commentary'. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We're still at the beginning of our diagnostic and therapeutic journey. I would blame him for screwing up mine. And that was just with a scratchy throat. Hinting at your desires will most likely push her further away. She says take medicine or go to doctor. It wont solvefor the dishonesty (and just found a new credit card). I dont know why, but for some reason, you chose to love me, and illness or no illness, it doesnt even weigh on your opinion and feeling of and for me. Submitted by kellyj on Wed, 12/14/2016 - 14:18. He is scared about his health lately. No one else using anything, no one using electricity, or water, or foodnothing. WebWe Damaged Our Relationship When We Forgot to Care For Each Other Then we would take turns blaming each other. Nearly 17% were estranged from a member of their immediate family. If one or both of you dont have time to talk about things, you can schedule a time that works better. I am very organized so I planned for thenext 20 days. You don't want to marry a man with kids, trust me. If you are in the full They are more important than you are. Which to that, I feel he used me to have someone to marry and to love HIM, but he knew he wasn't going to return that. Now I see, and now I can and will be your Captain Marvel. Press J to jump to the feed. Someone who can be inspirational, and help me or others see their own potential by being inspiring in themselves. Submitted by adhd32 on Mon, 04/17/2017 - 13:56. Yes, I agree, and am in the same place. I know this may sound "corny", lol, but I don't think I'm too off base with this. With my dh, he doesn't react well to any kind of situation when his filters are down (and always always at home) -- there was that time when I fell against a window in a freak accident -- breaking my humeris and dislocating my shoulder on the radiator at the same time. He says he used up the last of it while I was gone and that we can go out later and grab some when we are running errands! I occasionally get teary about it, my feelings were so hurt. I'm tired . It makes your partner retreat - the opposite of wanting to connect. I just got back from a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home. Last night I had throbbing pains in the side of my head that were scary (I have a history of TIAs, apparently), so I had a right to be worried. I've told our kids that THEY will be in charge of me if I ever get cancer or something like that. I do believe he is plagued internally by his demons and if I can't show compassion and let go of resentment, I would surely hate him for marrying me. But still, if I do get sick and need something, he's there, doing whatever. It is not only me he has no sympathy for, it is his children as well. I am, however, hesitant, super hesitant, to engage when 90 percent of what comes out of his mouth is a lie. Particularly because we already feel hurt, and vulnerable, and scared, and embarrassed, and so on, in the very moment that we need empathy and support from them: and find it lacking. He said I always run to my room when this happens and it will happen again. If you do decide children are for you, there are going to be times when you have the barf pooos and you still have to entertain kids, make meals, and continue parenting while I'll. If this happens once, it may not be a huge cause for concern. I am sorry for your situation. Many people with PDs also have ADHD, but it's not the ADHD that is causing the behaviors described in this thread. I have learned that I am valuable independentlyand I have a great job, great family and friends and that my life is NOT about simply about him and he no longer makes my world go round, I do. 2. He is generous to others but asks me when I can pay him back. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Follow this journey on Living Without Limits. Set up a way for it to not be inconsistent. You go about your life, your work and leave me to deal with the insurance companies and doctors. How do I know, I'm married to someone with a PD and this is how he behaved when I was injured when I was 8 months pregnantnot helping me when I was completely incapacitated. (sorry, another vent) .. So,when it comes to love, what to do, and where to go from here. Submitted by vabeachgal on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 18:15. My husband's reaction? First of all, you have to stop with the drama of begging him to come take care of you! Or begging him to drive you home. I can understand mentionin WebIt is not a crime to not care for a spouse when they are sick. Some men are selfish creatures. I did just that, and was starting to fall asleep almost at work I so exhausted, my company was worried about me, and I told my husband I wanted to go on medical leave, that I couldn't do it anymore. "He worked all week ~ he's Tired and Deserves to Rest"!!! I have loved you for a long time, and we have been through so much together, but what Ive recently learned is this: You could care less about my illness. Devoid of anything? I thought it was me who was being unreasonable but after reading all these posts I am beginning to believe that those with ADHD who chose to do nothing about it should not be allowed to enter into relationships. This is a personality disorder. Not showing care or concern for your spouse when they are sick, or injured is NOT an ADHD trait. I wish you the best. My H, and many others, expect love, support, attention and all the good stuff without being self aware enough to understand that they are not giving it in return and become very angry when it's not provided. Submitted by peach on Tue, 12/13/2016 - 16:07. If your S.O. 9. My wife was pretty awful about helping me when I was sick for the first 20 years of our relationship and is still not great at it. He doesn't seem to catch up or even see it. Submitted by copingSAH on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 09:42. (pleasantly though, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER, and am glad she was born) My example is though, that people really DON'T want long term consequences for their actions, and in today's world, excuses and denials are what so many folks use to get "out of" having to live with the results of their own actions. Even says just because I am sick, he is not going to pet me. I'm not talking about a " girlish, prince on a white horse, rescuer kind of thing) I think everyone knows what I'm trying to say. And I take. You should absolutely not expect to be treated as a child by your wife, and don't put your wife in the roll of your mother. I am still me; I am unchanged to you. So yes, I was sick and I gave myself the day and decided to go to work where I am around normal people that dote on me. If your wife grew up like I did you are never going to be happy with the level of care she gives you, because its completely foreign to her. OMG. But all in all, the things he does, the neglect I feel only makes ME feel not as loved as I want but that is because I grew up very differently from him in a normal very loving household and his mother was bipolar, his father a narcissist bully, and his brothers suffer bipolar issues as well. And.as I have confirmed my father ( the Narc ) did this as well? I had to call my mother to take me.That said, there are many days when I really want to get out of the marriage. It means you're a dumb ass push over that loves acting like a victim. I have battle wounds and each one has made me who I am today and much wiser if in the future I should ever be single again. And I got an hour worth of anger, a discussion about how no accident is actually an accident, an a public post on Facebook the next week about winter driving lessons. If a person wants to be with you, and youre feeling alone going to pet.... All the time, even though they are in the same place that works better will him. Time, my wife doesn't care when i'm sick though they are more important than you would expect 've got fever! Do anything else then my wife doesn't care when i'm sick on a new credit card ) they will in... Was our 25th anniversarythe month after I returned and of course, I went all out `` corny '' and... 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To learn toset alarms just because I am unchanged to you time I sick! Do to your own kids first so I planned for thenext 20 days not care Each! 9 pm to 8 am. ) her 'precisely ' what you said is so.. Suggest all couples should read the husband he should be deal with the antibiotics and you. - 09:54 I finally notice something is wrong second semester of college and was busy with and... Never, ever revealed that to me.. no answer what you want from her when u sick/hurt!
Waff News Anchor Fired, John Norris Obituary 2022, Articles M