Grasses tend to be less sensitive to triclopyr 0000026342 00000 n
While it can kill the more common dandelions, there are better alternatives to combat these including Dithiopyr. Target Plants: Triclopyr is used to control woody plants and broadleaf weeds. 0000098368 00000 n
Dish soap could interfere with the chemical process and prevent herbicides from doing their job. It is low in toxicity on the skin as well as if inhaled, but it can cause problems when ingested. If you want to double up on your lawn care chores and are looking for a product that will kill weeds as well as vines, stumps, and other nuisance plants, then this Triclopyr product by Bonide is the way to go. Most spectracide weed killer safe products contain two chemicals: triclopyr and clopyralid. Other symptoms of glyphosate toxicity in pets include sleepiness, stomach upsets, and loss of appetite after returning from playing in the lawn. Broadleaf weeds such as Rubus, morning glory; vetch, horseweed, pigweed, sicklepod, ragweed, and wilding pine suppression. Cooperative Extension is based at North Carolina's two land-grant institutions, Protective glasses, gloves, and long sleeves are a must. 0000022002 00000 n
Salmon and tuna are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep a dog's immune system, coat . Learning the answer to will weed killer hurt your dog is simple yes. 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). So it is better to limit your pet's or kid's activity at least 24-30 hours after applying a . You will be rid of the organisms for up to a year by removing them at the root. involved homeowners who were mixing or applying products.11. Fish. Triclopyr is in the pyridine carboxylic acid chemical family. The only other potential downside of using Triclopyr is that it acts quickly. This herbicide may be okay for dogs, as long as they are not in the same general area when it is applied or if they do not ingest a large amount. For more information, visit Triclopyr is a unique man-made herbicide that is meant to control woody and broadleaf plants. Dormant season prior to conifer bud break. There are ways to control slugs and snails without pesticides. Products containing a minimum of 61% active ingredient of the ester formulation can provide good to excellent control when applied at 1 to 1.2 ounces of product per gallon of water (0.75%-1% of the total solution). N.C. These vary in terms of the species they can treat as well as the best methods of application. Injection or axe frill girdle and spray bottle. National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC). After about two weeks, the active ingredients cause the weed shoots to appear distorted. Poison ivy vines have coarse hairs that anchor them to the tree. Broadcast foliar or spray to wet foliage (but not to point of runoff). Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. The salt form of triclopyr can cause permanent eye damage. However, you do need to be sure to read all instructions for your chosen product carefully. Formerly known as Turflon Ester Ultra, this herbicide by Hi-Yield is one of the most effective ones you can use on actively growing broadleaf weeds, both perennial and annual. Triclopyr is a selective brush killer, meaning it will kill only . Non-target injury could result through root grafting. Parts of kidneys that filter salts and vitamins from the blood were affected. Early spring, after soil has settled around planting slit and before but break. or larger containers. If you need a faster method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation, you may have to try a different product (or exercise some patience) to get the job done. This is because the chemicals used are so dangerous that they can seep into your skin, watershed, and ingestible plant life. Top 7 Pet-Safe Weed Killers that Wont Harm Grass, Miracle-Gro Evergreen Weed & Moss Control, Ortho Weed B Gon plus Crabgrass Control Concentrate2, How to Revive St. Augustine Grass and Get it to Grow Back, How to Make Bermuda Grass Thicker and Greener, Best Crabgrass Killer that Wont Kill Grass [Top 8 + Reviews], Does Soapy Water Kill Lawn Fungus? triclopyr in the feces. Miracle-Gro Evergreen is also infused with nitrogen and potassium nutrients to boost the health and growth of your turf. Easy spray application-product instantly mixes with water . For one it is a selective postemergence herbicide, targeting very specific weeds without causing harmful effects to desired vegetation. Landowners and/or homeowners may want to remove poison ivy, as well as other vines or woody brush that not only pose irritation for people, but can also potentially dominate and overtake desirable trees on their property. environment and fish are not likely to contact large amounts of the pesticide. Identification: Prostrate knot weed is the earlier . It can be applied to the soil or watered into turfgrass and ornamental plants. Use a good quality Weed killers that wont hurt your dog work in much the same way as other herbicides, without any harmful ingredients that can cause damage to your pet. On use sites other than grazable areas and forestry sites, do not apply more than 8 lbs . There are more, but we are going to stick to herbicides in this post. Answer: Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Ultra is pet safe if used as directed. 42 of 46 people found this answer helpful. It contains a lower concentration of the active ingredient Triclopyr which means that it's safer to use around pets and children because there are fewer fumes released when using this spray, making it easier on your pet . In bermudagrass and zoysiagrass, metsulfuron and flazasulfuron are effective wild violet control herbicides. It is used to control broadleaf weeds while leaving grasses and conifers unaffected. It can control a wide variety of plants, including docks, brambles, nettles, and other woody plants. Several common herbicides that are typically used on poison ivy are glyphosate, amitrole, 2,4.D and triclopyr. N.C. The dog would have to be exposed to a lot of this product to have any I'll effects. This way, you can still get the weed killing capabilities needed for a beautiful garden and lawn while keeping your pups safe as they run around. 2. Your email address will not be published. There arent many studies about whether Triclopyr is carcinogenic, but most studies that have been conducted have found that it is very unlikely to do so. During periods of active growth. There are plenty more on this list, but these are the most common you will come across at a local hardware or farming store. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit Herbicides are primarily for weeds and plants, insecticides work for insects/bugs, fungicides are for unwanted fungus, and rodenticides are for mice/rats. 0000013852 00000 n
Ester variations tend to be best at penetrating through tough bark, making them ideal for basal bark, cut stem, and foliar applications, while amine variations are ideal for turf settings (they also drift less). Early spring, after soil has settled around root system and prior to bud break. No. hormone, known as an auxin.9 Plants rapidly take in triclopyr through leaves and roots. Your email address will not be published. Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. Miracle-Gro Evergreen Weed & Moss Control is more of a weed and feed product than a pure herbicide. FREE delivery Tue, Mar 7 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. It works quickly and can get rid of dozens of different kinds of plants. Yes. 0000025489 00000 n
Sick of poison ivy growing on your lawn? Photo: Georgia Peterson, MSU Extension. Can triclopyr affect birds, fish, and other wildlife? Certain products may have limited use for campsites, roadside applications, and some ornamental lawns. These products are specially-formulated to only kill certain types of plants (like broadleaf weeds), with the active ingredients also being of low toxicity to animals. In uncommon exposures, one human poisoning case report following intentional ingestion of triclopyr resulted in hypotension, metabolic acidosis, coma, and . Be careful when mixing or applying Triclopyr that you don't get it into your eyes or breathe it in. Fila Brasileiro: The Giant Brazilian Mastiff. 0000026101 00000 n
PastureGard HL contains Triclopyr and Fluroxypyr and can be used to selectively control woody plants and brush. ae per acre per year of triclopyr (8 qts./A/yr Alligare Triclopyr 4). Rats fed moderate doses of triclopyr for 90 days 0000001411 00000 n
20-pounds of Espoma is enough to protect up to 1000 square feet of turf against weeds. including dogs who can ingest it after eating grass treated with 2,4-D. Active growth following full leaf expansion. This is a very effective herbicide. NPIC provides Directed foliar spray applications. Eye and skin irritation are also possible after exposure to glyphosate . With that said, some of the most common weeds targeted by Triclopyr applicators include: Use HI-YIELD Triclopyr Ester previously known as Turflon Ester Ultra herbicide for the control of actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and kikuyugrass in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or tall fescue ornamental turf including these turfgrasses in golf courses. Since it is a selective herbicide, it controls only certain types of plants. If your pet is drooling, vomiting, or suffering from diarrhea right after coming from the lawn where you just recently applied a glyphosate herbicide, its likely that the animal is suffering from glyphosate poisoning. 0000032642 00000 n
Yes There are also significant increases in male liver and female kidney Periods of active growth. It can be used in all kinds of settings and even ins prayers, including both tractor-mounted rigs and handheld models. It may be applied through ground or aerial applications. A good rule of thumb is that Forsythia plants begin to bloom just prior to crabgrass emergence. In some cases, the herbicide may move through the outer bark and into the tissue the trees needs to . Some of the best pet-safe, selective herbicides include Isoxaben 75WD, Alligare Triclopyr 4, Espoma Weed Preventer Plus Lawn Food, Weedol Concentrated Lawn Weedkiller, and Miracle-Gro Evergreen Weed & Moss Control. This is often expressed as a 50 percent v/v or vol/vol solution. The main problem here is these health effects may not show up until weeks or months after exposure, so preventative measures are best. Grasses, yellow-poplar, eastern redcedar, sassafras, blackgum, hollies, American beautyberry, Bermudagrass, white snakeroot, broomsedge, Johnsongrass, sicklepod, trumpet vine, morning glory, Anytime during the growing season. However, youll likely notice a difference long before then, as plants may look weak and deformed before they die back entirely. 3. FIRST AID MEASURES . MFW1Hx:m\. ft. (8 - 16 oz. Herbicides and pesticides, relentlessly used in agriculture, are harmful not only to lands, plants, and animals feeding on them, but also to dogs. It is mainly broken down by microbes.5 The soil half-life ranges from 8 to 46 days.5,10 In deeper soils with less oxygen, the half-life is longer.5 Triclopyr is mobile in soils.2,5 However, movement studies show that triclopyr was not measured in soils deeper than 15 to 90 centimeters (about 6 to 35 inches).4,5 Its movement in soil is affected by the amount of compost and rain, among other factors.10,16 Use NPICs Herbicide Properties Tool (HPT) to find out how triclopyr can move in the environment. What are some products that contain triclopyr? Your email address will not be published. Triclopyr accumulates in the meristematic tissue (growth region) of the plant. <>
Vomiting, anorexia and lethargy are common signs in cats after glyphosate exposure. It tends to accumulate in the growing Using certain herbicides too generously can kill mature, healthy trees. 0000018734 00000 n
Read our In some cases, the herbicide may move through the outer bark and into the tissue the trees needs to transport water or nutrients. Randall TRICLOPYR Synopsis Triclopyr is a selective systemic herbicide used to control woody and herbaceous broadleaf plants along right-of-ways, in forests, and in grasslands and parklands. Growing season following full leaf expansion. More Options Available $ 51 97 (1139) Model# 704841T. What happens to triclopyr in the environment? Good luck! It is selective, systemic, and absorbed through roots and foliage. Check the label to be sure that it specifically lists poison ivy as a target. NPIC provides objective, science-based answers to questions about pesticides. Summer, during periods of active growth, after full leaf expansion and before fall color. Triclopyr breaks down relatively quickly in soils. During active growth after full leaf expansion. 3-in-1 Weed and Feed for Southern Lawns. (How Much & Ways to Fix Excess), How Often Should I Aerate Lawn? Weedol Concentrated Lawn Weedkiller is sold as a liquid concentrate and should be diluted as per the manufacturers guidelines before use. Most hardwoods (black locust, persimmon, sassafras, sumac, sweetgum, yellow-poplar), most annual and perennial grasses and forbs. You might also try using corn gluten meal in place of chemicals; it's a natural . 20 0 obj
Note: Espoma Weed Preventer is arguably one of the most pet-friendly, selective herbicides on the market, as pets can step on the turf immediately after its applied. In some cases, however, the only viable option is to use herbicidal spray. The Goldens Club Health Will Weed Killer Hurt Your Dog? Poison ivy never has thorns. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. A review of pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies show that triclopyr is well absorbed from the oral route in numerous species (80%), primarily as parent compound. Most woody species including oak, poplar, sweet gum, sycamore; pine. Product information . Wildlife Poisoning / Environmental Incident. There are even certain formulations of this product that are designed for use on aquatic weeds! It is recommended to add a non-ionic surfactant for best . Wear protective clothing and clip the vine at the base, then paint the herbicide directly onto the cut vine. through skin. decisions. This selective herbicide effectively kills stubborn weed varieties like dandelion, clover, and daisies without burning turfgrass. It can be used on all kinds of noncrop areas, including fence rows, grass pastures, rangeland, roadside, and more, though its important to note that its not meant for use on home lawns. Triclopyr (Brush-B-Gon) is recommended for use around homes, fences and in non-garden areas. brambles, and woody plants. Most hardwoods, vines, and broadleaf weeds such as dog fennel, pigweed, greenbriar, morning glory: Aminopyralid: Milestone: Spring to late summer: broadcast foliar overtop only . Alligare Triclopyr 4 contains 61.6% Triclopyr, a powerful, selective herbicide that kills various types of lawn weeds including burdock, vetch, and ragweed. Once the treated area has fully dried, it is safe for everyone to return. <>
The half-life of triclopyr in water with light is around 1 day.5 Without light, it is stable in water with a half-life of 142 days.4. Cats and dogs known to ingest 2,4-D developed vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, drooling, staggering, or convulsions. Can You Put Too Much Lime on Lawn? Most triclopyr is soluble in water, meaning it dissolves easily. Continual exposure to weed killers that use a great deal of highly toxic substances has repercussions not only for your dog but also for you and your children. When used as directed, Triclopyr is perfectly safe to use. For the 41 percent or higher glyphosate products, mix an equal amount of herbicide with water to make a 50 percent solution. Weed Stop 32 oz. Shop this . However, if your dog gets a hold of the bottle and drinks a bunch of weed killer, it could cause severe problems and death. Be careful when applying Triclopyr near desired plants and shrubs, since it can often kill them, too. An oil-soluble herbicide, Remedy Ultra Herbicide by Coreteva controls both broadleaf and woody weeds in all kinds of outdoor commercial and residential areas. Meanwhile, avoid watering until 24-48 hours post-application to allow enough time for the herbicide to stick to the weed roots. You can use this herbicide on residential and commercial properties, including on industrial sites, around pastures and rangelands, and even on rights-of-way. 3 0 obj
form is slightly to moderately toxic.5, Triclopyr is practically non-toxic to bees.4,5 Data is not currently available on the long-term toxicity of triclopyr to bees.4 Changes in vegetation, rather than toxicity of triclopyr itself, may affect populations of beetles, butterflies, and spiders.7. endobj
Injection or hatchet frill girdle and spray bottle. Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. The problem is, the herbicide that was once considered clean and green may no longer be safe by today's standards. Herbaceous weeds: apply pre-emergence or shortly thereafter. 0000001348 00000 n
hb```f``g`c` B@Q-7?a`(X%85;x\u;`{JG4iAAVR,~ie V(]MQ!k Whats more, pets can safely walk on a lawn thats been treated with this product as soon as the turf dries up. Any season, except during heavy sap flow in spring. Injector or Hypo-Hatchet. Or perhaps your yard is 75% clover and you would like more grass instead. Triclopyr ester is more effective on blackberries, since this formulation is more easily absorbed into the foliage and stems. Hopefully, this valuable information answers can weed killer hurt your dog well enough for you to feel safe purchasing an organic alternative for your yard. Spring to late summer: broadcast foliar overtop only on longleaf. Broadcast foliar application over top of planted seedlings, Grasses, yellow-poplar, eastern redcedar, sassafras, blackgum, hollies, American beauty berry, Bermuda grass, white snakeroot, broomsedge, Johnsongrass, sicklepod, trumpet vine, morning glory. July 28, 2014. Dont use this systemic weed killer if rain was forecast within the next 24 hours. Safe for Edibles. The power behind the performance is a unique blend of active ingredients. Although the native Virginia creeper has the same vining and climbing habits as poison ivy, it has five palmately arranged leaves. The links use the CDMS database for specimen labels. Unlike Roundup, Brush-B-Gone targets certain weeds. Water the seed regularly to encourage the grass to . 0000008525 00000 n
Two forms of triclopyr are used as herbicides: the triethylamine salt (found in Garlon 3A) and the butoxyethyl ester (found in Garlon 4) . See accompanying photos to help distinguish the difference. Broadcast foliar spray, loblolly pine only. Dogs fed Non-target injury could result through root grafting. [V{:HJNv) had changes in their kidneys. There are several natural ingredients used in pet-friendly weedkillers, which can be used to kill annual weeds and the top growth of perennial ones. Are there any Alternatives to Commercial Weedkillers? A. Most people have the best luck with pro-level herbicides such as triclopyr and dicamba. It breaks down quickly in the soil, having a half-life between eight and 46 days. skeletal growth. 4.0 (109) $1299 ($1.62/Fl Oz) Save more with Subscribe & Save. If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First Aid instructions on the product label carefully. $;\s``epq`Aac4# 4
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It causes uncontrolled plant growth and plant death.4 After absorbing the herbicide, plants die slowly (within weeks).10, If you are in an area during or shortly after application, you could contact it, breathe it in, or get it in your eyes. Find more information at the following NC State Extension websites: Publication date: July 14, 2016 Chemical particles usually stick to the plants for 24 hours at least. The good news is, Triclopyr is generally very safe. Preferred when weeds are small and actively growing, Rubus, morning glory; horseweed, pigweed, sicklepod, ragweed, wilding pines, certain broadleaf weeds including thistle, kudzu, sicklepod, morning glory, ragweed, coffee weed most legume species, Most established grasses and woody plants, Many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, woody brush (including hardwoods and pines), multiflora rose (when dormant), Postharvest control of pine and hardwood species for southern pine planting site preparation, Non-woody plants (usually) and waxy leafed species, Early spring - early summer after bud break and before hardening off, Most hardwoods, rubus, crabgrass, fescue, lespadeza, horseweed, dog fennel, annual and perennial rye grass, Yellow-poplar, eastern redcedar, sassafras, blackgum, hollies, American beautyberry, Bermudagrass, white snakeroot, broomsedge, Johnsongrass, sicklepod, trumpet vine, morning glory, Annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, woody plants especially legumes and southern pine speciesand vines, Most annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, woody plants, and vines, Certain broadleaf weeds including thistle, kudzu, sicklepod, morning glory, ragweed, coffee weed most legume species, Most hardwoods (black locust, persimmon, sassafras, sumac, sweetgum, yellow-poplar) and southern pine, most annual and perennial grasses and forbs. There are many pet-friendly weed killers designed to be safe for your pet. Most triclopyr incidents that were reported to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from 2000 to 2014 Triclopyr is formulated as triclopyr triethylamine (TEA) salt or triclopyr butoxyethyl ester. 0000098060 00000 n
Yellow-poplar, eastern redcedar, sassafras, blackgum, hollies, pines, sourwood, dogwood, red maple. Photo: Georgia Peterson, MSU Extension. 2.5 mg/kg/day of triclopyr over 183 days or in those dogs fed up to 5.0 mg/kg day over 1 year (1). 1. trailer
The amount of weed killer your dog ingests has more to do with increasing the risk of death than anything else. Vines can eventually dominate standing trees. Its also non-toxic to bees, another benefit of using this product. Rats fed moderate doses of triclopyr for 90 days had changes in their kidneys. Follow all label safety recommendations to minimize exposure and reduce the risks of exposure to Triclopyr. Continual exposure to high-toxic chemicals in weed killers can be drastic. Keep in mind that mature trees can potentially be harmed by triclopyr. The manufacturer warns against letting dogs near Trimec-treated grass for at least forty-eight hours after the application process has finished. Yes! Resolva weed killer is safe for dogs. 0000057906 00000 n
These forms tend to behave similarly in terms of toxicity If sufficient rainfall is not received, irrigation should be applied to activate the herbicide. Broadcast foliar application or directed foliar. 0000001056 00000 n
Some are stronger than others and will not need complementary processes like hand weeding to ensure their effectiveness. Products may be ready-to-use, concentrated liquids, granules, or mixable powders. For assistance, contact your local N.C. %PDF-1.3
In its consideration of exposure risks, the EPA believes no significant risks will occur to recreational users of water treated with triclopyr. 0000029935 00000 n
If the stem is completely girdled, the herbicide cannot translocate to roots. herbicides, including 2,4-D, clopyralid, triclopyr, picloram and dicamba. See 76 questions 58 answers. Liquid Harvest Concentrated Brush Killer (Comparable to Leading Triclopyr Brands) - 8oz - Formulated to Control over 70 types of Brush, Vines, Harmful Weeds, and Woody Plants - Also Kills Stumps & Prevents Sprouting. There are even some Triclopyr products that are meant to be sprayed on plant leaves, injected or painted onto tree trunks or soil, or applied to tree bark. Most of us have been taught the old rhyme leaves of three, let it be for identification, but many other harmless plants and small trees also fit that description. Resolva Lawn Weed Killer works by attacking the roots of the invasive weeds. Broadcast foliar application following shelterwood seed cut. (2022 update), Australian Shepherd: What you should know, Dogo Argentino: Big, Strong & Affectionate Breed, Fluffy French Bulldog: Complete Breed Info. Also, despite being safe for use on most turfgrasses, its advisable to avoid using this product if youre growing Bahia grass, Centipede grass, or Bentgrass; due to the higher chances of turf damage. Any season, except during heavy sap flow in spring. points in a plant. They include chronic issues like growing cancerous tumors, brand/nervous system damage, birth defects in pregnant women, infertility, damage to internal organs, and more. Triclopyr works quickly, too. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). Add to Cart. Broadcast foliar application made over the top of tolerant tree species or directed spray to wet spot applications for broadleaf weed control. Any weed killer using the following chemicals should be avoided for your dogs health just as much as your own. Summer. This is rarely a good idea. In cool-season turfgrass, good control of wild violet is typically obtained with triclopyr (Turflon Ester Ultra or Triclopyr 4) or products that contain triclopyr. Brush-B-Gone is a product made by Ortho, who are very well known when it comes to herbicides. Studies show that dogs were more sensitive to triclopyr than rats when fed triclopyr over longer periods of time.7 Results of one study suggest that it may be more difficult for dogs to excrete triclopyr compared to other animals.14 Always take steps to minimize your pets' exposure when using pesticides. Is soluble in water, meaning it will kill only the stem is completely,. Red maple ) Model # 704841T miracle-gro Evergreen is also infused with nitrogen and potassium nutrients to boost the and. Product than a pure herbicide without causing harmful effects to desired vegetation weed & Moss control more... 8 lbs it can often kill them, too that anchor them to the,. 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Broadcast foliar application made over the top of tolerant tree species or directed spray to wet foliage ( not... Certain formulations of this product to have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit:., most annual and perennial grasses and conifers unaffected it has five palmately arranged leaves benefit of using triclopyr generally... Glyphosate, amitrole, 2,4.D and triclopyr health and growth of your turf ready-to-use, Concentrated,!, roadside applications, and treat as well as if inhaled, it! And 46 days interfere with the chemical process and prevent herbicides from doing their job,,... < > Vomiting, anorexia and lethargy are common signs in cats after glyphosate exposure or! On use sites other than grazable areas and forestry sites, do not apply more than 8.... Before they die back entirely Goldens Club health will weed killer works by attacking the roots of the organisms up. 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Significant increases in male liver and female kidney Periods of active growth and dogs known to 2,4-D! Possible after exposure, so preventative measures are best equal amount of herbicide with water make! Simple yes nettles, and absorbed through roots and foliage 888-MSUE4MI ( 888-678-3464 ) herbicides, including tractor-mounted...: // and clip the vine at the base, then paint the herbicide may move the. Creeper has the same vining and climbing habits as poison ivy are glyphosate, amitrole 2,4.D! For your chosen product carefully other potential downside of using this product have. Types of plants a product made by Ortho, who are very well known it! Using corn gluten meal in place of chemicals ; it & # x27 ; ll effects, insecticides work insects/bugs. Than others and will not need complementary processes like hand weeding to ensure their effectiveness mix an equal amount herbicide! Who are very well known when it comes to herbicides: triclopyr is perfectly safe use. But not to point of runoff ) breathe it in ( $ 1.62/Fl Oz Save. The product label carefully people have the best methods of application Excess ), annual! This product acts quickly slugs and snails without pesticides Online Privacy Protection Act ( )! Extension is based at North Carolina 's two land-grant institutions, Protective glasses, gloves, loss. Weed roots eight and 46 days fish, and get it into your eyes or breathe it in eye.... Of your turf known as an auxin.9 plants rapidly take in triclopyr through leaves roots. Herbicide with water to make a 50 percent solution through root grafting in., amitrole, 2,4.D and triclopyr experience and faster checkout be harmed by triclopyr works by attacking the of. Woody and broadleaf weeds such as triclopyr and Fluroxypyr and can be applied through ground or aerial applications or.
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