You want to live, I want what's in the Madre. We got bigger problems with the Holograms no, no, wait, you're right. For the love of this whole heist was a gamble anyway. And during Strike Up the Band you cannot say any speech option or regular dialogue option that is threatening of him. {Defensive}I still need to eat. All right, I'll break to my right, head for the locked door. Real funny. All right, makes sense. It sucks, I know, I've been there myself. {To himself}Just finish the last job, Dean. Slow, a little sad as if shaking your head, draw this to a close. Dean will give his safe key, and entertainer pass, to Player.>. {Different than other one - speaking to an idiot, so emphasis is different}Just because I work in entertainment, doesn't mean {emph}I'm a moron. {Getting up after being knocked unconscious}Feels like someone played my head like a trombone. {Slightly predatory}What no hug? NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic05. {Beat}Anyway, front gate was open, no way I was letting {emph}you get in first. [FAILED] The hand's been dealt, {emph}that's the deal. Figured I could pay Sinclair back, introduce the two {To himself}guy was a slouch in the dame department, had to pick up the slack somehow. I'm not walking out there on my own. {Under his breath}Vanished like a Maxis act. That key you snagged, it won't work. Whoops, almost revealed too much, backpedaling a bit here before the player finds him out. Wonder what happened to the suckers. Get me out of this mess. Disables the database cache when you need exclusive access to a file in it. {Flippant}Chem use, indiscretions, more chem use the usual Hollywood tune. Don't trust me? {Normal tone}The right tone and phrasing well, that may take some time. This line plays when the player finds one of Dean's caches in the Villa that he squirreled away for emergencies. Around here, that word doesn't come cheap. {To himself}And I can barely smell anything. {Irritated, bad side starts coming out}Oh, of course you do. Thanks.>. {Beat}Talk about being a second stringer. Trust me, only {emph}one of us has a sure out. Security can handle it from here. No, based on your response, I'm sure of it. {Rolls eyes}Oh, you bet. {Beat, shrugs}Even if they don't, they still might. {Frowns}That tourist crosses me, they'll regret it. Don't get me wrong, I can hold an audience, conduct a score from the rooftops, but I'm guessing I'm the odd man out in this whole heist. You bet. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents However, Keyes got cold feet, so in order to ensure her continued cooperation, Domino began to blackmail her with evidence of a Med-X addiction, unaware that her addiction was a result of her being terminally ill. His final gig was to be at the Tampico, but that all changed when the bombs dropped; the security holograms activated and the Gala Event turned into a massacre. I think you can manage walking there without me. Why? You and that old man? {Terminal blows up}What the blazes piece of junk! {Dean admonishes, cynically, player when he/she goes into Dean's old dressing room in the backstage of the Theater}. Think you're going to up-stage me, here at the Sierra Madre? Kill me, and And the collars? Eye color Then she can make some beautiful music. NVDLC01DeanFaction, NVDLC01TrapFaction, SmokerFaction. After all I went through after all that hauling her body through the streets? {Frustrated}Dead? Not put me in danger? {2nd Time Salida, North}We need to get out of here - come alone if you want, don't drag me here. {Gently bringing it up, worried she remembers him}Eh those scars? {2nd Time, Clinic}Seriously, we should get out of here. Confidence Maybe. Fountain's the safest place. Is this possible? {Switching Station}Stinks down here. Past that {thinking}is my dressing room. Okay, let me see if I can reactivate the Holograms. {Mock menacing}What, you think I was a Chinaman, come to cut your American throat? If youre an avid That's the plan. {1st Time Police Station}What are we doing in here? The information in this topic describes Domino server tasks and their defaults in the NOTES.INI file. Not even worth the time it'd take to kill you. This section of town is the most dangerous. A state-of-the-art subreddit from Vault-Tec. {Nervous}Look just get rid of them, all right? yeah, so what? Look, I'm not trying to hurt {emph}you. You currently have javascript disabled. I'm not about to trade your life for mine, got it? {Player tries to talk in the middle of combat}Not now, we got bigger problems. You're a piece of work, I'll give you that. Might cause it to reset itself, open the doors for a bit like it was supposed to. I made other keys, too, to unlock the casino and ruin Sinclair, finally. Dead Money It's through the Cloud - but if I'm with you, I can help you through it. {Sarcastic}We're not going to find a doctor on call at this hour, trust me. No glasses It all depends on how you interact with him the first time you meet. Dean is talking to himself in these lines. Dean is talking to himself in these lines. The Villa provides even if it's not as glamorous as the Cantina Madrid. The speakers are all controlled by a central console. {Sing-song, then disdainful in second half}And I'm not stabbing you in the back. {Beat, throw this line away}He's more controlling than I'd like. Great, huh? I blame Sinclair he was such a victim, that maybe she felt it would be too easy it doesn't matter. Hurry, would you? This casino's security system is pissing me off. So we go together, or we're not going at all. Good thing, someone walks in here, they're toast. {Frowns}Great, a moron - just what I need. Yes, but if you piss him off early he says "partner" with very heavy sarcasm throughout the playthrough. The Holotape should be where I left it no, wait. [FAILED] Interesting in the sense that having some light show open the Sierra Madre? Wait, what Holograms? You can help. {To himself}Us killed there. Thought I was back at the Fronds {to himself}well, except no audience, used to pack theaters back then so stepped up on the stage, check things out Then suddenly Holograms walked out of the wings and they started raising their hands to their heads all creepy-like, {emph}not a good sign. Then you show up, thinking you can just take it all from me, you and the old man running the show? You wouldn't dare. {emph}I'll get out in time - you won't. Let's talk about how close you're following me. Sick. Rubbing it in? Welcome to IBM Domino Administrator Help. Fine, fine - don't want us both blowing up anyway. If she heals up, it's not going to be her voice speaking any more. {Narration}During his search, he came across the final records of Vera and Sinclair, and realized what happened the night the bombs fell. {Salida/Puesta}Check the fountains, might have some wishes er, chips we can snag. {Beat, to himself}I hope not, or we're royally jones'd. We have. Nice voice, nice legs. I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Kill me, I still win, you're never getting in the vault. Her broadcast is tied into the emergency broadcast signal for the Sierra Madre. Me, I don't take chances. The Administration Process is a program that automates many routine administrative tasks. Sure, yeah, I have the key on me. PC's only chance to escape alive. So close now, stage is set, strike up the band. The heist he spent over two hundred years planning fell apart, just as the first, by underestimating his partner's strength. >lo smdreal -debug 3. I don't think so. [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant, convincing}Well yeah. {Not really happy to hear this, it's like someone left his door unlocked in a dangerous neighborhood}Oh, looks like you already forced the gate. Access to this terminal is through the ruined cafe. For some reason, Sinclair he built this place she caught his eye. And well, walk slow - there's bound to be more. {Beat, studying dials}Trying to help you out here disable the speakers, play a little music {
}. He just keeps griping about being second fiddle for being asked to hold the wires. He's not dead it's a trick. Bomb collars or not. {Little nervous}We're not heading to the police station, are we? {THEATER: Player has rescued Dean}Are you all right? Still have my fingers, though. {In any interior}Breath of fresh air in here literally. Uh "Vera Keyes." This section describes the Domino server commands that are available, as well as methods of issuing those commands. {To himself}Think the Villa's bad now you haven't seen half the hell this town can raise. I go back and I cannot tell him the holograms are on and hes safe. Go knock yourself out. Domino survived the apocalypse, during which he began to undergo ghoulification. {Mutters}Town's going to be filled with Ghosts when the sky lights up. {Slightly wistful, quiet}A little party favor before the grand finale. {Dean Alive: Narration, slightly upbeat}Dean Domino, entertainer, singer thief explored the Sierra Madre not long after he was rescued by the Courier. {Malicious}You weren't on the guest list. Domino server commands This list briefly describes the IBM Lotus Domino server commands that are available. Theater's almost the same as it was. I'm serious. Aggression Leave themselves wide open for someone to waltz right in and take what they want. There are two remote consoles available from the Domino Web Administrator: the Quick Console and the Live Console. Survival. Do I have to spell it out? Like Madrid. Uh anything else you can tell me that'd help? The locals, the Ghost People? {Calls out, a little nervous, but relieved}Finally, a friendly face hey! There are no cheat codes, as far as I know. Ironically, he's no help at all if he doesn't betray you though. You can also replicate a single database from your server to the specified server by including the database name on the command line. {Normal tone}If you need food, stims {slightly condescending}put in a chip, hold out your hand. Use this command after running a server under load. Yes, that's the next step. When she wasn't doped up on Med-X or Superstimming her pain away look, never mind. Ref ID Either deal with me as an equal, or I walk. Like Madrid. Manage Domino servers by performing any of these tasks. You'll wish you hadn't. Displays the current value for a NOTES.INI setting. As "Good" characters I usually make the extra effort to save him by avoiding any intelligent dialogue with him. The Administration Process is a program that automates many routine administrative tasks. If Vera was the key, she's dead. . Ready to die? {Getting angry}Stop looking at me, you idiot. Still, you dames are all the same - things get a little hot, you get cold feet. Little Miss Silence? Domino introduced them to each other as part of his plan to break into the casino vault, where he would take whatever it was that Sinclair had there that was so important. {Slightly friendlier, let's-make-a-deal}Good, good - then we're in business. {Beat}Just like last time. If they find out someone's trespassing, it'd be shaking a hornet's nest. Use this information to configure an IBM Domino network, users, servers (including Web servers), directory services, security, messaging, widgets and live text, and server clusters. I would very much like to complete the quest, but I cant . Dean Domino is out of Map? Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what. {To himself, remembering the Cloud}Well, did, anyway. Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. {Sizing place up, liking it}Might be a nice place to hole up for a while. I'm just going to catch my breath a bit. Welcome to IBM Domino Administrator Help. {Narration}Only Dean's Hologram remained on stage, singing silently to an empty room. Use this topic as an overview of planning task. {Beat, changes tone to false confidence}I-I mean, not like I care. Lotus Domino Console Commands - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. If you have a browser and want to manage and view settings for a Domino server, you can use the Domino Web Administrator to perform most of the tasks that are available through the Domino Administrator. I mean no, wait, you would. >lo smdupd -debug 3 (For AU update issue only) >lo smdsch -debug 3. I mean, you can't see it on posters, but never mind. {Thinking}You powered the Holograms up? Time's wasting, and those Holograms are going to be on us any second. Never mind, doesn't change anything. Watch for Hologram security, not as nice as the lady at the fountain, trust me. {Irritated}Going to need a hand here, "partner.". What do you mean about the Sierra Madre broadcast? {Urgent, worried he's going to get attacked by zombies}All right, now - I'm out of here. He built this place for her well, after the two "chanced" to meet. SPECIAL Doesn't seem to bother the Ghost People. I guess I should have figured you'd have an escape plan. {Likes PC}All right, I'll head out and see what I can do on my end. Adds or changes a setting in the NOTES.INI file. I want out of this contract. He's a man who nursed a 200 year old grudge because someone else was "happier" than him. Reloads the Domino server's mail rules, enabling new rules to take effect immediately. And the woman? Come on down, we'll see. Whoever it is, they're gone. Felt the collar start kicking again as soon as the elevator doors rattled open. I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. {Frustrated, under his breath}Batting a thousand, that's us. {Salida/Puesta}If I ever had to come here, I stuck to the overhangs and roofs - like sidewalks up there. I mean, it's a little small and hey, watch the hands in there, I remember where I left {emph}everything, got it? Sierra Madre, it's meant for me. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. [SUCCEEDED] {Impressed}Sounds like you've done some blue collar construction work in your life, your Ma must be proud. Combat The Domino Character Console (cconsole program) provides a way to access the server console from the command line. {Disdainful}Sure, nice words, nice promises not worth a dime out here in the shadow of the Sierra Madre. Tourists. Sinclair left that for doctors and trained professionals, not the common folk. {Frowns}So that's why you showed you wanted what was in the music archives on this floor, hook up the signal. Why it sure is interesting. {Low threat}And you leave me here, this Gala Event isn't going to happen, I can feel it. Good thing you mentioned that before I ran back there, "partner.". The difference is noticeable. Christ, if that collar blows, I don't know if you'd know the difference, you'd probably still keep walking around with that dumb, blank look. >te smdreal quit. {Relieved}Yeah, now. {Like told to wait in a DMZ}Whoa, whoa, whoa in the middle of town here? Now get going. What makes you think you can slip out? But listen {Frowns, warning}when this thing goes off, try and get into the Sierra Madre without me? {Under his breath, after battle in the theater}Not going to be performing here again, that's for sure. For now. Come on. During his search, he came across the. I ask one simple favor of you, and you tell me "no?". [FAILED] What do I want? Neutral On a {emph}rooftop, with a big lightshow in the air? [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking}Yeah yeah, right. You can also replicate a single database from the specified server to your server by including the database name on the command line. {Shrugs}Once he was hooked, that was it, had to have her. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Personality and abilities 2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 Interactions overview 2.2 Quests 2.3 Effects of player's actions 2.4 Other interactions I'm not wearing my dancing shoes, so I walk a little softly now. You hear me down there? Where's the song recording you have? He builds this place for her, like some kind of Cleopatra obsession. It's curtains for Dean. All right, all right but you already got company, so tell you what - I'll meet you at the Fountain. Those little company stores? "Tactics" means "stay out of sight" around here anyway. {Beat}Got to sue my agent for this. Can't see through it too well, though, so sometimes I can use the Cloud for cover if I get desperate. Or {Frowns}guess Vera Keyes got lost along with the rest of the holo-archives when the bomb hit, huh? {Salida}Salida del Sol - "Sunrise." I'll follow you, I'm not going alone, trust me. I don't know. Always kept looking for the bright, shining future in everything. Unless you get some Hologram guards lit up in the courtyard below? Right. Up here. You're not the one standing up here waiting for the Ghost People to show, all right? Nobody's going to miss you whoever you are, you're old news. You wouldn't. {Incredulous}You think {emph}I'm the bad guy here? Nobody relies on a single escape route unless they want to get caught. When you first meet him, theres a speech or barter check. Causes a damaging numbing affer-effect. Also use this information to set up IBM iNotes on a server using Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS). {Slightly irritated, still superior}Now, now that's {emph}my room. I mean, we don't even {emph}need her if you get the terminals live, and the music kicking. If, however, you don't try to show up Domino, if when you meet for the first time you let Domino act like he is the one in charge, then he decides he likes you and won't try to betray you later on. NVDLC01Dea_NVDLC01DeanToCh_00011349_1NVDLC01Dea_NVDLC01DeanToCh_000100AE_1. He figures the "Strong Man"'s needed somewhere, {to himself}even if it sounds like the Strong Man's {emph}two minds about it. Interesting to me, who would have thought? The Sierra Madre. {First Time}Hey, those are my emergency supplies! {Frowns, looking around}Don't even know how I ended up here guess the casino still recognizes guests even after all this time, huh? What? {Beat, grumbles}If only the Sierra Madre'd done the same. Glasses Just one last little job, a little less dirty, a little less messy. I switched on two Holograms to cover the courtyard, those should protect you. Dean curses, insulting old Stage Manager's computer (backstage), after blows up when tried to disable Holograms. When you first meet Dean Domino, let him think he's the "boss", and never contradict or criticize him. Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist. Try and come back {emph}here? The ServerTasks= line lists the tasks to start as the server starts up. Keep checking behind you, make sure your partners are following {emph}don't let them wander. Little bit of two-reel memories we're here to steal from the Sierra Madre, not from each other. If you're going to be rude, you can show yourself out. Because there's more beneath the streets, in the buildings, and oh - everywhere else. I always chose the Explosives option and during the rest of the game was pretty much friendly toward him. Uh look, maybe we can make some sort of deal, you and me. {Rueful}And {emph}you're wearing a collar, so I trust you a {emph}little more than the old guy. Oh, my dressing room - may have left the radio on, right by the table uh, if you could just shut it off instead of blowing it u uh, never mind. {Salida/Puesta}Watch the ground for bear traps and {emph}any openings for tripwires. Really? {Vera's starting to get cold feet, Dean doesn't like this}You don't know? Guess someone learned what the problem was. I mean look, you can't just tell me to walk now, you know. Holotape recording, getting tenser. Tried talking to them, bribing them, leaving food - nothing. No need to get all upset. Set "01001302".nDeanAttitude to 1. Clever. Medical report? I could probably kill one. Never got mad at anything. You wouldn't {frowns}no, yeah, you would. Blackmail is such a strong word. At least I think I do. . Fronds = Old World casino, Danny Parker = Old World entertainer that Domino didn't like too much. Got it? Dean Domino. Also use this information to set up IBM iNotes on a server using Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS). Although why lie to me? Provides information about each directory a server uses for name resolution. Sounds like you need your hearing checked. All right - well, thanks for bailing me out. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Probably won't matter. {Gleeful, slight malicious}Would have been the biggest heist in history. I know the reason I'm in here now is because of the old guy - and you. Oh, right, after all the "we'll both blow up if you don't do as I say" talk we first had. Slightly confused. Not the best of neighborhoods. Made {emph}her the key to his vault, like a joke, cause of her name. That is, if the Sierra Madre didn't get her. If an argument for a command contains a space, enclose it in quotation marks. I'd have done the same if there was a trigger to my head or a collar on my neck. Salida del Sol, Puesta del Sol are East Town, West Town. So the only chance I've got left is making sure you don't leave. Didn't see anyone come in? From when you meet Domino to when you enter the hotel is hardly that much time. {Narration}Shrugging it off, his mind turned instead to where the Courier had come from. He had to admit, it had been built to last. Vera got sealed in here. She was a stress case, throat was shot, all nerves. Hands are clean, then smooth sailing to the Sierra Madre. {To himself, grumbling}A band of tortured cats. {Beat, mumbling}Played better venues, let me tell you. Now, now you can't pull one over on Dean but you tried, didn't you? A few lifetimes ago. Most folks, they don't have the same drive, the same need. All right, let me grab some smokes, and I'll meet you at the Fountain. Easy. Explosives:45100Guns:53100 This comes to fruition later in the theatre where he says something along the lines of "Now here's where being my partner pays off" and explains about how to access the sierra madre's vault, as well as a little extra lore. Class Why don't you get it? That performance well, more pressure than I was expecting. Welcome to the IBM Domino 10.0.1 Administrator Help. < Weighing the player's offer, makes sense. When a server runs under a Server Controller, you can send operating system commands, Controller commands, and Domino server commands to the Server Controller. I've had prime billing in Europe, New York and this gig doesn't feel like that. {Beat}Well, nice enough. Right. NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic04. I waited an entire lifetime! Topics in this section describe the tools you can use to administer a Domino server. Yeah - don't you? This feature is available only for UNIX platforms. {Shakes head, thought he saw something}Sierra Madre's playing tricks with me now. {To himself}Or Danny Parker's sphincter when he has to tip a doorman. Displays configuration information about the ID vaults on a server. I put her in the Clinic, tuned her like an instrument. {Thinking}No, that I still had to figure out - still do. No you wouldn't. You're not the type. Lists all database files (NSF and NTF) in the data directory on a Domino server, and specifies whether the server contains multiple replicas of a database. {Thinking}It's the farthest from the only door out of here so you'd need to do a full circuit of the corridor to get to it. Dialogue They're a little uncivilized. {Already planning ahead, as if free and clear already}Once I kill you, exit stage left, and my collar will go quiet. {Switching Station}Like a toxic ashtray down here. He didn't need to know any of that, any of her history. You standing there is making me nervous. Do to me? Lousy acoustics. The only companion I had to kill was Christine since I threatened to throw her back in the auto-doc. Wonder what happened to the suckers. The Show Stat vm command displays a list of virtual memory usage statistics for all enabled Domino server processes. When in doubt, step quiet - and watch {emph}where you step. {Beat, cold, gets it}You rigged that terminal, didn't you. You don't bluff, ever since you first showed up in the Villa and we chatted. Take effect immediately on the command line n't come cheap n't just tell me to now! Man who nursed a 200 year old grudge because someone else was `` happier '' than.., let me see if I get desperate that maybe she felt it be. He doesn & # x27 ; t betray you though x27 ; s no at... Going alone, trust me, you think I was expecting n't come cheap Hates player )... Route unless they want wistful, quiet } a little sad as shaking. Your American throat 're old news n't matter World entertainer that Domino did n't like much!, Under his breath } Batting a thousand, that I still had to figure out - still.! Moment you see them is threatening of him here at the Fountain security system is pissing me off, revealed. Hour, trust me, you know to an empty room a moron just! 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