It would be best to acknowledge that you have wounded feminine energy in the first place; only then can you take steps to heal from it. Wounded masculine energy is shown through manipulation, being overly aggressive, trying to get your way at all costs, throwing a tantrum or bullying. It is masculine energy that unites the world in love and "personal authority." The best way to connect to your feelings is by paying attention to how your body feels in different situations and around various people. Your body and mind internalize these events so that they can keep you safe in case such an event arises in the future. She worries a lot about what others will think and about her ability to Once we are whole and complete in our masculine and feminine energy (when they are both healthy within us), we can create and nourish beautiful, healthy and successful relationships and this is then mirrored in our world. Wounded feminine energy is always for the refer to utilize the insight that is through the body of work per wilhelm reich-on character structure, The wounded feminine is emotionally imbalanced.She is either too emotional or absolutely out of touch with her emotions.The sad part is that she feels disconnected from her feelings and intuition. Empowered masculine energy looks like making plans, knowing what the next steps are, following through and getting things done. It rules by fear. Masculine energy is all about doing, thinking, planning, scheduling and making decisions. It is essential to be open and vulnerable when speaking. When you have wounded masculine energy you will not feel grounded. a man may have difficulty being emotionally open and vulnerable. She perhaps hasnt grown up witnessing the masculine revering the feminine or perhaps she was ignored and understood the feminine carries little value. The sixth step is to be patient. Once we identify these wounded parts and shine some light on them, well be able to nurture healthy relationships, both with ourselves and with others. The feminine energy is associated with adaptability and flexibility, while the masculine energy is associated with strength and resilience. Youve probably heard the common advice to allow the man to lead. Wounded feminine energy refers to the emotional and psychological scars that people may have from cultural and societal expectations of femininity or their own traumas. Both of these have their wounded and divine side. This is because our feminine energy is intuitive and helps us trust our gut instinct. Masculine You never actually asked someone to help you with something, because youd rather do it on your own, even if youll struggle. He may be domineering or aggressive and have trouble relating to other people. They do need a small nudge, a green light to let them know that youre interested and engaged. By balancing these energies, individuals may be better able to weather challenges and maintain a sense of stability and groundedness. This is the basic survival mechanism of the human brain. The problem is that when your focus is entirely fixated on looks, it can make you feel empty over time.You will constantly find yourself trying to reach for perfection that does not exist, only to end up being dissatisfied.You will attract people who will come into your life and then leave after they are bored with you. Elegance Handbook Inc. 2020-2023. If youre already there though, time to change something, dont you agree? Just let things flow naturally. Are you constantly looking for external validation? If youre experiencing any of the signs above, it may be time to unblock your feminine energy. How To Get A Mans Attention In A Classy Way? But what we keep forgetting is that unhealthy will look for its equal and thats when the troubles start. Emotional neglect, physical or psychological abuse and other energy-draining incidents can leave lasting impressions on your subconscious. Some of the causes are: taking on too many responsibilities not begin heard or feeling wanted overworking yourself to keep yourself busy to experience a deeper meaning to life feel uncomfortable with gentle and nurturing other people Very rarely will you feel like youre ever-present. This can often backfire, as many men can It is up to us to step into the divine masculine and feminine. We all have some wounds that lead to unhealthy behaviors in our masculine energy as well as feminine energy regardless of our gender. If you have these traits, you do not have to panic. When our feminine energy is balanced, we can feel fulfilled in our personal and professional lives. The reasons can be one, or various (Read the article on Reasons for Suppressed/Wounded Energy Here). However, its just as important to know how and when to use that advice. WHETHER you are a man or a woman, we all have both masculine and feminine energies. This process takes time, and there is no rush. The Art Of Getting The Commitment You Want, How To Heal Your Masculine And Feminine Energies So You Can Finally Have The Love You Want. There are many coaches who teach feminine energy who like to shame or guilt women who are embodying masculine traits. Over the years, the feminine has been disrespected, dishonored and dominated by the wounded masculine and the patriarchy. Anxious daters like this need to release these survival coping skills, so that they are able to connect with men in a real authentic way. The main key to shifting the balance within yourself is awareness. 428 Likes, 19 Comments - Sam || Bookstagrammer (@smuttybookdealer) on Instagram: BADASS FMC with a murderous feminine rage and a hot sexual energy Why Choose with 3 men in the It is one of the reasons why such women are always apologising. Stop Attracting The Wrong Men So You Can Attract The Right One! WebA man can also get in touch with his feminine side through art forms that provide a space to explore this aspect of identity. Dance, theatre, and writing are all great examples of this. Maybe you were hurt before, or you went through some traumatic experience, so hiding your feminine side became your coping mechanism. We are a mess trying to fumble through this. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello, and welcome to MeetFusion, my name is Alicia, and Im the owner of this piece of web real estate, where I help people build stronger, lasting relationships. But when its blocked, we may feel feminine, like were just treading water. The first step to healing these energies within yourself is AWARENESS. Menu. Or that he usually asks you out at the end of the date, but tonight he didnt. Maybe a people-pleaser afraid that if she says no shell be loved less. Men are attracted to the powerful and influential female energy. Almost like they need to go to the bathroom. For example, if you find yourself waiting for someone to make up their mind about you, or you feel like youre endlessly waiting to get the commitment you want (or to feel loved and cherished), this is a reflection of the wounded feminine. This is a clear-cut sign that your masculine energy has taken the lead and it will only take you to burnout if you dont do something about it soon. In a relationship, its important to balance both masculine and feminine energy. By starting with ourselves. Both masculine and feminine energies have an unhealthy, wounded aspect and a healthy, divine aspect. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news, but this means that your feminine energy needs healing and you need to reach stability ASAP. General advice doesnt factor in whats happening deep down (insecurity, doubt, etc.). >>> The #1 Book In Self Improvement > Dating & Relationships > Breakups & Divorce. Click here to learn more about us. Meanwhile, the right side of the brain is believed to be the "more artistic and spiritual" side and is responsible for addressing one's emotions; it is therefore related to the feminine. Required fields are marked *, 2023 Madeline Charles | Contact | Privacy Policy | All rights reserved. She is under constant stress that something might go wrong and always thinks that she has no standing in front of others. And as per my experience, the inner work will never stop. We may feel the need to control everything in our lives and can become domineering, bossy, or aggressive. You hate being dependent on others, so you refuse help. WebThe oppression, violence, silencing and shaming of traits perceived as feminine is what has wounded this energy. Many women can feel pressure to move things forward or know where the relationship is going. Restore a healthy energetic connection with the abdominal region of the body. 100% Privacy Guaranteed. Women are the womb owners- they are blessed with creative powers. It's directed inward, it nurtures and assures, and it "has a receiving nature" ( Identify what blocks your feminine energy and embrace that inner goddess youve been hiding! One of the best ways to unblock your feminine energy is to spend time in nature. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter Your Email Below And Click Get It Now To Get The Keys Right Now! One of the best ways to unblock your feminine energy is to express yourself. Does Feminine Energy Makes a Man Fall in Love? RELATED: The 5 Traits *Truly* Magnetic Women Use To Attract Sweet, Chivalrous Men The Dark Side of Feminine Energy. Masculine When someone compliments you struggle to receive it and feel like you immediately need to give something back to them. He can have addictions to work, drugs, tv etc. When they speak, they appear to be very aggressive. However, connecting with our intuition and emotions cannot be easy when our feminine energy is blocked. 3 Ways to do Inner Work; Rediscovering Femininity, 3 Early Dating Signs You Need Healthy Femininity. There are a couple of reasons your feminine energy may be wounded and youre probably not even aware of it. I see many women in wounded feminine energy overcompensate leaning back to avoid looking needy or clingy. You have a certain intensity to you, that even the smallest thing will push you over the edge. However, when one energy is blocked, it can cause problems. Have you ever felt like youre on edge? By David Starlyte. The most important part is to start recognizing every circumstance or past trauma that caused wounded feminine energy and then work on each one to properly heal. Sign up and get the guide sent directly to your email! Everyone around you taught you that its better to have masculine traits and how they should be rewarded, contrary to feminine traits that should be silenced. It is "powerful, loving, and caring," and allows faith, trusting deep inner knowing and higher intuition. Forceful, overly competitive, controlling, domineeringthese attributes are exaggerated and far removed from wholeness. The key thing is to embody as many of the divine/healthy feminine traits as possible for both inner and outer peace. Moreover, it can start to manifest as pressure on the man, especially early in the relationship. Find some privacy where you can dance as wildly or sensually as you like. Also, if youre spending a lot of time fulfilling someone elses needs rather than your own, it means that your feminine energy is wounded. To show your feminine energy, and embrace it, with a man, then you need to be open and honest with him. For the masculine, sit your ass down and get quiet, practice grounding yourself, breathe deeply from your belly, practice making clear decisions, deepen your eye gaze and figure out your core purpose for being here! If some of these signs resonate with you and youre ready to shift out of this energy, I offer several different coaching options. How to Be in Your Feminine Energy with a Man? Guys are attracted to the divine feminine energy of a woman. *. One of the main traits of wounded feminine energy is envy. A mothers actions and behavior play an important part in the psychological development of her kids, especially her daughters. Alignment with higher purpose: Ultimately, achieving balance and Take a good look at your past circumstances and see what caused you to disconnect from your feminine essence. Wounded feminine energy is disconnected, shallow, manipulative, needy, plays the victim and is plagued by low self-esteem. The wounded feminine likely originated in childhood from an absent father, or guilting mother. Women that were neglected as girls, tend to grow up with significant feminine wounds. At the same time, you should know when to leave the results in the hands of the higher power and rest. No matter how much we try to ignore it, the reality is that modern society values masculine traits much more than feminine ones. i know that i emit of my best person if she is in her beholden of Divine Feminine energy, and templates Divine masculine energy to connect with-through her Light/positived side of Schizoid and de-compersating Oral-as a thoroughfaire of safe embody. And last but not least, throughout your life, you may have taken on many masculine roles and, as a result, forgotten how it feels to be your most feminine self. It may be difficult to break out of this type of dynamic because then it will lead to being secluded or ostracised. As you meet a new man, always keep compatibility in your mind. I blocked my feminine energy. Youre never present. They will talk with others the way they like and agree with their opinions even when they think the opposite.Their primary motive is to be liked by others. We all have some wounds that lead to unhealthy behaviors in our masculine energy as well as feminine energy regardless of our gender. This is a good indicator for us as to where we still have some healing to do and where we can step into our divine energies and embody them. Understand that even though beauty has its own role to play, you, a goddess woman, are much more than that. The masculine energy is giving and the feminine energy is receiving. The Divine Feminine is what allows us to just "be." So, spending time outside can When we have too much masculine energy, we may also find it hard to be present at the moment and live more in our heads than in our hearts. Oh my. Play hard to get! One of the best ways to unblock your feminine energy is to spend time in nature. The wounded feminine has qualities of emotional flooding and volatility, lacking in self responsibility, insecurity, martyrdom, manipulative, clingy, obsessive, critical. Masculine and feminine go in pair, they nourish each other. Here are a 3 major signs of the wounded feminine energy: Wounded feminine energy is almost always a result of the traumatic events in your past. In our current society, we are experiencing an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies; our world (especially the western world) has leaned too far in the direction of the masculine energy, and without enough feminine energy to balance it out, a great deal of the Wounded Masculine is playing out on the world stage, responsible for conflict, violence, and unhealthy competition in many forms. The wounded part comes from ego, a place of fear and While the wounded masculine will show up with anger or blame and try to force a certain outcome, the empowered masculine loves to give freely without an agenda and without trying to get something back in return. Alignment with higher purpose: Ultimately, achieving balance and You have such a deep distrust in the feminine that you fail to bond with other sisters. Thats just who I am, Id say. Therefore, many often see the feminine energy of cooperation, intuition and compassion as a weakness. Time to find out. When our feminine energy is balanced, were in touch with our emotions and can easily express them. Fantastic informator,Thank you so much for sharing . When its blocked, we may second-guess ourselves and have difficulty knowing what to do next. It rules by fear. Embodying your healthy masculine & feminine, and projecting that out into the world will invite in a man, woman, partner, friendships, and people who have also done their inner work. About nurturing healthy and meaningful connections with others. In order to shift the dynamic in your relationship or start attracting better partners for you, you first need to heal the wounded masculine and wounded feminine energies within yourself. How to Shake Up Your Love Life and See Different Results Quickly, Mastering the Early Stages of Dating For Relationship Success. There is a lot of resentment towards how people have treated you and you have a victim mentality due to it. Once you know the causes, you can take action to address them and completely heal your feminine energy. Do you often feel like youre not good enough? Youll learn how to connect with your inner wisdom, how to set boundaries, and how to create space for self-care. When you start clearing your feminine wounds, women with high vibrations will get attracted into your life. Youve probably heard the typical feminine energy advice. (Solved! When our own masculine and feminine energies are out of balance, we can experience inner conflict, difficulty making decisions, and crises of a spiritual or emotional nature. Its creative, nurturing, and intuitive. WebIn this The Way We Were Film Review were looking at wounded masculine energy in a female, wounded feminine energy vs wounded feminine energy in a man. Nonetheless, collectively, Divine Feminine Energy is the true nature of your essence and existencephysically and spiritually. Mens wounded Ego a demon inflicted by the society. Historically, women who have been visible, have been ostracized for one reason or another. This action is based in knowing that we are a part of something much larger than ourselves. Sometimes, when a woman is attracted to a man and decides that hes the one shes interested in investing in, she will attach herself very quickly. You feel you had to step in and be the man. You have wounded feminine energy if you overwork without giving yourself time to rest. Think about it- nothing can be worse than not relying on our own shakti. You know who you are. Its up to you to readjust and stabilize them. As you are focussed on superficial things, this will manifest in your relationships, and you will not be able to find someone with whom you can have a deep connection. They think that they are less than others and they have to have a man to make them realise their value.It is far from the truth. This is a deep, powerful awakening into our sacred humanity. The feminine in men and women alike is like a genie in a bottle. To speak with feminine energy: it is important to be present at the moment and connect with your emotions. This is part of the duality that makes everything in our world. I explain exactly how to heal your wounded masculine and feminine energies so you can step into your EMPOWERED energies and inspire a mans love, devotion and lifelong commitment inThe Art Of Getting The Commitment You Want. I'm going to stand up for it. Notice if youre always trying to make something happen in your relationship or get your partner to do what you want them to do this is an example of wounded masculine energy. I agree that my submitted data is being collected and stored. She is "magnetic" and "attracts everything she wants" simply by knowing that it is already hers; this allows for the manifestation of her dreams. Females are naturally intuitive and in touch with their emotions. The wounded masculine energy (within you and also in others) is the voice that forces you to push harder and strive more to achieve without actually believing that you are capable of doing so. Wounded women have weak boundaries. On the other hand, the good thing is that youre the one responsible for your own healing. It prevents you from unleashing your true feminine essence, and you find it difficult to embrace femininity Similarly, men will take over their father or oppressive men surrounding them. Inside secret: this was me most of my life. Or are they neglecting your needs, and controlling and not validating your feelings? It is "he" who looks out for, protects, and provides for "his" community, family, and those in need. Men are told not to cry, show emotions, show love that these traits make them look weak. You need to notice if your behavior You hold a lot of anger towards your past. This means being authentic and honest with yourself and others. This is because nature is full of feminine energy. Another way to unblock your feminine energy is to get in touch with your body. This is a good indicator for us as to where we still have some healing to do and where we can step into our divine energies and embody them. She exudes beautiful, sensual energy and attracts naturally, He is deeply present and listens without being distracted, He is a guiding force, supportive and encouraging, He has discipline and knows when to be focused, He is a man of his word, honest and accountable, He is of service and does what is in the highest good, She is usually insecure and looks for external validation, She can be critical and her loved ones feel like they can never do anything right, because she always has something to criticize, She is needy in her relationships, she needs to feel loved and asks (begs) for it, She is afraid of loss and is very attached (in an unhealthy, excessive way), She over connects and over shares her emotions and needs, She is desperate for love and always chasing it, She sacrifices herself; she prioritizes others at her expense, She has an unhealthy internal masculine: no boundaries or self control, He is competitive and always wants to win, He is focused on goals and attached to success, He tends to avoid connection and can be cold and distant, He sometimes runs away from love, withdraws, creates separation. Your email address will not be published. This can be so difficult, but the more you practice it, the easier it will be. The shift is happening, the feminine is rising, our world is craving for more balance. Youll have the attitude of I can do this all on my own.. Shame is a painful emotion which makes us feel that we have done something wrong or improper. Youll be surprised how much better you feel after getting some fresh air or stretching out those muscles at home. All Rights Reserved. The reason is because it doesnt take into account your unique challenges and specific blind spots around those topics. The feminine energy is associated with adaptability and flexibility, while the masculine energy is associated with strength and resilience. Women even start to second guess themselves by asking is this really important to me? However, when youre not openly sharing yourself, hes going to pick up on it. Commonly Asked Questions about Blocked Feminine Energy (FAQ), check out the Relationship Rewrite Method, . Male energy is direct and projects outward with decisive, positive action; it secures, strengthens, and "has a giving nature." "She" discovers her way from the inside, by feeling wisdom, love, and freedom from within. The fourth step is to be open to new experiences. To heal the wounded feminine, the individual should work on the following: Recognize the characteristics of toxic femininity within their personality. Okay, take some time to step back and honestly analyze all the important men in your life. What does the Wounded Feminine Energy even Look Like? How Do I Reconnect With My Feminine Energy? When a woman is connected to her feminine power, anything is possible. Low self-esteem, difficulties setting boundaries, difficulty receiving and All you need is self-love, kindness from yourself and deep spiritual healing. The healthy masculine and the healthy feminine grow together and become united as one. What Is Feminine Energy in a Relationship? Or when you eat a meal, do you take time to enjoy it or are you thinking about what you have to do next? 5 Step Guide For Healing Your Masculine And Feminine Energies. You can start doing this by first making trivial decisions and then major ones. By understanding what feminine energy is and how it affects our relationships, we can work to open up this flow and create a more loving connection with our partners. Similarly, when these energies are out of balance in a greater sense on the scale of a whole culture or society, that is when we experience conflict, power struggles, and other symptoms of this energy imbalance. Thisis NOT about blaming yourself for where youre at in your love life if youre familiar with my work, you know that beating yourself up will never help you! Its about being able to take care of your own needs so youre not always looking to your partnerto fulfillevery need, I explain exactly how to heal your wounded masculine and feminine energies so you can step into your EMPOWERED energies and inspire a mans love, devotion and lifelong commitment in, The Secret To Connecting Deeply With A Mans Heart So He Falls In Love And Never Wants To Lose You, How To Trigger His Desire To Commit To You Forever, The #1 Secret To Magnetize Men And Money TO You, How To Make A Man Miss You And Think About You. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I see many women in wounded feminine energy who dont know how to effectively share needs and boundaries with their man. but if we stopped trying this wayand started listening more carefully insteadthen maybe someday soon these individuals will become drawn towards YOUR powerful presence rather than away from IT?? This blog shares what feminine energy is, the difference between distorted and divine feminine energy, and 3 signs that point to your feminine ener Trusting your intuition and flowing along your soul path with the support of the Universe is extremely challenging if you carry wounded feminine energy. When both energies are balanced, the relationship can flow smoothly. But when its blocked, we may feel like were not living up to our potential. To embrace the divine feminine, you must first heal the wounded feminine. You invest too much in developing masculine energy. Remember those good things take time, so dont try to force anything. In other words, they want someone who can make them feel like their king! Regardless of our gender or the gender we identify with, we are all made of energy, masculine and feminine energies. Life and see different results Quickly, Mastering the Early Stages of Dating for relationship.... 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