Do you have favorite interview questions? Give the kids time to get used to youThis is especially true if youre moving in with a family who have had au pairs before you. What was the result? 3. Other families are on-the-go and need their Au Pairs to be ready for a change in plans. Food. Go out and explore, practice your language skills or meet new people. On the other hand, you don't want them to feel like they're being interrogated. What would you do if the children were disrespectful or disobeyed you? The third most common is child care on 11.0% of resumes. What are the things you wish to do and see in our country? What kind of car is it? Your attitude is going to be really important so try to stay positive and happy during . Do you use the same/different techniques on children you are caring for? A bucket list is a great way to prioritise exactly what you want to do on your year abroad and make sure you actually go out and do it! Remember to check the covid restrictions in every country and select the filters of our web page only for the countries you are sure you can travel to! ), and can be like a second family. How would you describe yourself? Gaining extra time to chat and discuss your respective days with one another. Example: I prefer to work with children between the ages of two and six because I feel like theyre at such an important stage in their development. If so, how will this be arranged and what will your pay be? What would you do? You can answer this question by describing yourself in a few words, such as Im outgoing, or Im quiet., Example: My personality is very friendly and outgoing. Your email address will not be published. So, what are you waiting for? 12. Its important to highlight your experience as an au pair, but it can also be helpful to mention any unique skills or talents that might make you stand out from other candidates. Because yes, there is a contract to sign for your social security among other things. Dont put it off! Learn what skills and qualities interviewers are looking for from an au pair, what questions you can expect, and how you should go about answering them. What would you do if I was stuck in traffic and couldnt be home at 5:00 as I originally anticipated? In the United States the term has come to have a narrow, technical meaning which describes a class of Exchange Visitors who come to the United States under the auspices of a program . A car? Red and blush pink overcoats and deep burgundy jackets are beautiful winter colors that give you an edge away from neutrals. They're treated . This is especially true when you are the latest in a line of au pairs. ", "I enjoy encouraging others to fulfill their potential. At least a 6 months agreement is made when using an au pair agency. Do you like to host parties? You also want them to feel comfortable enough to answer your questions honestly and ask you questions back. Do you like being outdoors? Its also the closest youll get to a really honest insight into what the family is like. How would you help two young children who are angry and fighting over the same toy? This house has the killer combo: a park-like retreat with all the conveniences and comforts of DC living. The reasons why i want to be an au pair because i also want to experience the culture of other countries, it will help me in becoming the better me because it will really test how strong i am as a person because i will be away from my loved ones.Explore more places during time off and meeting new sets of . A lot of au pairs even most go on at least a few vacations with their host family. So I was friendly and engaged but I also gave him his space. What did you have for dinner last night (tonight)? When? My family also has a tradition of going out to eat once a week. It gives you a feeling of security that you often never have when youre in another country. But youre also a student. I learned sign language to help them communicate their needs and feelings, which helped me understand what they needed more clearly.. moment when a teacher has a breakthrough in curriculum development or classroom management or when a student tells me how much they value our school community. The year will go by in such a rush and its easy to forget all the amazing things youve seen and done. You'll live with the family and they'll provide all your meals. She is very patient and kind, which makes learning easier for me.. Au pairs can be expected to do a combination of child care and light housework duties in exchange for board and a small allowance. For the well-being of the children, hosts usually prefer to have au pairs for between 6 to 12 months. I had my first meal with the family last night, and I really enjoyed it. What is your favorite color? Au Pairs. Where did you take them? Were you by yourself? In general, should: Be between 17 and 30 years old. However, I am open to working with older children as well. Luxembourg- You have to finance your entire stay in their country. I experience personal and professional growth with each new leadership task and challenge that comes my way. They're black and they stand at 1.5inches so slightly but still clearly higher than regular sole shoes. This is a great response and definitely provides the interviewers with a clear sense of who you are and what you enjoy about leadership. Who takes out the trash? You must speak with a family over Skype or telephone at least one time before you can agree to match with . Have you been vaccinated (or had) Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Whooping Cough, etc.? But times goes so quickly when youre au pairing and suddenly six months have passed and you realise you havent done anywhere near as much as youd hoped. Be honest to them. Comment below or head over to the My Au Pair and Me Host Parent Community on Facebook. Start with the most important ones, then follow up afterwards with extra questions if needed. This question is a great way to show the interviewer that you have done your research and know what qualifications are needed for this role. How do you celebrate birthdays / births / weddings / new years? Example: I am happy to clean every day, although I understand that some families might not have time for that. 10 easy steps to write a successful Dear Host Family letter. You might never have this kind of freedom again, so make the most of it! It reveals a genuine interest in helping others grow. everyone, really) and I am constantly looking for ways to motive others, improve quality of services, and event that can be beneficial on a team level as well as individual level. You have to love kids, yes, but you also have to be hungry for adventure. For short term (under 12 months) au pair cost and availability, please contact our program experts at (800) 928-7247 ext. Say " good morning" and have fun with your work. Ask your au pair candidate if they have any questions for you! Your answer should show that you are calm and can think quickly to solve problems. Have you ever driven with kids in the car? "), "My favorite part of being a leader is being able to help my co-workers meet their goals through encouragement and coaching.". Are you a people person who loves to motivate and encourage your team members? Our Picks for the 5 . is vetting you too. Im going to try my best to make the relationship work, and I want to know they are going to try their best to make our match good, too. It's fun for me to identify someone's potential and help groom them and support them in achieving their highest potential. The program usually lasts for one year, and Au Pairs are expected to take care of the children for a set number of hours each week and help out with light household chores. 7. I chatted with my host familys previous au pair all the time and were still in contact now. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Its not unusual that students, after devoting time to study, choose to leave their country. They want to know that you are genuinely interested in working as an au pair and not just looking for any job. Are you considering au pairing in other countries as well? She is on Twitter. Hi, Abbie and Maddie here. Have you ever lived away from your family before? One of the main ways to demonstrate your reliability will be your punctuality. To strengthen this response, I suggest including a specific example of a time when you helped someone develop professionally. Excerpted from The Strength In Our Scarsby Bianca Sparacino. What did you do? 7. As a team, we all support the company, and together we can be successful. Do you enjoy watching your colleagues learn something new? Do not make it contingent on their acceptance of you or their feelings for you. Its important that you have a good grasp of the language, but its also helpful if youre able to speak English fluently as well. In summary, the main benefits of being an Au Pair are: Learning a language and experiencing other customs and cultures different from yours will help you to develop your professional skills and personal growth to become mature and independent. It depends what you want to study, really! Keep in mind that the timing isnt perfect to travel across Europe and the world, and it could be more difficult than usual to lay the foundation for a new life in a foreign country, but dont be afraid! If you dont feel comfortable asking these kind of questions in an interview setting then its only going to get harder once youre in the house living with the family. ! Why do you want to come to (fill in the blank country)? Have you ever been to (fill in the blank country)? These experiences will make you grow and let you learn lots and lots about yourself. You are the only person who gets to decide if you are happy or notdo not put your happiness into the hands of other people. Au pairs usually register with agencies, which bring them in contact with suitable host families. Have you thought about what kinds of classes you might want to take while you are an au pair? An au pair integrates the host family to take care of the children and help with the household chores if this is stipulated in the contract. Shopping? What is your greatest strength as an au pair? Contact us here. Which is the best path to take? The connection you form with the children is on a whole different level, and you become like a big sibling or cousin to them, getting to know and work with them like outside childcare workers often cant. Luckily, one teacher found it and emailed me so I could print it for the child., This question is a way for the interviewer to get an idea of your personality and how you view authority. Seeing your team members succeed is a very rewarding experience. Its exciting being in a new place but sometimes the little things can grate on you. If you have already tried some of the local cuisine, be honest about what you think of it. Whats your most favorite part? Example: I traveled with my family last summer when we went on vacation to Florida. Do you own your own car or use your familys car? What would you do if you had a disagreement with your host family? Unlike a lot of study abroad programs or travels with friends, where you end up spending most of your time with other Americans out of comfort and convenience, you are immediately immersed in a family of that culture and get to see the ins and outs of everyday life. What are your qualifications to be an au pair? Here are some ideas. You will find a few examples of interview questions below. You should answer honestly and explain what steps youve taken to improve your language skills. We usually go to our favorite Italian restaurant, but sometimes we try new places.. Example: Ive been babysitting children since I was in high school. You also want them to feel comfortable enough to answer your questions honestly and ask you questions back. 2. If youre thinking of taking a part-time job at home, you can do it in another country. What would they like to see during their visit? Youbelieved. Having a tantrum? It can also help you determine if they have any travel restrictions or limitations that may affect their ability to complete the job duties. How old were the kids and what type of car seat (Infant bucket, forward/rear facing, 5 point harness, seat belt booster, etc.)? After I was done being an au pair, I stayed in the country for another two years, and part of my confidence stemmed from having what felt like a family already there. I personally did not live with my host family they had a small studio in their neighborhood they provided for au pairs but still, it was all taken care of. This question is a great way for the interviewer to learn more about your intentions. I enjoy being a mentor, helping people realize their strengths and ways they can build on them. Example: When I was working as an au pair, my host family had two children who were in different schools. Do you have a drivers license in your country? You get to watch the little ones grow. Most of the questions are open-ended, and any yes/no answers have easy follow-up. An au pair can be an affordable alternative to employing a nanny. Be sure to share your concerns with parents. She is from Banbu Anhui province, China but her family moved to Hefei (the capital of Anhui province). You have many options, so keep on reading to find the one thatsuits you best. I brush my teeth twice a day and use mouthwash in between. Do you have any experience taking care of children? What if the baby fell and became unconscious? If this is the case, after being an au pair you could go for a quality master and get specialized! Did you host the party or was it at a friends house? What do you like to do together? They helped me figure out which foods were safe for me to eat.. Review the following questions and answers to help you prepare for your interview. They relay horror stories of au pairs who are overworked, humiliated, refused meals, threatened with arrest and deportationeven victims of theft. That's really nice! Its okay with me if their English isnt perfect. So, I called both teachers to see if either of them had it. Working, studying or doing another au pair year? Working as an au pair is likely to be one of the funniest, most frustrating, tear-inducing and rewarding jobs you ever have. Au pairs participating in the EduCare program provide up to thirty hours of child care services per week and pursue not less than twelve semester hours of academic credit or its equivalent during their year of program participation. This contact information helps us getting in touch with you. Some au pairs will be brutally honest about the familys flaws and any problems they had, others might be a bit more diplomatic about it. To contribute to this vision, I help people on my team to grow and achieve their potential. Sign the Au Pair Contract and Send the Documents. The price of a nanny can vary depending on where you live, but lists the average hourly pay for nannies in 2020 as ranging from $14.25 an hour to $22.55 an hour. Then I would find out if there was any way to get rid of the bug without harming anyone or anything in the house. Au pairs can enrich the households they join in countless ways, including: Immersing their host family in their culture Sharing their language with their host family 8. Your childcare skills go through the roof. Part of Full Time Pet Sitter (Pet Au Pair) Fawn Lake Pet Au Pair, LLC Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA You get to pick the family that works for you. Pretend you are parking the car on a busy street and accidentally damage another parked car. The little boy I looked after was really unsure about me to begin with and wouldnt talk to me. Make a Bucket ListAt the start of the year youll probably have big ideas about where youll go and what youll see. Required fields are marked *. This question is a great way to see how much youve learned about the host familys culture. This question is a test of your problem-solving skills. The ability to look at the department on an overhead scale to influence positive change is extremely rewarding. Tell me about your family. At first of course, it might be easier to find a job in the restaurant businessfor example, but it doesnt mean that you are not going to find your dream job if you give it a good try. What belongs on your au pair packing list: The essentials: 1. Its important to show that you are willing to work through disagreements with your host family, as this is an integral part of being an au pair. But even if you dont end up being BFFs with your hosts, they really can become lifelong surrogate family members. The profile on consists of several blocks: Contact details - e-mail, phone number, address, social networks, etc. Communicate incidents to parents. Is there anything important we need to know about you? Don't use bad or rude words because children can learn them. I also enjoy being active and doing things outside like going for walks or playing sports. Bed sheets, blankets or pillows. This question is a great way for the interviewer to learn more about your qualifications and how you feel about this role. That's the question that au pairs ask themselves at some point and there are many options to choose from! Scanning and emailing will work just fine, no need to actually post documents overseas. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Do you eat meat / pork / fish / shellfish / dairy / gluten / etc? Love children and have at least 1,200 hours of experience caring for them. But you're also a student. Do you like to have friends over? Full board with the host family. On one hand you need to learn about what it will be like for this person to live with you and care for your children. Live-in nanny Pros Trial periods. So make a good impression! For security reasons, will never share your email address. Be a non-US citizen and live in a country serviced by GreatAuPair. It's time to discover whats next in your future! Tell me about a tradition in your family. In addition, we would like to use cookies and tracking tools for Google Analytics and Google Adwords as well as connect with users on Facebook through the use of the Facebook pixel. Ive been babysitting since high school, and my experience has taught me so much about what it takes to care for kids of different ages. Firstly, she (or he!) 1. However, if you feel that your host family is not a good match, you are allowed to be matched with another host . An au pair is a person from another country who provides live-in child care in exchange for room and board with their host family, along with a stipend. Possibly 'ok' if you are in London - and willing to pay much higher fees, offer . What needs did they have? I au paired for 3 children (1, 6 and 8 years old) for a year in a town just outside Amsterdam. A lot of au pairs form groups to hang out, bringing the kids they care for together for playdates or going out together at night. Your email address will not be published. What are you looking for in a host family? [1] In non-monotheistic thought, a god is "a spirit or . Example: Im fluent in my native tongue, however, I am still working on improving my level of communication in the language of my host country. Here are some important tips to help you choose your family's best. It means you wont be the only source of entertainment and the time will soon fly by! Empathy and being a team player. And it's one of the greatest ways to live abroad. If you want to know how much cooking youll be doing in a week, or if you have a private bathroom or if you can have friends to stay, then ask about it. Au pairs can seem like an elegant solution to the thorny problem of child care and often times they are. Fostering ideas of teamwork and collaboration. So make a good impression! Consider explaining why you like this.,,, I see a victory for someone on my team as a victory for the whole team. If you have doubts on how to proceed because of the pandemic, dont worry! We went on vacation to Florida your problem-solving skills # x27 ; best. Match, you can agree to match with the pandemic, dont worry even if you have experience. Being in a new place but sometimes the little things can grate on you gave him his.! To fulfill their potential and rewarding jobs you ever lived away from what is your favorite part about being an au pair a god is & quot a! Enjoy about leadership with their host family can seem like an elegant solution the! In our Scarsby Bianca Sparacino what is your favorite part about being an au pair & # x27 ; re black and they at... Serviced by GreatAuPair the main ways to demonstrate your reliability will be your punctuality day, although understand! 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