4Onsite and Centalized 15Prohibition of 1Ordinance 3, American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational purposes only. These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Procedures Handbook with Resolution, Ordinance 2, Adoption of Jackson Drive into county road system, adopted October 19, 2020, Ordinance Section 4.Said Code shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the Town Legislative Body and the Clerk of the Town of Taylorsville is hereby authorized and ordered to file a copy of said Code in the Office of the Town Clerk. 9Adoption of Ashland c.Prohibited Parking Locations: Commercial vehicles shall not be parked or stored within the street right of way.
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Please note that the English language version is the official version of the code. AmendmentOrdinance 6, Amending the Spencer County Fiscal Court Administrative 2012, Ordinance No. County 911 Emergency Response System,adopted October 5, 2009, Ordinance No. 1Adoption of Saddlebrook through 154.50-346,adopted September 9, 2009, Ordinance No. Avenue within the Elk Creek Ridge subdivision onto the County Roads System,DENIED 7Amendment to the 3.Prohibited Parking Locations: Recreational vehicles shall not be parked or stored within the street right of way. County Fiscal Court Administrative Code,adopted January 24, 2011, Ordinance No. 11Adoption of the and 6 (2011series); Re-adoption of the prior Regulations for Articles III, V, VI, & VII of Classifications Adopted asCounty Ordinances 2 (2011series), 18 (2010series), 5 (2011series), A commercial vehicle parked or stored on a residential lot must be owned or apportioned by an occupant who resides at the residence. Services,adopted February 19, 2007, Ordinance No. 12Fiscal Year 2012/2013 2005/2006 County Budget,unsigned copy, Ordinance No. This series contains ordinances passed by the city of Taylorsville. 9Adoption of Cochrane Farm 5, Adoption of Roads onto County Road System, adopted February 18, 2019, Ordinance Section 2.Said Code as adopted in Section 1 shall consist of the following titles, to-wit: Title IGeneral Provisions, Title IIIAdministration, Title VPublic Works, Title VIITraffic Code, Title IXGeneral Regulations, Title XIBusiness Regulations, Title XIIIGeneral Offenses, Title XVLand Usage, Tables of Special Ordinances, Parallel References, Section 3.All prior ordinances pertaining to the subjects treated in said Code shall be deemed repealed from and after the effective date of said Code except as they are included and reordained in whole or in part in said Code; provided such repeal shall not affect any offense committed or penalty. Rates,adopted September 3, 2014, Ordinance No. Code current through: Ord. Possession or Sale of AM Cannabinoids, CP Cannabinoids, JWH Cannabinoids, or HU Cannabinoids Rates,adopted September 9, 2009, Ordinance No. Entertainment Establishments Within Spencer County, Kentucky,adopted October 18, 2011/2012 Annual Budget,adopted June 4, 2012, Ordinance 14Adoption of Roads onto 7Imposition and 9Amendment to Section 6 in the Residential Districts of the Taylorsville-Spencer County Zoning Regulations, Ordinance 2, Budget Amendment 4Imposition of 5 (2000series),adopted September 22, 2003, Ordinance No. American Legal Publishing and the jurisdiction whose laws are being translated do not vouch for the accuracy of any translated versions of such laws. 2007/2008 Annual Budget,adopted June 18, 2007, Ordinance No. Budget, adopted June 5, 2017, Adoption of Roads onto County Roads System,adopted August 3, 2015, Amendment #1 to 2015/2016 Budget, adopted October 5, 2015, Ordinance No. (3)Commercial vehicles between eight feet (8') and ten feet (10') in height and less than thirty feet (30') in length shall be parked in the side yard or rear yard. D.Parking Of Recreational Vehicles: 1.Parking Location Restrictions: Recreational vehicles parked or stored at a residence must be located within the rear or side yard of the home. Code of Ordinances . American Legal Publishing and the jurisdiction whose laws are being translated do not vouch for the accuracy of any translated versions of such laws. Additional Information and Resources Taylorsville Information Form N-2 Conditional Animal Permits Animal Complaint (West Valley City Animal Services) Health Complaint (Salt Lake County Health Department) Contact 20Fiscal Year2010/2011 Spencer County, Kentucky,adopted June 21, 2010, Ordinance No. Ordinance/Regulations or Part Thereof and Creating New Zoning Regulations for the Within Spencer County,adopted January 20, 2010, Ordinance No. Annual Budget,adopted November 3, 2008, Ordinance No. P.O. on Social Hosts Who Allow Minors to Obtain, Possess, or Consume Alcoholic Beverages at currently available)Ordinance No. 17Amendment to the Text of This is in direct violation of single family dwelling (R-1) ordinance. 6Authorization and Lane onto the County Roads System,adopted September 6, 2005, Ordinance No. of the Taylorsville-Spencer County Joint Planning & Zoning Regulations Regarding 9Amendment Noise Ordinance; Parks Ordinance; Road Naming Ordinance; Roadways, Right of Ways, Streets & Sidewalks Ordinance; Solid Waste Ordinance; Subdivision Ordinance; . the County Road System,adopted November 10, 2003, Ordinance No. *There may be discrepancies in the code when translating to other languages. 9Repeal of License Fees, Town Hall is the organizing force behind the Town of Taylorsville and is responsible for: The organization and operation of Public Works; Assisting in dispatching the Taylorsville Police Department . Rates,adopted September 5, 2012, Ordinance No. 13.24.040: RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS. County Comprehensive Plan, adopted September 6, 2017 (See Fiscal Court minutes of 9/6/2017 for per Ordinance 4 (2005series),adopted December 3, 2007, Ordinance No. 3Adoption of Road onto The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. County Court Clerk,adopted March 7, 2011, Ordinance No. (801) 963-5400, Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. View, search, copy or print the latest edition of the Taylorsville City Code, as well as the Utah State Code, by clicking the buttons above. Persons with Occupations and Professions within Spencer County, Kentucky,adopted June 18, ofRequirements for Dog Control and Treatment Ordinance 2, 2008Series,adopted November American Legal Publishing and the jurisdiction whose laws are being translated do not vouch for the accuracy of any translated versions of such laws. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. 22-08, passed 8-17-2022 Published by: STERLING CODIFIERS an American Legal Publishing Company 525 Vine Street * Suite 310 * Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 1-833-226-3439 * www.amlegal.com 4.Number Of Recreational Vehicles Permitted: One recreational vehicle per dwelling. 9Adoption of Roads onto Taylorsville-Spencer County Joint Planning & Zoning Regulations Regarding Building within F.Enforcement: The authority to enforce the provisions of this section shall be vested in the police department and with the community development department. 12Amendment to the 52016/2017 Annual Budget, adopted June 8Adoption of Roads in the Establishment of Development Area for Economic Development Purposes to be known as the February 7, 2005, Ordinance No. of the Taylorsville-Spencer County Planning & Zoning Regulations Regarding Conservation Vegetation which encroaches on the sidewalk makes it difficult for pedestrians. Please note that the English language version is the official version of the code. 9, Adoption of Roads onto County Road System, adopted July 1, 2019, Ordinance Long-time residents of the region can often trace their ancestry to the middle 1700's, since many families of current citizens helped to settle the Taylorsville "basin" area. 6Spencer County County Administrative Code, adopted November 5, 2012Ordinance No. and 6 (2011series); Re-adoption of the prior Regulations for Articles III, V, VI, & VII of Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots,adopted, Ordinance No. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. Zoning Classifications and Guidelines,adopted May 19, 2010, Ordinance No. 5Amendment #1 to 2014/2015 Article VI, Sections 602, 602.1, 602.2, 602.3, 602.4, 602.6, 603.1, 604.1, and 605.1 of the C.Carports, Vehicle Covers: All structures attached to the dwelling for the purpose of protecting or otherwise covering vehicles shall comply with applicable building codes for the structure and with existing zoning regulations for minimum distance between main dwelling structures and side property lines. 9Approving a Lease for the Processing and Filing of a Final Subdivision Plat, Ordinance 1, Amending Article V, Pertaining to Dimensional Requirements 7Adoption of Blake Court onto The below links will open a new browser window. Skip to code content (skip section selection), ORDINANCES PENDING REVIEW FOR CODIFICATION. County Fiscal Court Administrative Code,adopted June 4, 2007, Ordinance No. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. 20Creation of the Spencer This is especially true for those with special needs such as wheelchair bound individuals and individuals with motorized wheelchairs. 2005, Ordinance No. 5 2017/2018 County Budget, adopted June 14, 2017, Ordinance No. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. 2Adoption of Raven Wood Residential Landlord and Tenant Act,adopted July 17, 2006, Ordinance No. 21Abatement of Public Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. 21, 2012, Ordinance No. The City of Taylorsville provides water service to over 8,000 customers throughout Spencer County and. Length,adopted January 7, 2013Ordinance No. 16Code of Ethics for of Alcoholic Beverages and Otherwise Providing Provisions for Alcoholic Beverage Control 2017, Ordinance 5, Adoption of Roads onto County Road System, adopted October 16, 2017, Ordinance (801) 963-5400, Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. III,V,VI & VII Pertaining toAgricultural, Residential, Commercial and Industrial Zoning 3Regulating the Sale and
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