Regina stiffened and drew herself up, offended that he thought she couldnt keep a secret. It lets her rip someones heart out. Regina sniffed and continued in her most patient I shouldnt even have to explain this to you voice, Because Miss Lucas is the only person here who could use it and if I went to all that trouble, she might as well use it., But why keep making it? Emma persisted. The future seems so strange these days. Emma accepted the bag even as the other girl headed back to the kitchen. Im Mr. Clark-Smith. Arent you? Granny raised one unimpressed eyebrow. When the man finished his current sentence about the Quidditch team his brother was on the reserves for, the brunette spoke up, Im sorry Mr. Webb, but I simply dont follow Quidditch that closely.. I cant use my magic here, but I can still find ways to punish you., "For example?" Reginas eyes widened as she realized that of course that must be true and she felt rather embarrassed she hadnt noticed. Also, Emma was pretty sure. Emma flushed at the reminder of her current bad grade. Sorry., Weve been worried, David said, gentler even than Mary Margaret had. Pippins Potions had a branch in Hogsmeade, so she was already familiar with their stock and prices, as she was also still fine-tuning how much she charged. Reginas eyes kept moving to his face, she knew it was her father and yet at the same time she couldnt recognize the body laying before her. What can I do for you?. Obviously not, Regina said huffily, trying to drown out the pain. She prefers it over the typical unforgiveable cursesafter all, it can do all three. I wouldnt want to miss this., Ms. Sapphire laughed, You cant miss it since I cant do this without you., Emma frowned a little at that, it pinged strangely to her inner lie detector, not a full-on lie, but not the whole story. I didnt mean to bring up bad memories., August sighed and waved off her apologies, Its alright, I hadnt realized you didnt know about the curse. He ran his fingers through his hair, I think Dad hoped you might know something about breaking it.. Regina blew over it, sending stray twigs and dust flying up in her wake. Why do you want to know?, What? Whatever Regina had been expecting, that wasnt it. And everything else I said? Sharon replied. Once the assistant had finished ringing up the only other customer, she turned to speak to Regina only for the man shed previously been helping to continue to make small talk. Anything to help., Ms. Sapphire continued to smile at her, Here, lets go behind the store and Ill apparate us where we need to go., Ms. Sapphire went first down a side street and Emma followed. By the time the sun began to rise, her eyes were dried and the folded letter was clutched tightly in her hand. Between what he had been shouting and what Marco impliedit wasnt a hard leap to make. She turned away immediately, but I noticed the blush running up her cheeks. Im so glad youre okay. And Im just too selfish to lie and say Id change that for anything. Thestrals are gentle but must be approached calmly. Your school has botany? Well figure something out, I said, keeping my cool as I grabbed my mobile to type something into the search engine. The blue smoke continued to dissipate and quiet filled the cavern. Emma shook her head as she began to run her fingers through Rocinantes black mane, which was extremely soft and glossy compared to what shed expected. I figured you left once we got here., No, Emma replied obviously. Of course. They narrowed to dark pinpricks as she spat out How dare you., You killed Papi, Regina said simply, Of course I dared.. But what? Now, if thats all, its late and I need to get some rest. Then the girl actually reached forward and gave Emma a hug. Her ears rang with her mothers words, reiterating what Flitwick had told her. I fail to see the humor in this situation, Gold said coldly. She knew there was only one thing her mother could say next. Emma found she loved the casual blending of both cultures. He does, but not that bad. Emma stared after her blankly until Regina said, Are you coming?. I know you can. I know a short cut! She didnt sound worried, she sounded excited. I threw it to her and after grabbing her towel and flip-flops, she headed for the bathroom. It was enough of a joke to get them all to laugh and calm their racing hearts. Things seemed rather slow so she wasnt surprised when he decided to talk to her for a bit. There are a couple things that are supposed tell you ahead of time, but some are really dodgy. She sat down on the floor next to Emma and reached for her ankle. Oh, how do you know which one youll be in? It seemed like it wasnt something that was just randomly assigned. It took a minute of looking through the distorted glass to realize she recognized the bird. Bye, Neal.. That home is being re-evaluated and an extra person assigned to it. She didnt want to be held responsible for people lives like this. He said if anything happened, it was her. Shed set Emma to practicing dicing various ingredients and later she was going to test Emma on her ability to quickly measure out various portion sizesfrom a pinch to a handful, all were actually a precise amount. Fine, whatever, he said, before he shuffled down the hallway and out of sight. Since it was only the afternoon, it was still full of busy looking people who didnt spare her and Granny a glance as they emerged from the taxi and pulled out her trunk. Regina looked over at her and sat up straighter pushing off from the tree. It was just a joke!. results. The main street is still pretty fun, just some other places werent. She shook her head and put on a false smile. There were no more solutions to her problems up here than there had been in her room. I walked over to the other side of Regina and I extended my hand toward her as I bowed a little. Emma had heard one of the older students say Professor Binns was a ghost, but shed thought he was joking. Why did they do that?, Obviously, Emmas confusion and horror must have shown in her voice as Marco rushed to explain, We were concerned members of the Red Fist were going to personally target some of us. I do want to be a potioneer, but the best way to do that would be to get an apprenticeship. You have come into possession of knowledge regarding Dark activities, specifically of a Dark wizard who has been operating for the past few years. She felt like she stuck out, as though the fact that she was a reject was tattooed on her forehead. Then I guess I better start talking.. Shed only picked up a single wizard guide book to London when the flutter of wings caused her to drop it on to the table. I thinkit wasnt very clear., Lily seemed to finally relax as they moved away from the previous topic too, Cool, what were you thinking of taking?, Care of Magical Creatures for suremy friends grandmother is the professor, so Im sure thatll be good. However, she was liable to run out of something crucial at some pointif not for potions she was selling, then for potions she needed to brew in class. Wow, thats harsh., Regina let out a breathless little laugh, that was such an Emma thing to say. Regina nodded stiffly, her eyes not leaving the boys, who did in fact look stricken. The rumors were very inconsistent beyond that it had been important and dangerous. But she didnt, Regina was just that good. Two! She also added Mal to list of customersshe wanted a tailored throat soother due to her overuse of a fire-breathing spell. Soon after summer break started, Regina walked in to Gringotts as confidently as she was able to. He nodded that she could return to her friends at the Ravenclaw table. I nodded. Im really proud of you., I grinned at the compliment, but there was another problem. And that includes how your mother treated you. Regina felt herself pale. You know, they might come back., Lily pulled a hair tie off her wrist and began to put her long hair up in a ponytail. Technically, shed followed her mothers guide lines for an appropriate dress robe outfit, but shed known as she designed it that Mother would not approve. Eventually, all the aurors except one returned to where she was sitting. For a couple extra galleons, well put on a standard lock with an anti-alohomora charms and spells to resist the physical remove of the lock. Regina always felt nervous that Mother liked to have muggles as servants for anything nonmagical. They were fairly neck and neck all the way to the tree, Regina flying under and to the right of Emma. It was one thing to test potions on herself, another to do it to her friend. How had it taken so much longer to get here than it usually did? Her navy jacket with long coattails and navy cape had been replaced with a white over robe was covered in intricate beadwork. I collected information about all kinds of events in New York during the holidays and I printed the document I made, so we can discuss which we are interested in going to, Emma explained and pulled out some folded papers from her jeans back pocket. She risked a quick glance back where her friends had been and saw theyd move to the left so they were out of the line of fire. Regina reached over, cupped Emmas face before the other girl could react and kissed her. Uh, yeah. The girls all converged on him to pull a struggling grindylow off of him. Looks like you need to work on your own reaction time. Sorry, Im going to bed, Regina apologized as she grabbed her parchment and moved her stuff to her trunk. Emmas eyes widened and her hand flew to her chin. I wanted to take the elevator. However, I do not want to share this information if gaining an independent vault is not possible., She suddenly felt she finally held Grundrans attention. Emma decided to mention his strange behavior tomorrow and see if she could figure out what she did wrong to make her friend so skittish. Splotch seemed to know what to do though. Blood purists had a certain air about them that Emma had grown rather good at sensing. The fire lit her eerily from behind as she growled, Walk. Finally, they were ready to actually try the spell. As many times as Miss Mary needs, Dilly said, nodding her head and smiling at Mary Margaret. Im learning how to ride bareback, if you must know., He stared at her and nearly missed a step, his big brown eyes wide, Bareback, um, are you sure you should be doing that?, Regina bristled at the presumption to know how skilled or not she was at riding. First, Silvia began, You trace a pattern on each end of the trunksimultaneously. Some people speak against crossbreeding, but often breeding in with nonmagical stock helps keep the bloodlines from getting to inbreed and can add stability to Regina found herself rambling on about her fathers breeding business for a while as she continued to stroke Rocinante. How come I dont know you from Hogwarts? She reached up and rubbed her forehead, she didnt have the mind to dance around something the way they usually did. There was a knock on her bedroom door and Lily reluctantly went over to open it. Even if it wasnt as embarrassing as the foster child sign she used to feel like she had hanging over her, it was still enough to make her extremely uncomfortable. She feels like her world is crashing down around her, but Robin is there to pick up the pieces. She didnt feel up to bareback riding so she didnt want to use Melchoir and Helah was on loan to another breeder. It finally caught up with her when she looked at her most recent charms grade. Emma turned around to see a girl a year or two older than her that she didnt standing there. We had a lovely breakfast. Rocinante coming closer had evidently ruined any confidence shed gained while here by herself with the thestrals ignoring her. So anyway, this spell is supposed the keep significant organs in the body. These past few months it has been harder than ever. Can you get that?. It was rather strange to look at. After that, the other students devolved into loud arguing and questions. Regina staggered as she stood up, her right hand bracing heavily on the singed countertop. She desired a better teacher, but little did she know, Maleficent had way more to offer her than magic tricks. Emma had to believe that; she couldnt imagine anyone disobeying the older woman, not even Marge. Learning magic is harder than she remembered, and she struggles with simple spells. ELM Undertakers brought Papi in the morning and the wake was set up in the garden. She can then control them or kill them by crushing it. Im a werewolf.. She always gets her way and when she doesnt, people tend to disappear until she does., Archie was frowning at Regina, You say she killed a muggle in front of you? Regina! I whimpered slightly and threw the pillow back to her, but she managed to lean out of its way. Not until she knew more about them. advantages and disadvantages of written and oral assessment; frdelar och nackdelar med friskolor; kanadarding kallsjn; japan airlines flight 123 survivor interview I dont know if Im glad for missing it or not. Emma gave her a shaky smile and took a hearty swallow of tea, Sorry, I just never thought that I would Professor McGonagall said they didnt have any family left and so I figured there werent any pictures. Must have been to help make the spell last longerdrawing the spell diagram on the ground is too temporary for a spell like that.. Where are you going?. Shes asked to contact a number of very powerful people. The prefect put his hands up and slowly backed out of the classroom. Fourth we have the joint keepers and chasers tryouts. Which constellations do you know?. Both were a little pink from the hug and the sudden closeness, but neither made a move to do anything about it. Emma scrambled to grab her trunks handle as she was pulled along and the door shut loudly behind her although neither noticed. Were crazy, I said as I tried to catch my breath. Then you are all set.. Fascinating.. A new villain lurks, biding their time. I- I cant swim, I said finally and waited for the laughter. It was her fathersan old heirloom of some sortand of no interest to her mother. Made a bunch of them think they were muggles. Truly, a disgrace to see so many of them infesting Hogwarts. Yay! Henry rushes to embrace me. The truth, Granny said without looking up. After that more and more people apparated into the mines. And I know because she is my mother., Tamara merely nodded and leaned back in her chair. Expecto Patronum! Emma called out, louder than Regina had expected and brought her thoughts back to focus on what they were doing. Of course, I would be happy to., Wonderful, Miss Lucas shall be replaced with Miss Swan, Gold wrote that down in his scheduling ledger. Ten inches and pliable.. I dont know, Leroy sounded immensely frustrated. Under the gaze of her curious classmates, she got up and followed Gold into the hallway. Each time she did so this summer it was easier to re-familiarize herself with how it felt and she really did love being able to feel so connected with her horse the way she did without a saddle. None of her Hogwarts friends had her over to their houses since it didnt make much sense for a boarding school and Rubys house didnt really count. I want to help, Emma agreed. The straight forward approach it was. Regina looked back to Emma after she finished feeding Rocinante. Regina appreciated that. She returned the wave automatically. Did she have a better plan? The question preyed upon her mind all semester, even as she resorted back to sleep potions at least once a week to get some respite from her nightmares. I dont know much about you exactly, but I know enough that you and I have some things in common. Understood. Because you can do, well, anything I guess.. And what if I want to um stop floating?, You can just put a leg down and your body will follow, so you can stand., Yeah. Trying walking then, Emma challenged, but she backed off before Regina could try. Emma said she will rather use the stairs, but I can go with the elevator regardless She began by stumbling on the second stop, so I didnt think we should take separate ways. The sweet smell of vanilla, cinnamon and fresh coffee filled my lungs instantly. I am searching for Henry. Oh, its a kind of a superstition? This should be plenty., Archie turned to her and smiled for the first time since theyd arrived, Dont you worry Miss Regina, well see to it your mother is locked away for good. Emma rolled her eyes, Come on, its funny, you can admit it. Regina continued to look forward in stony silence and her blush refused to fade. Not to mention, much of the information reported in the Prophet had been sensationalized to say the least. If the half moon is on the weekend, a bunch of us have races. Mother needed to make arrangements, Regina said flatly as she stared at the suit of armor opposite her and tried not to remain calm. What? Emma was confused. They wandered the roof before leaning back against the stone wall about a meter high to catch their breath. Emma quickly began digging in her pockets for some sickles as he pulled her trunk up the steps and down the aisle. She tried to lean away from them, but then one guy shoved the other. Kids need to spend more time outside these days, I always say., As he looked Emma over, his eyes caught and stayed on the wand still in her hand which he evidently hadnt noticed until then. All Regina would say is that a potion had gone wrong., It was my fault, Emma explained, surprised that Regina hadnt blamed her for the situation. Tinas suggestion ended up working rather well. You take the pairs you tap and you want to get all the pairs if possible, with there being less pairs as the game goes on but also less time to tap pairs when you do see them. I know apparition can be a bit hard to handle the first time., Yeah, Emma lied, her voice weak. I watched them leave and caught Eleanor whispering how Henry has two moms and she has two fathers. Ruby stiffened and froze, looking down at Mary Margarets head like she was hallucinating. Maybe that was another reason Leroy was worried enough to be drunk in the middle of the day. She smiled, It does.. Just let me get someone. Emma felt a little better, maybe she was finally getting to Mary Margaret. Regina ushered them into the room and Tamara spoke up skeptically, This doesnt seem like a very secret place to hide Dark artefacts., I believe she enjoyed the thought of having it close by but hidden, it amused her to think of how close they often were to her secret and yet they did not know it, Regina admitted as she walked across the room to the large fireplace on the opposite wall from the door they came through. Did she also feel like it meant more than it was supposed to? Could I arrange to have it donated?, Of course, Grundran said promptly. Emma tried to follow where they were going at first, but quickly changed her mind when she started to feel sick and just stared resolutely ahead. Its orange eyes looked at her before it turned away with a soft hoot. However, a few months later, a number of them broke out of prison and sought to get revenge on your parents., They held a large demonstration that had the potential to hurt a lot of people and so your parents went to stop it. And it was like the one she herself was holding right now. ? Regina asked, confused and half-focused on trying to remember how much Wideye she had left; it needed to sit for 14 hours so it could take awhile to brew and it was only good for about a month before it started to degrade and have side-effects. Thatll be good. I said quickly, avoiding her gaze. Your inability to take no for an answer doesnt seem to me to be persuasive evidence to make you an invisibility potion. She then wrenched her book from his hand and stood up. Bye? Emma said, bewildered by his abrupt departure. No dancing around as Regina had said. So, Emma said, unsure where to go from here. Regina gave a satisfied nod before carefully making her winding way down the ground, past various shelf outcroppings and floating stacks. Why cant I just be Emma Swan? There was a desperate quality to that last question. Regina saw him veer off course during the second lap and winced when he hit the side of the stands even though he was cushioned from further pain by a quick levitation charm from one of the others. He seemed to know it too. Once the matron had left, a mild awkward silence fell. She ponders which to wear to work today. He said to give you this, she handed Emma a plastic bag. That dwarf should know better than to go behind my back, where is he? Sapphires voice was cold and Emma automatically took a step back. Mary Margaret and David quickly moved in unison, each grabbing ahold of one of Rubys arms, to pull her back and away from the dark creature, which was being successfully herded back by Emmas well-defined patronus. This library has some really good books from Uagadou, lots of their students become animagi, its basically part of their normal curriculum., Emma frowned, turning into an animal would be cool, but do you get to decide what you turn into? That was one her favorite aspects of potions. I didnt even hear about everything until a few days ago. She didnt even need to say the incantation aloud of set it on fire when she pointed with her wand. Chapter 1. How are we supposed to shape the future when you cant even manipulate a single person into marrying you?. Archie ended up being the ones talking to the students while Tamara interrogated Sapphire, whod attempted to sneak away, and Guinevere talked to the dwarves. If they were my dad would still be alive. McGonagalls no-nonsense voice cut through her thoughts. Come here! I called his name and turned back to the girl. Regina nodded, Yes, Id suspected it was. In the end, my primary concern is privacy. Ill come find you next Hogsmeade visit. Luckily, this was a situation shed prepared for. Hey, Regina, Emma greeted as she came in and waved at her with one of pillows from the Transfiguration room shed brought with her. When Emma looked at her questioningly, she flushed and hurried to explain. The shelf looked as though no book was missing, but once she held up her text, a space opened up for her to fill. A simple test of trying to place some weight on her injured ankle led her to involuntarily cry out and nearly fall back to the ground as her head spun with the pain, although she managed to keep on her feet. Emma hastily, turned the letter over and scribbled her response on the back. Ms. Sapphire might as well be talking about getting her house newly painted and not breaking a curse that had lasted years. Im glad. I smiled and suddenly, I felt the urge to hug her, but I resisted it, and only when she stood up did I notice that my hand was on top of hers and I dont remember when I put it there. Normal happy wasnt enough, it had to be more than that. In particular, there were numerous social events that went on during the summer and Cora seemed to have an invite to every single one. Emma bristled a bit at the idea that the reason behind it even mattered, but kept it to herself. It was mesmerizing. He made jabbed his thumb over his shoulder to the stable and gave another wave before heading back. When Henry entered (he was downstairs the whole time; he mustve heard the oven timer beeping, but apparently, he was too busy with something else), I sighed and dramatically wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Solid proof., Tamara was frowning as she thought, You said she had trophies and Dark items. She could do this. Im kidding. Regina struggles to cope with the abuse she's endured but wants to let Emma in. Today was her parents anniversary, of their marriage, not their deathit was the day everyone honored them and everyone felt like they could come up to Emma to talk about them. I spoke really fast, because hell, I was nervous, but I didnt have a chance to continue explaining because without any warning, Regina pressed her lips against mine, silencing me. Emma was about two broom lengths behind Regina, but no matter how she pushed, she wasnt closing the gap fast enough. She swallowed and brought her wand up, Whos there?, There was a silent pause before a confused and cautious voice said, Emma?, Instantly, relief flooded through Emma as she lowered her wand. What next? Emma asked and Lily turned the pages, their arms brushing as she did so. the bridal bra trustpilot. What are you talking about?. Dwarves react differently to magic than wizards, although they appear very similar to wizards to the uninformed person.. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Swan Queen Supernova III: Written in the Stars. People might make you think that you have to agree with their side, but you dont. The last seeker was a seventh year whod graduated and held the position since his third year, so this fourth year had never had much of a chance for the positionseekers were the least likely to change year-over-year according to Quidditch Through the Ages. I want to fly., Emma nodded slowly, she understood that feeling, I dont care what mine would as long as it was fast. How?. A certain blonde head suddenly came into view. Home; About; Blog; Media Room. Please let me know what you think about it :). Regina struggles to accept that anyone could ever love her. What made the Evil Queen evil? She decided against changing her clothesafter all one of the reasons she had designed these dress robes this way was so that they would be comfortable. Emma couldnt pass up the opportunity. I told him to be sneaky. Try to be an Animagus with me?, Yeah, Emma breathed. Just as slowly as they came together, they parted. Sometimes she cant listen to me or she feels the urge to dispose of some evidence of Mothers since she knows thats what Mother would have wanted and she tries to punish herself for not doing so. Dads at some conference all day and Mums at work so weve got the place to ourselves.. Whats Hogwarts like?, Its really nice. Of course, she will likely stage it as an accident or a sickness, but I wanted to warn you. She swung around to finish the Sloth Grip Roll, the preferred move of her favorite player and one which shed practiced for hours over the summer. Regina fell very close to her broom and managed to follow it through the main hoop and, using her new-found closeness to the broom to steady herself, reached out her hand to close her fingers around the small gold ball. However, a few days later, Whale came up to her at lunch, Hey, Navar, wheres my potion? After giving her reply to Silver the next morning, she went down to breakfast only to come back once she was finished and start packing almost immediately. We were not going to bring up our pasts there. Thank you. Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time/Peterpan Fanfiction), Chapter 1: And Straight On 'Til Morning Part 1, Chapter 2: Straight On 'Till Morning part 2, Chapter 3: The Heart of the Truest Believer, Chapter 13: I Accidentally On Purpose Find the Others, Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time Fanfiction). She knew she should probably let it be, but she couldnt help herself. The feast passed in a blur as Regina hesitantly filled her plate. She nodded in satisfaction. Their heads were so close together. Emma thought her eyes were deceiving her until she realized wizard photos moved the same way the portraits and paintings up at the castle did. I just caught you! She punctuated the statement with an emphatic hand gesture. Her foster family was making her jittery though and so she dressed and left as early as she could. That makes a big difference. Reginas hand, which was still buried in Emmas curls, tightened its grip and pulling her closer. Nevermind, Mary Margaret took another sweeping look around, I dont know where your parents might have had theirs though, it varies. Then her face brightened, I know how to find it. Moments later Emma slowly crept closer. Why would she come here at all? Do you think youre ready?. They booked it to the end of the hallway, skidded into class, and nearly went through their professor. 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Topsham, Maine Arrests, Richard Levi Fort Myers, Articles O