At the beginning of an investigation, the pupils do not know if there will be a suitable answer, or more than one answer. Each teacher sees all grade-level students every day. View this months newsletter. At the core of nurturing one's skill and talent in Mathematics, the curriculum includes behavioural objectives to be attained, suggested teaching-learning activities, and values to be integrated. Can you give examples? %%EOF Unfortunately, Peter could not produce the answer immediately. 0 <<544FBBD0D7B4C747AF694EB76461AF3A>]/Prev 201399>> Valuing : Internalize the need for seatbelts, sitting tightly when one is in a moving vehicle, using other safety gadgets when one is in a moving vehicle particularly in fast moving cars. Is this something you would stand by even if others made fun of you for it? What does a properly values educated person have that other people would not? The Values Integration Plan (VIP) A. Concerned with explicit and implicit values. 1. Valuing level. Follow the links below for your area of interest for the lesson plans and co-curricular activities. 4.8 Adherence to time (punctual) 4.9 Value wisdom, experience and deeds. Question prompts will help students start thinking more deeply about their own values or principles: You may find it useful to have each student write their own answers to some or all of the prompts first and then ask students to share these in pairs, with a segment of a class, or in a whole-class discussion. The response of the reader to the work as a whole makes demands on his intelligence, moral insight, capacity to respond to values embodied in the reading. 8. . What are the three most important values you think it will be important to encourage in your children one day? 61 20 Collect samples of water from different available sources such as distilled water, boiled water, tap water, collected rainwater, stream water, creek water, lake water, Pour the samples into clear glass containers or test tubes, Allow the particles, if any, to settle., Filter separately a small amount of each sample., Place a dropperful of each sample in separate evaporating dishes and allow to dry.. Discuss the differences and see if its possible to develop a list that everyone will buy into. Put all the lists up on the wall. 2. 0000008114 00000 n What did you learn from it? Ask students at the start of the school year to commit themselves to living by their principles or laws from the outset. Throughout the school year, you can have them reflect on what they wrote and committed to, check in with others on how they are doing on following through, and revise their laws if necessary. 0000006060 00000 n A video lesson explains the concept and an activity allows students to examine their own values and those of a family member. A. Drill/spelling: kindly get a one complete sheet of paper for our spelling. Why? Further, the teacher can set a theme for the problems that the pupils make up, such asgiving help toothers or concernfor the environment, which can help them to focus on the underlying values as well as the mathematics. In their sixth-grade social studies and language arts class, while doing a simulation on the Maya, students take breaks for research, close reading of articles (from secondary sources to primary documents written in the 1500s), and analyzing their own artistic replicas of primary documents. 3. end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Identify what is percentile of a set data (C) Strengthen self- worth (A) A Lesson Plan in Mathematics with Values Integration for Grade 10 Rachel S. Samson Learning Competency: Calculate specified percentile of a set data I. After students have had a chance to think about and discuss the prompts, they will be ready to start to write. There are many opportunities to teach the principles of values education through existing subjects and topics. Youve never ratted on anybody. These levels are reflected in the Teaching and Learning Cycle shown in the Figure 3.1. on the following page (Quisumbing, 2003). This is very useful Karl. A good lesson plan will have space at the end to record the teachers reflections about what went well, what did not go so well, what might need to be addressed of followed up on and whatever else feels important as the bell rings. Director III, Bureau of Secondary EducationDepartment of Education, Philippines, b. As an educator needs to write the planning for his or her student so that she or he knows about the process of it and able to evaluate for the next step. The Department of Education introduced the Values Education Program in 1988. There was a need to rebuild the nation and transform Philippine Society after the historic People Power revolt in 1986. These would be realized through the inner transformation of the Filipino a change in his values and behavior. Objectives: At the 1. graphs). Imagine that 200 years from now your very great grandchildren find an article about you in the encyclopedia. If you are currently not using a standard lesson plan format, or if you are in the market for a new one, take a look at this. I dont really have slides to share, but I have post and articles available here on LinkedIn, and Id be very happy to start a dialogue with you. Homemaking as primarily the responsibility of women. c. How do we assess whether (to what extent, in respect of what items) a student is values educated? Waters ability to serve as a solvent to water pollution, Quality of water for human consumption and useful water, - Examining the Pollution of a Water Supply, In the investigation, students observe the spread of the pollutant (p. 262 Dynamic Science, c2003 by Rabago,, Activity 2: Quality of water: Introducing Phosphates, Activity 3: Brief discussion on the world use of fresh water. 5. Table 3.2. Matrix for Values-based Lesson, Conduct scientific investigation on the quality of surface water or underground water and its surrounding environment in terms of fitness for human consumption and as habitat for water organisms. As both a teacher and a leader of teachers, I have always strongly endorsed the importance of a formal plan for every lesson. Have you ever done anything that indicates that this is important to you? Sometimes, when were with other people, we make choices or act in ways that are different from when were alone. "[The teachers] do their lessons three times a day in their content area," explains Odean. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Laura Hinijos, a sixth-grade language arts and social studies teacher, offers three tips from what she has learned: Ralston Elementary integrates concepts across subjects. The beginning of the school year is a good time to ask students to reflect on what gives them guiding direction in their lives. Put all the lists up on the wall. Deals with man as a social being: how he lives/relates with his neighbor and environmental at a particular time (Marsh 1990). Organization and management of resources to meet human needs. A good learning objective (I have written in much more detail about this elsewhere) will cover knowledge, skill and application. 1. It provides definitions and practice in regards to everything involved in making appropriate decisions. 5. As the key task of education, the systematic development of values requires methodological support which cannot be neutral. Education in values demands discussion, processing, reflection, and action. What could you change about yourself to become a better person? Why? Establish a rule that no one is to judge the thoughts of another. Whether theyre teachers in government schools following the national curriculum or large private school with standards set at the group level. What values did all groups share? Formulating values-based objectives and pursuing the attainment of these through the strategies or activities and vicarious or authentic assessment modes indicate the significance given to the intervention. Confidence. Thanks for the comment. 0000049227 00000 n Visit an elementary school where some teachers specialize in teaching math and science together, and others language arts and social studies. yr3 Er&(9N2NM2>;;-6Ka-#ra70V_NF Z6erz_,91k|V>|d.iU&o ;9r]-_Sy_mt. 2. We need to develop, among the students, knowledge and interest in the disciplines for their survival and growth into useful members of society. Valuing: Internalize the need for seatbelts, sitting tightly when one is in a moving vehicle, striving for other safety gadgets when one is in a moving vehicle particularly in fast moving cars. Two categories may be dealt with in detail: The most common expressions used by teachers, as reported in Punsalans (2006) study were remember, be honest made during the assessment part of the lesson (eg., paper-and-pencil test), Please speak louder. The articles include quotations, printed in italics, from the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values program, which originated in India and is now active in more than 40 countries around the world. They are the universal truths which man considers to be good and important; they are the ethical principles which a person struggles to realize and live (Esteban, 1990). the systematic development of values require a methodological support which cannot be neutral. It demands discussion, processing, reflection and actions. 330 0 obj <> endobj Science is not a mechanical process of collecting facts and designing theories. Tectonic fractured zones could provide. What would you do? How? a. These social issues have implications in moving the people to action to do something with the knowledge, skills and orientations they acquire in school. How to transform these into practical behavior is inevitably the concern of education. Increasing numbers of individuals need to be able tothink for themselvesin a constantly changing environment, particularly as technology is making larger quantities of information easier to access and to manipulate. Quality of Water activity to develop the concept on the effect of phosphates on plant growth. Students rotate to each of the three teachers for their three content areas. Values Integration is a channel of values development through the teaching-learning activities in the different subject areas. Demonstration of Exemplar Lesson Plan with Values Integratio n PHASE II Preparatory activities: 1. It is Leading the students to see a personal meaning in whatever teachers teach in the classroom. With departmentalization and integration, explains Hinijos, "it's more of a sixth-grade decision versus an 'in my classroom' decision. List three of that persons admirable qualities. This section will describe the types of problem solving which can be used to enhance the values described above, and will give some suggestions of how it can be used in the mathematics program. In particular, it is an approach which encouragesflexibility, the ability to respond to unexpected situations or situations that do not have an immediate solution, and helps to developperseverance in the face of failure. They have more time to plan and intentionally integrate their lessons. Why are these qualities or values so important to you? For a concept to be turned into action, it must first find its way into our value system. (Quisumbing, 2003). Initially it will be necessary for the teacher to provide some examples of "pooled" questions, for example: The pupils can be invited to look at each other's work and, especially if they have different answers, to discuss "who is right". How can you benefit from knowing what your values are? 13. Furthermore, the teacher either does not know the outcome, or pretends not to know. Students have often told stories about family members and important events in their lives. S/he begins to understand him/herself better through the lesson. The subject matter in this level is the person of the students and not the facts identified, the skills learned and the concepts inferred. Respect yourself. What would cause somebody to make a choice that conflicts with his/her values? The Concept of Values Integration A. For example, what makes these qualities worth admiring and worth following? The starting point of values integration is the nature of the learning areas and their unique contribution as bodies of knowledge. Thus, the teachers could prepare and organise the values lesson's beginning and closing. Can you name them? Know your values and stay true to them. Why is there a concern for values in Philippine Society? 0000002302 00000 n Tell them about the pressures to fit in that you experienced at this age, and how you hope they will deal with those same pressures, themselves. %%EOF ho0Tm#UGMKlTMYF LH yLP!BjBh,,@ u(JAJN*0%T$a"+iYLLrz0)"=-#ayA1Xy:g*1g&-x,-c-9mbt.$^Dl&\D2E |-$YeIjgrWcnai3>Ni8/y[8Rr}Um/3jHc,"BH{.W>`xZ+R@o`a8yy. To find additional teaching guides on this and related topics for K-12. 1. The Classroom Environment. The research question was, "What part of the garbage in our school cafeteria is recyclable?". Choice of textbook examples, Do you share those values? 61 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 859 0 obj <>/Metadata 52 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 853 0 R/StructTreeRoot 138 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 860 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 861 0 obj <>stream The parents also felt upset as they regarded this son as an inconsiderate child. endstream endobj startxref Its a no brainer. 80 0 obj <>stream What specific actions can you do / recommend to help solve water crisis in the near/distant future. How did it happen? 359 0 obj <>stream Why? While this pedagogy is still experimental, he says, "If every teacher is equipped with such a value system and can infuse values in every lesson, values-centric education will become integrated in their lives and not as a separate subject." Reference Tan, K. S., Heng, C. Y., Lin, Z., & Tan, S. H. (2010, December). Each core subject is a 75-minute block. By doing so, the teacher communicates certain values, without explicitly stating this in the lesson plan objectives. The solution of these problems relies totally on knowledge and experience which the students already have. Answer: Through values integration our next generation of children will know how to deal with the ever changing world, while maintaining proper conduct and morals. 4.11 Value self-respect. We all have values, but unless we take the time to think about those values, we can easily overlook them when were making important choices. Mathematical investigations can fit into any of the above three categories. Seven core values were identified based on the framework on the dimensions of the human person. These values corresponding to the seven dimensions of man are the following (Values Education for the Filipino, 1988): For the purposes of this Project, the Five Basic Human Values and their related Values were identified and adopted (UN Centre for Human Settlements, 2001, p. 23): E. The Potential Learning Areas for integrating Human Values in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education (HVWSHE). "One of the things we found," recalls Odean, "was that [departmentalization] really helps integrate curriculum and provide opportunities for students to apply and transfer -- so we could really see mastery.". Youve never been a cheater. Using Music in Arts-Integration. Social understanding (kaalamang panlipunan). In my work with teachers who have guided students through this task, the resulting essays were moving, revealing, and inspiring. 16. Describe yourself well enough so that people will know whether or not they would want to spend time with you. Then, have a spokesperson from each group present the list to the class along with any needed commentary. HUMILITY 3.1 Polite 3.2 Admitting one's mistake 3.3 Friendly 4. Are they aware that theyre doing that? Figure 3.1. Cycle of Levels in the Teaching and Learning. 4.3 Respect for king and country. 4. Clearly defined values give meaning to human activity. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Make a scrapbook by gathering news or feature articles related to quality of water for human consumption and for helpful organisms. Collect pictures from magazines, comics, science journals or internet sources. Write a caption in each of the pictures and organizing these into a photo document. The scrapbook should also answer this question: How does this knowledge help you, your family, your country and the world in general? High personal standards in every area of life Researchers were guided in conducting competency) and KI 2 (social competency). Lesson Plan In Values Integration Uploaded by: Ms. Rachel Samson December 2019 PDF Bookmark Download This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. )Water shortages also loom. There are three types of problems to which students should be exposed: Each of these problem types will be described in more detail below. After practice one evening you see a teammate vandalize a teachers car. Think about your goals and act accordingly. The coach knows you saw it happen and threatens to kick you off the team unless you name the guilty person. Did you make any changes or decisions based on that experience? Our decisions often reflect our values. An arts integrated lesson plan will be similar to a regular lesson plan, with the exception that it will have a place for both the arts learning objectives as well as the objectives for the content area, and will allow students the opportunity to construct understanding through both disciplines. 7. Persistence through sustained work. Your values are your personal inventory of what you consider most important in life. The arrangement of desks or chairs facilitate or encourage particular modes of interaction for certain topics in the lesson. Given an ample space and a small class size, the circular or oval arrangement of chairs encourages active student engagement (Vosniadou, 2004). There are three classrooms at the second-grade level. 0 Concerned with the affective and cognitive elements of human relationships. Who is someone you consider a hero? Only the teaching of facts, concepts, and skills is addressed. She suggested that the teacher can introduce a "starter" to the whole class, ask the students to work at it for a short time, ask them to jot down any questions which occurred to them while doing it, and pool ideas. Were there any serious differences between the groups? %PDF-1.5 % Have the class consider and discuss the following hypothetical situations. There are three levels of teaching that need to be addressed in the classroom: the facts level, the concepts level, and the valuing level. 0000003797 00000 n Integration in education is combining multiple areas of study into individual lessons. If you do have any improvements, Ill be very happy to hear about them. Does being in a group sometimes make it harder to be yourself? Concepts level. This involves the teaching of ideas and principles. . Peter failed to persuade his parents to buy expensive sportshoes as his birthday present and thought that his parents did not treat him well. In this context, the word "value" refers to how you feel about the work itself and the contribution it makes to society. Further ideas have been presented in a book written by the author (Taplin, 1988). What does that article say about you? Fiscal data is from the 2011-12 academic year. What was most meaningful to you in this video? If so, describe the pressures. At times like this we must be ready to distinguish between our higher values and our lower values. Kindergarten and first-grade students learn in regular elementary classrooms, with one teacher for all subjects. . But in labeling our current concern values-based, we emphasize the how serious and dedicated the cooperative project is in promoting development of a sustainable water-use ethic. The main idea behind this section is to allow students to realize that they do have values and to identify what some of these values are: 1. Encouragement of independence and personal responsibility. My great grandmother was a person who struggled to make sure her family would be successful. It will also include factors such as the layout of the classroom itself, the duration of the lesson, the facilities available. 20. Listen, sit properly when calling inattentive students, and Magaling (Very Good)! as positive reinforcements. 4. Instruct them to reflect on the past year, both in and out of school, and write about what they consider to be the values or principles by which they want to live their lives, and why. As such, teachers should not be required to write their lesson plans more than a week in advance of the lesson itself. 15. If you are to design a car or any type of land vehicle for two or more passengers, what safety gadgets would you include and explain why., Conduct scientific investigation on the quality. Foractivities tosupport schools in integrating values in curricular and extracurricular contexts to develop student responsibility, social skills, resilience and wellbeingsee Supporting Student Wellbeing Through Values Education. KLA-based lesson plans with a values focus (approximately 50 minutes in length) for primary and secondary students are available for downloading as PDF files. These teachers are often required to produce incredibly lengthy plans for every lesson a whole year in advance. What types of concepts, understandings, reasons, and motives does he need? When somebody says just be yourself, what does that mean? Why? b. How should teachers facilitate the teaching-learning transaction in order to address the above-cited questions? Developing Objectives (CAB), Strategies for Values Integration VII. Step 1: What are some questions you would like answered. Copyright 2020 Math Goodies. Is that good? 4.6 Respect for individual rights. Report DMCA Overview This entails the students thinking, feeling, and acting processes as s/he finds the connection of what s/he has learned from the facts and concepts level to his/her personal life and experience. It helps the student crystallize concepts learned and relate them to life. There is a personal meaning experienced from the subject area. The student will begin to see the importance of learning the concept more because s/he discovers meaning in it. If one of them has their students working on a large project, the other one won't be assigning a lot of homework. "They're looking at change in science," describes Odean, "and they can talk about those things in reading and writing, and in math as well. A person must have love in his or her life. There are three classrooms at the second-grade level. Values Integration is a channel of values development through the teaching-learning activities in the different subject areas. These are problems, or questions, which often start in response to the pupils' questions, or questions posed by the teacher such as, "Could we have done the same thing with 3 other numbers? West Sussex, U.K.: West Sussex Institute of Higher Education. 2. The Three Rs of Growing Up You and Your Values Enhancing Self-Esteem Setting & Achieving Goals Dealing With Pressures Handling Emotions Preventing Conflicts & Violence Saying No to Alcohol & Other Drugs Speaking of Sex Friendship Getting Along With Parents Respecting Others. It will include the steps of each activity, the time allotted for each activity, the purpose for each activity, the groupings and learning dynamics for each activity. 1. The more time I have spent in formal schools though, the more I see where this opposition comes from. Can you give an example? a. To assist the student in: b. To develop the students potentials to the fullest in order to assist him/her to evolve in to a fully human person. Are there groups here in school? The purpose of this article is to suggest one of the many ways in which values education can be incorporated into existing mathematics curricula and approaches to teaching mathematics. By departmentalizing and integrating two subjects, Ralston teachers guide their students in transferring their skills. Here are some guidelines for identifying what you value. Would u like to share notes and PPT slides? The values to be communicated should be anchored to the points for discussion and the views/responses elicited from the students for the values integration to be purposeful. "Hydrosphere is a perfect connection for measuring the slope of the parking lot because it connects to watershed and how our friend gravity is always pulling things down. Plan for every lesson somebody to make a scrapbook by gathering news or feature articles to... Been presented in a group sometimes make it harder to be list of values integration in lesson plan action! 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