Will your Prince be decorated with honors? What if the bread be dry, what if the medicine be nauseous; yet for his thirst there was no relief but gall and vinegar, and dare we complain? How near akin the thirsty Saviour is to us; let us love him more and more. There were two other cross-bearers in the throng; they were malefactors; their crosses were just as heavy as the Lord's, and yet, at least, one of them had no sympathy with him, and his bearing the cross only led to his death, and not to his salvation. " And He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit. In the multitude there was a sparse sprinkling of tender-hearted women, probably those who had been healed, or whose children had been blessed by him. Nor is this all. My Lord is not altogether without his espoused one. It is a blow at the fable of purgatory which strikes it to the heart. Even now to a large extent the true Christian is like a Pariah, lower than the lowest caste, in the judgment of some. crucify him!" Those once highly favored people of God who cursed themselves with, "His blood be upon us and upon our children," ought to make us mourn when we think of their present degradation. After our Lord Jesus Christ had been formally condemned by Pilate, our text tells us he was led away. The reed was no mere rush from the brook, it was of a stouter kind, of which easterns often make walkingstaves, the blows were cruel as well as insulting; and the crown was not of straw but thorn, hence it produced pain as well as pictured scorn. This thirst had been on him from the earliest of his earthly days. According to the sacred canticle of love, in the fifth chapter of the Song of Songs, we learn that when he drank in those olden times it was in the garden of his church that he was refreshed. Think of that! I know he loves to receive from you, because he delights even in a cup of cold water that you give to one of his disciples; how much more will he delight in the giving of your whole self to him? The great Surety says, "I thirst," because he is placed in the sinner's stead, and he must therefore undergo the penalty of sin for the ungodly. "I reckon that these light afflictions, which are but for a moment, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." July 2nd, 1882 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) "I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." John 17:26 . The spear broke up the very fountains of life; no human body could survive such a wound. Here we behold his human soul in anguish, his inmost heart overwhelmed by the withdrawing of Jehovah's face, and made to cry out as if in perplexity and amazement. The Christian faith and motives for Christian worship are based on the certainty of facts. Our Lord felt that grievous drought of dissolution by which all moisture seems dried up, and the flesh returns to the dust of death: this those know who have commenced to tread the valley of the shadow of death. The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. You have, then, no true sympathy for Christ if you have not an earnest sympathy with those who would win souls for Christ. and the answer shall come back, "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." Oh! The excitement of a great struggle makes men forget thirst and faintness; it is only when all is over that they come back to themselves and note the spending of their strength. You carry the cross after him. You have blessed company; your path is marked with footprints of your Lord. This is what the Apostle meant when he said, "I fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the Church." See, brethren, where sin begins, and mark that there it ends. Home; Origin; Birth; John; Acts; About; JOHN 19 COMMENTARY . You do suffer. You have been ill, and you have been parched with fever as he was, and then you too have gasped out "I thirst." He thirsted to pluck us from between the jaws of hell, to pay our redemption price, and set us free from the eternal condemnation which hung over us; and when on the cross the work was almost done his thirst was not assuaged, and could not be till he could say, "It is finished." He pitied the sufferer, but he thought so little of him that he joined in the voice of scorn. I will give you one of his thirsty prayers "Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory." The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. My well beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill: and he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein." . Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on John chapter 19 for small groups. Is not this a fertile field of thought? Our great hero, the destroyer of Death, bearded the lion in his den, slew the monster in his own castle, and dragged the dragon captive from his own den. You and I have nothing else to preach. Did I not describe last Sabbath the knotted scourges which fell upon the Saviours back? I think that Roman soldier meant well, at least well for a rough warrior with his little light and knowledge. (John 19:11) Jesus answered, . Christ was always thirsty to save men, and to be loved of men; and we see a type of his life-long desire when, being weary, he sat thus on the well and said to the woman of Samaria, "Give me to drink." Brother, thirst to have your children save. There are many other ways in which these words might be read, and they would be found to be all full of instruction. Will ye raise a clamor of tumultuous shouting? First, we shall look upon them as THE ENSIGN OF HIS TRUE HUMANITY. Read Joo 15:7 bible commentary from Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FREE on BiblePortal.com Christ was spit upon with shame; sinner, what shame will be yours! I suppose that the "I thirst" was uttered softly, so that perhaps only one and another who stood near the cross heard it at all; in contrast with the louder cry of "Lama sabachthani" and the triumphant shout of "It is finished": but that soft, expiring sigh, "I thirst," has ended for us the thirst which else, insatiably fierce, had preyed upon us throughout eternity. "Wist ye not," said he, while yet a boy, "that I must be about my Father's business?" These are awful words, but they are not mine; they are the very words of God in Scripture. He did not spare his Son the stripes. The Lord bless you, for Jesus' own sake. Then came, "Women, behold thy son!" Let me add, that when we look at the sufferings of Christ, we ought to sorrow deeply for the souls of all unregenerate men and women. Christ did but transfer to Simon the outward frame, the mere tree; but the curse of the tree, which was our sin and its punishment, rested on Jesus' shoulders still. O Lord Jesus, we love thee and we worship thee! What whips of steel for you, what knots of burning wire for you, when conscience shall smite you, when the law shall scourge you with its ten-thonged whip! Thirst is no royal grief, but an evil of universal manhood; Jesus is brother to the poorest and most humble of our race. I cannot give you more than a mere taste of this rich subject, but I have been most struck with two ways of regarding our Lord's last words. You young believers, who have lately followed Christ, should father and mother forsake you, remember you were bidden to reckon upon it; should brothers and sisters deride, you must put this down as part of the cost of being a Christian. Barrabas may go free; the thief and the murderer may be spared; but for Christ there is no word, but "Away with such a fellow from the earth! You are not, therefore, so poor as he. Even if I may not come at him, yet shall I be full of consolation, for it is heaven to thirst after him, and surely he will never deny a poor soul liberty to admire him, and adore him, and thirst after him." In the same song he speaks of his church, and says, "The roof of thy mouth is as the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak." Let the sympathy of Christ, then, be fully believed in and deeply appreciated, since he said, "I thirst." Dear friends, we must remember that, although no one died on the cross with Christ, for atonement must be executed by a solitary Savior, yet another person did carry the cross for Christ; for this world, while redeemed by price by Christ, and by Christ alone, is to be redeemed by divine power manifested in the sufferings and labors of the saints as well as those of Christ. So were the streets of Jerusalem; for great multitudes followed him. He sipped of the vinegar, and he was refreshed, and no sooner has he thrown off the thirst than he shouted like a conqueror, "It is finished," and quitted the field, covered with renown. Sit at his feet with Mary, lean on his breast with John; yea, come with the spouse in the song and say, "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for his love is better than wine." Mine is adorned with garments crimsoned with his own blood. Romanists of all ages have wrought upon the feelings of the people in this manner, and to a degree the attempt is commendable, but if it shall all end in tears of pity, no good is done. Rutherford used words somewhat to this effect, "I thirst for my Lord and this is joy; a joy which no man taketh from me. Beloved, if our Master said, "I thirst," do we expect every day to drink of streams from Lebanon? Shall the servant be above his Master, or the disciple above his Lord? John 19:28 J.R. Thomson This is both the shortest of all the dying utterances of Jesus, and it is the one which is most closely related to himself. Cheerfully accept this burden, ye servants of the Lord. As these seven sayings were so faithfully recorded, we do not wonder that they have frequently been the subject of devout meditation. Here is the forgiveness of sin free forgiveness in answer to the Saviour's plea. He is thirsty still, you see, for our poor love, and surely we cannot deny it to him. And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou ? We all know that a different dress will often raise a doubt about the identity of an individual; but lo! Whether a disciple then or not, we have every reason to believe that he became so afterwards; he was the father, we read, of Alexander and Rufus, two persons who appear to have been well known in the early Church; let us hope that salvation came to his house when he was compelled to bear the Savior's cross. Ah, that I cannot tell, except his own great love. Hast thou laid thy hand upon his head, confessed thy sin, and trusted in him? While thus we admire his condescension let our thoughts also turn with delight to his sure sympathy: for if Jesus said, "I thirst," then he knows all our frailties and woes. The ceremonial of the Jewish religion denies him any participation in its pomps; the priests condemn him never again to tread the hallowed floors, never again to look upon the consecrated altars in the place of his people's worship. (7) Luke 23:46 And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO THY HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT. He can receive vinegar, but not lukewarm love. He also knew well the terrible joy that comes only through suffering as he lived quite afflicted (both by illness and slander). In fact, the tendency is to exalt man above God and give him the highest place. What doth he say? For several Sabbath mornings my mind has been directed into subjects which I might fitly call the deep things of God. Beloved, there is now upon our Master, and there always has been, a thirst after the love of his people. There is a fulness of meaning in each utterance which no man shall be able fully to bring forth, and when combined they make up a vast deep of thought, which no human line can fathom. Did he not tell his disciples, "I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how am I straitened till it be accomplished?" If you will look, there is the mark of his blood-red shoulder upon that heavy cross. These are silken days, and religion fights not so stern a battle. In the Lord of Hosts, who shows his power in the sufferings of Christ and of his Church. The mind of man is like the daughters of the horseleech, which cry for ever, "Give, give." Hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled. The great agony of being forsaken by God was over, and he felt faint when the strain was withdrawn. The more manifestly there shall be a great gulf between the Church and the world, the better shall it be for both; the better for the world, for it shall be thereby warned; the better for the Church, for it shall be thereby preserved. The sufferings of Christ should make us weep over those who have brought that blood upon their heads. They put his own clothes upon him, because they were the perquisites of the executioner, as modern hangmen take the garments of those whom they execute, so did the four soldiers claim a right to his raiment. We see in Simon's carrying the cross a picture of what the Church is to do throughout all generations. And said, Hail, King of the Jews! what a black thought crosses our mind! Romish expositors, who draw upon their prolific fancy for their facts, tell us that he had a rope about his neck with which they roughly dragged him to the tree; this is one of the most probable of their surmises, since it was not unusual for the Romans thus to conduct criminals to the gallows. John Chapter 19 - In-depth, verse-by-verse commentary and Bible study of John chapter 19 in plain English. These solemn sentences have shone like the seven golden candlesticks or the seven stars of the Apocalypse, and have lighted multitudes of men to him who spake them. Oh! 1. Let me show what I think he meant. A second mode of treating these seven cries is to view them as setting forth the person and offices of our Lord who uttered them. Did not the prophecies say that man would give to his incarnate God gall to eat and vinegar to drink? No longer sink below the brim; But overflow, and pour me down A living and life-giving stream.". Come, bring him your warm heart, and let him drink from that purified chalice as much as he wills. For him they have no tolerance. Then comes the "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" We see how the Holy Spirit wants us to pray. While other religions create what appear to be worship-filled gatherings, they are empty and void of fact. I have shown you, believer, your position; let me now show you your service. Amid all the anguish of his spirit his last words prove him to have remained fully self-possessed, true to his forgiving nature, true to his kingly office, true to his filial relationship, true to his God, true to his love of the written word, true to his glorious work, and true to his faith in his Father. 36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken,"[ a] 37 and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."[ b] Read full chapter Footnotes The last expiring word in which he commended his spirit to his Father, is the note of acceptance for himself and for us all. Hark how their loud voices demand that he should be hastened to execution! 19:1-18 Little did Pilate think with what holy regard these sufferings of Christ would, in after-ages, be thought upon and spoken of by the best and greatest of men. I have now a third picture to present to you CHRIST AND HIS MOURNERS. John 19:28 . When you are molested for your piety; when your religion brings the trial of cruel mockings upon you; then remember, it is not your cross, it is Christ's cross; and how delightful is it to carry the cross of our Lord Jesus? The flood of his grief has passed the high-water mark, and began to be assuaged. Did we not do so years ago before we knew him? Do not let the picture vanish till you have satisfied yourselves once for all that Christ was here the substitute for you. wherein we see the Son of man in the gentleness of a son caring for his bereaved mother. (1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. "Weep for yourselves," says Christ, "rather than for me." He said, "I thirst," in order that one might bring him drink, even as you have wished to have a cooling draught handed to you when you could not help yourself. So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. Are you lukewarm? Conceal your religion? Oh I raise the question, and be not satisfied unless you can answer it most positively in the affirmative. Secondly, we shall regard these words, "I thirst," as THE TOKEN OF HIS SUFFERING SUBSTITUTION. I do not think we should seek after needless persecution. No sufferings of ours have anything to do with the atonement of sin. There are more unlikely things than that you will be dead before next Sunday. Oh, wondrous substitution of the just for the unjust, of God for man, of the perfect Christ for us guilty, hell-deserving rebels. What learn we here as we see Christ led forth? Remember how Paul said, "I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. They are created in the minds of men. There was nothing behind in the price, but there is something behind in the manifested power, and we must continue to fill up that measure of revealed power, carrying each one of us the cross with Christ, till the last shame shall have been poured upon his cause, and he shall reign for ever and ever. Think of the millions in this dark world! Next Saturday all eyes will be fixed on a great Prince who shall ride through our streets with his Royal Bride. Shall it ever be a hardship to be denied the satisfying draught when he said, "I thirst." Hail, ye despised children of the sun, ye follow first after the King in the march of woe. His great love makes him thirst to have us much nearer than we are; he will never be satisfied till all his redeemed are beyond gunshot of thee enemy. When they had mocked him they pulled off the purple garment he had worn, this rough operation would cause much pain. He who stood in our stead has finished all his work, and now his spirit comes back to the Father, and he brings us with him. Fathers and confessors, preachers and divines have delighted to dwell upon every syllable of these matchless cries. Coming fresh from the country, not knowing what was going on, he joined with the mob, and they made him carry the cross. The last word but one, "It is finished." It is that he may eat and drink with you, for he promises that if we open to him he will enter in and sup with us and we with him. If we weep for the sufferings of Christ in the same way as we lament the sufferings of another man, our emotions will be only natural, and may work no good. To-day I invite your attention to another Prince, marching in another fashion through his metropolis. A Christian living to indulge the base appetites of a brute beast, to eat and to drink almost to gluttony and drunkenness, is utterly unworthy of the name. "'Twere you my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were; Each of my grimes became a nail, And unbelief the spear. I saw the other day the emblem of a serpent with its tail in its mouth, and if I carry it a little beyond the artist's intention the symbol may set forth appetite swallowing up itself. the people saw him in the street, not arrayed in the purple robe, but wearing his garment without seam, woven from the top throughout, the common smock-frock, in fact, of the countrymen of Palestine, and they said at once, "Yes, 'tis he, the man who healed the sick, and raised the dead; the mighty teacher who was wont to sit upon the mountain-top, or stand in the temple courts and preach with authority, and not as the Scribes." Do not forget, also, that you bear this cross in partnership. He knew once how to turn water into wine, and in matchless love he has often turned our sour drink-offerings into something sweet to himself, though in themselves, methinks, they have been the juice of sour grapes, sharp enough to set his teeth on edge. April 14th, 1878 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892). Amen. Romanists pretend to know; in fact they know the very spot where Veronica wiped the blessed face with her handkerchief, and found his likeness impressed upon it; we also know very well where that was not done; in fact they know the very spot where Jesus fainted, and if you go to Jerusalem you can see all these different places if you only carry enough credulity with you; but the fact is the city has been so razed, and burned, and ploughed, that there is little chance of distinguishing any of these positions, with the exception, it may be, of Mount Calvary, which being outside the walls may possibly still remain. She craved full flagons of love though she was already overpowered by it. The Redeemer's cry of "I thirst" is a solemn lesson of patience to his afflicted. Some of them have no objection to worship with a poor congregation till they grow rich, and then, forsooth, they must go with the world's church, to mingle with fashion and gentility. John 1 19-51 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary John 1:19-51 John 1:19. A phantom, as some have called him, could not suffer in his fashion: but Jesus really suffered, not only the more refined pains of delicate and sensitive minds, but the rougher and commoner pangs of flesh and blood. What joy, what satisfaotion this will give if we can sing, "My soul looks back to see The burden thou didst bear, When hastening to the accursed tree, And knows her guilt was there!". Thou wast still straightened till the last pang was felt and the last word spoken to complete to full redemption, and hence thy cry, "I thirst." Then they said, "Hail, King of the Jews!" And they struck Him with their hands. Let us now gaze for awhile upon CHRIST CARRYING HIS CROSS. How has it been with you? As Spurgeon puts it "Faith is described as 'receiving' Jesus. "I thirst" is the fifth cry, and its utterance teaches us the truth of Scripture, for all things were accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, and therefore our Lord said, "I thirst." John 19 Commentary John chapter 19 commentary Bible study. They prefer a ceremonial pompous and gaudy; the swell of music, the glitter of costly garments, the parade of learning all these must minister grandeur to the world's religion, and thus shut out the simple followers of the Lamb. How great the love which led him to such a condescension as this! John, the gospel of faith by Harrison, Everett Falconer, 1902- from Everyman's Bible Commentary series. There is the complete justification of the believer, since the work by which he is accepted is fully accomplished. Certain philosophers have said that they love the pursuit of truth even better than the knowledge of truth. Largest collection of Spurgeon resources online, including a complete 63 volume set of sermons, audio sermons, books, and quotes. Even when man compassionates the sufferings of Christ, and man would have ceased to be human if he did not, still he scorns him; the very cup which man gives to Jesus is at once scorn and pity, for "the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." He hath traversed the mournful way before thee, and every footprint thou leavest in the sodden soil is stamped side by side with his footmarks. IV. The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God. We do not know what may have been the color of alimony face, but it was most likely black. C.H. You must consider Jesus, and not yourself; turn your eye to Christ, the great substitute for sinners, but never dream of trusting in yourselves. My heart shall not be content till he is all in all to me, and I am altogether lost in him. How truly man he is; he is, indeed, "bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh," for he bears our infirmities. So numerous has the family of man now become, that there is a death every second; and when we know how very smell a proportion of the human race have even nominally received the cross and there is none other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved oh! This was the act too of man at his best, when he is moved to pity; for it seems clear that he who lifted up the wet sponge to the Redeemer's lips, did it in compassion. Grant me only thus much of likeness: we have here a Prince with his bride, bearing his banner, and wearing his royal robes, traversing the streets of his own city, surrounded by a throng who shout aloud, and a multitude who gaze with interest profound. Volume 19, Sermons 1089-1149 (1873) Hide. I am not the One anointed of God to save mankind. John 1:21. Yet, dear friends, to some eyes there will be more attraction in the procession of sorrow, of shame, and of blood, than in you display of grandeur and joy. May the Holy Spirit often lead us to glean therein. "He that taketh not up his cross and followeth not after me," says Christ, "is not worthy of me." The last of his last words is also taken from the Scriptures, and shows where his mind was feeding. Let us muse upon the fact that Jesus was conducted without the gates of the city. He saith, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." It is calculated that one soul passes from time into eternity every time the clock ticks! The "I thirst" was the bearing of the last pang; what if I say it was the expression of the fact that his pangs had at last begun to cease, and their fury had spent itself, and left him able to note his lessor pains? Thou laid thy hand upon his head, confessed thy sin, and bowed... 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Toni's Spoiler Site Bold And The Beautiful,
Kanpai Of Tokyo Salad Dressing Recipe,
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