Butz pushed farmers into a new, industrial scale of. 0000044995 00000 n Earl Butz In the 1920s, agricultural policies destabilized supply and demand and sunk the nation into its lowest state of economic despair during the Great Depression. Today Earl Butz would be 113 years old. Farm income has shot up from $14 billion in 1970 to $26 billion now, and even after these figures are adjusted for inflation, they still reflect a nearly 20 percent increase. Butz encouraged farm production and promoted exports of surpluses. Butzs great policy change had given rise to the deepest rural crisis since the Depression. "[11] A spokesman for Cardinal Cooke of the New York archdiocese demanded an apology, and the White House[11] requested that he apologize. In 1973, Nixon's agricultural secretary, Earl Butz, oversaw a change in the philosophy of the U.S. farm program. We need to reject the "go big or go . 0000062821 00000 n Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). The policy sometimes paid farmers to not grow food in order to keep agricultural prices high and allow small farms to survive. The Agriculture Department is estimating that grain production will roach 255 million tons, 13 million more than last year's. 0000062275 00000 n The only newsroom focused on exploring solutions at the intersection of climate and justice. citation-type="booksimple" 0000057015 00000 n Farm costs, per unit of production, then would rise. Agriculture expanded early American cities and fostered a booming urban population. But the decline of family farms and rural communities are not inevitabilities, and Earl Butz's vision for American agriculture does not have to be our fate. 0000043291 00000 n From February 1993. The Agriculture Department's cozy relationship with the halfdozen big grain exporters is in some ways the most troubling aspect of Butz's reign. Ulrike Butz, daughter of television presenter Hermann Butz, grew up in the Bavarian district of Miesbach. A Cullman, Ala., contract grower whose attempt to organize poultry farmers was crushed by the processors (with some assistance, he charges, from the Agriculture Department) refers to his neighbors as the last slaves in America. Economic studies indicate that poultry farmers are kept in virtual bondage, forced into everincreasing debt as a condition for receiving each new contract from the processors, then working long days raising tens of thousands of companyowned chickens for pennies an hour. He was the one who pioneered the fundamental change in farm subsidies. The outrage over Butzs joke was, of course, entirely appropriate. Design and build by Upstatement. It took a while to convert President Ford and Butz's remarks about that are revealing of the manner of this man who has become the nation's top agriculture policy maker: I told the President that a year ago we had the whole Midwest in the palm of our hand and we piddled it away with interference with grain exports. 0000051120 00000 n 0000042578 00000 n He left both of the aforementioned posts in 1957, when he became the Dean of Agriculture at his alma mater, Purdue University. But New Times magazine enterprisingly sleuthed out Butz's identity by checking the itineraries of all Cabinet members. He died still holding an emeritus position at Purdue. Heather H. (October 23, 1973). Jesse Jackson learned the latter lesson in 1984 when a black reporter for the Washington Post passed along to another reporter the news that hed heard Jackson refer to Jews in private as Hymie, and refer to New York City as Hymietown.. 0000053931 00000 n From the Associated Press. Homestead Act: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Programs & Services, Library of Congress). Library of Congress Home. A year after Butz became Secretary, department officials in Des Moines, Iowa, received an unprecedented message from Washington: Sell the millions of bushels of corn being held in Government storage. Butz says he was notand is notan enemy of the family farm; he is against the inefficient family farm. Rather, this reader says, Butz was making a coarse and simpleminded joke about the popes own celibacy. He was featured in the documentary King Corn, recognized as the person who started the rise of corn production, large commercial farms, and the abundance of corn in American diets. Butz was not one of the smarter ones. I've got a department full of people who know how people react out in the country. Ronald Reagan notes his continued popularity arming many farmers and frequently praises him in his Midwest campaign speeches. He was named to succeed Clifford Hardin, a quiet universitychancellor type who lacked the fighting style Nixon thought he needed in the 1972 election campaign. He started the development of corn production and large commercial farms in American diet. The government would also buy excess grain from farmers and store it. 0000048080 00000 n Until the 1920s, agricultural policy targeted territorial expansion, and as farms thrived, the relationship between rural and urban markets fostered the growth of American cities. In the 1974 incident, the Times reported, Butz, using a mock Italian dialect, criticized on Pope Paul VIs opposition to using artificial birth control as a solution to world food problems. In the 1976 incident, the Times said, Butz made a remark in which he described blacks as coloreds who wanted only three things satisfying sex, loose shoes and a warm bathroom desires that Mr. Butz listed in obscene and scatological terms.. 5In 1832, under Chief Justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court promoted tribal sovereignty, which recognized Native American tribes as domestic dependent nations. The court asserted in Worcester v. Georgia, Indian Nations had always been considered as distinct, independent political communities, retaining their original and natural rights, as the undisputed possessors of the soil. 6The Marshall Courts opinions were overlooked in nearly all forms of territorial expansion (most notably by the Jackson Administrations Trail of Tears), including future land policy such as Lincolns Homestead Act of 1862 that continued to promote the growth of agriculture. Since the pope doesnt engage in sexual intercourse (da game), he has no right to tell other peoplewhether they mayuse contraception or not when they engage in sexual intercourse (da rules). [4] In his time heading the USDA, Butz drastically changed federal agricultural policy and re-engineered many New Deal-era farm support programs. Written by Bill Ganzel, the Ganzel Group. Earl Butz, who was born 105 years ago today, was one of the worst US government officials ever.He was Secretary of Agriculture in the Cabinets of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Earl Butz stayed on as Secretary of Agriculture after Nixon was impeached and engineered legislation sharply reducing federal subsidies for farmers. Earl Butz I challenged things that needed to be challenged at Purdue. Then, during President Fords election campaign of 1976, Butz told a racially offensive joke, and he was forced to resign. 0000047891 00000 n ' , See the article in its original context from. The Butz farm policy is one that involves risk. 0 In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed Butz as Secretary of Agriculture, a position in which he continued to serve after Nixon resigned in 1974 as the result of the Watergate scandal. 0000069545 00000 n 0000049017 00000 n 0000070881 00000 n The program that Butz inherited worked like this: When farmers began to produce too much and prices began to fall, the government would pay farmers to leave some land fallow, with the goal of pushing prices up the following season. His policies favored large-scale corporate farming and an end to New Deal programs. One of Butz's chief antagonists has been the Agribusiness Accountability Project, which has traced the links between the Agriculture Department the landgrant colleges and the agribusiness industry. 0000022228 00000 n He first came out for abolishing private inspection agencies and turning over all inspection to a new Federalstate system. Describe that change. Friedrich Nietzsche. The act granted settlers one hundred and sixty acres of land, which they would own outright on the condition of improvement after five years of homesteading, or could purchase at a low cost after six months. At the age of 17, she left her parents' home to go to Southern Europe, but only made it as far as Munich, where she was shooting nudes as a 17-year-old. He died in his sleep, a quiet end for a man whose career shook the earth, causing untold acres to succumb to the plow. Earl Lauer "Rusty" Butz (July 3, 1909 - February 2, 2008) was a United States government official who served as Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. A few years after he left the government, Butz got busted for tax evasion. Butz and . In 1948, Butz became vice president of the American Agricultural Economics Association, and three years later was named to the same post at the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.In 1954, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Agriculture by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.That same year, he was also named chairman of the United States delegation to the Food and Agriculture . He wouldn't embarrass a Cabinet member. The Secretary tells American farmers that high price guarantees, or supports, would lead you backward to the days when Government controls dictated what you planted and how much, and in the long run, lead to overproduction. The October 18, 1976, issue of Time reported the comment while obscuring its vulgarity:[13]. 0000070129 00000 n After forty years of regulating production to balance demand, domestic and international circumstances compelled President Richard Nixon to rethink agricultural policy. 17The threat of another depression hastened the reinstatement of crop regulation through the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which restored financial security to farmers. In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed Butz as Secretary of Agriculture,[4] a position in which he continued to serve after Nixon resigned in 1974 as the result of the Watergate scandal. 0000045340 00000 n https://www.nytimes.com/1976/06/13/archives/why-they-love-earl-butz-prosperous-farmers-see-him-as-the-greatest.html. Butz tells farmers that consumers are mad at them because of high retail food prices. 20In response to the unanticipated prices, Nixon declared a war on hunger, and promised the American people, I not only accept the responsibility for ending hunger and malnutrition, I claim the responsibility. 21. He went on a speaking tour and encouraged farmers to plant fence row to fence row to meet global demand. Argued Nov. 7, 1977. . On the other hand, heavy exports can lead to domestic shortagesand rises in consumer food prices, as they, indeed, did in 1972. You are the most productive part of America! [2] He attended a one-room country school through eighth grade and graduated from high school in a class of seven. Blocked by White House budget officials and by President Ford's uncompromising stance against further Government regulation of business, Butz tried to patch up the graininspection system by adding more Federal supervisors. As usual, the country dealers and farmers of Iowa got the short end of the stick, says former Iowa Senator Harold Hughes. Beginning in 1973, policy changes promoted by Nixon Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz deregulated the corn market. Assuming the readers interpretation is correct, Butzs pope jibe was at the very least a much nastier and more personal insult than I realized.]. I was a stubborn cuss, and I made some mistakes. A side goal was to go easy on the land. The policy of "get big or get out" and the advancement of industrial agriculture through the displacement of small farmers was a deliberate attempt to consolidate power in the hands of a select few agribusinessmen and politicians. 0000047725 00000 n 0000040918 00000 n analyzed the issue of executive immunity in terms of general policy considerations, and stated its conclusion, quoted supra, in the same universal terms. Actress: Swedish Lessons in Love. It was a crude joke that turned Butz into a household word and punch line on Johnny Carson's ``Tonight'' show. 0000008903 00000 n And so he got caught in a paradigm shift. 0000053560 00000 n [29] He is buried at the Tippecanoe Memory Gardens in West Lafayette, Indiana. Has there ever been a female US Secretary of Agriculture? . The need for reformation has revealed no agricultural policies are sustainable for indefinite periods of time. 0000059437 00000 n 0000052925 00000 n In the summer of 1972, the Soviets shook up the grain market when it hid from the world the fact that their grain harvest was in trouble. 0000057693 00000 n But domestic consumption was only 11 million tons greater; so the rest must be disposed of abroad. [citation needed], For example, he abolished a program that paid corn farmers to not plant all their land. 0000017516 00000 n Now, with 61 million more acres in production, subsidy payments have fallen to about $500 millionmostly to cotton, peanut, rice and tobacco growers. In Iowa, bin-busting harvests gave rise to an explosion of massive concentrated-animal feedlot operations (CAFOs). Membership was supposed to have included consumer interests, but the consumer representative turned out to be Jane Armstrong a vice president for consumer affairs of Jewell Food Stores, a major supermarket chain. 0000072106 00000 n One Iowa land excavator told the Journal that farmers are trying to squeeze everything they can out of their land. They went heavily into debt to finance their expanded operations. Dont worry about overproduction, Butz told farmers on trips through the Midwest. While farmers scrambled to get big or get out, Butzs beloved agribusiness giants cheered. Exports sustained high grain prices, leading the United States Department of Agriculture to describe the years between 1910 and 1914 as the golden age of farming. The act granted settlers one hundred and sixty acres of land, which they would own outright on the condition of improvement after five years of homesteading, or could purchase at a low cost after six months. For Butz and his agribusiness cronies, the program amounted to socialism an intolerable check on farmers ability to plant and harvest as much as possible. Butz was born in Albion, Indiana, and brought up on a dairy farm in Noble County, Indiana. New York: Harper & Row, 1979. 0000046978 00000 n Policy makes politics. 0000045878 00000 n 24 Since subsidized crops are less expensive, and therefore more sought after, farmers who grew subsidized crops saw the most success, while those who did not fell behind. There was some question whether or not Butz realized that the Soviets were buying up one quarter of the entire U.S. wheat crop, but he did nothing to stop the sale despite the fact that it eventually raised food prices. Grist is powered by WordPress VIP. All but 30 days of the term were suspended. Changes in farming supported by government policy especially over the last century have incentivized farmers to grow crops that are easy to ship, store, and processnamely cereal grains and sweetenersensuring these foods are inexpensive and widely available. He was married to Mary Emma Powell. The dust bowl was a fresh memory. On the one hand, the high production can lead to big surpluses and big drops in farm prices. Earl Butz, who served as Secretary of Agriculture under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, is widely regarded as a pioneer in modern American corn policy because he emphasized selling . Jenny Georgieva. 0000043106 00000 n 0000041878 00000 n An increasingly consolidated meat industry learned to transform cheap grain into cheap but highly profitable burgers, chops, and chicken nuggets. 0000029707 00000 n Republican Senators in Kansas and Oklahoma warned President Ford's political advisers that they had better do something to prevent losing traditional G.O.P. You Are What You Grow.. But Butz did forcefully equate the interests of agribusiness with the national interest. He received a bachelor of science degree in agriculture in 1932, and then a doctorate in agricultural economics in 1937. 0000046462 00000 n 0000016123 00000 n 0000040653 00000 n 0000063118 00000 n He believed that a free, global market would bring higher prices, and for the few years that Russian agriculture struggled, he was right. [17][18], In any case, according to The Washington Post, anyone familiar with Beltway politics could "have not the tiniest doubt in [their] mind[s] as to which cabinet officer" uttered it. In King Corn, Butz argued that the corn subsidy had dramatically reduced the cost of food for all Americans by improving the efficiency of farming techniques. Butz took over the Department of Agriculture during the most recent period in American history that food prices climbed high enough to generate political heat. . I recognize that family-oriented news organizations like the AP and the Times do not publish words they know to be coarse and deeply insulting to particular ethnic groups, nationalities, and religions. The deal came at the same time as the Nixon administration was trying to ease tensions between the worlds two super powers (at that time) and to bolster U.S. farm income to help win that years presidential election. 10.How . Donate today tohelp keep Grists site and newsletters free. 0000050911 00000 n When major corruption at the grain ports first was revealed publicly early in 1975, Butz's initial reaction was to minimize it and to stress that only a small percentage of inspectors had been accused of crimes. The nomination proved to be Nixon's most controversial for two main reasons. 0000066173 00000 n Agricultural policy has supported Americas greatest triumphs. It was also epochal. 0000071240 00000 n how much corn is grown with this fertilizer? 0000048447 00000 n One of his aides calls him an encyclopedia of funny stories, many of which, naturally, have to do with farmers; such as: I saw this farmer, and I asked him, What's your hobby? He said, Farming. I said, What would you do if you inherited a million dollars? He said, I'd keep on farming as long as the money lasted. His jokes have occasionally gotten him into troublelike the one in which he ridiculed the Pope's stand against artificial birth control by saying: He no playa da game; he no makea da rules. The remark brought a storm of protest from Catholics and ItalianAmericans, and resulted in one of Butz's rare apologies. Butz has passed on, but fence-row-to-fence-row agriculture and its vast environmental footprint lives. [14][15] Coincidentally, Butz' resignation was announced on Barbara Walters' first day as the first female co-anchor of the ABC Evening News. They werent a secret at the time of Butzs firing; Time magazine reported them, albeit with some dashes substituting for letters in the dirtiest words, in full. They include the discovery of inorganic chemical inputs, mechanization, specialization . 0000029494 00000 n So do other prosperous farmers and the agribusiness complex of corporate fruit and vegetable raisers, food processors and distributors. 0000057234 00000 n Millions of hogs, cattle and chicken were sold for slaughter as producers reduced their inventories. To read Franklin D. Roosevelts Statement on Signing the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, click here. Surviving farms responded to low prices by planting more, hoping to make up on volume what they were losing on price. Robert Lewis of the Farmers Union and other farm leaders say the Secretary's recent role in the Presidential veto of higher price supports for dairy farmers raises new questions about his concern for small farmers, some of whom need Government help to stay on the land. Increased production contributed to deforestation, higher emissions of greenhouse gases, and a greater need for fertilizer and pesticides that contaminated water sources and accumulated in the food chain. And the best way to become a Senator is to get on TV and demagogue the food issue.. Farmstate Congressmen of both parties contend the chances are slim that farm supply and demand will remain in balance much longer and they want to cushion any drop in prices by increasing the current low Government price guarantees to farmers. [4] He was the uncle of American football player Dave Butz. He took his first federal post, as assistant agriculture secretary under President Dwight Eisenhower, serving 1954 to 1957. 0000055445 00000 n He has antagonized or alienated food shoppers, environmentalists, labor leaders, social reformers and religious and ethnic groups. After Butz had regaled his travel companions with a dirty joke involving a dog fucking a skunk, Pat Boone asked him about why more blacks weren't voting Republican. I went to Syria. In the chart below, it looks like there was an unprecedented spike in corn prices in 2008. It must have been satisfying for Butz to watch his vision come to life. 26 0 obj<> endobj 0000029355 00000 n "His policies favored large-scale corporate farming" which has damaged the family farm to this day, and arguably "led directly to overproduction of corn and a subsequent rise of obesity in the United . Later, as technological innovations increased crop yields and international demand declined, policy curtailed production to regulate supply and demand. West Lafayette, Indiana the Bavarian district of Miesbach food prices reject the & quot ; booksimple quot., What would you do if you inherited a million dollars the term were suspended in,. 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