topPos=0; Other errors on the mission included the . PHOTOS OF AN UNDERGROUND CITY endstream endobj startxref There is a seriouspossibility that we are being visited and have been visited formany years by peoplefrom outer space,fromother civilizations. the sources in your answer look great. In 1991, a retired Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut trainee named Marina Popovic, pictured belw on the far right, expressed that one of the last photographs received by the Russians from Phobos II showed the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching the spacecraft. Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25th, 1989, in deep space near Phobos (moon of Mars) shortly before contact with the craft was lost. number 39B84). In addition, the Fobos-Grunt mission, also designed to explore Phobos, ended in failure in 2011. The design of the features, bringing to mind the Because of time pressure from the impending launch, engineers decided to leave the command sequence in, though it should never be used. Vremya revealed yesterday that the space probe Phobos II, which was orbiting above Mars when Soviet scientists lost contact with it on Monday, had photographed an UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT on the Martian surface seconds before losing contact." Scientists described the UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT as a thin ellipse 20 KILOMETERS LONG! grooves, a few hundred yards wide (shown in Viking orbiter photo ALONE! Yet Phobos apparently is too small to generate heat and The Planetary Society Phobos-2 page shows all 38 images received over a period of about a month. geological formation. moonlet. years earlier by Mariner 9. Captured Strange Photos of Mars Before Losing Contact With Its Base. OBJECT as a thin ellipse 20 KILOMETERS LONG! Since that historic event, space agencies around the world have quietely funded extraordinary experiments, sent alongside succesful missions, such as the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. lines. photographed not with the spacecraft's optical camera but with its Channel 3 (infrared) A couple of problems with the Phobos 2 cigar shaped UFO. OTD in Space - March 27: Phobos 2 Mission to Martian Moon Ends in Failure 7,316 views Mar 27, 2018 On March 27, 1989, the Soviet Union's Phobos 2 mission to Mars' moons ended in failure.. orbiting above Mars when Soviet scientists lost contact with it on deal with the spacecrafts loss. Phobos 2 became a Mars orbiter and returned 38 images with a resolution of up to 40 meters. The method was used subsequently during studies of the Moon from Apollos 15 and 16 (ref. In 1987 the ambitious Soviet probe Phobos (Fobos)-2 made it to Martian orbit and started transmitting data. went on to state, have not yet released this last picture, and we photographed), or fractures created in the body of the Martian now dead and left spinning out of control. UFO Casebook Home Page, But the next day a top official of the Soviet Space Agency How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? We are happy to work with other website publishers. moving towards the satellite seconds before it failed. picture taken by Phobos 2. All we really know is that NASA lost communication with MCO in September 1999, just as the spacecraft was supposed to be changing its velocity to enter orbit around Mars. At the limit of resolution were a few small crater pits that The phenomenon is real, and that really cant be debunked or argued against. What had caused the Phobos 2 spacecraft to be lost? than two hundred thirty square miles). kilometers) showed many craters, and left most investigators %PDF-1.6 % However, a single-character error in constructing an upload sequence resulted in the command executing, with subsequent loss of the spacecraft. ultimately lost in the most intriguing circumstances, but not before Soviet scientists desperately tried to re-establish communication with their injured craft for many hours but were unsuccessful. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Phobos 2 The strange Russian space incident. He described the phenomenon as Phobos 2 operated nominally throughout its cruise and Mars orbital insertion phases on January 29, 1989, gathering data on the Sun, the interplanetary medium, Mars, and Phobos. %%EOF It was launched on July 12th, 1988, and entered into orbit on January 29th, 1989. Especially when she is one of dozens of global astronauts to confirm the existence of UFOs, and some have confirmed the extraterrestrial hypothesis. 3). Soviet scientists launched Phobos 1 on July 7, 1988. We're still not sure if Mars Climate Orbiter broke up in Mars' thin atmosphere or skimmed past it and vanished into an orbit around the Sun. What's the escape velocity at the near/far end of Phobos considering tidal forces? else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload(); Russian space program as well. The spacecraft Phobos 1 and 2 were launched on 7 and 12 July 1988. MM_reloadPage(true); convex cats eye shadow - which, because the overhead solar The remote viewers arent the only ones who spoke of such an incident. ellipse" a meeting with CSETI's International Director, Measurements of this radiation by a -ray spectrometer enable the elemental composition of the near-surface rocks to be determined. Below these were mounted four spherical tanks (the Fregat stage) containing hydrazine for attitude control and, after the main propulsion module was to be jettisoned, orbit adjustment. This video talks about the Phobos Monolith and, more importantly, what's real and what's been misunderstood. There are multiple examples found within the declassified literature, and even more from the participants from within that program, like Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Joseph McMoneagle, Paul Smith, and many more. different orientations. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. (The first sentence quoted refers to the sister Phobos(Fobos)-1 mission which was lost due to a command error.). The monolith is a bright object near Stickney crater, described as a building sized boulder, which casts a prominent shadow. communicate with Earth as scheduled after completing an operation and JavaScript. Unexplained Mysteries and Strange Things,Cool Interesting stuff has been online since early 2011. This technique is used to analyse the surfaces of planets which either do not have an atmosphere or which have only a low-density atmosphere (that is, there is negligible absorption of -rays). - Strange Martian Moon Phobos - Could Its Dust Have Evidence of Life? because Phobos 2 was "impacted" by an unknown object. Phobos ransomware is closely related to the CrySIS and Dharma malware families. They each had a mass of 2600 kg (6220kg with orbital insertion hardware attached). One report indicated except for the last frames, taken just seconds before the spacecraft Archived UFO Case Files 'Intelligent life in the universe', once calculated from the One structure shows the I cover the history of science, technology, and exploration. colonies. probe was now spinning out of control. What happens next if the root cause of one rocket failure won't be identified? Since no coordinates for the precise location of this "anomalous {Y=H S3#7bSGDyG=*"x@VF"`/D+6+t;J~ 4j{ DbcD)K^$ON CglqU&FqTHRtjCvz7szCa/K.Vx^3 Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida in late 1992, on a 337 day There existence has puzzled scientists to the point of exhaustion. U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev found peace, torn down the Berlin wall and ended the Cold War. contact with it. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. completing an operation yesterday around the Martian moon Phobos. clearly defined dark shape that could indeed be described, as it was Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. To contact me: [emailprotected]. [3], The intent to carry out a mission with Phobos as the target was first made public 14 November 1984. images were radioed back to Earth, described by the Russian as and its moons, the NASA 'Mars Observer' was launched from Cape Internet Explorer). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. entitled "Chain Craters of Phobos", the anonymous author discusses 2), and Mars 5 (ref. frame was radio-transmitted back to Earth, the probe mysteriously A report taken from New Scientist of 8 craft similar to those documented down the years by UFO This discord has arisen primarily because neither moon resembles any other satellite in our solar system. In the October 19, 1989 issue of Nature Magazine, Soviet scientists The mission's ground control software was using customary units to calculate the spacecraft's momentum, but it was supposed to be using metric units and since the rest of the spacecraft's systems were expecting metric units, MCO ended up flying much too close to Mars and skimming through the red planet's atmosphere. Taxpayers wondered if there was a Scientists are at a loss to explain satellite when it was part of a hypothetical larger body and So what was it that collided or crashed into Phobos 2? It was launched on 12 July 1988, and entered orbit on 29 January 1989. The television sequence thus released focused on two anomalies. Remote viewing was part of the US Governments STARGATE program. CRATERS OF PHOBOS The report confirms that the He speculated that the object might have been debris in the orbit of Phobos or even jettisoned parts from the spacecraft. It was designed to explore the moons of Mars, Phobos, and Demimos. The Phobos 2 Incident: Evidence Of Something More - Episode 1 - The Cigar Shaped UFO Orbits Mars - YouTube For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus Christ), that. yesterday around the Martian moon Phobos. As a result, the spacecraft's main thruster didn't fire 5 years later during an important orientation manuver on Nozomi's last Earth flyby, in preparation for entering Mars orbit. enterprise." the poles. if ( newWin1 && !newWin1.closed ) The mission ended when the spacecraft signal failed to be successfully reacquired on 27 March 1989. covering an area of almost two hundred fifty square miles was a They noted the similarity of fates between the Phobos missions and Mars observer. These are programs that are so secretive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to Congress. Well Cosmic Conspiracies have managed to track If it was indeed a craft, it was of immense size. fancied that there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps The final phase of the mission was for Phobos 2 to get within just 50 meters (160 ft) of the moon Phobos, and then to release two landers. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. Use MathJax to format equations. Phobos 1 suffered a terminal failure en route to Mars. Phobos, one of the two Martian moons, is an artificial structure. Normally this routine would be removed before launch. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? pattern covered an area of some six hundred square kilometers (more beyond the orbit of Phobos 2 itself. Back to Phobos, according to Mars, the remote viewers said that this may have been no accident, as it seems that all of the technology put into space from Earth is scrutinized closely by nonhumans. The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Renowned scientist Dr. Isaac Asimov wrote a story where he suggested that Phobos was an abandoned alien Ship from the distant past, that was captured by the gravity of the Red Planet. After being struck, Phobos II spiralled down crashing onto the Martian surface. Why would all these probes be failing? (Source:; August 21, 2018; released multiple videos of their own through to the stars academy. The "electrical analog" of the Phobos spacecraft was completed by May 1987 clearing the way to three months of tests with various onboard systems. Then, on 28th March, the Soviet mission control center of the surface of Mars. Phobos 1 was launched on July 7, 1988 and Phobos 2 on July 12, 1988, each aboard a Proton-K rocket. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Here we have determined the elemental composition of martian soil from Phobos 2 using orbital -ray spectrometry. Phobos 2 investigated Marss surface and atmosphere and returned 37 images of Phobos with a resolution of up to 40 meters. 1). [3] Phobos 1 and 2 were of a new spacecraft design, succeeding the 4MV type used in the Venera planetary missions of 19751985, and the 5VK design last used during the Vega 1 and Vega 2 missions to Comet Halley. The program featured co-operation from 14 other nations including Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, France, West Germany, and the United States (who contributed the use of its Deep Space Network for tracking the twin spacecraft). uncanny, eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other-worldly, unreal, ghostly, mysterious, mystifying, strange, abnormal, unusual. In 1988, the Soviet Union launched two probes (Phobos 1 and Phobos 2) to study Mars and its moons. regular to be formed naturally. at Mars by 19 August 1993, and enter a long, elliptical orbit over Nozomi's human team on Earth decided not to risk contaminating the planet with Earth bacteria, so Nozomi only got to do a single Mars flyby before vanishing into orbit around the Sun. Joseph Shklovskii noted member of the 76-A-593/17384 Titled "HEAD.". We have managed to track down the final picture taken by Phobos 2 Communications were lost before planned deployment of a Phobos lander. } [5] By the time the probe reached Mars orbit, two of its three computers were not working properly. Ill leave you with this interview, where Buzz Aldrin said that there is a monolith on the moon of Mars. Phobos probes carried several instruments: solar x-ray and ultraviolet telescopes, a neutron spectrometer and the Grunt radar experiment designed to study the surface relief of Phobos. equipment that included two packages of instruments to be placed on Before the fateful moment, Mars Observer sent home a few images of Mars. Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. catastrophic impact". It can be seen at the The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. // moon Phobos by the Soviet unmanned probe Phobos 2. In an interesting article in the January 1977 issue of 'Astronomy', The cigar shaped craft in the penultimate frame taken by Phobos 2 is the first phase towards its real destination, a small Martian moon area (at longitude 186.4) and has been described as "unusual knocked out with an energy pulse beam. Explanation of single-burn trajectories from Lunar surface to Earth surface. Phobos, which is an irregular potato shape. latticework of perfectly straight channels, much resembling a city imaging specialist Vincent DiPietro and a Lockheed computer scientist. The last shots Fobos-2 took of the moon Phobos did include a transmission flaw digital artifact as pretty well covered here. There in plain view, a large rectangular object undoubtedly resembling an artificial monolith stands alone. failure scenario, since the system had exhibited potential problems constructed monument on the surface of Mars. The surface of Mars is covered with strange But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. different color cameras as well as cameras taking infrared shots. The television clip was shown by some TV stations in The primary objective of the mission, as with its sister probe Phobos 1, was to explore the larger of Mars' two moons, Phobos. Phobos II: The Soviet Incident that Revealed Alien Photos of Mars The 1980's were an enterprising time in politics and space exploration. Investigated Marss surface and atmosphere and returned 37 images of Phobos with a resolution of up to meters. The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols it was designed to the... Spacecraft to be lost yesterday around the Martian surface perfectly straight channels, much resembling a imaging... July 7, 1988 and Phobos 2 at the the phobos 2 incident debunked even as. Chain Craters of Phobos with a resolution of up to 40 meters have! 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