No feces. Dec 27, 2022. It stopped and looked at me for a minute, I didnt move, and then it went on into the woods where I know a rabbit lives. My guess is that it might have escaped from the zoo on route 522 where they have not native animals and do breeding. This Fearless Cougar Doesnt Care How Much, Mountain Lion (Cougar) Population by State, Do Mountain Lions Attack Humans? Many ridges, creeks, swamps and mountains were long ago named for panthers or the colloquial term "painters," both common names in this part of the country for the cougar. According to LaRue and her research, lions recolonize by stepping stone dispersal, which essentially means they start traveling, find a nice habitat to set up shop for a little while, then move on to the next area with a suitable habitatand theyll do this for hundreds, even up to thousands of miles. This particular animal was chasing a dog across the road when hit. However, according to growing reports, they are here. It didnt appear to be hunting, or have any kind of agenda, just comfortable in its surroundings. Officially, mountain lions have not been seen in Virginia since 1970. It was the first time I could see it clearly. Approximately 4 feet long near Midlothian. Did hear some weird crying up in the hills yesterday though, kind of a cross between a calf and a human baby. The subspecies would no longer be considered "threatened" once three populations were found or established, with each containing more than 50 breeding adults. If anyone is interested, you may write me at We saw the first one on route 610 (Busted Rock Road) just southeast of Vesta. As we were approaching the Mabry Mill area, my daughter said excitedly hey dad, look, a bullmastiff (we bred them in Ct, and still have 2 adult males as pets). . I nearly mastered replicating their calls. As it stands, there are no native populations of mountain lions in Virginia, but that could change. He circled and hissed right up against the tent. Its probably only a matter of time though their territory is expanding steadily. George, A friend showed me a picture of a cougar, carrying a deer head. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. First, the nature of the mountain lion is to be elusive. Mountain lions live in areas that have ample hiding places. There is no reported melanistic phase of cougars or pumas in the literature. ANY REPLY IS WELCOME, Dont know if you have any cougar there, but it sure sounds like a good place for wolves. I just wonder if I have the same picture, & also if it is true. The states beautiful wilderness and mountainous terrain are prime mountain lion habitats. Mountain lions weigh between 90-160 pounds while bobcats weigh between 20-30 pounds according to an article by the Iowa DNR. It was a large cougar that had an eight point buck by the neck. No breeding female has been found east of the Mississippi River since the 1920's.3. Though they are pushing steadily eastward from the Rockies. After that two sets of very large eyes started following me. I was leaning against a tree w/my parka hood blocking the wind, when I saw a grown cougar walking straight toward me. It looked to be about 90 to 100 pounds. I saw a large bobcat at around mile 205-203 heading south on I-81. Hmmm, but then we have pictures of bear in the local paper sometimes. Modern DNA studies have led to a consolidation into just two subspecies, though not all scientists agree. LaRue is the first to admit that shed love to see a mountain lion in the wild, and she of all people understands the fascination with them. They then have to ensure that the picture hasnt been tampered with in any way, because Peterson said an astounding number of peopleboth misinformed wildlife enthusiasts and tricksters with too much time on their hands and access to Photoshopsend him shots of mountain lions that were clearly either edited or taken in a state out west. Ben Shrader Bedford, Virginia. Thats my opinion. If any would like to see the pictures that was with this E-mail. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared the eastern population of cougars extinct, but based on numerous sightings and . The big black cats have been spotted every now and then in Randolph County, West Virginia over many decades. And I am not sure it was a cougar. Kocka, who predicts that hell be retired long before cougars establish a population in Virginia, said it will change things., There will be dynamics that people have no concept of, he said. The young cougars stay with mom for 1-2 years and slows down all migration to the east. They dont know that, theyre not genetically testing these animals.. About 200 yards west of the main gate of Mount Weather (Morgans Mill Road) in Clarke county. If an animal approaches, prepare to fight and protect your head and neck from the attack. Our sleep was disturbed any more that night. Look at his PAWS!. My dog and all the dogs in the neighborhood were going nuts. "These two were seen and were causing trouble before the guy who owned them knew they were gone," Fies said. Good Cat food. Motion-sensitive infrared cameras have been deployed near Appalachian Trail to try to determine whether cougars are back. It is only a matter of time before the California picture in this blog post is sent back to us as proof of mountain lions in Virginia. People have been reporting sightings of mountain lions in our area for years, but the Virginia DWR says they haven't been in our area since 1882. Male cougars migrate further than females, but so far only a few have followed the pattern of coyotes and reached the eastern side of North America. tail, gray to tan in color. I was dragging some stuff behind my ATV down a old farm road in Appomattox Virginia, when this fellow bounced out in front of me about 50 yards ahead. Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. One particular sub-species, the eastern cougar (Puma concolor cougar), called the state home. Spotted a large cat we think- on Squirrel Spur Road the new section about 8-10 miles south of Meadows of Dan. But even when a new population does begin to grow, LaRue said the likelihood of crossing paths with them will still be miniscule. 0. I was relating a story about a multiple sighting of a black phase mountain lion just a few miles from town to a friend that had arrived from middle TN. We have for several years seen small ones around. I believe the state doesnt want to find cougars here because they are an endangered species and, if a population is discovered, we may need a oermit to mow the lawn, let alone cut a log. All the territories are basically taken up so they have to go somewhere else, and somewhere else happens to be the Midwest.. Fish and Wildlife Service removed the eastern puma from their endangered species list, declaring that the species is now extinct. They exclusively populated western states for decades, but according to LaRue, some shifts in hunting regulations began to change things about 50 years ago: lions were switched from the bounty hunter category to a game species managed by the states. The DNR maintains mountain lion sightings using a system to receive, record and review mountain lion reports. The cats do appear to be expanding their range eastward in recent decades, the DGIF said. While it's highly unlikely that you should happen upon one, keep in mind that they can spook easily and charge. My son and I definitely saw a mountain lion today while I was taking him back to college this morning on I-81 near Buckhannon in Virginia near the Blue Ridge Parkway exit; unfortunately, it had been killed by a car before we saw it. Many places in the west horses and mountain lions or cougars coexist. I would estimate that it must have been at least 60 pounds if not more. The total length of this species is 5-9 feet (cylindrical tail 2-3 feet) and it weighs from 100-200 pounds. I was not a novice to the fauna in the area and knew I had never seen this animal before but I knew what it was! Being in a residential neighborhood does nothing for a cougar.. About 6 years ago my husband and I saw a mountain lion cross directly in front of us on Bobbletts Gap Rd, in Bedford County. Today, a new hybrid known as the coywolf is slowly returning to the state. Last November a bow hunter reported to the TWRA that he had shot a cougar in Carroll County. I have neighbors that say they have seen them. I would say that their return is a matter both of an overabundance of whitetails and no repeat of the original persecution that led to regional extinction. Whats exciting is the fact that it came up from the deep in the valley, and obviously followed my scent and sounds. They still occur in parts of Central and South America. The only confirmed mountain . VA. I got into the bald on Big Hump and I heard an odd noise, like a quick screaching bird and something ran off. OK see I read there were mountain lions in a certain large canyon but now Im pretty sure that rumour is to keep other fisherman out. I stopped thinking I would see a deer cross the old farm road. I myself saw 2 big black cats with a tawny one run out of an abandoned barn back in the late 1970s in upstate NY. These are believable people, she said. They further stated that 'reported'sightings in the early 20th century 'must be looked at with considerable skepticism.'". A little more certain, I took a kodak camera along and started taking pictures. Various wolf packs took up residence in the nearly 900-square-mile area over the years, and this pack settled atop a massive, rocky cliffside. Well we finally made it out of there. 1:00. Upon her return she stopped by to tell us that theyd followed what was apparently an old or injured cougar! Thanks. Large aggressive alpha predator spotted in Central Virginia near Fredericksburg on july, 17 2018 In 1972 a large cat crossed the road in front of me while I was driving down a road in Appomattox Va. Its body including the long tail was as long as the front end of the truck I was driving (1970 El Camino). Mountain lions are known by many names, including cougar, catamount, painter, panther, and puma. Fish & Wildlife Resources recent decision to declare eastern cougars extinct, and she knew unless she was able to produce some sort of physical evidence like a photo, shed be hard pressed to convince any wildlife expert of what she saw. According to Donald W. Linzey's notes in Mammals of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (1995), the last mountain lion killed in the Great Smokies was back in the early winter of 1920: "Tom Sparks was said to have been attacked by a panther while herding sheep on Spence Field. "The original photo was taken by an Oregon State University forestry student named Hayden England. Virginia has two different native species of wild cats. Probably 10s of thousands across the Appalachian regions of the state. If you have any similiar stories let me know please. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. I remember seeing very large cat tracks(not a normal bobcat track) while hunting the GWNF sw of harrisonburg,va in the mid to late 1980s. While hiking in the winter after a good snowfall I came across huge cat tracks that were fresh. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. Then 20 miles later at mile 183 at about 2:25 AM I saw a much larger cat on the left side of southbound 81 where there was no guard rail. I've met multiple people who claim to have seen mountain lions in Virginia and even had an uncle who claimed two separate sightings while riding his motorcycle on the blue ridge parkway but I've never thought to ask about specific areas until now. When it went in the woods all the birds starting chipping and flying all over. Ive seen a few cougars in the wild, I dont believe the black phase has ever been confirmed in any mountain lion/cougar/catamount/puma. In 2012, LaRue and her colleague Dr. Clay Nielsen published a paper in the Journal of Wildlife Management analyzing 178 confirmed sightings between 1990 and 2008 throughout the Midwestern and Eastern states and parts of Canada. One night our mules and horses had broken through the fence. Unless of course you already know this and are relieved to know that it is not that of the great puma . I could hear the kittens and I captured a photo which I believe to be a smaller lion. When very quietly without any noise I saw movement coming out of a clearing. I have hiked (a lot) and hunted in the woods for 35 years and I cannot say for sure that I have seen a mountain lion. Its a gradual process, and especially in the early years of a repopulation, any sightings are most likely of males. Then well try to figure out what kind they are and get more evidence.. I recently sent a comment asking if anyone has seen a wolf in Virginia. Thanks, Beowulf, I am looking for someone in the Frederick county/Clarke county area to confirm a track/print I took a picture of. Victim of animal attack treated for rabies. This is beacause the scream is that of the prey that he has just killed. Though, they grew large quickly, and set themselves apart from the domesticated cat with ease They eventually returned back to the woods. Similar to Tennessee's wild elk and buffalo, the cougar was extirpated from the state around the early 1900s due to overhunting and habitat loss. Our youngest daughter was hysterical thinking that her mule would be attacked. "On average, DGIF has received approximately three to foursightings of large cats a month in recent years," the blog post stated. Theyre around. The cat jumped over a fence and was illuminated by their headlights and it turned and jumped back over the fence in the direction it had come from. As I slowed the cat took notice and turned. We have reports of mountain lions being seen in the area of High Nob/ Fort Blackmore Virginia. We would sit on our back porch and listen awe struck. There has been speculation of the cougars being in Rockingham county so I am very excited to hear from the commmunity on any other possible sightings. I am not sure we should base the existence of mountain lions in VA. and TN on the opinions of a few biologists. Were not taking any action to move them or kill them. Mountain lions are definitely coming to Virginia. We almost hit it with the car. We have seen a 50 pound bobcat at our pond. We didnt know what it was, but later walking in the field we found lots of turkey feathers but no specific sign of coyote or lion. We made eye contact. I couldnt find any paw prints. Interestingly, the does seem to have very new fawns (twins generally). You can reach her at or 213-9125. On Saturday October 11 2008, I was bow hunting on our place in Amelia Virginia and a mountain lion walked right up and sat down about 25 yards in front of me. Ideas? The boys and dogs went back to the old beaver pond. Wed love to hear about it! or the puma to make official statements confirming its presence in the Eastern US and in fact might prove harmful to the cougar spur public fear if such a confirmation were made. Updated: Jul 3, 2016 / 10:29 PM EDT. We live in Oak Hill, Virginia, in a neighborhood. He always said it sat there for just a moment and then slipped into the woods and was gone. Broad daylight, it crossed the road approx. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of "Hiking Idaho." I have since seen a picture of a lion spotted in Buckingham co. and realize that was the animal I saw. Bears, Deer and Turkey come out in the yard on a regular basis. They acted like I had schizophrenia though admitted there have been other reports.even though they do not officially exist here. Full grown, the bulls can weigh up to 700 pounds, so be sure to keep a respectful distance should you see one of these beautiful creatures! Wonder why so many big black cats ae spotted all over the country then?? Use bear spray or pepper spray on mountain lions. Except for a remnant population of Florida Panthers in southern Florida, there have been no wild cougars on the eastern side of North America since the last one was trapped in Maine in 1938. I saw what I thought was a mountain lion today in Fairfax County off of Bull Run Post Office Rd and Glory Creek Trail near the Loudoun County line. Have you spotted any shocking creatures in Virginia? Like a number of other people in her communitya hunter who caught the tail end of a cat on his deer cam and a Presbyterian minister in Batesville whose neighbor saw one drinking out of a pond, to name a coupleMarchibroda knows that she saw a mountain lion, and she wants state and national wildlife agencies to take these sightings seriously. Why? So were assuming there are at least two different animals, one that was hit by an arrow and one that wasnt.. People often see bobcats & mistakenly call them a mountain lion. I have seen big bobcats but never a cougar. (Shooting a mountain lion is illegal in Tennessee, given that theres no hunting or trapping season for the animal, but Alan Peterson said the hunter didnt believe hed mortally wounded the animal, and the case has been turned over to a District Attorneys office to determine whether or not the hunter will be charged.). Source: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Market Hunting of Cougars, the 1982 Eastern Cougar Recovery Plan determined that three breeding populations would be necessary before the species could be delisted Get real. Additionally, the likelihood of mountain lions reclaiming their former territories in the mountains of Virginia is a distinct possibility. June 21, 2008 About two weeks ago I was traveling on Rt 15 from Farmville to Dillwyn in Buckinham county. the cougar. It was less than a year before that my daughter said she came across a litter of cute puppies while riding her mule in the park. I dont know what you saw, but cougars are never black. Cougar Sightings, West Virginia. There is an abundent population of squirl, deer and turkey. If it hadnt been the last day of our trip, I would have gone back to look for tracks to possibly photograph! Make noise by speaking loudly and firmly at the lion, slapping a stick, or clapping slowly and loudly. For an interview on these animals, that dont exist, please call me (John Ballard) at (434) 946-0486. Even though we still didnt have any physical proof we were excited because this was the first time wed had an adult verify a cougar sighting here. Its ribs were showing like it hadnt been well nourished in a while. like when you see a wolf look at the paws for positive ID. One question, which seems to be a big possiblilty based on some of the posts, is that at least some of the sightings are of escaped/released pets. I saw a Coy-wolf in the Shenandoah Valley once, it was shockingly large and wolf-like. Today I found large cat hair ball with grass and guts and hair in the area of the cat scratchins. Everyone knows that the panthers that are seen in the East are former pets released. John, This is interesting as authorities keep saying the big black cats dont exist unless they are transplants or escaped pets, etc??? But, there is always a chance that one day the sighting will be real. So, wanting to get them closer, I called them. I would think by the time you get your phone/camera on, & ready, the cougars gone. We have spotted a mother black bear and cub over by the damn while hiking, scary sight but very awsome. fauquier county Virginia Her tracks, and her kittens tracks, are all over in front of our barn, all around our riding ring and pond. The US Fish and Wildlife Service considered the lack of sightings during that period to be key evidence that no breeding population survived in the eastern states. These felines are quite large. Three months later a mountain lion was wiped out by an SUV on a highway in Connecticut. She believes that North American mountain lionsincluding the Florida panther, which she said is protected because they are considered a distinct population segment via the Endangered Species Actare essentially all the same, without enough genetic distinctions to justify differentiating the western and eastern subspecies. I don't think we're real close to that.". Im not sure if they really believed us but a few years ago the lady and her friend rode their horses off into the battlefield trails which begin in a field directly across from our front door. I really took offense to that.. If they escape, who is to say that they will not do what is natural and find a mate? This had Caroline County, on the bottom of the screen. Also if it is true the dogs in the Frederick county/Clarke County area to confirm a track/print I a... Notice and turned by to tell us that theyd followed what was apparently an or... And all the birds starting chipping and flying all over Rt 15 from Farmville Dillwyn... Like when you see a deer head move them or kill them whats exciting the! Review mountain lion habitats I dont know what you saw, but then we have spotted a mother bear. At ( 434 ) 946-0486 parka hood blocking the wind, when I saw movement coming of. Think we 're real close to that. `` DGIF said was its... 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