martinez industries had the following operating resultsmartinez industries had the following operating results
The firm had to raise $1,735 from its stakeholders to support this new investment. a. (Do If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to creditors? Since at least 2011, the business known as SecondEye Solution (SecondEye), aka Forwarderz, allegedly sold digital images of false identity documents including passports, driver's licenses, bank statements, and national identity cards associated with . What is the operating cash flow for 2021? Total assets2017 = $1,206 + 4,973 = $6,179. At the end of the year, (A negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. Bing, Incorporated, has current assets of $6,000, net fixed assets of $23,200, current liabilities of $5,600, and long-term debt of $13,600. Denver, Incorporated, has sales of $14.2 million, total assets of $11.3 million, and total debt of $4.9 million. EBT= 11,325 1. 1. Usually, the treasurer of a corporation reports directly to the: what matters is whether the money is spent wisely, not whether cash flow from assets is positive or negative. Drawing from the extremely novel impact investing landscape and the limited existing literature on the topic, it appears that investing in social enterprises should come at the cost of partially sacrificing financial returns to invested capital. a. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) CFA = OCF - CHANGE IN NWC - NCS At the beginning of the year, 2020 - 2024 | All rights reserved. a. Tax rate = 23 percent. Net new equity = $78,691 - 76,355 - 3,042 = -$706 March 14. Net new equity = Common stockend - Common stockbeg The tax rate for 2021 was 22 percent. Prepaid freight At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,850, (9904 - 5261) - (8025 - 4511) March 18. c. What is the cash flow from assets for 2021? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tommi Iivonen | ttiivo [a] | toimittaja | Kulttuuriperinnn tutkimuksen vitskirjatutkija | Digitaalisen kulttuurin, maiseman ja . Answer: a) Net Income: Income Statement Particulars Amount($) Sales 38,072 Less: Cost of goods sold 27,168 Less: Computer Graphics and Multimedia Applications, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Supply Chain Management / Operations Management. - retained earnings, net cash from operations (positive) + net cash from investments (negative) + net cash from financing (pos. Cash ow to creditors _ - = - Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $33,409; Cost of goods sold $23,771; Depreciation expense $5,907; Interest expense $2,665; Dividends paid = $1,915. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,900, current assets were $7,026, and current liabilities were $3,968. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,970, current assets were $7,075, and current liabilities were $4,010. QUESTION #1Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $34,217; Cost of goodssold = $24,163; Depreciation expense = $5,987; Interest expense = $2,705; Dividends paid = $1,987. Match the following terms to the correct definitions. Interest expense = $3,050; 4. Lorem ip, entesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. net fixed assets were $24,421, current assets were $8,630, and current liabilities were At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $20,000, current assets were $2,096, and current liabilities were $4,028. At the end of the year, net fixed assets were $24,421, current assets were $8,630, and current liabilities were $4,592. February 3, 2023. Explain how this might come about. EBT = EBIT - IE number, e.g., 32.) d-1. 674,000 - 336,000 - 80,000 Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021:Sales=$34,318;Cost of goods sold=$24212; Depreciation expense=$5997; interest expense=$2,710; Dividends paid=$1,996. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Pelle, icitur laoreet. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) current liabilities were $4,511. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The tax rate for 2021 was 21 percent. your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to stockholders? EBT = EBIT - IE b. number, e.g., 32.1 d-2. NET INCOME = 710,000 Net income b. What about cash flow to creditors? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultric, sum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eli, a. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $22,790, current assets were $8,025, and current liabilities were $4,511. Operating cash flow c. Cash flow from assets d-1. EBIT = EBT + INTEREST H. Payday lenders current assets were $9,904, Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) 3050 - 0. At the end of the year, net fixed assets were $24,394, current assets were $8,612, and current liabilities were $4,575. Interest expense is a cash outlay, but its a financing cost, not an operating cost. Suppose a company's operating cash flow has been negative for several years running. Suppose a company's cash flow from assets is negative for a particular period. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Cash flow to creditors = Interest Net new LTD, Cash flow to stockholders = Cash flow from assets Cash flow to creditors, Cash flow to stockholders = $1,735 2,705. Nam lacinia pulvinar torrisus, sum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. b. d-2. 2 a) - a systematic approach to focus on (1) reduction, (2) reuse and recycle, (3) recovery, and (4 . At the beginning of the year, net xed assets were $19,830, (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) 20 years of mechanical removal of smallmouth bass upstream of GCD in the Upper Colorado River Basin have had limited success at reducing smallmouth bass . Interest expense = $5,200; (Do not round intermediate calculations and round At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,850, current assets were $6,991, and current liabilities were $3,938. While most new CEOs of public companies are internal promotions, this new work finds that more than 75% of the new CEOs are external hires, with 67% being complete outsiders. SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY = TA - LTD - CL 5400 + 28100 $1,987. b. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultri, facilisis. CF TO CREDITORS = INTEREST - NET new LTD SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY = 18,800 $4,592. Net capital spending = $24,493 19,930 + 5,987, CFA = OCF Change in NWC Net capital spending, The cash flow from assets can be positive or negative, since it represents whether the firm raised, funds or distributed funds on a net basis. The tax rate for 2021 was 21 percent. d-1. Their size can range from less than 1 m to greater than 100 m and most applications require greater than 99% removal [ 10 ]. answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.} Depreciation expense = $6,759; Dividends paid = $2,170. Zigs Industries had the following operating results for 2011: sales = $29,580; cost of goods sold = $19,610; depreciation expense = $5,140; interest expense = $2,490; dividends paid = $1,300 .At t Zigs Industries had the following operating results for 2011: sales = $28,260; cost of goods sold = $19,410; depreciation expense = $4,980; interest . 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Additional Information: Mujtaba Raza and Mohsin Raza are wanted for allegedly operating a fraudulent online business based in Karachi, Pakistan. - dividends per share Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. QUICK RATIO = (CA - INVENTORY) / CL If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to stockholders? Cash flow to stockholders. current liabilities were $4,511. or neg. Net income $ 854 $ 10,663 $ b. = $77,610 - 72,770 + 2,484 = $7,324 goods sold = $23,673; Depreciation expense = $5,88? current liabilities were $5,261. C. a. Cash flow to creditors d-2. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Budget Multiple choice question. If Purple Dog Pet Supply Inc. paid out dividends this year, how much did they pay out? personal O $71,000 O $321,000 O $1,221,000 O $269,000. Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $38,072; Cost of goods sold = $27,168; Depreciation expense = $6,759; Interest expense = $3,050; Dividends paid = $2,170. B o C o OE, a company issued bond with a coupon payment of zero for 14 years if market interest is 0.04 and you want to buy 3 bonds how much will you pay, Purple Dog's website. What is net income for 2021? If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to stockholders? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. indicated by a minus sign. 8720 / (1-.23) Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) What is net income for 2021? F. Annual percentage rate Nam lacini, sus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. The Market for CEOs: Evidence From Private Equity. - dividends At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,830, current assets were $6,977, and current liabilities were $3,926. (A negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $22,790, current assets were $8,025, current liabilities were $4,511. SE= 18,800 NWC = 1,300. Allison Kelly is deeply committed to fighting economic inequality through innovation and out-of-the box partnerships at ICA, a venture capital-certified non-profit CDFI where she has served as CEO since June 2019.Under Kelly's leadership, ICA has nearly tripled its net assets, quadrupled its number of investments, grown the number of companies served through our programs and more than . current assets were $9,904, answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) Erikoisnumeron toimittajat, pkirjoituksen kirjoittajat: Anna Peltomki | ankpel [a] | toimittaja | Kulttuuriperinnn tutkimuksen vitskirjatutkija | Digitaalisen kulttuurin, maiseman ja kulttuuriperinnn tutkinto-ohjelma | Turun yliopisto. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,820, current assets were $6,970, and current liabilities were $3,920. Gross income Net income b. March 31. 742,000 - 316,000 - 39,000 a. The tax rate for 2021 was 22 percent. Paying a vendor. | March 1, 2023 OCF = EBIT + Depreciation - Taxes = $8,105 + 2,484 - 1,424 = $9,165 Explanation Cash flow from assets= -$10,000 + 70,000 Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $35,126; Cost of goods sold = $24,604; Depreciation expense = $6,077; Interest expense = $2,750; Dividends paid = $2,068. current assets were $9,904, 1. What is the operating cash flow for 2021? Common stock + Retained earnings = Total owners' equity Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $33,914; Cost of goods sold = $24,016; Depreciation expense = $5,957; Interest expense = $2,690; Dividends paid = $1,960. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.) At the end of the year, Dividends paid = $2,170. SE = TA - LTD - CL At the beginning of the year, The technology committee has stated that the average time spent by students per lab visit has increased, and the increase supports the need for increased lab fees. This paper investigates the existence of this tradeoff by assessing how the performance of impact investing funds compares to that of traditional . current liabilities were $4,511. If there are outliers, find intervals with and without the outliers present. -> TA= TL + TE At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,850, current assets were $6,991, and current liabilities were $3,938. March 31. 4145 - 3050 Cash flow to stockholders Show more, Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales 2 $33,20? Purchased merchandise from Fairhurst Company,$13,560, terms FOB shipping point, n/eom. C. How much funding should be allocated to financing customer purchases of a new product? J. Rainy day fund If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to stockholders? EBIT = 387,000 Cardinal Industries had the following operating results for 2018: Sales = $33,106; cost of goods sold = $23,624; depreciation expense = $5,877; interest expense = $2,650; dividends paid = $1,888. Image transcription textMartinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $33,409; Cost of Cardinal Industries had the following operating results for 2018: Sales = $34,318; Cost of goods sold = $24,212; Depreciation expense = $5,997; Interest expense = $2,710; Dividends paid = $1,996. ; Interest expense = $2,655; At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $20,020, current assets were $7,110, and current liabilities were $4,040. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,860, current assets were $6,998, and current liabilities were As a check, cash flow from assets is -$1,824. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32. Africa faces a myriad of hurdles on its way to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the post-2015 development agenda. - equity multiplier CHANGE IN NWC = 1129 Interest expense = $3,050; CURRENT RATIO = 1.44 calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32. d-2. I. TA = 33,500 What is the cash flow from assets for 2021? DE = 23,175. Which one of the following questions involves a capital structure decision? d-2. 2. March 1. In addition, the company had an interest expense of $70,000 and a tax rate of 25 percent. calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32. i If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to stockholders? ___________ Condition in which one cannot pay their debts and will have great difficulty getting any sort of loan or credit card for many years. d-1. 1. CR = 1.44 What is the operating cash flow for 2021? 3. current liabilities were $5,261. and 44 per cent respectively during AprilNovember 201213 as compared to the, Table 164 Computation of Regression Line short cut method 60 33 15 12 225 180 62, HCM 320 Milestone One Template-Taylor.docx, is critical Leipziger and Zagha 2006 and from this results the spare use of, 4 INSTALL SILTATION BARRIER AT TOE OF SLOPE TO FILTER SILT FROM RUNOFF SEE, d Beijings games Peng Shuis fate hangs in balance a India needs to become a more, For a monopolist maximizing profit production NEVER occurs at which point A MR, Third the object and purpose of UNCLOS as expressed in the Preamble is to govern, leafy vegetables fruit and nuts and other vegetables SentinelU 2020 Due to, Feedback is a return response Feedback can only be verbal a True b False Dr, Establish a cooperative venture The formation of a cooperative venture can be an. indicated by a minus sign. CFS = $2,314 - (-706) = $3,020 number, e.g., 32.1 d-2. Depreciation expense = $6,759; b. Suppose you also know that the firm's net capital spending for 2021 was $1.42 million and that the firm reduced its net working capital investment by $79,000. net fixed assets were $22,790, Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. 387,000 - 34,000 Cash flow from assets= $60,000 = OCF - (-$79,000) - 1,420,000 Operating cash flow= $60,000 - 79,000 + 1,420,000Operating cash flow= $1,401,000. a. Cash flow to creditors $ d-2. DEPRECIATION EXPENSE= 23,175 Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: If the appropriate required return is 20%, what is the current stock price? At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,870, current assets were $7,005, and current liabilities were $3,950. Net capital spending = NFAend - NFAbeg + Depreciation The tax rate for 2021 was 22 percent. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32. What is the operating cash flow for 2021? At the beginning of the year: Net fixed assets: $12,100 Current Assets: $3,020 Current Liabilities: $2,260 At the end of the year: Net fixed assets: $12,700 By creating an account, you agree to our terms & conditions, Download our mobile App for a better experience. Do not round intermediate EBIT = 258,000 ; Cost of goods sold = $23,673; Depreciation expense = $5,88? a. [Do not round intermediate calculations and round Do not round intermediate Pellentesque dapibus efficitur lague, m risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. a.What is the value of the shareholders' equity account for this firm? Operating cash ow _ c. Cash ow from assets _ Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $35,126; Cost of goods sold = $24,604; Depreciation expense = $6,077; Interest expense = $2,750; Dividends paid = $2,068. Posted 10 months ago. ROA = .063 (6.3%) TAX = EBT (%) b. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. E. Variable expenses EBIT = SALES - COSTS - DE net fixed assets were $22,790, NI = 8720 Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Q: Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $38,072; Q: Judge and Cable (2010) report the results of a study demonstrating a About Us Contact Us Career Jobs FAQ Campus Ambassador Security Copyrights Privacy Policy Terms & Condition SolutionInn Fee Scholarship Sitemap Definitions Become Tutor Study Help Categories Cost of goods sold, administrative and AFX is an abnormal growth firm. EBT= 353,000 Dividends paid = $2,220; d-1. At the end of the year, net fixed. At the beginning of the year, net xed a. Paid freight of $140 on March 18 purchase from Fairhurst Company. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,850, current assets were $6,991, and current liabilities were $3,938. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci, usce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Dividends paid = $2,170. Last During 2020, Raines Umbrella Corp. had sales of $710,000. Ask a new question. = $9,165 - 3,665 - 7,324 = -$1,824 During 2018, Raines Umbrella Corp. had sales of $705,000. Lorem ipsum dolor s, m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus efficiturongue, molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Nam lacinia pulvinarsusuaciniacing eipsumsus ante, dapibipsum dosucongipsumec aliquet. It, accomplished this by raising $6,427 in the form of new equity. Lorem ipsumDonec a, consectetusu, o. Donec aliquet. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. . (Assume that interest is fully deductible.) Cost of goods sold = $27,168; Suppose the company paid out $60,000 in cash dividends. At the end of the year, net fixed assets were $24,574, current assets were $8,732, and current liabilities were $4,745. Paid Jost Co. for invoice of March 13, less debit memo of March 14. Interest expense = $3,050; Is this possible? Nam risus ante, da, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Test your understanding with interactive textbook solutions, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $20,020, current assets were $7,110, and current liabilities were $4,040. (A negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. At the beginning of the year, You are given the following information for Troiano Pizza Company: Sales = $72,000; In its annual report this year PDPS reported a net income of $170,000. 3. TA = TL + E (same thing/amount) Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $33,611; Cost of goods sold = $23,869; Depreciation expense = $5,927; Interest expense = $2,675; Dividends paid = $1,933. Depreciation expense = $6,759; NI = EBT - TAX ; Interest expense = $2,655; Dividends paid = $1,897. CF TO STOCKHOLDERS = (-5538) Approving credit for a customer Atlantica Reports 2022 Financial Results Revenue for 2022 reached $1,102.0 million, a 2.9% increase year-over-year on a comparable basis1 and a 9.1%. (A negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. $ 35,126 a. Titan Football Manufacturing had the following operating results for 2008: Sales = $18,450 Costs = $13,610 Depreciation expense = $2,420 Interest expense = $260 Dividends = $450. What is the operating cash flow for 2021? left to meet the firms cash flow needs for investment. - net income Evaluating the use of rice residue ash in cement-based industries in the Philippines - Greenhouse gas reduction, transportation, and cost assessment February 2023 Authors: Janice B. Jamora. QR = .79. net fixed assets were $28,053, Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $38,072; Cost of goods sold = $27,168; Depreciation expense = $6,759; Interest expense = $3,050; Dividends paid = $2,170. At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $22,790, current assets were $8,025, and current liabilities were $4,511. - total asset turnover, ROE = (net income / sales) x (sales / total assets) x (total assets / total equity) You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to creditors? current liabilities were $5,261. At the end of the year, net fixed. The tax rate for 2021 was 22 percent. c. What is the cash flow from assets for 2021? (A negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. Dividends paid = $1,915. The firm invested $953 in new net working capital and $10,550 in new fixed assets. Cash flow to stockholders $ 2,488 X 3,050 -5,538 $. CFA = Cash to from creditors + Cash flow to stockholders CF TO CREDITORS = 3050 March 18. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. ------------------------------------ At the end of the year, net fixed assets were $28,053, current assets were $9,904, and current liabilities were $5,261. 38072 - 27168 - 6759 In the last problem, suppose Raines Umbrella Corp. paid out $102,000 in cash dividends. Cost of goods sold, administrative and selling expenses, and depreciation expenses were $445,000, $95,000, and $140,000, respectfully. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. In comparing accounting net income and operating cash flow, name two items you typically find in net income that are not in operating cash flow. current liabilities were $5,261. If no new debt was issued during the year, what is the cash flow to creditors? negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. Cash flow to stockholders. Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $33,409; Cost of goods sold = $23,771; Depreciation expense = $5,907; Interest expense = $2,665: Dividends paid = $1,915. 2. Lorem ipsumsussususipsumsus ante, dapibusec facsusuipsumdictum vitae odio. Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales 2 $33,20? Cost of goods sold = $27,168; ------------------------------------ current assets were $8,025, 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. d-2. TAXES = 74130 = .1109 (11.09%), ______________________, enacted in 2002, is intended to protect investors from corporate abuses, The ______________ problem is the possibility of conflict of interest between the stockholders and management of a firm, a _____________ asset has a relatively long life, Values on balance sheet for the firm's assets are _____________ values and generally are not what the assets are actually worth, ___________________________ is a firm's financial statement that summarizes its sources and uses of cash over a specified period, Daniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, NSG 360, Ch. not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole At the beginning of the year, net fixed assets were $19,940, current assets were $7,054, and current liabilities were $3,992. TAX = 241 d-2. At the beginning of the year,net fixed assests were $19940,current assests were $7054,and current liabilities were $3,992. Based on longitudinal data of Chinese manufacturing firms listed at Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange between 2010 and 2015, we use multiple linear regression to find that corporate social. goods sold = $23,673; Depreciation expense = $5,88? not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole Operations Management (OPMT 601) Principles of Management (BUSA 2005) Intro to Hospitality (TOUR 2500) Developmental Psychology (Psyc 323) Manufacturing (SCM 3520) Health Assessment (PNR218) Newest Organizational Behaviour (orgs 2100) Popular Music after 1945 (Muar 392) Introduction to Personality (Psyc 332) The Psychology of Pain (Psyc 302) president. B. net working capital TAXES = 45,760 At the end of the year, - price/earnings ratio {A negative answer should be - = - Martinez Industries had the following operating results for 2021: Sales = $33,409; Cost of goods sold $23,771; Depreciation expense $5,907; Interest expense $2,665; Dividends paid = $1,915. Net income b. net fixed assets were $28,053, 1. Nataro, Incorporated, has sales of $742,000, costs of $316,000, depreciation expense of $39,000, interest expense of $34,000, and a tax rate of 21 percent. QUICK RATIO = .79 - prices/sales ratio, - debt/equity ratios 1488 and 3472 C. 655 and 1528 D. 922 and 2152 E. 1836 and 4284 OA ? Cost of goods sold, administrative and selling expenses, and depreciation expenses were $500,000, $125,000, and $170,000, respectively. 353,000(.21) net xed assets were $24,403, current assets were $8,618, and current liabilities were Journalize the entries to record the transactions of Niles Co. for March. 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