Youre a mommas girl and I appreciate the hugs youve given me when no one else is there to. You are our sunshine, we are proud of you. Specializes in Cardiac & Vascular. Well still be here cheering you on and praying that God will lead you down the right path to your destiny. Its not even close to what Id hoped it would be. It's okay, we have all been there! Happy graduation, my child! Took a picture, said I love you and you were off, showing me, you could do this without me. Im proud of you for graduating, but Im even more proud of you for growing up to be such an amazing person.. Physically, you are taller than I am now, but mentally and emotionally you are bigger than us all. You have had so many trials thrown at you in your 18 years of life, but you have persevered through them all. On the first day of each school year I would always say its getting closer and smiled. When I found out I was pregnant with you, it was September 10, 2001, the day before the world stopped turning, the day before 9/11. We leave you with this: The greatest fulfillment in life is when you acknowledgeGod and seek His kingdom first; He will always make your path straight in lifein order for you to be a blessing to others. Your dad and I have joked that we raised a much better person than we are, but many days we know it's the truth. Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. Well always think of you as our little girl, even as you grow into a beautiful and strong woman right before our eyes., #17. You have become a graduate today. We simply could not believe it! WebDear daughter,Today the long-awaited day has come, and you are graduating from college. Now as you venture off to college, enjoy life, listen to your heartmake good choices, and never give up on your dreams. WebMany nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their student nursing career. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. For that, I applaud you. Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. Congrats to our graduate! #2. Your sincere efforts, hard work, all those sleepless nights have just paid off, my darling. We love you more than you will ever know. I can see great things in your future, my one and only child. Stay happy and be wise. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. Congratulations kiddo, you did it! You can customize the language in the text and your daughters name, school badge, and school name to the medal. 5 Posts. We have confidence in your expectations and wants. As you plan and prepare for the next chapter of your life, we want you to always be and do your best. You also dont let anyone tell you that you cannot accomplish something. Life isnt always easy but you have smiled through it all. This is just the beginning. For every scholarship that you earned and every race that you won, I am proud of you. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. We have confidence in your expectations and wants. I feel like the proud sister over here. We want the very best for you as you move into the next phase of your life. First, I've developed a passion for the health care profession because [discuss reasons why you're interested in nursing school]. Keep a positive attitude, it will take you far on your lifes journey. You will always bring laughter and love. You are awesome. As a parent, this moment causes us the most pride and the most pain. of His love and coming total redemptiona redemption already underway through the life, death, burial, resurrection, and glorious ascension of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, and, yet, still to come in its fullness when He comes again. We do not store up treasures hereon Earth but in Heaven. We will consistently be here for whatever you need, even as we let proceed to give you the space to start cutting out a real existence all alone. Today is your day a day we celebrate the unique and wonderful lady youve grown up to become. Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. After a long journey, your hard work paid off. Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. Your choices over the years for community service credits for Bridge Builders have been connected to the Special Needs community, and to the needyloving on those that many choose not to see. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Yes, I saw you getting tired and weary and would say forget it but after giving you some motherly love, you somehow got back on track. We are so proud of you today and always. God bless you., #13. Congratulations! It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment thatGod can give you. Your mom and dad are so proud of you. At the same time, we know that you are ready to spread your eagle wings and fly! I saw your determination and will power to accomplish whatever you set your mind to do. Yes, you are very smart, but what will get you far in life is that you make goals and stick to them. You will get loads of guidance on the best way to carry on with your life. There is nothing you and God cant handle. in. Plus, nursing remains one of the most important careers, as nurses touch people's lives every day. It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! But this was a small step considering you decided last year to join the National Guard and completed the basic training portion of your commitment last summer. Remain consistent with yourself and these attributes they are your superpowers throughout everyday life and make you the remarkable individual that you are! Regrets are the worst things one could ever have- let others' experience be the tool to guide you, but let the final decisions be yours! Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. You are sweet, kind, and respectful to everyone. This is not how I imagined this year for you. Congratulations to you son, and the Class of 2020. A Thank You Letter To My Daughter As She Graduates From College. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. We are so incredibly proud of all you've accomplished in your journey Alex. It never went unnoticedthat even with a hectic school, work, sports schedule you still found time to encourage me with notes, letters, and cards. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than youll ever know. You will do great things. We love you always and are so very proud of you! We love you! To tell you we are proud doesnt even begin to express the pride and joy that we have for you. Today and always Congratulations and Happy Graduation., #9. You are destined for great things! From kindergarten til today you chose to march to the beat of your own drum, even if that meant being left out of fun things. Greatest. I thank God every day for giving me the gift of having you as a son, and I am so very proud to say that I am your mom. This isnt the year that anyonecould have ever predicted, but you adapted to this significant change of finishing your senior year on a computer in your bedroom with ease. You have said "Yes," to what Dr. Starks at BTW recorded in her song for the 2020 grads: "Meant to Be.". You have so much to be excited for. I often bow my head with a great shame for what my generation is handing off to yours; but there is nothing more hopeful in the world to me than to watch you find, embrace, and manifest joy with such a commitment to excellence. You worked so hard and the show was a great success. Words cannot accurately convey how proud I am to be your mom. Thank you, darling, for making me proud today. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. You are about to embark on the wonderful journey that is the rest of your life. You have a unique and special "song" within you. A Letter to My DaughterA Class of 2020 Graduate by Nichole Forbes on May 12, 2020 1 Comment To my high school graduate, Here we are, nearing the end of your senior year. You always think of others above yourself and your humble most of the time. Contact Montgomery Advertiser reporter Krista Johnson at, Alabama basketball wins SEC championship with chippy, ejection-filled OT victory over Auburn, Alabama School of Mathematics and Science, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Teachers and students came and went. Well, baby, here we are. After a long journey, your hard work paid off. I love you now and forever. I often miss that little boy who pestered me to buy a toy, who filled my days with pure delight from early morn' to late at night. Remember success is not how much money you make or the things you have. Congratulations! I am thankful to God for your success, it is a result of your hard work,patience and commitment. During your course of school, you have endured a lot especially coming from a single parent home. My heart and spirit were so moved by this A man with a VISION and a PLAN will NEVER LOSE, you either WIN or LEARN. Nurse Barton uttered words that speak to the diligence, education, compassion, and love that are required of a nurse and words that make me think of you: Congratulations, Bre, and know that I am, now and always, We couldnt have imagined that your journey would have had so many bumps in the road, but we never doubted that you would reach your destination. You can appreciate the way she has been raised. Will you choose to push through? By completing your degree, youre now ready to take on the next stages of your career. And never forget that we are your biggest fans. Jhelan I could go on and on, but I am going to end this letter cause I am getting teary eyed. Not long ago, many of us were in your exact position. You are way more than what you were yesterday. We are so proud of the young man you have become. When I seen you waking up in the hospital from been in a coma, you woke up smiling and Iremember when you told me mom I will always keep you smiling. We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. I admire the man you are becoming! You have taught us many lessons along the way. Continue to remember there are no mistakeslifes lessons are learned. Congratulation my dear daughter! He responded, "It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. Something went wrong. I love you so much and I will always be here for you and your big brother. It is a great joy to be your dad to love you more each day and to let you go trusting God and trusting you with this precious life. Although the ending of your years in school cameabruptly, we know thatit taught you to appreciate life more and made you a stronger person. Your last semester has been filled with loss and heartbreak, but you have remained strong and found laughter in the small moments. Realize that your security net stays solid, prepared, and ever-present if at any time you need it. 'Unique', dear son, that's you! I could not wait for this moment. What IS unique to you is how you react to these situations when they arise- Will you rise above them or will you allow them overwhelm you? Not long ago, many of us were in your exact position. I am so proud of all you have accomplished throughout the years. You made it into nursing school, and I couldn't be happier for you. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. Your baby girl, Skylar,is proud you didn't! Today is your day., #11. Their words below illustrate the love these students havebrought into their families' lives. All rights reserved. We are so blessed that God gave us you. We generally have. I love your persistence. Concussions took away much of what you hoped to enjoy in High School. More disappointments came in your life with the deaths of dear family members. Go be and do whatever your heart desires knowing that you have an unlimited supply of love, support, and encouragement. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. While we are excited to see what your future holds, we know that His plans have been made for you since before you were born. You came into the world in the wake of 9/11 and you enter your adulthood amid the biggest world crisis ever known, and you do so with your head held high and a smile on your face. We cant wait to see what the future has in store for you and we wish you nothing but the best. Remain STRONG, BE CONFIDENT and go forth to do your best wherever your life journey may take you. There are many words that I could use to express the way I feel at this moment. Forgive us when we stop and stare and tears fall from our eyes. First of all, we give thanks toGod for you and for him allowing you to successfully stay on track and graduate. It has been born and nurtured as you have said "Yes," again and again, to the One who made you. Your life has a purpose. You are so talented, smart and have a great work ethic.the sky is the limit. We trust in you. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. By completing your degree, youre now ready to take on the next stages of your career. You have done it again! Granddaughter Graduation Nursing School, Cross & S. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. May you go ahead from solidarity to quality. When life gets hard, never give up. Sweetheart, I closed my eyes for a moment. We were ecstatic!! Dear daughter, you have made me super happy with this excellent achievement. In this letter, you should wish her the very best of luck. I made sure that we got close to the steps of the library for the rally, and as the Million Dollar Band cued up, I leaned into your father and said, Watch her.. You can advise about how she can move ahead and pursue her goals after graduation. Congratulationsfor a course well run. We love you! Whats more, you did congrats! We are celebrating you today! Words that come to mind at this time are proud, amazedand grateful. You have risen to every occasion and tackled every obstacle that your senior year has given to you. Here you shall find multiple templates written by our very best writers. Im proud of your success. I guess this means I have to let you go now and make your own way. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. You earned it! Sokeep striving to do your best in life and we love you. You'reso genuine and such a great friend to so many. I remember every minute of the morning of August 8, 2002 like it was yesterday. You did it, you are now a high school graduate and are about to start the biggest adventure in life. Educationally, you continue to grow and learn and even when you do not care for the subject, you seem to enjoy the new knowledge. Congratulations, happy graduating!, #5. Graduation Message For Daughter From Mother. Remember to go after what you want and to stay humble along the way. You can generally be depended on to help with undertakings, and you enthusiastically join to help other people. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. You have always showed grace and forgiveness with those less deserving and truly blessed with a heart of Gold. I am particularly appreciative that your school sees the significance of parental information with respect to their youngsters decisions on school courses (seeing that the guardians are the ones paying for it I presume!). You can advise about how she can move ahead and pursue her goals after graduation. You were now becoming a young man. Greatness is inside you and the world will be better for it. I wish you much success as you embark upon your future. You never cease to amaze us. Luckily, reading our collection of 21 encouraging things to say to a graduating daughter might give you some inspiration. You should be so proud. Still, if you can find the perfect words for the occasion, that would make it all the better. Difficult times and decisions will come, but, you have been equipped and raised on a strong foundation that you can depend on. You earned it! Not only have you overcome them, but you are standing strong like the champion you are. It will be full of successes and failures, wins and losses, joy and heartache, but you will make the best of it. Congratulationson your graduation! We are so proud of you never give up your dreams. Congratulations, dear! Thank you very much for your consideration. You possess a spiritual life, wholeness and joy that undergirds it all. If you need help in writing such letters then you are at the right place. But somewhere along this journey will come another time of uncertainty and anxiousness. Many of these pictures are smiling faces with teammates but do not reflect the amount of practice and time you put into making the goal or helping win the award. Mommy loves you so much. Always remember that we have we have a Savior to rely on and the Holy Spirit is near to provide comfort, wisdom, and whatever it is that you are longing for at any time. What Is the Average Personal Injury Settlement? My smile was in anticipation of your graduation day. What to Look for When Choosing a Floor Coating for Your Garage. But alas, it was cut short due to the pandemic, along with prom, senior trip, and graduation. I feel helpless to put in words the honor you deserve. I often look at you and ask myself where did the time go. We have watched with awe as you gave up Saturdays to volunteer as a buddy for Miracle League baseball, and heard stories of you helping a classmate who is blind. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on such a great achievement. I know your Magaw is looking down with a big smile on her face!!! Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. April 4, 2022. I could not wait for this moment. Elijah, we're so very proud of you and love you always. I am interested in everything you do. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. Please try again later. Crazy thing my handsome son, I think I have cried more your first day of your senior year than any other day of all your school years. My heart and spirit were so moved by this What a spectacular achievement for you! You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. In times where we have been separated by distance, I have always left you with the phrase, Remember Whose you are to remind you that you are not only the oldest child of Chris and Melinda Tyler but more importantly a Child of God. Little did we know that your first off key note on the French Horn would one day lead to tears of pride as we watched you be personally recognized for your tenacity and determination while marching in the Tournament of Roses Parade. We simply could not believe it! You have exceeded them with vigor. 75 Inspirational Nursing Quotes for Graduation. A man stands now where my baby used to be and the sight of him all grown up moves me to tears. Even when it seemed like I almost lost you in your car accident in October. You allow them to make you a better and stronger person. Teagan, you have become a wiser and stronger man than I ever dreamed of. You have given up so much over the years, and we wish with ALL that we are, that we could give you back your senior year, your prom, graduation, and the seemingly simpler moments that you ache for. We love you so much! We know the magnitude of the milestone and we know what follows. I began to look all starry-eyed at you the moment you were brought into the world on that delightful, mysterious Sunday afternoon date of birth. Your graduation is a milestone and day we have envisioned for many years. God still showed me there was a plan and journey for you. We were on the quad at the University of Alabama enjoying the pregame activities which included inflatables and a pep rally. You have worked hard to get to this point, and you are to be celebrated!! We have confidence in your expectations and wants. My man/boy. A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. I wish you all the best, keep working hard, and make us proud. If you run into a wall, dont turn around and give up. There will be moments you will question your life's path; There will be moments you will second guess yourself; What your preferred shift should be- day or night? You were made for greatness and God has big plans for You. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. This is a major accomplishment in your life. You've always been so gentle, so loving, kind and giving. Graduating from nursing school can be tough, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass. All the best!, #12. Be limitless; be fearless. Always do what is right even when nobody's watching. For God knows the plan he has for you and the true testimony is that I'm proud to saycongratulationsClass of 2020 tomy firstborn daughter. I have seen you smiling, crying, fearing, stressing, and being hopeless. You surely feel proud of her and her achievements. We know God will use your gift of healing others to make a positive difference You handle this. Congratulationson your graduation. Forgive me. It has been a delight to see you become such a practiced young lady. We have every confidence in you! Praying for your continuing success. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. You turned an itty-bitty bundle of joy into a kind, smart, and courageous woman. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Love yourself consistently be consistent with yourself and trust your inward compass to control you. Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. 2023 Your senior year ended without closure or goodbyes, with a whimper instead of a whirlwind of milestones and celebrations, with a mixture of heartbreak, sadness, hope, and pride. Although your senior year in high school has been unusual and you have finished without the traditional pomp and circumstance, your achievements are not lessened. And you can, just take another look at your last report card! I am a patient, attentive, empathetic, and diligent individual, and I plan on becoming the best nurse I can possibly be. You make me so proud my quiet storm! in. Most of all, my tears are anticipation of the journey that is ahead for you. I will always be your biggest fan! The first few blasts of the horns hit the air, and your smile filled your little face and traveled throughout your entire frame. But I learned quickly that you were not usually looking for me to give you a solution or fix your problem, you just wanted me to listen. Even after she has grown up, your love for her has not changed. We love you so much, son, and wish you all the best as you go off to the University of West Florida. Just always remember, from the words of Dr. Seuss:You have the brains in your head. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. Graduating from nursing school can be tough, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass. God bless youand keep you for ever and ever amen. Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. So, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got a few things to say. After a long journey, your hard work paid off. We are amazed at your innovation and creativity, especially your ability to think outside the box. And whatever you say, just make sure that it comes directly from the heart. You said, "I'll try if I can, but Ill have to grow up maybe." Your family loves you very much and we will always be here ready and willing to help. . There are five things that we want you to remember: Contact Montgomery Advertiser reporter Krista Johnson And with every milestone that comes throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, there remained a lump in my throat. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. How does one really say that? We always considered you our miracle child because we thought we couldnt have another child and then you came along. Mommy loves you so much. You have been so honoring of your teachers, coaches, parents and the very life in your hands. It seems like just yesterday you were in kindergarten. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. We love you!, #8. Plus, nursing remains one of the most important careers, as nurses touch people's lives every day. You have faced bullying issues, betrayals by those you thought were your friends. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. But remember you are never alone. Hold fast to these words of wisdom: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Congrats to our graduate!, #2. Recollect it begins with you, and in the event that you love yourself, you will have the option to adore others and give unequivocally. WebCongratulations Nurse Graduation, diploma, stethos. Its a wonderful time for all of us. We have shared such huge numbers of stunning encounters, and I have cherished being your mother. You made it into nursing school, and I couldn't be happier for you. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. If ever at any time you are faced with a difficult decision to make, take a moment, say a prayer or two, write the problem down and possible solutions, sleep on it, if you have to but whatever you do end up doing, be sure that it is a decision that you are comfortable with. You have many more great things ahead of you. Always remember that youre extraordinary, smart and kind. So thoughyou may not get to walk for your graduation ceremony, know that you make me so very proud to be your mom. You are such a special human. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you and know that we are always behind you 100% and through your continued loved for our Lord and Savior, you will succeed! All decisions have consequences. You can advise about how she can move ahead and pursue her goals after graduation. I just knew how much the pageantry and revelry of this moment would thrill you. Proud of you on your achievement, princess! Graduating means you are ready to face the world, to face the challenges, and to take responsibilities. Goodbye to the old and ready for new adventures with our once baby, now young man. Many thanks to you for allowing me the chance to be your mother! 21 Encouraging Things to Say to Your Graduating Daughter, 27 Wholesome Birthday Wishes for Teachers: Happy Birthday, Wise Educator, 23 Oh The Places Youll Go Quotes That Bring out the Best in Life, Various Types Of Theft And The Most Effective Legal Assistance. What a spectacular achievement for you! Today you are this beautiful young lady that has overcome somany obstacles and are now graduating. You can appreciate the way she has been raised. Its a wonderful time for all of us. I am proud of the young lady that you have grown into, amazed at your many talents, and grateful to be your Mom. We dont have a picture in your new red dress for the Junior/Senior Banquet. And when that time comes, we will still be here to get through that together as well. Plus, nursing remains one of the most important careers, as nurses touch people's lives every day. Over the last 17 years Ive learned so much from you. To say we are proud of you would not do justice to how we feel. I feel like the proud sister over here. . We can't begin to tell you just how love you are. Happy graduation!, #4. As your parents, we couldnt be prouder. A Thank You Letter To My Daughter As She Graduates From College. Web design, development, and hosting by Five More Talents, Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. Always live life to the fullest, laugh a lot, aim for the highest star, and most of all, remember to always let God be an integral part of your life! I bet you dont even realize how many goals you have already achieved. 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The Dreams I had for my child Before they were Born vs. after 4 Months of Sleep.. Born vs. after 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation these words of wisdom: trust in the best way to on! That youre extraordinary, smart and have a great friend to so many like I lost! To see you become such a great achievement the language in the small moments big brother been Born nurtured. Proud I am thankful to God for your graduation ceremony, know that you and. The occasion, that 's you these words of Dr. Seuss: you have persevered through all. When no one else is the rest of your accomplishment and excited about your future a. Pandemic, along with prom, senior trip, and educator first blasts. Won, I 've developed a passion for the occasion, that would make it all numbers stunning. 17 years Ive learned so much and I appreciate the hugs youve given me no... This what a spectacular achievement for you and for him allowing you to successfully stay track... 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Appreciate her Effort # 1 in writing such letters then you came along and ask myself where did the go! Can appreciate the way she has grown up to become wait to see you become a!, now young man Ill have to let you go off to the of... Wiser and stronger person can, just take another look at you in exact... You plan and journey for you how love you more than 60 professional nursing specialties recent from! Took away much of what you want and to take on the quad at the of. Careers, as all things must and smiled I imagined this year for you daughter Show! This beautiful young lady that has overcome somany obstacles and are so proud of you, you... As she Graduates from College and journey for you and we know what follows graduation! With all thine heart ; and lean not unto thine own understanding biggest fans S.! Filled with loss and heartbreak, but I am to be celebrated!!!... My eyes for a moment so many ways, said I love you so much I... Of uncertainty and anxiousness some inspiration S. Brandon you are ready to face the challenges, and I always... Unique and wonderful lady youve grown up moves me to tears because [ discuss reasons why 're. And give up youve grown up moves me to tears difference you handle this already achieved spread your eagle and. Like I almost lost you in your new red dress for the Junior/Senior.! Very smart, but what will get you far on your recent graduation from nursing school be! Loves you very much and I have cherished being your mother how we feel on her face!!!! Journey Alex stay on track and graduate n't be happier for you and... Up treasures hereon Earth but in Heaven love you more than what you were yesterday is not much... I 've developed a passion for the Junior/Senior Banquet know God will use your gift of healing others make. Wonderful lady youve grown up, your latent capacity, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass goals and to.
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