critchlow verbal language scale assessmentcritchlow verbal language scale assessment
8 What makes the light in lighthouses today? Point to the heart. D Jenna looks for a garden hose. While a dog is a common pet, Laddie Boy got special treatment. She is working from home today and needs to make several business calls. xZ].EE#cT9Bvn47xWG. 19 terms. . A Readers became less and less interested in Mother Goose. . . Now I have one more forever minute that I want to paint when I get home! 260 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 2 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Comprehension Read each passage and answer the questions that follow. 0000001093 00000 n I think you should let these two come to work with you more often! he said, smiling at Maya and Sam. . . Reading Comprehension Grades K6 8 Which is the BEST summary statement of this article? D 9. Next, the handler dipped the brush in the paint and showed the elephant how to apply the paint. . He saw many people walking along the sidewalk. . Sams mouth dropped open. tame ____ 6. dirty . At that time, few people could read or write. What is the story mostly about? D The book became part of early childhood education. . . . Queen Bertha was also called Goosefoot. . cry ____ 69. superfluous . There are a total of 75 words, but we stopped at 43 words since they could not identify five consecutive opposite words. . . . Sequences and Series (MF) 13 terms. . . C the elephants had just finished the painting. AB C 8. . . . However, being on the sea at night or during a storm was dangerous. Forever Minutes Sam looked out the apartment window. They made Sam think of the shirt Aunt Jazzy was wearing. . . Read each passage and answer the questions that follow. C prefers the country. As the chariot crossed the continent of Africa, it torched the great Sahara Forest. Ring-bound in English - 96 edition. The owners of the Maesa Elephant Camp wanted to show off their talented elephants. Tamika, this gives me an idea. . 4. . Circle the picture. Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Lighting the Way A long time ago, ships were the only way for people to journey across the sea. B There is no tea at the tea party. However, the tiger did not notice that the eyes of the animals were locked on him, not the fox. . dull ____ 9. young . . . Change). . D Beth does not want Jennas sandals to get ruined. weak ____ 72. clergy . Now it is time to set the table and make the food, Tamika said. Her favorite activity was to sit in a bathtub filled with a little water. Fill in the circle under the picture that shows something that happens at the beginning of the story. A 8. found ____ 57. unite . Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 1 255 /Info 633 0 R . . open ____ 49. public . He knew that his friends would now believe his words. A 2. Point to the heart. Both girls frantically darted away to avoid the heavily-caked brown paws and slinging mud. However, beavers and mice are very different. . C Beth knows that Silas will knock Jenna over. Roosevelts son Archie got the measles. Lets go! yelled Sam. . . Some paintings show people, while others show places. A quick glance in the mirror showed Jenna that she was ready for the day. The test consists of two word lists: one in English and one in Spanish. . Trips could take weeks and even months to complete. Word ID: Assessment Across the Content Areas, 8125-8 A angry B puzzled C surprised D unhappy Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 2 261 Best selling, research-based resources for effective reading instruction and assessment. . . . . . . . They cut down trees with their sharp teeth. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education 254 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade K . The study used qualitative approach which involved 25 grade 10 ESL teachers at 12 secondary schools in one of the states in Malaysia. This is going to be so much fun! she squealed. C Children all around the world know and love Mother Goose books. . This favored pet attended government meetings with Harding. harmony ____ 28. heavy . . needed Phonics Survey, Oral Reading Fluency, Informal Reading Inventory, Inventories of Developmental Spelling, Critchlow Verbal Language Scale, DIBELS Next TPRI Note: Assessment descriptions can be found in the Assessment Handbook for . Beavers know they must find a place to hide. Handlers started working with young elephants. So they began an elephant art program. /Prev 514852 Apollo, still grieving, knew his duty, so he called for a new chariot to be built. The horses pawed the ground and snorted fire, anxious for their daily exercise. C A brave person can get out of trouble. I havent visited you in so long, Jenna laughed cheerfully. . So Quentin led the pony inside the house. 1. . xa>OUuhbz-qoC7sbZZ~qP}rLyoobplOo|yG%rzrzzjmXWqty^z!9nJH%g([i)^|O} . . . slender ____ 36. raw . They use mud to hold them together. ]E4pE8 \i*s"5!N#Tp# {bA;|Spsr@q uf^EEj9r'G#&oo^\?](8skf67Dn*GB}05};h1|Rbb
vF9t0W5K5b$d4l~QBC@hbymB oH{hyB)c0KUZ!{j-F@6* 290 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 6 They missed the food, clothes, and goods from their home lands. D It is during the week, so Mrs. Bryan had to make phone calls. D it was made of wax. The deer ran deeper into the forest. $25 lndiv. Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 4 275 . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 1 Phaeton went to see Apollo because he wanted A to see the chariot. . Mark each incorrect item on the students test, and record the number of correct items. . . When they got there, Mayas mom opened the door with a key. A She is angry at Silas. D Mother Goose verses and stories were passed down through the generations. . . . A brave B careful C proud D thoughtful 4 Based on evidence in the text, what protects Phaeton from the suns heat? Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education 5 How does Jenna feel about Silas knocking her into the mud puddle? . . 11 Based on evidence in the text, why can elephants paint? I wish for a bigger castle, said the fisherman. . divide ____ 2. up . Finally, they looked at the last picture. . B The presidents most unusual pets were moved to a zoo. Art lovers often bought the elephant paintings. . 256 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 1 . . Even though he was in immediate danger, the fox was determined to escape. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. D 11. . . sudden ____ 29. tight . . C 5. Merchants often sailed to these other countries. Beth finally noticed Jennas shoes. The Consortium On Reading Excellence (CORE) works collaboratively with schools and districts to implement comprehensive, research-based literacy training programs. . endobj 2 What evidence from the text shows that Sam and Aunt Jazzy care about each other? . I wanted to remember all of these special minutes forever, so I painted pictures of them. Aunt Jazzy took Sam to look at each painting and told him why each one was special. Instead, rays from the sun charge batteries which power the lighthouse. D the fox tells the tiger about a test to prove that he is king. Have you ever seen a real bear? Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 3 269 . The man told them he would like a bouquet of fresh flowers. . I totally forgot what it was like to be on the farm, especially after it has rained. . Which picture shows what this story is mostly about? defeat ____ 16. near . A beavers body is built to keep the animal warm. Teachers.Net LIVE CHAT Support group - Tues eve! 650 0 obj So Wilson got a flock of sheep to replace the gardeners. . While the words were originally meant to entertain adults, they soon became a central part of childhood around the world. The steeds sensed the weaker hand and thundered upward at a frightening speed. The Revised 2nd Edition of Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures contains the same assessments as the 2nd edition. Did you paint all of these? Sam asked. Yes, I will watch Sally, said Tamika. . . He was looking for one special person, though. . A rhymes B fairy tales C alphabet songs D counting songs 14 According to text evidence, what happened to the popularity of Mother Goose after John Newberys Mother Goose publication? Many of the animals have lived in the private quarters where the family eats, sleeps, and plays. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education AB C 4. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 9 Which is the main idea of the article? >> <> In an instant, the fisherman was no longer a king with a castle. Discontinue testing after five consecutive errors. 1 April 1977; View via Publisher (opens in a new tab) Save. Feeling dizzy, he dropped the reins and the fierce horses veered off course. . . . . . . . <> A Families remember special times they spend together. 0000001413 00000 n This second painting was called Cold Wind, Swirling Mist, Charming Lanna I. This time it earned the record of The Largest Painting by a Group of Elephants from Guinness World Records. jlB\b]r%!F|0N 2g@vNceL)3jzhNcX?I"efF . . . These assessments can help you, as a teacher, identify why a student is having reading difficulty and determine what the next step in instruction should be to remediate that difficulty. Other Quizlet sets. A Elephants are good artists. 3 Which word BEST describes Phaeton? . The horses galloped closer to Earth, pulling the fiery chariot. cheap ____ 13. dead . . hate ____ 65. discord . Today, lighthouses still use mirrors and glass to help send out light beams. B it made a flame. . destroy ____ 23. add . . . Its so pretty, said Maya. . D wants to go outside. B The girls move away. }5UKF,73tJn04 'M8r#lBANcxccVc'h"LnFYOop}_ Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Comprehension 1. 294 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 6 . . Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 5 283 Sometimes beavers will strike their tail on the water. . Many people gathered to watch eight elephants in action on December 13, 2004. . Just like many families, they often have pets. One of the bears favorite foods is honey, which is made by bees. Even adults enjoy the Mother Goose verses and stories as they recite them to children. 635 0 obj C 15. . . D Pets often live in the White House with the presidents families. since the return of Marco Polo from Asia. . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 White House Pets The White House is home to the president of the United States and the presidents family. 2 What is the MAIN problem in the story? Point to the star. sister ____ 43. wild . . . . D She is worried about her clothes. Then the beavers can breathe air. 2. 7 Why does Zeus throw a thunderbolt? . Donald C. Critchlow. He had been out most of the morning, so his fur was slick with mud. These ships used sails and were pushed by the wind. Which picture best shows how the two families feel about each other? . . The tail helps beavers turn and stop as they swim. D they have teeth that do not stop growing. . It will give me something to do. Mrs. Bryan met Tamika at the door. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Comprehension Read each passage and answer the questions that follow. . 7. . Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales (An English-Spanish Aptitude Test) R. Teschner, Donald E. Critchlow; Linguistics. Beavers pile the branches in the water. 3 How is the setting important to the story? Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Tests 249 5 0 obj . . Maria_Fernandez54. B It is summer, so the children are out of school. 10 The evidence in the text gives you reason to believe that Queen Bertha might have been the first Mother Goose because A she lived in France. Academic Therapy Publications, Incorporated, Recenziile nu sunt verificate, dar Google caut coninutul fals i l elimin atunci cnd l identific, Psychoeducational Assessment of Minority Group Children: A Casebook, Bilingual Multicultural Education and the Professional: From , Cartea 1. /H [ 868 225 ] . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 1 What is the theme of this story? 636 0 obj The reptile stayed in the East Room of the White House. Join Vimeo C Aunt Jazzy had asked Sam to go see the paintings with her. democracy ____ 38. same. . The tiger opened his huge mouth, showing off his sharp teeth. . The oil Apollo used to protect Phaeton from the sun could not keep him safe from the thunderbolt. Cite. To meet students' various assessment requirements, schools should organize their assessment toolkits around four broad types of assessment: screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic (specic skills) assessment, and outcome assessment. D Tamika pours milk into the teapot. Look at the pictures. Sound Out Chapter Books - Set A-1, 8192-4 Thats you! Sam laughed. All beavers live near rivers or small lakes. . . enemy ____ 3. front . . . . . Point to the moon. Quentin, another son, wanted to cheer up his brother. Critchlow Verbal Language Scales: TK-6: Assesses students' vocabulary levels: Table 3.1 ELD Assessments Response to ELD Instruction. During the administration, monitor students closely to make sure that each student is following the directions, is on the correct item, and is marking the test form correctly. loss ____ 21. sick . . Listen to the first story. Junior was given the Critchlow Verbal Language Scale assessment at his independent level, Grade 1. . The horses are mighty beasts that breathe fire, and the chariot is blazing hot. Mark your answers. Which picture shows something that could not really happen? Like Comment (2) report post Marie I have administered it a few times, though not in Spanish. . . Rebecca played with a bar of soap. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 1 What is the central idea of this story? They lit a rope-like cloth that stood up in the middle. B 8. Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Directions Give the child a copy of the Comprehension Test. Some people say that Coolidge walked her on a leash like a dog. endobj D elephant paintings hang in many museums. A oil B jewels C a crown D the horses Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 6 289 A to destroy the chariot and save Earth B to keep the chariot from falling into the sea C to scare the horses so they return to the route D to make light for Earth once the chariot shatters 8 What message about human nature does this myth tell? . C Tamika and Sally will eat. . Here is the story. 9 What pet did John Quincy Adams have? Eventually, Phaetons friends got tired of hearing his boasts and challenged him to prove his words. C Schools began teaching lessons based on Mother Goose. . their score of 32 places them in the sixth grade range. C the pony started to live in the White House. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Answer Key GRADE 5 1. . A night and day B just during storms C on the darkest nights D at night and during storms 7 According to text evidence, the light early keepers made was SIMILAR to a candle because A it was in a tub. . A bored B interested C tired D upset Copyright McGraw-Hill Education 274 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 4 D 5. Of course, most of the pets were dogs and cats. At night, Rebecca stayed outside in a special house in a tree. The top room was called the lantern room. It had glass windows that allowed the light to shine out to sea. . Sally put dishes and silverware on the table, while Tamika made two sandwiches and sliced an apple. . Is anyone familiar with the Critchlow Verbal Language Skills Assessment (aka the Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales)? Also, beavers can swim. I want to have a tea party with my bear, clown, and my doll Anna, Sally announced. The big, loud splash scares away animals that are not friendly. . . They chew off the branches. Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 2 263 permanent ____ 34. strong . . . The first Mother Goose book in the United States was published in the late 1700s. reading difculty. -Critchlow Verbal Language Scales -Words Their Way Qualitative Spelling Inventory -Metacomprehension Strategy Index -CORE Phonics Screener --Really Great Reading Phonics Suite Diagnostics -Moving with Math -Think Through Math -Istation Imagination Station -Istation ISIP Advanced Reading Interventions -Six Minute Solution -Rewards 1st Ed. Elephants also have great strength. . 634 17 NO CHANGE A Apollo wants to keep his word to Phaeton. I plan to work at home three days a week while Sally is home this summer. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Comprehension Read each passage and answer the questions that follow. . The younger elephants painted with strokes, lines, and dots. I am so sorry, Jenna! Beth gasped, pushing Silas away. The land was reduced to glowing ashes and blistering hot sand. . Now it is possible to see a lighthouse light from over twenty-five miles away. . Later, people began visiting the grave of a woman named Mary Goose, saying that she was Mother Goose. D 4. . Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education 13 The article gives you reason to believe that A elephants know how to paint. No animal had ever escaped from a hungry tiger. dry ____ 45. entrance. . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Elephant Artists The artist studies the canvas before applying the next stroke of paint. . . . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Lighthouses were made of materials that could stand up to terrible storms. B Sally puts on a crown. Point to the sun. . . At the top of the sky, Phaeton looked out at the extreme height. The future of the foxs life seemed very clear. loose ____ 67. diminish . He named the raccoon Rebecca. B Family is the same wherever you go. . Guinness approved the event. The sheep helped in another way, too. 638 0 obj . When given an assessment at his frustrational level, grade 5, which focused on reading and decoding, . . I can eat you as a snack in one bite. D Beavers can live in a river bank hole or a pile of sticks in the water. . . Which picture shows how Maya and Sam and their moms got to work? The sheep nibbled the grass, keeping the lawn neatly mowed. A Tamika will go home. Late First assessment: Middle First assessment: Middle* First assessment: Middle Assessment Sequence for Primary Grade Students (Grades K-3) Thank you for coming over, she said. . So sailors depended on lighthouses. . A 9. Apollo, seeing them without the chariot or Phaeton, realized what had happened. . A White House pets stayed inside. Maya and Sam were best friends. . . . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 The Mother Goose Mystery Children around the world have been raised on Mother Goose nursery rhymes, games, and fairy tales. . It was called Cold Wind, Swirling Mist, Charming Lanna. That day the elephants received their first record of The Largest Painting by a Group of Elephants. It came from Thailands Ripleys Believe It or Not. 10 terms. . The day of record making was not over yet, though. Point to the square. The suns horses raced home. B the elephants made another painting that looked like the first. . . Which picture shows what happened to the fisherman at the end of the story? Moreover, the famous fairy tales inspire the imagination with amazing places, characters, and events. . . To have a proper tea party, you have to send invitations, said Tamika. . These webbed feet help beavers glide as they swim. Reading and the Spanish Speaking Child. stream . . It was not until the 1700s that lighthouses became an important part of sea life. . A Mother Goose was a French queen. C 1. B hoped it would swim in the bathtub. . The rhythm and words of the alphabet and the counting games help children learn and remember important skills. A paragraph 2, p. 279 B paragraph 5, p. 279 C paragraph 2, p. 280 D paragraph 5, p. 280 8 Based on what you read, what will the characters most likely do next? . The student is asked to say the opposite of each word read aloud from a scale list of 75 words. 0000003421 00000 n Thanks. B 7. Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Reading Comprehension Grades K6 1 From the way Jenna describes the sounds of the city, the reader can tell that she A is ready to move. . The White House gardeners wanted to join the war effort, too. . . B Other beavers help keep everyone safe. B. grapes; and Look at the pictures. C Expensive things are not always better. C Members of a family take care of each other. . 6 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O A S S E S S I N G R E A D I N G In the primary grades, reading instruction includes teaching discrete skills.These specic skills and strategies tend to be "enabling" skills, providing the foundation for long-term Her son-in-law, a publisher, recorded them and printed the verses in a book called The Only True Mother Goose. D Bragging can hurt your friends and friendships. . . 6 Beavers are the SAME as mice because A they live in the water. . . The Common European Framework of Reference for language teaching, learning, and assessment (CEFR) provides a guideline for English teaching aids and curriculum development in language courses. These students may need targeted skills- based instruction during small group time to build mastery of prerequisite skills. 262 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 2 Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. down ____ 40. friend . Point to the moon. !Q3O If you kill me, you will show that you do not respect the emperors wishes. . I wish to drive your chariot, Father. Immediately, Apollo regretted his decision and pleaded with young Phaeton to choose another wish. Mrs. Addison, Tamikas mother, looked out the door. >> . . . . C Mrs. Bryan enters the bedroom. President Woodrow Wilson was in office during World War I. Phaeton fell into the sea and drowned. A Jenna forgot to bring her rain boots. . C 6. Rebecca was also allowed to run freely inside the White House. Copyright 1999 by Consortium On Reading Excellence (CORE). If Sally gets hungry, would you please make a sandwich and cut up an apple for her? Tamika nodded and said, I can stay as long as you need me. Then she turned to Sally. endstream . 2 The tiger agrees to let the fox go when A the fox demands it. far ____ 54. stale . The other was donated to the Thailand government. You might consider providing advanced, or beyond-level, instruction and practice to accelerate their reading growth and enrich the grade-level activities provided. D 14. . Your paintings are hanging in that room. Sam looked to where the man pointed. Welcome, Phaeton! greeted Apollo. . . I can prove to you that I am king of the forest animals. Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Calvin Coolidge was known for his love of animals. separate ____ 20. pretty . . . 250 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade K None From Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales Spanish Arena Press 20 Commercial Blvd. . . PLS-5 (Preschool Language Scales-5 Screening Test for Early Childhood Educators) PLS-5 Screening Test (Preschool Language Scales-5 Screening Test) PLS-5 Spanish (Preschool Language Scales | Fifth Edition Spanish) PLS-5 Spanish Screening Test (Preschool Language Scales-5 Spanish Screening Test) . . It was Apollo! He reached for a thunderbolt and released the jagged light with a roar. D It will prove that Phaeton is the strongest of his friends. . C The tiger is hungry and searching for something to eat. . C GRADE 3 12. 284 Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 5 . The boat could easily crash. . B Elephants are intelligent animals. . Copyright McGraw-Hill Education Placement and Diagnostic Assessment Comprehension Test Grade 4 277 . C the elephants got a 20-minute break to eat and cool down with water. Upon reaching the peak, Phaeton found a glittering palace decorated with sparkling gems and bathed in a brilliant light. . A It is summer, so it is too hot to play outside. 0000003115 00000 n Now I will read some questions. . D 8. Would you be interested in coming over on those days to watch Sally? February 1999, Academic Therapy Pubns. . . You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Reading Comprehension Grades K6 Copyright McGraw-Hill Education 13 Which of the following appears in both the Perrault and Newbery books? That looked like the first Mother Goose books of animals stayed outside a! To accelerate their Reading growth and enrich the grade-level activities provided will Sally! Reins and the counting games help children learn and remember important skills seemed very clear an English-Spanish Aptitude Test R.! Stay as long as you need me were pushed by the Wind and pleaded with young Phaeton choose... Into the mud puddle set A-1, 8192-4 Thats you glide as recite! Them in the paint and showed the Elephant how to apply the paint and showed Elephant! One bite war I. 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Whitfield County Inmate Bulletin, Articles C
Whitfield County Inmate Bulletin, Articles C