characteristics of african theatrecharacteristics of african theatre
See also African music and mask. Choreography Principles & Structures | What is Choreography? What happened to Brown, and when exactly the theater shut down for good, are both unclear. All right, that was a bit, so let's take a moment or two to review. Among these was the Ethiopian Art Theatre, which established Paul Robeson as Americas foremost Black actor. A collective entertainment, these performances principal aims were to represent mores observed in daily life. What is Rococo Sculpture? Concert Party theatre complemented the literary theatre with its particular kind of social commentary and its inventive use of both traditional and modern forms of entertainment. His performers were attacked. It is the functioning of society itself which most directly dictates artistic expression in Africa, whose theatre is rooted in myths, rites and folk celebrations, which externalize the beliefs, passions and concepts that preoccupy any given group. But that doesnt mean the tale of the African Theater is not a story worth telling. Dance is a type of physical activity involving rhythmic . They include The Reign of Wazobia (1988), Tell It to Women (1994), The Missing Face (1997), Shakara: Dance-Hall Queen (2000), and Then She Said It (2002). Abstract The existence of the director in African traditional theatre has always been a subject of controversy amongst theatre scholars. The African Theatre was an African-American acting troupe in New York City established by William Henry Brown (also known as William Alexander Brown) in the 1820s. Rotimi had formal training in playwriting at Boston and Yale universities, and that training is reflected in his workmanship, but he created a very personal style of theatre, richly inventive and experimental. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Both these qualities contrast sharply with Western forms of theatre, which compartmentalize cultural forms of expression; hence the importance in Western theatre of the . She is a writer, composed some of the most influential plays of the national theater, such as Edufa (1967), and founded the Experimental Theatre Players (1958), the Ghana Drama Studio and the Pan-African theater festival Panafest (1992). significance and importance within the African theatre and performance industry. And were talking about a person who just kept at it for three years. Some elements of traditional African drama which have been adapted to literature and film include, songs and dances, mask and masquerades, proverbs, idioms and other aspects of language, history. A circle of participants is formed around the leader/shaman/sorcerer which allows him to take on the collective power of the group, giving him greater efficacy in the performance of his magic. The circular space itself expresses the desire to bring the participants together and to create between them a fusion, a true physical and psychological interpenetration. Please select which sections you would like to print: Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Updates? Rituals are often accompanied by larger festivals to celebrate or commemorate events. African American Theatre is a vibrant and unique entity enriched by ancient Egyptian rituals, West African folklore, and European theatrical practices. Thats the question Jones says Brown faced, and now, he says, contemporary Black playwrights like Aleshea Harris, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Suzan-Lori Parks and Jeremy O. Harris are doing the same, though with different tactics. From a standpoint of space, it is also clear that in ancient Africa, no ritual act had meaning separate from the place where it was performed, or apart from the participants involved in it. Cameroon has a strong English language theater and it was Sankie Maimo who established his reputation in 1959 with his Justified Self and wrote regularly in the 1990s. In Opera Wonyosi (first performed 1977) he draws on Bertolt Brechts satirical musical drama The Threepenny Opera (1928). As with ritual events, no admission is charged. Some are in a lighter vein and give rise to comic expression, but the great majority has their origins in religious expression and magic. Kenya produced powerful protest theatre that criticized how newly independent governments betrayed the people and adopted colonial strategies of control and authority. Within an indigenous dance tradition, each performance usually has a principal as well as a number of subsidiary purposes . Christianity, later, changed the direction once again. The mask, therefore, is an emblem, a sign which is not only used to erase the personality of the wearer, but which also identifies the wearer with an ancestor or a supernatural being. The actors must be constantly aware of the power of their gestures and voices. L. Losambe, Devi Sarinjeive. Editorial|ditorial, The views and opinions expressed in Critical Stages/Scnes critiques are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the journal, Limitation de responsabilit : Les articles publis dans Critical Stages/Scnes critiques expriment lopinion de leurs auteurs et ne refltent pas ncessairement la politique officielle ou la position de la revue, The Roots of African Theatre Ritual and Orality in the Pre-Colonial Period, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), by Ousmane Diakhat and Hansel Ndumbe Eyoh, Michael Chekhovs Theatre Pedagogy in the Age of Cosmopolitanism, Remembering The Death of the Last Black Man Magazine, History of Kenyan Theatre Fundo Learning, International Theatre and Performing Arts Festival Guide, Inter-Connecting: A Collection of Useful Links, Publication Ethics / thique de publication, Submission Guidelines / Soumission darticles. For the price of 25 cents or, for a nicer seat, a hefty 50 cents the African Theater entertained hundreds of Black New Yorkers with both classic and original work, alongside operas and ballets. The root here is religionin this case, animismwhich permeates all activities and constitutes the basis for a whole network of customs. ***The late Hansel Ndumbe Eyoh was a co-editor of the Africa volume of the World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre. Long before cultural contact with Europe, Black Africa had its very own personal forms of dramatic expression. Gibson Kente, a well-known South African musical theatre maker. This musical ultimately made space for Black South Africans to tell their own stories and legitimized Black South African theatre makers. I feel like its a lifeline. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Elaborate rituals include ornate costumes, music, dancing, and storytelling. The rivalry among European nations to expand their African possessions in the nineteenth century gave rise to a cultural invasion the like of which had never been seen before. Osofisan also reworks other texts eitherif they are Nigerianas a critique of an earlier generation (No More the Wasted Breed, 1982, in response to Soyinkas The Strong Breed, 1963; Another Raft, 1988, commenting on Clarks The Raft, 1964) or, if international, as a vehicle for his own interpretation of contemporary events (among them, Whos Afraid of Solarin?, 1978, from Russian writer Nikolay Gogols The Government Inspector, 1836; Tegonni: An African Antigone, 1999; Women of Owu, 2006, from Euripides Trojan Women, 415 bce). Even in the west, the word theatre often denotes very different realities, and what is meant by theatre in one country is not always the same as what is meant in others. The slightest pretext often gives rise to complex theatrical events where music, dance and verbal parody figure in equal parts. They did not name their theatre; rather, they lived it. Omissions? I highly recommend you use this site! Information. A master drummer takes the lead and sets the rhythms, and the dancers follow their instructions but also have the freedom to improvise. We. For those coming into contact with African theatre and drama for the first time, we are including updated versions of four previously published essays which introduce African theatre generally by contextualizing the field globally and historically as well as tracing the colonial roots of its major Anglophone and Francophone incarnations. Experimental groups and Black theatre companies emerged in Chicago, New York City, and Washington, D.C. The silly decisions of humans. It immediately established Rotimis stature as a theatrical craftsman. A strong radical voiceboth in content and in formwas established by, among others, playwrights such as Bode Sowande (Farewell to Babylon, 1979; Flamingo, 1986; Tornadoes Full of Dreams, 1990); Olu Obafemi (Nights of a Mystical Beast, 1986; Suicide Syndrome, 1987; Naira Has No Gender, 1993); Tunde Fatunde (No Food, No Country, 1985; Oga Na Tief-Man, 1986); and Segun Oyekunle (Katakata for Sofahead, 1983). The objects they wear or carry, and especially the colors of the accessories (branches, feathers, animal skins), constitute a dcor endowed with special powers to transform the nature of a site. How does the theater make Blackness legible, or seen in all of its dimensions? As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Pre-colonial and post-colonial drama and theatre in Africa. Theatrical art demands the collaboration of the actors with one another, with a director, with the various technical workers upon whom they depend for costumes, scenery, and lighting, and with the businesspeople who finance, organize, advertise, and sell the product. He was the star of a production by the African Theater, widely considered the first Black theater in the United States. South Africa also developed a strong musical theatre scene, beginning with King Kong, a collaborative effort by both Black and white South Africans in 1959. Foriwa (first performed 1962) and Edufa (first performed 1962) dealt with political issues relevant to the challenges of independence. Yet they are specifically. Not long after, Black South African theatre became much more political. Clarks first play, Song of a Goat (1964), was staged in the Mbari arts centre in Ibadan in a production directed by Soyinka. First by Arabs and then by Europeans, these invasions affected all aspects of society including the theatre. Every ritual act madeand continues to makereference to cosmic reality and, particularly, to the space that represents in concentrated form the infinite space of the universe. French Scene in Plays Definition & History | What is a French Scene? And he was played by a Black man. Probably a big stage, with bright lights and grand decorations where actors deliver their lines in front of a stadium-sized auditorium. Unlike modern plays, traditional rituals and tales are not written by individual playwrights. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Theatre is one of the cultural elements that best exemplifies Africa. Hewlett would take over the role of Richard and later tour the country performing Shakespearean monologues, making him the first Black American Shakespearean actor. A significant element of much of the new radical work was the use of pidgina language of mass communication accessible to a much-wider audience than the educated elite. Art. Whatever the historical reference, however, Rotimi draws a contemporary parallel. The dance, for example, despite its religious origin, is not merely physical movement of a sacred nature. Updates? A Raisin in the Sun was the first play written by an African American woman to be produced on Broadway. Theater Director Role & Techniques | What Does a Theater Director Do? Those plays variously concern themselves with the tensions and temptations of modern urban life. Brown himself wrote The Drama of King Shotaway, an account of a Black Caribbean uprising that is considered the first play written by a Black author though the text has been lost to history. The broad subheadings under which theatre in Africa is considered should, therefore, be seen as an aid to access rather than as representing definite boundaries. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Analysis of some defining criteria through the urban kikongophone theatre". Ngugi Wa Thiong'o arose as an influential playwright and philosopher, and he encouraged other theatre makers to write in their own languages rather than use English, the language of the colonizers. Another transcendent figure for the cultural universe of Ghana was Efua Sutherland. Theater, dance, music, poetry, oral literature and writing form an integral corpus that must be understood as a whole. In his backyard, Brown began what became known as the African Grove, where brandy and gin and wine were poured and cake and ice cream were served, while James Hewlett, a fellow ship steward, sang for guests. Its most important characteristic is that the staging is totally live, and must have as a condition that there is a spectator audience and there is a story to tell and relate that is developed through a plot in which various elements such as actors, music, sound, scenery and above all much emphasis is placed on the gestural, non-verbal language African thought is steeped in animism which places humanity at the centre of its concerns. It is also important not to divide the theatre into traditional and modern, as the contemporary literary theatrepredominantly written and performed in English, French, and Portugueseexists alongside festivals, rituals, cultural performances, and popular indigenous theatre. In this sense, early Africa offers an example of perfect harmony between theatre and society. Repetition of the language, rhythm and gesture are important characteristics of African oral storytelling (Matateyou 1997). Note: This essay was originally written for the Africa volume of the World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre. In the line of social activism and the trenches of the aforementioned black theater of Athol Fugard, is Fatima Dike who earned the title of mother of South African theater. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. African theater is a theater based on discrete historical and national patterns. Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun (1959) and other successful Black plays of the 1950s portrayed the difficulty of African Americans maintaining an identity in a society that degraded them. Its harder to trace the influence of William Brown.. The power of the space itself then implies and explains the nature of the ceremony and determines the overall impact of the performance. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Often the stories follow predictable plot patterns, use call-and-response so that the audience gets to participate, feature trickster characters and animist gods, and ultimately deliver a proverb or lesson, like ''don't be greedy.''. It was never neutral and was based on a particular socio-psychological conception of the world. In this sense, each of these thousands of rituals constitutes the germ of a theatrical performance in its use of mask, dance and incantation. There was also a competition for enterprising drama schools, which was increasingly open to all races, providing a vehicle for indigenous writing. The setting was generally simple and was largely dependent upon the whims of the master of ceremonies and the events being celebrated. Even though the African Theater grew so popular that white audiences began attending as well, Brown faced an uphill battle for the companys entire existence. He was a dynamic director of his own work, forming at Ife the Ori Olokun Acting Company and later the African Cradle Theatre (ACT). Part of the reason the moment is overlooked is that Browns theater feels so isolated from the rest of Black theater history, according to Harvey Young, a theater scholar and the dean of Boston Universitys College of Fine Arts. An unspoken but powerful presence in the play is the legacy of slavery, a theme that is more fully explored in Anowa. It should be noted, too, that children naturally form a part of the traditional African audience and their participation in almost all performances is actively encouraged. A Professor at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, he later worked for the Cameroon Ministry of Culture. Across the African continent, people practice very elaborate rituals that include ornate costumes and masks, music, dancing, and storytelling. 79 lessons. Colonial boundaries ignored cultural and linguistic unities, and ancient movements throughout the continentsometimes motivated by trade (including the transatlantic slave trade), religion, or explorationbrought different ethnic groups into contact with each other and often influenced performance in a manner that is still evident in the 21st century. Its a moment to celebrate. Both, however, are works of great stature. It is also important to note that this theater cannot be divided into traditional and modern, since because it is influenced by contemporary literary theater it was primarily written and performed in English, French, and Portuguese and coexists with festivals, rituals, cultural performances, and indigenous folk theater. Still practiced today, it involves rhythmic body movements combined with music and sometimes . Equally, the performance with its imaginative pseudo-documentary style, use of music and militant dance, recall the subversive use of these elements in the struggle for independence, which is one of the major political works of modern African theater. A Professor at Cheik Anta Diop University in Senegal, he is a former director of the Daniel Sorano National Theatre in Dakar. It wasnt long before more performers joined Hewlett, who would become the principal actor in what came to be called the African Theater. A continuum of African folk traditions, this theatre combines storytelling, mythology, rituals, music, song, and dance with ancestor worship from ancient times to the present. One of a group of three plays published togetherthe others being The Masquerade and The RaftSong of a Goat explored Clarks native world of the Rivers area of the Niger River delta. It should be noted too that the mask does not have to be simply something covering the face, but can include garments which cover partially or even fully the wearers body. The minstrel shows of the early 19th century are believed by some to be the roots of Black theatre, but they initially were written by whites, acted by whites in blackface, and performed for white audiences. There are masters of ceremonies as well as actions that take place according to an agreed scenario which itself respects certain ritual prescriptions. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. And yet it was a hit. It is an attempt at recreating a spatial form in which beliefs and collective conceptions can best be realized. To avoid a European war, however, an international conference was held in Berlin in 1884-5 in an attempt to resolve the conflicts created by Europes lust for African territory. To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. The fact is that early Africans never invented a generic term to designate these representations. Drumming is the most dominant musical accompaniment for many African rituals. Collaboration among so many types of personnel . That is to say, if they could do these high-cultural forms, then the ways in which we are justifying slavery or Black second-class citizenship that goes out the window.. Theatrical art in Africa, therefore, is very ancient, its origins lost in prehistory. After all, Brown created the first Black theater in the country, and it promptly failed. Its for this reason that oftentimes the white audiences curiosity about the theater would quickly shift to resentment, said Douglas Jones, an English professor at Rutgers University and the author of The Captive Stage: Performance and the Proslavery Imagination of the Antebellum North., It was proving false claims of inherent Black inferiority, Jones said. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). During the 1980s and 90s August Wilson, Suzan-Lori Parks, and George Wolfe were among the most important creators of Black theatre. Intended as a discourse with supernatural forcesin order to channel them, control them, appease them or honor themand to ensure the survival and equilibrium of the community, rituals were and still are shields defending the community against evil forces. In most African religions, the ritual expresses a need to communicate with supernatural forces, especially with the ancestors whose spirits live on. story-tellers/ actors of Africa. The African Theater, which had its first performance on Sept. 17, 1821, is both an inspiration and a cautionary tale. She is also known for plays she wrote for children such as Vulture! How can Black producers and artists get the support and resources they need to tell their stories? The defining characteristics of African American theatre are: plays written almost exclusively during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s productions performed by black Americans plays written by and for African Americans plays written by white American for black actors productions performed by black Americans The Bikoroa Plays (first performed 1981), a cycle of three full-length plays, follows the fortunes of a Rivers family, and another family-centred drama, All for Oil (2000), combines Clarks dedication to his family and region with a contemporary political commentary. In East Africa, we look primarily at Kenya and Uganda. First, if there are indeed common characteristics of traditional dramatic performances then there is the possibility that, at a time when African playwrights are much concerned both with rediscovering traditional African . Imbued with symbolic meanings and using a concrete language, rituals delineate spaces that are always seen as symbolic or mythic, places to come together, places for an exchange between the human and the divine, or between human and human. Foriwa (first performed 1962) and Edufa (first performed 1962) dealt with political issues relevant to the challenges of independence. Thats significant.. Since independence in 1980, Zimbabwe has become a thriving center of pan-African experimentation, exchange and collaboration. Acting techniques in all these ritual or ritually related areas must obviously be mastered. Unlike many of the anodyne celebrations of nationhood, Soyinkas play brings ancestors to life to comment shrewdly on both the past and the present. What does an exclusively Black space look like? Two other major figures emerged in the latter part of the 20th centuryTess Onwueme and Femi Osofisan. Uganda has an active theater culture and has developed particular initiatives in the use of theater for educational and developmental purposes in exploring theatrical possibilities in the form of traditional performance. Similarly, another of his famous dramas was what is known as, The Lion and the Pearl (1963), set in rural Nigeria. Create your account, 7 chapters | Ritual dancers are also creators of beauty in so far as they also stylize their bodies and movements. In Southern Africa, independence came much later than in other parts of Africa, and theatre was dominated by European settlers and their descendants for a much longer time. These stories passed down communal histories and myths and to share important morals. He also was deeply concerned with the dynamics between actor and audience, going so far in that respect as to design his own performance spaces, of which the most significant was the Ori Olokun centre in Ife, western Nigeria. Thus the theater had a director and created a Ghanaian Drama studio in Accra to explore traditional performance styles and spaces. Hewlett, the companys principal performer, left a few months later. It can also enable the wearer to take in the appearance of a creature belonging to another species while still retaining ancestral connections. Some famous playwrights hail from West Africa, including Ama Ata Aidoo, Wole Soyinka, and Femi Osofisan. In the late 1930s, Black community theatres began to appear, revealing talents such as those of Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. When a yellow fever epidemic shot through New York, Browns audience dissipated; in October 1822 the National Advocate, a newspaper, announced that the theater was closing because of the fever. The countries of Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone (and to a lesser extent The Gambia), plus the English-speaking areas of Cameroon, have produced a theatre of great richness since their political independence. Traditional Drama: Often dealt with supernatural concepts such as fate and the role of the gods/God in human affairs. He is most famous for writing the essay ''Decolonizing the Mind,'' but he made a name as a playwright with the play The Trial of Dedan Kimathi. By 1902, the conquest of Africa was almost complete, with the greatest beneficiaries being France, Great Britain, Portugal, Belgium, later Germany and, to a lesser extent, Spain and Italy. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The 200th anniversary of the African Theater (which was commemorated on the 2021 International Black Theater Summits Black Theater Day on Sept. 17) coincides with an important moment in Broadway history, when all of the new dramatic productions scheduled this fall seven total are by Black playwrights. Each storyteller must use his or her charisma, vocal imitation, and often chanting and music to make the stories engaging. While it is also true that ritual and theatre are not the same thing, it is evident that theatre, of all the arts, is the one most apt to use the same elements as those found in ritual. Relations between African states were perverted by the rush to satisfy the demand for slaves. The IATC journal/Revue de l'AICT June/Juin 2017: Issue No 15, Ousmane Diakhat** and Hansel Ndumbe Eyoh***. Once the African Theater shifted from a strictly Black space to an integrated one, there was a brutal disconnect between what the different audiences expected to happen onstage. The fact is that Africa is prodigiously rich in rituals of all kinds. From West Africa, we look primarily at kenya and Uganda been a subject of amongst... Is charged based on a particular socio-psychological conception of the 20th centuryTess Onwueme and Femi Osofisan dealt supernatural... The people and adopted colonial strategies of control and authority this musical ultimately made for. 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